Read Out of Focus Online

Authors: Nancy Naigle

Tags: #General Fiction

Out of Focus (30 page)

BOOK: Out of Focus
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Chapter Thirty-Nine


Jeremy spun to face Scott. Blood gushed from his nose and mouth, but the gun remained steady in his grip.

“Drop the gun.” Scott said as he stepped closer. He reached up and keyed the mic at his collar. “This is Calvin. I need EMTs on the scene, and backup.”

Jeremy wavered. He looked over his shoulder at Kasey. She saw the confusion on his face. The darkness in his eyes. He swallowed and turned back to Scott.

Her heart pounded in her throat. “No, Jeremy. Drop it.” Her feet wouldn’t move. She sank back against the wall, her mouth and eyes wide. “Don’t do it.”

Jeremy spun her way.

“No!” Kasey held her hands out defensively. “Please. Listen to me.”

The gun dropped to the floor.

Jeremy ran his sleeve across his face. Blood stained his skin and clothes, and droplets splattered on the floor.

“Kick it my way,” Scott said.

Jeremy kicked his foot forward, but the blood from his sleeve impaired his vision and he missed, staggering backwards.

Scott scooped up the gun, then restrained Jeremy with his handcuffs. He Mirandized him, then jerked him tight against him. Scott’s jaw pulsed. “Is Jake still in Tappahannock?”

Jeremy nodded and hung his head.

“He’d better be safe. Don’t make me regret not killing you while I have the chance.” He shoved Jeremy into a kitchen chair.

Kasey clung to the doorjamb. “He’s going to bleed to death.”

“If he’s lucky.” Scott went to the sink, pumped anti-bacterial cleanser into his hands and washed the blood from them.

Two EMT’s rushed into the house. Scott motioned them to Jeremy and they started tending to his injuries.

Scott walked over to Kasey as he dried his hands. “Are you okay?”

She lunged into his arms. “I was so scared.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Scared the hell out of me, too.”

“Thank goodness you showed up when you did.”

“You were doing pretty well without me.”

“Thank God for Turtle Mike.”

“You must’ve been sandbagging the day we played horseshoes here.”

“Lucky shot.” She laid her head against his chest.

The EMTs cleaned the gash on Jeremy’s face. His nose was broken. They moved him to a gurney and fastened a strap across his body. Two officers showed up just as the EMTs rolled the gurney toward the door. Scott updated the officers with all the details. “Get him out of here.” Scott’s directive set the officers in motion.

He moved to Kasey’s side, tipped her chin and looked her in the eyes. He cleared his throat. “That’s what I was going to tell you earlier. About Jeremy.”

“Where’s Jake?”

“I tried to tell you,” said Jeremy through the gauze. “Jake’s safe.”

“I’ve been in a living hell for months.” She hurled the words like stones.

Scott put his hand on her arm. “I’ll be able to prove Jeremy killed Nick with the slug he fired in here. I’m sure it’ll match those we found at the scene. We have Libby Braddock at the station. She’s Jeremy’s sister.”

“His sister?” Her breathing grew louder. “No, Jeremy. How could you?” She lunged past the EMT and pounded Jeremy’s chest with her fists. “How did—”

” Scott grabbed her around the waist. “He’ll get his punishment, don’t you worry.”

Her feet kicked at nothing. “Why?” she screamed.

“It was an accident.” Jeremy choked out the words.

“An accident? He was in his truck, for God’s sake.”

His gaze locked on hers, intense, desperate. “I meant to scare him. He was going to move you away. I couldn’t lose you.”

“Lose me? What the hell are you talking about?”

“I didn’t want you to move here.”

“You knew?” She pounded the air. “You knew about the house. You lied. And Jake? What about Jake?”

Jeremy turned his head. “I’m sorry. I saved him, but then I didn’t know what to do.”

“All this time? Where is he? Tell me, you bastard.”

Scott turned her toward him. “Shhh. It’s over. We’re going to get Jake.”

Von opened the door, then held it wide as the medics wheeled Jeremy past.

Jeremy struggled against the restraints, shouting, “I tried to fix it.”

Von rushed to Kasey’s side. “Thank goodness you weren’t hurt. I was at the station waiting on Scott when the call came in. You’re okay, right?”

She nodded, then her cell phone rang.

“That’s mine,” she said.

“I’ll answer it.” Von grabbed the ringing phone from the counter. “Hello. Kasey Phillips's cell.”

He listened and nodded. “So let me get this straight. You’re in the air, headed for the Greensville-Emporia airport...Here?”

Cody’s deep voice reverberated from the phone and across the room. Kasey could almost make out his words.

“I’m putting you on speaker.” Von punched the speakerphone button on the cell and laid it on the counter. He leaned over the phone. “This couldn’t be better timing. Where are you exactly? We just got a lead on Jake. I think you can help.”

“Hang on. Let me check with the pilot,” Cody said, then his voice became muffled.

“The pilot says we’re like forty miles from the airport. We can change course. Where do you need us to go?”

“Tappahannock Airport. I don’t know the code. I can get it, though.”

Cody talked to the pilot and came back on the line. “He’s already got it dialed in from the navigation system. We’re on our way.”

Kasey looked confused. “What’s going on?”

Scott put his arm around her and hugged her close. “Jake’s coming home.”

She clung to Scott’s arm.

Von continued: “Cody, the police in Tappahannock are supposed to be picking up Jake right about now. I’m waiting on confirmation. I’ll let them know to meet you at the airport and release him to you. Can I call you back on this number?”

“Yeah. It should work, but if I don’t hear from you I’ll call back.”

“I’ll update you with information and timing as I get it.”

“You got it,” Cody said.

Von ended the call and handed the phone to Kasey. “We better go back to the station. We’re going to have to fax a release form.”

“Jake’s really coming home this time? I’m almost afraid to believe it.”

“Come on.” Scott guided Kasey to the car. She was unsteady, so he swept her up and carried her. He pulled out onto the street with Von right behind him.

* * * *

Von called home as he drove. “Hey, baby.”

“What’s going on? Did something happen?” Riley asked.

I’ll fill you in on everything when you get here, but the bottom line is Jake’s coming home.”

“Tonight? Von, this is amazing.”

“Yep. Cody Tuggle called from his plane. He was on his way to see Kasey. They’ve rerouted. Now he’s flying to Tappahannock to bring Jake home. We’re going to meet them at the Greensville-Emporia airport.”

“Not the little airport on the way to Kasey’s new place?”

“That’s the one.”

“I didn’t know planes actually landed there. I’m heading that way.”

“I knew you would. I love you, Riley. Drive careful. I can’t take any more excitement today.”

“I will. I promise.”

Von ended the call, then redialed the Tappahannock police to coordinate the transfer at the airport and confirm what forms needed to be filed to make it all happen.

Von and Scott pulled into the station at the same time. Von’s cell phone rang as they walked inside.

He swept the phone from his hip to his ear, nodding and yessing. “Great...Yes...I’m going to dial you back from a landline.”

Von grabbed Kasey’s hand. “The Tappahannock police are at the address. They’re going in.” Von ended the call and turned his attention to Scott. “You got a speakerphone in your office?”

“Come on.” Scott led the way. He spun the desk phone around. Von dialed the number. The phone on the other end rang once. “Hankins.”

“It’s Perry Von. I’ve got Sheriff Scott Calvin and Jake’s mother, Kasey Phillips, on speakerphone.”

Kasey hung on to Scott’s forearm and Von’s shoulder as they all leaned over the phone, waiting.

“Stand by,” Hankins said. Radio communications and the muffled sounds of movement came from the other end of the line before Hankins came back on the line. “We’ve got the boy.”

Kasey collapsed, sobbing.

“Is he okay?” Von asked.

“He looks fine.” Hankins's voice relaxed. “We’ll head to the airport. Get those papers faxed over to us in the meantime.”

“Already in the works,” Von confirmed. Scott gave him a nod.

“I’ll call you when we get to the airport,” Hankins said.

Kasey hugged Scott, then turned and hugged Von.

Scott and Von high-fived over her head.

A young clerk stepped into the doorway of Scott’s office. “Pardon me,” she said, holding up the fax. “They said these were urgent.”

“Excellent.” Scott snatched the papers and filled out the form, then turned to Kasey. “I need you to sign right here.”

She signed the paper, not that the scribble looked anything like her signature. Her hands trembled so much she could barely hold the pen.

Scott handed the papers back to the clerk. “Fax these back right now.”

“I’m on it, sir.” The clerk rushed out of the room.

Von picked up the handset and dialed Cody’s number. “I just got off the phone with the police. They have Jake. He’s fine.”

“Hallelujah,” Cody shouted. “Yeah! Let me see how long we have before we land.”

While Von waited, the clerk came back in and handed Scott a note. Scott read it and handed it to Von.

Von nodded. “Hey, Cody. I need the tail numbers on the plane for our paperwork.” Von scribbled some numbers on a pad of paper. “About fifteen more minutes before you land in Tappahannock? The police will be there waiting for you. They’ll release Jake to you.”

“Perfect,” Cody said. “How’s Kasey hanging in there?”

“She’s afraid to believe it.”

“Tell her not to worry. I won’t let anything happen to her baby.”

Von believed him. “We’ll all be waiting for you here at the Greensville-Emporia airport. Let me know when you take off.”

“You got it,” Cody said. “Let Kasey know that Lou is going to meet us at the airport.”

Von hung up and clipped the phone on his belt.

“Who is Lou?” he asked Kasey.

BOOK: Out of Focus
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