Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (2 page)

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Science in its ideology sees itself as doing a fearless exploration of the unknown. Most of the time it is a fearful exploration of the almost known.



need to understand how the world was created. Most people would agree that our universe was created by something, either a heavenly being such as God, Vishnu, Yahweh, Allah, the Great Spirit, the One or—as atheists might believe—by an accidental convergence of universal subatomic energy.

It is after this consensus that the trouble begins. Millennia of warfare and millions of deaths have resulted from religious disputes over exactly who God is and which people meet God’s approval. There are also the Big Questions asked by humans down through the ages: Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going?

The answers to such questions may be found in the oldest known accounts of human history—the stone tablets from ancient Sumer, which predate the Bible by more than three thousand years. They tell of fantastic flying machines, trips to other worlds, destructive battles on Earth and elsewhere, and even the creation of a slave race. There are detailed accounts of gods, goddesses, and demigods, kings and queens, champions, tyrants, priests, holy men, wars, and insurrections. Beginning with the world’s oldest known story—the quest of the great Sumerian king Gilgamesh, who claimed a nonhuman heritage—there exist enough tales of battles, court intrigues, jealousies, and adventures to rival any Hollywood blockbuster.

But to understand the reality of these recorded stories, one must start at the beginning.


Big Bang—a burst of energy that scientists estimate occurred about 13 billion years ago causing cosmic inflation milliseconds afterward.

Despite the scientific community’s overall acceptance of the Big Bang, certain problems with the theory have come under scrutiny, leading some to question its validity. The cover story of the April 2011 edition of
Scientific American
included the article “Quantum Gaps in Big Bang Theory: Why Our Best Explanation of How the Universe Evolved Must Be Fixed—or Replaced.” In the article Paul J. Steinhardt, director of Princeton University’s Center for Theoretical Science, pointed out that astrophysicists have left a number of problems with the theory unresolved, stating that “the case against [the Big Bang theory] challenges the logical foundations of the theory. Does the theory really work as advertised? Are the predictions made in the early 1980s still the predictions of the inflationary model as we understand it today? There is an argument to be made that the answer to both questions is no.”

But there have always been other theories, including our universe as a project of some superuniversal alien entities or the sudden appearance of Earth as an act of God. Anglican archbishop James Ussher, then Primate of All Ireland, set the tone for the next few centuries concerning the creation of Earth in his 1654 book modestly entitled
Annals of the World: The Origin of Time, and Continued to the Beginning of the Emperor Vespasian’s Reign and the Total Destruction and Abolition of the Temple and Commonwealth of the Jews
. First published in Latin, this 1,600-page work traced the history of the world from the Garden of Eden to the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70. Ussher, a dedicated scholar of his time who traveled throughout Europe studying Church records, determined that ancient peoples, especially the Israelites, started their calendar at harvesttime, so he chose the first Sunday following the autumnal equinox to begin his history of the world. Ussher came to the startling conclusion that the world was created in the year 4004 BC. John Lightfoot, Master of St. Catherine’s College, University of Cambridge, refined Ussher’s calculations, declaring that the creation of the world occurred at exactly 9:00 a.m. on October 23, 4004 BC. Controversy over this date continues to this day between those who believe in the absolute inerrancy of the Bible—and hence Ussher’s calculated date—and those who believe the geological record, which clearly indicates the Earth to be more than 4.5 billion years old, and with some evidence of human habitats dated prior to 10,000 BC.

More than two thousand years before the Bible was put into writing, the creation of the Earth was described on cuneiform tablets by the ancient Sumerians. Starting with the translations of ancient Sumerian tablets by Zecharia Sitchin in the 1970s, many authors have contributed to a more detailed understanding of the creation story as recorded by the Sumerians long before the Bible. Thanks to Sitchin’s work, as well as that of Erich von Däniken, Michael Tellinger, Paul Von Ward, Alan F. Alford, R. A. Boulay, Neil Freer, Arthur David Horn, Joe Lewels, Joseph P. Farrell, David Hatcher Childress, C. L. Turnage, David Icke, Lloyd Pye, Laurence Gardner, and William Bramley, a novel and unconventional account of Earth’s creation has been developing. The new account, based in part on ancient writings, deals with the recurring intrusion of a tenth planet into our solar system. Traditional science, wedded to its own texts and dogma, has dismissed these accounts as mere mythology, if not pseudoscience and pseudohistory.


The search for an unknown planet (Planet X) in our solar system is nothing new. It has continued since at least 1843, when British astronomer John Couch Adams deduced through noticeable gravitational disturbances that another planet must lie beyond Uranus. His observations led to the discovery of Neptune. Scientists continued to use this method to deduce the existence of other solar bodies, such as Pluto, which was discovered in 1930 after gravitational perturbations in the orbit of Neptune were noticed. Initially Pluto was thought to be the long-sought Planet X. However, it has since been concluded that the combined mass of Pluto and its major moon, Charon, is too small to exert the observed effect on the orbit of Neptune. Poor Pluto was downgraded in 2006 from a full-fledged planet to a dwarf planet, although some astronomers continue to disagree. The hunt for Planet X continues.

In 1981, American scientists were theorizing the existence of a tenth planet in our system based on sightings by an orbiting telescope and studies of irregularities in the orbit of Pluto indicating an additional solar body. “If new evidence from the U.S. Naval Observatory of a 10th planet in the solar system is correct, it could prove that the Sumerians … were far ahead of modern man in astronomy,” commented Hugh McCann, a writer for the
Detroit News
. Although the ancient Sumerians call it the twelfth planet, there is no inconsistency, as they counted the moon and the sun as planetary bodies, thus arriving at the number twelve, the same number as their pantheon of spacefaring overlords, whom they said arrived on Earth from Nibiru.

On December 30, 1983, the
Washington Post
reported on its front page, “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS). So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby ‘protostar’ that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through. …”

Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology, was quoted saying, “All I can tell you is that we don’t know what it is.”

The Caltech scientists believed the large body was fifty billion miles away, a mere stone’s throw in astronomical terms, and they speculated that it may be heading toward Earth. Others predicted that it could enter our inner solar system, wreaking havoc, in 2012. Perhaps giving an early indication as to how officialdom would treat such news, Neugebauer told the media, “I want to douse that idea with as much cold water as I can.”

Recently traditional scientists have downplayed or dismissed the idea of Nibiru or any large body invading our solar system. Ian O’Neill, a science writer for
Universe Today
who specializes in astrophysics, in 2008 wrote that “any Neptune orbital perturbations have been put down to observational error and have since not been observed … so there doesn’t appear to be any obvious object any bigger than the largest Kuiper Belt objects out there. … ” The Kuiper Belt is an area of planetoids and asteroids that lies just outside the orbit of Neptune.

O’Neill maintained that IRAS never observed any astronomical body in the outer reaches of the solar system and concluded, “The story that Planet X will arrive [on December 21, 2012] is, in my view, total bunkum (but it helps to sell doomsday books and DVDs by scaring people). Nibiru will remain in the realms of Sumerian myth.” O’Neill acknowledged that rumors have persisted that world governments, including NASA, were hiding the truth of an approaching world. “So why would governments want to hide a ‘discovery’ as historic as a doomsday planet approaching the inner Solar System anyway?” he asked, then provided his own facetious answer, “To avoid mass panic and pursue their own, greedy agendas (obviously).”


The truly amazing fact remains that ancient Sumerians, whom traditional history tells us were just developing writing, accurately described the planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, even though these three worlds cannot be seen without the aid of a telescope. Uranus was not known to modern man until it was discovered in 1781; Neptune, in 1846; and Pluto, in 1930.

Although they have long been considered fanciful myths, recent interpretations of Mesopotamian texts, particularly one entitled
Enuma Elish
, known as
The Creation Epic
, provided a most plausible explanation for the present composition of our solar system. “But why not take the epic at face value, as nothing more nor less than the statement of cosmological facts as known to the Sumerians, as told them by the Nefilim?” asked the late Zecharia Sitchin, a graduate of the London School of Economics who made a lifelong study of the Sumerian tablets and carvings. He died in October 2010, leaving behind a sizable following of devotees.

Sitchin’s revisionist interpretation of the Sumerian texts asserts that more than four billion years ago, the planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars were closest to the sun. A large watery world called Tiamat was in orbit between Mars and Jupiter. Nibiru, a large rogue planet that theoretically travels an elliptical orbit, entering our system about every 3,600 years, arrived and narrowly missed Tiamat. Tiamat cracked under the gravitational stresses. In a subsequent pass by Nibiru—in Sitchin’s early works, he refers to this orb by its Babylonian name, Marduk—Tiamat was cleaved in half when one of Nibiru’s moons rammed into the planet.

The collision of Nibiru’s moon and Tiamat knocked a large portion of Tiamat past Mars, ripping away its atmosphere and pieces of matter of various sizes. These fragments of Tiamat remained in its original orbit, becoming the familiar asteroid belt, or the Hammered Bracelet or Firmament, as it was called by the ancients. The greater portion of Tiamat was knocked into a new orbit closer to the sun. This larger chunk, retaining much of the planet’s water and carrying material from Mars, coalesced, cooled, and began orbiting between Mars and Venus, becoming Earth. It was accompanied by one of Nibiru’s moons (Kingu), which was captured by Earth’s gravity and became our own satellite. Some say the huge gouge out of the Earth now encompassing the Pacific Ocean is where that portion of Tiamat broke apart.

The idea is that when Nibiru and Tiamat collided, many tons of sea water from both worlds were thrown into space—an event termed the “mingling of the waters” by the Sumerian scribes—along with dirt and debris, all of which became the erratic flying balls of “dirty” ice we call comets.

Interestingly enough, this theory could explain why the Earth is missing much of its crust, particularly on the half encompassing the Pacific Ocean, as well as the origin of the asteroid belt. This theory also offers an explanation for comets, which have caused so much speculation among scientists as to their origin.

This “War of the Worlds” concept has been strengthened by the recent discovery of meteorites in Antarctica containing the same gases known to compose the atmosphere of Mars and by the discovery by NASA scientists in 1996 of what appeared to be the remains of microorganisms in a Martian meteorite thought to be four billion years old.


The concept of life on Mars got yet another boost when the results of the Viking Lander missions of the 1970s were reevaluated in 2009. Photos of the surrounding Martian landscape from Viking 2 showed a thin layer of frost on the ground. Many scientists now suspect that life-sustaining water might exist as close as ten inches under the Martian surface. Retired Viking scientist Patricia Straat told
magazine, “A lot of people think there isn’t life on Mars because there wasn’t any water on Mars. Our experiment was a definite positive response for life, but a lot of people have claimed that it was a false positive for a variety of reasons.”

“The idea that all Earth life could be descended from Martian organisms may not be fully mainstream—but it’s not too crazy to consider, either. While the Martian surface appears to be cold, dry and lifeless today, there is plenty of evidence that the planet was much warmer and wetter in the distant past, billions of years ago,” stated Mike Wall, senior editor of Space.com. Apparently refuting the claim that Mars is a dead world devoid of life, scientists in 1996 announced they discovered evidence of fossilized microbial life in a meteorite from Mars called Allan Hills 84001. Although this claim continued to draw controversy, many saw this as evidence that humans are not the only living organisms in our universe.

Astrobiologist Chris McKay of NASA’s Ames Research Center also has supported the concept that life on Earth might connect to Mars, stating, “It is not implausible that life on Mars will be related to life on Earth and therefore share a common genetics. In any case, it would be important to test this hypothesis.”

Researchers in early 2011 were devising an instrument that could search through samples of Martian dirt and isolate any genetic material from microbes there. Scientists could then use standard biochemical techniques to compare such material with that found on Earth. “It’s a long shot,” admitted MIT researcher Chris Carr, one of those producing the device. “But if we go to Mars and find life that’s related to us, we could have originated on Mars. Or if it started here, it could have been transferred to Mars.”

Scientists have found that 97 percent of the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in human cells does not code for proteins and appears to consist of meaningless and repeating sequences. They are puzzled as to the function of this “junk” DNA. Adding to this conundrum is the speculation of some that this mysterious DNA may be extraterrestrial in origin.

The late Francis Harry Compton Crick, the English molecular biologist who jointly won the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his codiscovery of the structure of the DNA molecule, once suggested that while the development of living systems from molecules may be a rare event in the universe, once it did develop, it may have been spread by spacefaring intelligent life forms in a process he called directed panspermia. He postulated, “Life did not evolve first on Earth; a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to pass on their existence. They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide with another planet. It did, and that’s why we’re here. The DNA molecule is the most efficient information storage system in the entire universe. The immensity of complex, coded and precisely sequenced information is absolutely staggering. The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design.”

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