Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (25 page)

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Gold remained at the top of the financial pyramid. As commonly known, gold was a basic of the ancient Egyptian culture, being used for ornaments, statues, and coins. Gold, the objective of the Anunnaki, was still considered sacred and divine in ancient Egypt and was of special importance to the royal family, who themselves were considered gods. King Tutankhamen was buried with a now-famous solid gold mask. Coins came in the form of rings of gold, silver, and copper, each with a specific weight certified by the priesthood. Coins were primarily used to pay foreign mercenaries, who would take them to their home country to be exchanged for goods and services.

The connection between church and state money management continued through the Roman Empire. The Roman Constitution decreed that the mining and coinage of gold was under the authority of the Roman pontiff. “Julius Caesar erected the coinage of gold into a sacerdotal prerogative; this prerogative was attached to the sovereign and his successors, not as the emperors, but as the high priests of Rome,” noted Alexander del Mar, the American economist and historian who became the first director of the U.S. Treasury’s Bureau of Statistics in 1866. “It would have been sacrilege, punishable by torture, death, and anathema for any other prince than the sovereign-pontiff to strike coins of gold; it would have been sacrilege to give currency to any others; hence no other Christian prince, not even the pope of Rome, nor the sovereign of the Western or Medieval empire, attempted to coin gold while the ancient [Roman] Empire survived.” It was only following the fall of Constantinople in 1204 that the legal authority to coin and regulate money became the prerogative of kings and national rulers.

Due to the reach of their empire, the Romans were able to mine more gold than the Egyptians. One example can be seen in their records, which noted that Spain shipped 1,400 tons of gold to Rome each year.

In 1717, the United Kingdom adopted the gold standard, renouncing it in 1931 due to market manipulation, which caused declining prices. The United States, which had prospered since abolishing a central bank in 1836, soon adopted the gold standard. Gold certificates circulated in the United States and could be converted to gold coins by visiting any bank. But in 1933, as the Great Depression deepened and bank runs became more and more common, an executive order by President Franklin Roosevelt mandated the confiscation of gold in an effort to inflate the dollar. The gold standard was formally abandoned under President Nixon in 1971, but private ownership of gold was again made legal in 1974.

In medieval Europe, only the most royal personages held gold. The common currency was copper coins. Thought to have healing powers, possibly due to secret knowledge passed down from the ancient civilizations, gold was consumed by the nobility in the form of leaf, flakes, or dust. This also was an overt display of wealth for some. Kings and queens wore crowns of gold, symbolizing the light of the sun, which bestowed divine authority.

The old alchemists apparently suspected the hidden magic of gold but had lost the specifics. It has been assumed that they wanted gold to become wealthy, but a close study of alchemy and occultism reveals that these men and women of the past were attempting to recover ancient knowledge long since lost in the mists of time. One such secret will be revealed later.


Vestiges of the ancient science of energy manipulation were passed along through the Middle Ages via secret-society initiations, symbols, and coded language. In
The Shadow of Solomon
, Laurence Gardner traced this “underground stream of knowledge” from medieval alchemists through Sir Francis Bacon’s Invisible College to more modern Masonic lodges, many of which were infiltrated by the mysterious Bavarian Illuminati. The brilliant Bacon, by several accounts the illegitimate son of England’s Queen Elizabeth I, oversaw the editing of the King James Bible and is believed by many prominent persons to be the true author of William Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets

Journalist A. E. Loosley wrote that “Francis Bacon was mainly, if not entirely, responsible for a threefold undertaking, (1st) the Shakespearian Plays; (2nd) the creation in its present form of Freemasonry, and (3rd) the translation of the Holy Bible into its present well-known Authorized Version. The three were undoubtedly intermingled.” He also attributed an amazing coincidence of names in Psalms to a code of Bacon, known to have been a Rosicrucian grand master and described as a “founder of Freemasonry.”

“I have been able, quite recently, to clear up one point of possible doubt and at the same time to establish a claim for its certainty. It was in connection with that 46th Psalm, in which, in the Authorized Version, the 46th word from the beginning is ‘shake’ and the 46th from the end is ‘spear.’ Such an arrangement—especially in the 46th Psalm—would be a most remarkable coincidence if it were not intentionally so arranged,” noted Loosley. Tacked onto the end of Psalm 46 is the word
which is not part of the psalm but a term of unknown meaning, though thought by scholars to signify a cue for the congregation to pause for a prayer or song.

“In order to satisfy myself on the question, I sought an opportunity of comparing the wording in the Authorized Version with that in one of the earlier versions. I have now been able to satisfy myself that it was not a coincidence at all, but was plainly the result of deliberate planning. I give below, side by side, the wording of the first three and last three verses in the ‘Breeches’ Bible and that in the Authorized Version. In the former the 47 words up to the word ‘Shake’ and the 44 words from ‘Spear’ to the end of the Psalm were altered to 46 in each case in the Authorized Version.”

Loosley noted that forty-seven divines (clergymen) were entrusted by King James with the work of translating the Bible. If Francis Bacon was discounted as only the editor, that would leave forty-six, the number of the psalm in question. “If this be true, and I feel one is justified in believing it, a very interesting light is thrown on the keen working of Bacon’s mind. The trick would be one in which he would take a keen delight.”

Bacon’s circle of friends included many Britons who undoubtedly had access to the elder secrets carried through the Knights Templar on into Freemasonry. These included Christopher Marlowe, Edmund Spenser, Ben Jonson, Edward de Vere, John Fletcher, and Philip Sidney, all of whom were connected to the national intelligence service created by Queen Elizabeth. There is good reason to believe that many, if not all, of these worthy men contributed to the writings of Shakespeare. They also were early Freemasons, members of that secret society created from stonemason guilds by the Knights Templar following their dissolution in 1307.

These Freemason secrets, through many generations of initiations, are intricately tied to King Solomon and the building of his great temple. What many don’t know is that the name Solomon—as well as the name of King David before him—was initially just a title. His real name was Jedidiah. According to Gardner, the name of Solomon’s father “is uncertain, since the titular style of David has predominated (although never recorded as a personal name before that time). Mesopotamian texts from the palace of Mari refer, however, to the
, equivalent to caesar or emperor, and the title has stuck as a name to the present day. In reality, Solomon and his successors were all Davids (Davidums).”

Freemasonry’s basic knowledge began with the secrets of King Solomon handed down from the ancient gods. These included money management, construction of arches using keystones, lifesaving techniques, and even how to make a magnetic compass. Such hidden knowledge of the ancients then moved through the mystery schools of Egypt and via the Hebrew exodus into Palestine. From there, it was passed into Europe by the Knights Templar, who created Freemasonry from their stonemason guilds following the attacks by the Church in 1307.

The biblical Ark of the Covenant appears on the coat of arms of the United Grand Lodge of England, and a replica is featured in the Royal Arch Room in the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia. Clearly, the ark once was of the utmost significance to adherents of underground knowledge. This significance will be discussed later.

However, the secretive masons lost much of the ancient knowledge when the English Whig Revolution of 1688 exiled the Stuart dynasty. Many of the Stuart supporters, known as Jacobites, fled England, taking with them the original Masonic secrets. “When the new-style Georgian Freemasonry emerged from 1717 [when the Grand Lodge of England was founded], the best it could do was to endeavor to pick up some threads—but they were few,” explained Gardner. With this break in the evolution of Freemasonry, much of the ancient knowledge was forgotten.

Apparently, the biggest secret of Freemasonry today is that it has lost most, if not all, of its secrets, especially those from antiquity. Gardner declared, “The skills of the Master Craftsman on which the philosophy was founded were switched in emphasis from the practical [operative masonry] to the personal [speculative masonry], and became so veiled by confusing allegory that the original purpose was lost and forgotten. This is not to say that the benevolent ideals of today’s fraternity are anything less than commendable, but they are not what Freemasonry was concerned with before the 18th century.”


Bacon’s Invisible College members and their alchemist contemporaries, practicing a blend of philosophy, mysticism, astrology, and chemical technology, sought the power to create gold. However, contrary to what moderns believe, this gold was not necessarily in the form of nuggets, coins, or bars. One prominent seventeenth-century alchemist was Thomas Vaughan, who called himself Eirenaeus Philalethes. Vaughan wrote that the fabled philosopher’s stone was actually “nothing but gold digested to the highest degree of purity and subtle fixation … a very fine powder.”

Support for the idea that alchemists were attempting to duplicate the processes that transformed gold into a white powder came from
Alchemy, The Ancient Science
, by Neil Powell, who wrote, “Alchemists used a bewildering variety of ingredients in their search for the Philosopher’s Stone. Copper and lead, sulfur and arsenic, urine and bile were but a few of them. Substances were combined and separated, heated and cooled, vaporized and solidified, and sometimes even just left to rot. The processes carried out in the laboratory were often fairly complex. Calcination, sublimation, and distillation are three of the better known ones. In
metals and minerals were reduced to a fine powder. In
a substance was heated until it vaporized, and then returned to its solid state by rapidly cooling the vapor. In
a liquid was converted into a vapor by boiling, and then condensed back into a liquid by cooling. These and many of the other processes required heat, so furnaces were the most important equipment in the alchemist’s laboratory.”

The connection between the gold powder of the alchemists and ancient legends has caught the attention of a growing number of scholars and researchers, who have concluded that the search for gold powder was inspired by ancient accounts of our ancestors ingesting what seemed to be strange, life-granting substances.

Laurence Gardner noted that the oldest complete book in the world—the Egyptian
Book of the Dead—
tells of the pharaohs ingesting “the bread of presence,” also called “schefa food,” while making the ritualistic journey to the afterlife. At each stage, the pharaoh would ask, “What is it?”

This has been compared to the Biblical account of Moses and the Israelites in the desert following the exodus from Egypt. To sustain themselves in the wilderness, Moses and his people ate a white, powdery substance they called manna. This manna was baked into small cakes or boiled. In Hebrew,
literally means “What is it?” The duplication of the Egyptian cry of “What is it?” is not lost on researchers.

“They knew there were superconductors inherent in the human body,” Gardner wrote. “They knew that both the physical body and the light body [the spirit or soul] had to be fed to increase hormonal production and the ultimate food for the latter was called
by the Babylonians,
by the Egyptians and
by the Israelites.”

It is significant that despite today’s costly and extensive research in the area of superconductors, such secrets were known many thousands of years ago by ancient mystics and priests. Gardner wrote, “It is clear, however, from the documentary evidence of ancient times, that the attributes of superconductors and gravity defiance were known, even if not understood, in a distant world of priestly levitation, godly communication, and the phenomenal power of the ‘electrikus.’ In Greek mythology the quest for the secret of this substance was at the heart of the Golden Fleece legend, while in biblical terms it was the mystical realm of the Ark of the Covenant—the golden coffer, which Moses brought out of Sinai, and was later housed in the Temple of Jerusalem.”

Gardner explained how this knowledge was lost through time. “In ancient Sumer, PGMs [platinum group metals] called
were classified as
(firestone). Because of the bright silvery color described in old records, the mysteriously designated shining metal was long presumed to have been tin by misguided metallurgical adepts of the Middle Ages, while others who knew something of cupellation and parting, strove earnestly with salts, sulfurs, and mystical solutions, endeavoring to extrapolate gold from lead. This leaves us no doubt that, although PGMs were a part of ancient technology, they were (just like electricity) lost to us for many centuries until archeological and geological research caught up with them again.”

The story of Exodus may provide evidence of this powdered gold in use. It tells how Moses became angered upon his return from the mountain where he was given tablets by his god. It seems in his absence the Israelites had taken most of the gold in their possession and melted it down to make a calf, which they then worshipped. Exodus 32:20 (New International Version) states, “And he [Moses] took the calf they had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it.” Since swallowing molten metal would be lethal, obviously Moses, who had been well educated in esoteric knowledge passed from Sumer to Egypt, knew the secret of making what has come to be known as high-spin monatomic gold powder.

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