Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (36 page)

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The power of these media companies flows upward to the handful of globalists who own the banks that facilitate the corporate finances. Considering that these media organizations serve as the main sources of information for most Americans, corporate connections like the ones listed should require close and continuous public scrutiny for evidence of bias.

“Disney owns ABC, so we wonder how the board of Disney reacts to negative news about their board of director friends such as Halliburton or Boeing. We see board members with connections to Ford, Kraft, and Kimberly-Clark who employ tens of thousands of Americans. Is it possible that the US workforce receives only the corporate news private companies want them to hear?” asked the Project Censored research team. “If these companies control the media, they control the dissemination of news turning the First Amendment on its head by protecting corporate interests over people.”

The national news media are not only linked by directorships to corporate business but also to higher education. The Project Censored team also found overlap between the boards of major media companies and prestigious U.S. universities. For instance, there was overlap between the
Washington Post
and the University of Southern California and New York University, between Gannett and Columbia University, between Disney and Georgetown University, and between Knight-Ridder and Wharton, the business school of the University of Pennsylvania. In the report, Project Censored team members Bridget Thornton, Brit Walters, and Lori Rouse wrote, “With the decreasing state and federal funding to universities, will we see our higher learning institutions tie themselves more to corporations than the government for their funding? … Will the universities eventually focus education around the production of workers or thinkers?”

The team also noted how history was repeating itself with media corporations. “As the Roman Empire declined, feudalism took the place of the government. The feudal lord was one of the few sources of jobs in the fourth and fifth centuries. These lords owned most of the land and resources. Today, we replace feudalism with corporatism. The mass population has few choices for their news, information and education. As corporate media applauds an ownership society, we must realize who gets to own. In corporate-dominated capitalism, wealth concentration is the goal and the corporate media are the cheerleaders.”

While information on the control of news is readily available from public sources, it is never repeatedly and plainly presented to the millions of affected Americans by the corporate-controlled mass media. Mike Adams, on his widely read NaturalNews.com site, summed up the feelings of many when he wrote, “Much of the mainstream news is now utterly and completely fabricated these days … it’s all so utterly false and unbelievable that an intelligent person watching the news can’t help but explode with laughter … the information sources relied upon by the masses are unable to report the truth anymore and must resort to weaving politically expedient fictions on everything from health care and medicine to the fate of the U.S. dollar itself.”


Some believe that a great deal of the control over our society comes from an organization called the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Originally the Tavistock Clinic, established in Sussex, England, in 1921 by royal command, it had been a research center for the British Special Intelligence Services (SIS). The clinic’s founder, Brigadier General John Rawlings Reese, had been working on devising ways to manipulate political campaigns and public perceptions. In 1947, key members of the clinic formed the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, which was funded by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. In 2006, the Institute merged with the Portman Clinic, a psychotherapy services clinic in London, to become the Tavistock and Portman National Health Service Foundation Trust.

In a book on the institute, John Coleman noted that it took shape prior to World War I for wartime public relations. Tavistock’s leadership was given to two brothers—the Harmsworth brothers—who were also known as Lord Rothermere and Lord Northcliffe. “Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization centered at Wellington House, where the original organization was put together, with the intent of shaping a propaganda center that would break down the stiff public resistance being encountered to the looming war between Britain and Germany.” Coleman added,

Funding was provided by the British royal family, and later by the Rothschilds to whom Lord Northcliffe was related through marriage. Arnold Toynbee was later selected as Director of Future Studies at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). Two Americans, [journalist and media commentator] Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays [“the father of public relations”], were appointed to handle the manipulation of British and American public opinion in preparation for the entry of the United States into World War I and to brief and direct President Woodrow Wilson, while Toynbee concentrated on changing British public opinion.

When John Rawlings Reese came in later on, he took the original mission of the organization one step further. Reese wanted to control political campaigns and develop certain types of public mind-control techniques. According to Coleman, “It was Reese who launched the method of controlling political campaigns, as well as mind control techniques, which continue to this very day, and it was Reese and Tavistock who taught the USSR, North Vietnam, China and Vietnam how to apply his techniques—all they ever wanted to know about how to brainwash individuals or a mass people,” wrote Coleman.

Researchers at Tavistock found that the same psychotherapy techniques used to cure a mentally ill person could be reversed and used against a normal one. Coleman stated, “The modus operandi developed by Reese and his gurus of tampering with minds proved highly effective, and is still in wide use in America today. … We are tampered with, our opinions manufactured for us, all without our permission. What was the purpose of these behavior modifications? It was to bring about forced changes to our way of life, without our agreement and without even being aware of what was taking place.”

Coleman said that Tavistock’s tactics have been adopted by many organizations, from the global think tank the Club of Rome, the United Nations, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Council on Foreign Relations to such disparate entities as Microsoft, Citibank, the New York Stock Exchange, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and many others. “This is by no means a complete list of institutions in the hands of Tavistock planners,” he added.

Today, major corporations and ultrawealthy individuals fund organizations such as Tavistock. They utilize these organizations’ secrets in the mass media to push just the right emotional buttons on social and cultural issues in order to manipulate both working-class and middle-class people into voting against their own economic interests. Edward Bernays, one of the pioneers of public relations and advertising, was named one of the hundred most influential Americans of the twentieth century by
magazine and continued to serve as a government consultant through the Bush I administration. As far back as 1928, in his book
, Bernays wrote about the control of citizens in a democratic society, stating,

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. … In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons … who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.

Such mind manipulation in the past was accomplished though conventional psychological methods combined with subliminal programming, thought by many to have been outlawed years ago. But the old techniques may seem mild compared to a new technology the Pentagon calls silent sound spread spectrum (SSSS), which delivers subliminal programming directly to the human brain via the auditory sense at frequencies imperceptible by humans. It is rumored that SSSS technology was used in the First Gulf War, causing thousands of battle-hardened Iraqi soldiers to surrender without a fight. “Why would eight-year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980–1988) behave this way? Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience,” stated A. True Ott, a Peabody Award–winning radio commentator and author.

Ott warned, “This technology is about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation
to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords
[emphasis in the original]
The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP [High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program] transmitters, GWEN [Ground Wave Emergency Network] towers, microwave cell-phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV that will enter your home via: a) cable, b) satellite, c) HD TVs, or d) those oh-so-easy-to-obtain ‘digital converter boxes’ that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf.” Because of surreptitious programming broadcast at high or low frequencies outside the range of conscious perception, parents should no longer feel secure by simply monitoring the content of TV programming or video games. All content aside, the television has become a dangerous mind-control device.

Why the need for such control? The would-be masters of the world desire an undisciplined public, ignorant of the basic principles of individual liberty. They wish to keep them confused, disorganized, and absorbed with unimportant or distracting issues. They wish to discourage critical thinking and technical creativity by means of low-quality public education in mathematics, logic, systems design, economics, and even the humanities while providing unrelenting emotional trauma through stories of self-indulgence, exploitive sex, and gratuitious violence in the corporate mass media. Such distractions lead the public away from serious consideration of their personal needs to inconsequential outside priorities.

More important, rewriting law and history changes the entire fabric of a society. Tavistock programming has been masterful with these techniques, as well as with the use of the Hegelian dialectic, or problem, reaction, solution. This method basically involves fabricating or intensify a problem, offering a draconian solution, then settling for a “compromise” that nevertheless furthers the intended goal.

Many are now seeing the centralization of such public control. Catherine Austin Fitts, who served as assistant secretary of housing and federal housing commissioner under George H. W. Bush, believes that technology concentrates power in fewer and fewer hands. In a 2011 interview, Fitts said that this power can “end up being extremely destructive of individual rights, extremely destructive of the environment, extremely destructive of all the things that create a healthy economy.”

Fitts illustrated her point with a metaphoric character she called Mr. Global. “Mr. Global essentially thinks he’s in charge of governing planet earth,” she explained. “I think what Mr. Global would say is that you can’t trust the average person to make intelligent decisions, that popular opinion will never turn the aircraft carrier in time, that democracy was a great experiment but it doesn’t work because the average person can’t see or relate to the whole and can’t make critical decisions soon enough to turn the aircraft carrier, and so you have to do things like 9/11 to build the kind of consensus and global picture you need to act.”

She also pointed to the growing distrust and disrespect between the citizenry and the developed world’s leadership. This cycle of antipathy, she stated, is a part of centralization, “because centralization ultimately makes the body politic stupid, and so you need more and more tyranny to force things—and that’s what we’re really watching globally as very invasive technology makes now the kind of tyranny that Orwell once wrote about in fiction very plausible. That is what we see happening.”


What is the goal of the wealthy elite?

The agenda may have been revealed by Nick Rockefeller, a participant in the World Economic Forum and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Institute for Strategic Studies. According to Hollywood producer Aaron Russo, Rockefeller told him, “The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.”

It should be clear by now that the elite want to control the world, but the bigger question is why? Author Joseph P. Farrell wrote that while a final answer is not known to the uninitiated, one answer does suggest itself. “They are indeed trying to reconstruct a lost mythical past: a global ‘golden age’ with a supremely sophisticated science with which they can dominate and subjugate the Earth.” But he added, “To reconstruct it, on the scale required and implied by their enterprise itself, will require that virtually the entire planet and its resources must be at their disposal.”

Thoughtful persons outside the influence of the corporate mass media of America see more clearly the concentration of money and power for the aims of the ruling families. In early 2012, Mujahid Kamran of Punjab University wrote in the

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