Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (20 page)

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Throughout the Middle East and beyond, there is evidence that other targets, unrecorded and as yet undiscovered, may also have experienced nuclear detonations. There are mysterious globules of fused glass and vitrified rocks at cities deep in the strata of archaeological digs at Pierrelatte in Gabon, Africa. Similar evidence attesting to the possible use of nuclear weapons in the distant past also has been found in the Euphrates Valley, the Sahara Desert, the Gobi Desert, the Mojave Desert, Scotland, Egypt (during the Old and Middle Kingdoms), and south-central Turkey.

Such globules, some referred to as tektites, are thought to come from meteorites. However, in most cases there are no visible impact craters in the vicinity. If not meteoric in origin, the problem is how they were created.

John O’Keefe, writing in
Scientific American
, noted, “If tektites are terrestrial, it means that some process exists by which soil or common rocks can be converted in an instant into homogeneous, water-free, bubble-free glass and be propelled thousands of miles above the atmosphere.”

Such fused material today can be found only at test sites for nuclear weapons. Moreover, scientists have found a number of ancient mining operations near deposits of uranium.

One of the most convincing indications of ancient nuclear war can be found in the ruins of Harappa, in northeast Pakistan, and Mohenjo Daro, another major city of the same period, located in south-central Pakistan. Both were major cities of the Bronze Age Indus Valley civilization, and both seem to spring up suddenly with no clear traces of a primitive past. Curiously, the lowest strata at Mohenjo Daro seem to indicate that the civilization was
advanced earlier in its history than later. Soapstone was replaced by common clay; crude shapes replaced lifelike engravings, and finely glazed ceramics devolved to plain clumsy pots. “Even the bricks were inferior,” said Jonathan Gray, Australian archaeologist and author of
Dead Men’s Secrets

According to Gray, we know almost nothing about Harappa and Mohenjo Daro “except that both were destroyed suddenly. In Mohenjo-Daro, in an epicenter 150 feet wide, everything was crystallized, fused or melted; 180 feet from the center the bricks are melted on one side, indicating a blast. Excavations down to the street level revealed 44 scattered skeletons, as if doom had come so suddenly they could not get to their houses. All the skeletons were flattened to the ground. A father, mother and child were found flattened in the street, face down and still holding hands. It has been claimed that the skeletons, after thousands of years, are still among the most radioactive that have ever been found, on a par with those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”

An ancient Indian text called the
describes how war broke out between the early “Masters” of the cities of Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, and another city, Kot Diji. According to the text, flying machines called
—apparently similar to the Anunnaki flying craft—launched a weapon that seemed to be as devastating as an atomic bomb. Although the language differences prohibit an absolute connection to the accounts of the Anunnaki craft and weapons, the similarities are provocative. The weapon was described thus:

… (it was) a single projectile

Charged with all the power of the Universe.

An incandescent column of smoke and flame

As bright as the thousand suns

Rose in all its splendor …

… it was an unknown weapon,

An iron thunderbolt,

A gigantic messenger of death,

Which reduced to ashes

The entire race of the

Vrishnis and the Andhakas

… The corpses were so burned

As to be unrecognizable.

The hair and nails fell out;

Pottery broke without apparent cause,

… After a few hours

All foodstuffs were infected …

… to escape from this fire

The soldiers threw themselves in streams

To wash themselves and their equipment.

There is surprising scientific support for this account of nuclear weapons used in India. A layer of radioactive ash was found covering a three-square-mile area in Rajasthan, ten miles west of Jodhpur, India. Archaeologist Francis Taylor, translating etchings at the site, remarked, “It’s so mind-boggling to imagine that some civilization had nuclear technology before we did. The radioactive ash adds credibility to the ancient Indian records that describe atomic warfare.”

Conventional history states that mighty Sumer simply vanished suddenly, absorbed by the new empires of Babylon and Assyria, though Sumerian texts tell a much more horrible story. Besides destroying a number of cities, tragic collateral damage came about as a result of the nuclear blasts on the Sinai Peninsula—in the fallout from the explosions, a radioactive cyclone formed and moved through Mesopotamia and on into the Indus Valley, obliterating all life and ending the Sumerian civilization.

According to various “lamentations” translated by the Sumerian scholar Samuel Noah Kramer, “On the land [Sumer] fell a calamity, one unknown to man; one that had never been seen before, one which could not be withstood. A great storm from heaven … A land-annihilating storm … An evil wind, like a rushing torrent … A battling storm joined by scorching heat … By day it deprived the land of the bright sun, in the evening the stars did not shine … The people, terrified, could hardly breathe; the evil wind clutched them, does not grant them another day … Mouths were drenched with blood, heads wallowed in blood … The face was made pale by the Evil Wind. It caused cities to be desolated, houses to become desolate; stalls to become desolate, the sheepfolds to be emptied … Sumer’s rivers it made flow with water that is bitter; its cultivated fields grow weeds, its pastures grow withered plants … Thus all its gods evacuated Uruk; they kept away from it; they hid in the mountains, they escaped to the distant plains.” This one great storm of radioactive fallout annihilated the world’s first great civilization, leaving the bodies of the population “stacked up in heaps.”

The final war in Mesopotamia was the Anunnaki’s nuclear Armageddon. Their millennia-old colony of Eden was blown away. One theory was that the Anunnaki, shocked by what they had wrought, retreated to an enclave in the Sinai where most of them made the decision to return home, perhaps leaving behind only a caretaker force or perhaps abandoning the culprits who instigated the insurrection against the Anunnaki hierarchy.

To humans, all this occurred in ancient times, more than 4,000 years ago. If their time is counted by the 3,600-year revolution of their planet around our sun, then to the Anunnaki, all this would have taken place just a little more than a year ago. Some researchers feel an Anunnaki rescue mission may still be on the way to Earth. Only time will tell if there is any truth to this.

It was at this time, after the destruction of the Mesopotamian cities, that the detailed narratives of Sumer and its gods ceased. It would be centuries before civilization and writing once more flourished in parts of Mesopotamia as memory of the great cataclysm faded into vague stories of the nightmare.


Bloodline of the Holy Grail
, Laurence Gardner explained how these stories evolved into a twisted history “What actually transpired was that the original Mesopotamian writings were recorded as history. This history was later rewritten to form a base for foreign religious cults—first Judaism and then Christianity. The corrupted dogma—the new approved history—was so different from the original writings, the early first-hand reports were labeled ‘mythology.’ ”

The term
stems from the Greek word
, simply meaning words or stories reflecting the basic values and attitudes of a people. In past ages, when the vast majority of humans were illiterate, easily understood parables were used to educate people about history, science, and technology. During the Dark Ages, when most people were taught that the Earth was flat, the word
was changed by the Roman Church to mean imaginative and fanciful tales veering far from any truthfulness. This small change in semantics has caused untold damage in current perceptions.

For example, the Mesopotamian saga of Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, is the world’s earliest known epic poem. It tells of the offspring of a human mother and an Anunnaki father, who, along with his nonhuman companion, Enkidu, sets out on a journey to find the secret of immortality. The epic was thought to be merely a fable at the time of its discovery in 1872. However, in 2003, German archaeologists working at the site of ancient Uruk discovered what they believed to be the lost tomb of Gilgamesh. “I don’t want to say definitely it was the grave of King Gilgamesh, but it looks very similar to that described in the epic,” Jorg Fassbinder of the Bavarian Department of Historical Monuments in Munich told the BBC.

Once again, myth was turned into reality. Breakthroughs in astronomy, anthropology, archaeology, and Egyptology have only supported the theses of Erich von Däniken, Zecharia Sitchin, Alan Alford, Michael Tellinger, and many others. Outlandish as these concepts may appear to some, many people today believe strongly that soon the revised Sumerian version of history will become a widespread and legitimate subject of study in seminaries, universities, and science centers.


regression and barbarism. The remaining humans made the best of things and began rebuilding their civilizations, a slow process without the overt aid of their “gods.”

The humans longed for the gods’ return, and they may have expressed this longing through art evoking flight. Those who participated in this art were part of something today called a cargo cult. Cargo cultists in certain areas of Melanesia in the Pacific believed for years that the sky gods would bring them goods—cargo—in “big birds.” They especially believed such prophecies were coming true during World War II, when American and Japanese planes dropped food and matériel in the jungles for advancing troops. After the war, the natives built mock airstrips and even bamboo “radios” in an effort to prepare for a return of the “gods.” Some of this practice continues even today.

Erich von Däniken saw a cargo cult behind the famous Nazca Lines in Peru. He speculated that in ancient times “unknown intelligences” landed at Nazca and laid down two runways before departing. Pre-Inca tribesmen witnessed their arrival and later extended the two runways and added several of their own to induce the “gods” to return. Similar etchings, which can only be discerned from the air, have been found in the Middle East.

Following the devastation north and east of Palestine, Abraham moved his people to the south, where he fathered Isaac when he was one hundred years old, thanks perhaps to his hybrid genes. Isaac’s son Jacob became known as Israel, a name soon applied to his entire people. Some believe that the name Israel is nothing less than a combination of the Egyptian gods OsirIS and RA and the Mesopotamian god EL.

For about thirty-five generations, or more than 875 years, the Israelites passed along oral accounts of the stories of the Abraham and the Anunnaki until they finally wrote the stories down in Hebrew. Later, the life of Jesus Christ was added into the mix after the stories had been translated into Greek; the result was then “authorized” by a succession of rulers, including Britain’s King James I. We now read these stories in the form of the Bible. It also must be understood that the narrative above is recounted, in one form or another, in the Sumerian texts uncovered only in the last 150 years, all of which predate the Bible by at least 2,000 years. Just consider what current events will sound like 2,000 years from now.

The evidence just covered only begins to scratch the surface of the wealth of data now available—both archaeological and in the cuneiform tablets—that supports this incredible narrative with its far-reaching implications. Even the authors and researchers studying this subject feel certain they do not have all the facts. And while these facts probably don’t tell us the full truth of our history, they most likely are pointing us in the right direction. Dr. Horn summed it up by noting, “Let us make clear, once again, that we do not believe the ancient Sumerian and other Mesopotamian stories are ‘absolutely true’ history. These stories that have come to us through thousands of years of oral tradition and writing are bound to be somewhat distorted—probably in some cases deliberately distorted by the Anunnaki. But, I feel these ancient stories are probably as close as we’ll come to the truth today. …”

Obviously, such revision of ancient history has had and will continue to have a profound impact on conventional science. Horn resigned as a professor of biological anthropology at Colorado State University in 1990 after he concluded that the conventional explanations for man’s origins that he was teaching were “nonsense.” After much study, he, too, came to believe that extraterrestrials were intricately involved in the origin and development of humans.

If some Anunnaki remained on the devastated Earth, they would have found themselves marooned on a primitive world, like the astronaut portrayed by Charleston Heston in the film
Planet of the Apes
. Without the infrastructure to manufacture the simplest items, they would have lost the use of their superior technology but not the knowledge of it, and they certainly would not have been satisfied with simply being another member of the ape horde.

But how could these ancient visitors control the much larger human population? How could one person, or even a handful of persons, control several billion people? Certainly not though physical control, but rather through deceit, secrecy, and the use of two historic institutions of power—first religion and later finance. Our visitors might have also tried to control us through fractious wars and slavery, which is practiced right up until today, although most forms of direct physical slavery were abandoned in First World nations by the mid-1800s.


Initially, our primitive ancestors most likely felt awe and reverence toward the technologically advanced visitors who came from the heavens. After all, what primitive human could fly and perform acts that must have seemed like magic? As author and scientist Arthur C. Clarke once stated, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Despite our deference, the first humans thought of these visitors merely as watchers or messengers from the heavens. Only after Anunnaki leaders began to appoint rulers over humanity did the concept of religion come into play.

Rather than deal directly with the burgeoning human population, the ancient gods ordained an administrative body or priesthood to pass along edicts and instruction as well as interpret policy. These clerics got a taste of wealth and power, a taste they were loath to relinquish. Religion soon evolved into a rigid structure of dogmas, catechisms, tithing, and obedience.

According to writers Peter Jiang and Jenny Li, some among those who study extraterrestrial phenomena—known as exoscientists—suggest that other extraterrestrials, who have come to Earth after the Anunnaki, have tried to manipulate humans genetically, technologically, and also through religious dogma and ritual. “Apparently, these extraterrestrials performed ‘great feats’ in order to be worshipped as ‘gods.’ The reported next step was to provide technology to these Earth humans so that these humans could create impressive looking ‘rich’ structures of religious worship, laid with gold and other mined mineral resources, of religious worship to these extraterrestrial ‘gods.’ ”

By the time of the earliest recorded human civilizations, such as Assyria and Babylonia, religions were well established and had merged with the prevailing political structure. Certain civilizations had firmly established the idea that the clergy could be the only religious authority and that kingship was a divine right. Anointed priests who worshipped one god exhorted their followers to demonize the worshippers of the others. And anyone who failed to offer allegiance to their one true god was castigated as a blasphemer, heathen, Satan worshipper, or worse.

But as the physical gods—the earlier visitors—dropped from sight, the religions they created turned metaphysical. The concept of God evolved from a physical being to an omnipresent yet anthropomorphic supernatural entity. The elder conflicts between the ancient astronauts became a metaphor for ancient wars and a struggle between the new God and his evil counterpart, Satan. Baptist minister and author Paul Von Ward wrote about “the development of supernatural religion in what we call the cradle of civilization, beginning less than 3,000 years ago. Here religions that grew out of absentee-[Advanced Beings]-cults that described their gods as immortal, magical beings took the next step toward supernaturalism.”

Religious expert, author, and Princeton professor of religion Elaine Pagels received both Rockefeller and Guggenheim fellowships and was a Mellon Fellow at the Aspen Institute, where she later served on the board of trustees. She noted, “The earliest mention of Satan occurs in a few scattered references in the Hebrew Bible. Jewish storytellers introduce a supernatural figure they call
ha satan
, which can be translated from Hebrew as ‘the adversary,’ or ‘the opposer,’ or ‘the obstructer.’ But this supernatural ‘opposer’ never dares to oppose
. On the contrary, he is one of God’s obedient servants, his messengers, called in Hebrew
, members of the heavenly court. Translated into Greek,
, from which we get the word ‘angel.’ ”

The story of how one of God’s trusted messengers turned against him came from various accounts of prebiblical Hebrew storytellers. One version was that Satan and his followers were thrown out of heaven after rebelling against orders from their commander in chief. Others stated they violated policy by mating with human women. Yet another was that the messenger Satan refused to bow down to a younger sibling, proclaiming, “Why do you press me? I will not worship one who is younger than I am, and inferior; I am older than he; he ought to worship me!”

Whatever the origin of Satan’s rebellion, Pagels argued that Satan represented human hostility against other humans: “And it’s no accident that the foundational texts of Christian tradition—the gospels of the New Testament, like the Dead Sea Scrolls—all begin with stories of Satan contending against God’s spirit.” Pagels explained that Christians later “turned the image of Satan against a far wider range of targets—against the Roman empire and its government, which persecuted Christians, and then against other ‘intimate enemies’—other Christians, whom they called ‘heretics.’

“What I’ve come to see is that when people invoke Satan—whether in the first century or the twentieth—they have in mind not only some supernatural being, but also some very human beings. People who say, for example, ‘Satan is trying to take over this country, but we are resisting him,’ know exactly who they have in mind, and probably can name names!”

Von Ward elaborated on Pagels’s viewpoint by stating that “history makes it clear that the Hebrews had simply followed the example of their patron god. They labeled their opponents, foreign or domestic, Satanic worshipers of Beelzebub, Belial, and the Princes of Darkness. In return, their opponents likely shouted their own epithets of ‘infidel’ (meaning ‘unfaithful to the “true” god’).”

According to Von Ward, a “confluence of historical events” provided the basis for Western supernaturalism during the Roman Empire. These events included the development of absentee nonhuman cult worship in the Middle East, the Hebrew worship of Yahweh, who was believed to be the leader of the olden gods, and the new and compelling reformation cult of Jesus of Nazareth. Von Ward also attributes the rise of supernaturalism to the simultaneous rise of powerful institutions—for instance, the development of Roman organizational skills and the creation of a Christ-centered church, the power of Rome to elevate Paul’s Christian cult to the status of the state religion, and the Nicean council of bishops that “culled from competing texts a Bible that largely excludes references to the reality of other [Advanced Beings] and Jesus’ humanity.”

Von Ward said generations of humans slowly developed a defense mechanism once the ancient gods were no longer visible: “The Anunnaki had apparently decided to go about their own affairs, but humans felt bereft at being deserted. So supernatural theology was the defense mechanism created to help cope with the pain and anxiety of an obvious separation of humans from their gods. One of its purposes was to assure humans that the religious rituals would either bring the departed gods back to Earth or reconnect the humans to them in the supernatural realm.”

With the rise of the Roman Empire, the keepers of ancient secrets moved their network from Mesopotamia to Rome. As the Roman Empire declined, Christianity became a major institution. With the founding of the Roman Church, the powers of the ruling elite skyrocketed. Even today, David Icke and others claim, “The Roman Catholic Church controlled by the Jesuit secret society remains at the heart of Illuminati operations.”


In early Eastern and Western cultures, rulers gained power and wealth from religion. Yet today, religion has waned, especially in highly developed nations. Now the favored method of control is through money.

The Hebrew Mogen David, or Star of David, is of Babylonian origin and is indicative of how Babylonian/Sumerian culture was blended with Hebrew religion during the Jews’ captivity in Babylon. And it was in the Temple at Jerusalem that Jesus turned violent against the money changers.

Matthew 21:12–13 relates, “And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of those who sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves” (KJV).

Author Joseph P. Farrell saw the development of the private issuance of bullion-based monies both in ancient times and in various later cultures as suggesting “the evident hand of a hidden international class of bullion-brokers, war merchants, slave traders, and mining operators, for almost invariably, the pattern is the same.” The pattern involved blending finances with the prevailing religion as if money was ordained by God.

Farrell has argued that the methodology of aligning religion with money would go something like this: rulers could penetrate and ally with the temple, issue false receipts, substitute bullion for letters of credit as a measure against the false receipts, and thus create a facsimile of money.

Thus, we arrive back at the state of issuing false receipts, only in this instance, these receipts are neither false nor counterfeit, they are simply privately created notes or promises to pay a certain amount of bullion (which they also control). Thus, once again the money supply is not only expanded, but the use of such instruments actually served to allow the bullion brokers to circulate more of such notes than they had actual bullion to redeem. The key, once again, was the sanctifying probity that the temple association gave them. With this step their power and influence over the various states which they penetrated was almost complete, for it gave these ancient bankers, like their modern counterparts, the ability to expand or contract a state’s money supply and to control their economies to create boom or bust.

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