Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (10 page)

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The purposes of some such structures have changed over the years. The world-famous stone circles at Stonehenge, begun in 3100 BC, a date comparable with the Early Dynastic period of ancient Egypt, were considered only monuments for pagan rituals until the 1700s, when British antiquarian William Stukeley, considered by many to be a forerunner of archaeology, proposed that the builders of Stonehenge knew about magnetism and had aligned the stone circles with magnetic north. Then, in 1962, Gerald Hawkins of Boston University provoked an outcry in the scientific community by using computer technology to prove that Stonehenge was nothing less than a giant observatory that could be used to predict both solar and lunar eclipses.

Again the status quo weighed in, this time against Hawkins’s new ideas. British archaeologist Richard J. C. Atkinson, who directed excavations at Stonehenge for the Ministry of Works from 1950 and 1964, remained adamant that the builders of Stonehenge were merely “howling barbarians” and that Hawkins’s theory was “tendentious, arrogant, slipshod and unconvincing.”

The scientific outcry became muted after the much-respected British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle agreed with Hawkins and went even further, stating that Stonehenge was a model of our solar system and could predict the date of a lunar eclipse nineteen years into the future.

Hawkins and Hoyle had merely added to the growing evidence that the ancients had much more sophisticated knowledge about the solar system and the stars than previously believed. This concept was further support by the recent discoveries of Stonehenge-type ruins in South Africa and Brazil.

In 2006, the BBC announced the discovery of a similar ancient stone structure in the state of Amapa, in northern Brazil. The structure is comprised of 127 large blocks of stone, each well preserved and weighing several tons, driven into the ground on top of a hill. The stones are evenly spaced and placed upright.

Judging from pottery found nearby, the site, thought to have been an observatory or place of worship, was built about two thousand years ago and thus long predates European colonization. It evinces a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy and has been compared to Stonehenge, although the latter is much older, dated to about 3000 to 1600 BC.

The South African circular ruin, called Adam’s Calendar, is perched on the rim of the Transvaal Escarpment and is believed to be more than two hundred thousand years old. African shaman Sanusi Credo Mutwa described the site as the most sacred place on Earth. Based on the descriptions of the African home of the Sumerian overlord Enki, researcher Michael Tellinger believed the site might well have been the laboratory of the Enki, who, according to ancient tablets, created a hybrid there by genetically engineering human and alien DNA.

In addition, Tellinger and his associates noted that none of the thousands of such circular ruins have openings, although modern archaeologists have called the South African structures
, corrals for cattle. The only gateways in these
are those that have been knocked out recently. However, there were channels leading into the center of the structure and connecting to other circles. It has been theorized by Tellinger and others that these were used for moving energy out of the circle.

Similar circular stone ruins, with spokes radiating outward but visible only from the air, have been found stretching from Syria to Saudi Arabia. New satellite-mapping technologies coupled with an aerial photography program in Jordan have revealed thousands of these giant ancient circles termed
. Researchers believe that they date to prehistoric times.

One example is the Monastery of Saint Moses the Abyssinian, or Deir Mar Musa, located fifty miles north of Damascus in Syria. Termed Syria’s Stonehenge by archaeologist Robert Mason of the Royal Ontario Museum, who happened upon the site in 2009, the area contains stone tools dating back as far as ten thousand years, as well as stone circles. The stone circles were described as “corral-like” and were said to be used as traps for gazelles and other animals. Mason said much work is needed to decipher the mysteries of Deir Mar Musa, but such effort is uncertain due to the violence and political upheaval in that country.

“In Jordan alone we’ve got stone-built structures that are far more numerous than [the] Nazca Lines, far more extensive in the area that they cover, and far older,” said David Kennedy, a professor of classics and ancient history at the University of Western Australia. The purpose of the stone “wheels” is unknown. Kennedy said theories that they were houses or cemeteries are unsatisfactory.

Tellinger believed that the African circular structures were created on ley lines—theoretical lines on the ground that intensify or carry the electromagnetic energy of Earth, similar to the popular Chinese concept of feng shui—and were used to channel Earth’s energy. Along with a satellite communications technician, Tellinger used an electromagnetic flow meter to measure the temperature gradient per foot from more than six hundred feet belowground to the surface. They found the average temperature outside the stones circles to be about 42 degrees Fahrenheit while inside the circles it rose to more than 136 degrees. “It was extraordinary!” exclaimed Tellinger. “Our measurements in sound frequency, heat signature and electromagnetic intensity were infinitely higher inside the circles than on the outside. In fact, the maximum energy could not be measured on our instruments. It went beyond 375 gigahertz.”

“Now that we understand the energy-generating principle, it seems that this is a good example of an early diagram of an energy-generating complex. The energy is channeled via the channels that connect them all together, they create a continuous energy grid. The simple non-polar, or radiant energy would have been used for everything as we imagine it today—and more. It is not a dangerous form of energy like the polar energy we use today,” said Tellinger, referring to the AC/DC-generated electricity commonly in use today.

Found within the circular ruins were several carvings of a serpent in the same horseshoe shape of the Greek letter omega, Ω, long used to symbolize the unit of electrical resistance, the ohm. The identically shaped snake image can be found on ancient Greek coins.


The Earth-drawn energy mentioned by Tellinger may be comparable to that of the Serbian-born inventor Nikola Tesla, who in 1900 constructed Wardenclyffe Tower on Long Island to establish intercontinental wireless transmission of electrical energy. Initially funded for $150,000, the majority of which came from American financier J. P. Morgan, the project was scrapped after Morgan realized that wireless energy would eliminate the profit from his investments in copper wiring. Tesla had successfully demonstrated wireless energy transfer in 1891 and claimed that he could draw abundant energy from the earth.

This same energy manipulation may be behind Florida’s curious Coral Castle, a collection of stone carvings and monoliths assembled by Latvian immigrant Edward Leedskalnin. Standing no more than five feet tall and never weighing more than 120 pounds, Leedskalnin moved to Florida about 1919 and, working primarily at night, constructed his coral rock collection during the next twenty years. In the mid-1930s, Leedskalnin moved his entire collection to Homestead, Florida. Some say this move came following an altercation with vandals, while others contend it was to locate on better aligned ley lines.

The site includes more than 1,500 tons of dense coral blocks, some weighing up to 30 tons. Yet there was no evidence of modern machinery being used, and Leedskalnin would offer only polite but cryptic responses to questions concerning his method of construction. On more than one occasion he did state,

I have discovered the secrets of the pyramids, and have found out how the Egyptians and the ancient builders in Peru, Yucatan and Asia, with only primitive tools, raised and set in place blocks of stone weighing many tons!”

Leedskalnin explained that science had an incorrect knowledge of atomic structure and electricity. He said all forms of existence are made up of three components—north and south poles and neutral particles of matter. Leedskalnin said he understood the laws involved in the relationship of the Earth to celestial alignments. He also said he had an intimate understanding of magnetism and even claimed to have cured himself of tuberculosis through the use of magnets. Leedskalnin died of kidney failure in 1951 after checking himself into a hospital. Coral Castle was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1984.

One account of Leedskalnin’s methods came from Tellinger, who related, “The truck drivers used to deliver the rocks and stand around the corner as he single-handedly offloaded these huge stones. And then he would come round the corner and tell them they could take the truck and go. Nobody knows how he did it, but there were reports of these eerie sounds and high frequency pitch noises and so forth but two school kids reported seeing him from the bushes nearby offloading these rocks with ice cream cones in his hands. We are dealing with sound and the focusing of sound frequencies. This is what I refer to as the ice cream cone phenomenon.” He added that in San Jose, California, there is a museum which houses “beautiful cones that were extracted from temples in [ancient Sumer] that commemorate the building of the temples.” Tellinger theorized that such conelike objects were used to somehow channel natural energy through the energy of the individual user.

In contemplating the idea of moving objects by sonic energy, one cannot help but recall the biblical story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho in which ram’s horns were sounded, the Israelites were exhorted to shout, and the city walls crumbled. Yet another account of the levitation of giant stones by sonic frequency came from retired New Zealand airline pilot and author Bruce Cathie, who related an account of Tibetan monks lifting huge boulders up a mountainside by the use of sound frequencies. This feat was observed by a Swedish doctor who had traveled deep into Tibet in 1939. Using a collection of drums and trumpets, the chanting monks were able to levitate a large stone some 250 meters (820 feet) upward to a ledge in only three minutes.

Interestingly, a cache of cone-shaped stone tools made of basalt has been found on Easter Island, the site of the huge monolithic stone giants. Researchers have long wondered how the people were able to lift the massive statues into position. Perhaps the stone cones provide the answer.


Also in South Africa can be found the Klerksdorp spheres, small round objects collected near Ottosdal, South Africa, by miners and locals from three-billion-year-old pyrophyllite deposits. Ranging in size from one-half to four inches in diameter, the spheres are found in the Klerksdorp Museum, located about seventy miles from Ottosdal. Described by some as “out-of-place artifacts” possibly manufactured by nonhumans, the spheres reveal well-defined and parallel latitudinal grooves or ridges when cut open and are balanced to near perfection, an impossible feat even with today’s technology. Naturally, there is controversy over both the nature and creation of the spheres. One, for example, has three parallel grooves around its equator.

Conventional geologists, such as Paul V. Heinrich, say the strange structure of the hematite spheres indicates they are “natural concretions that are pseudomorphs after original pyrite concretions.” He concluded that the spheres are entirely natural and added, “The misidentification of natural objects as the by-products of ‘intelligent design’ is an important lesson that needs to be learned by many fringe group members.”

Others are not as certain as Heinrich of the spheres’ natural origins. Roelf Marx, curator of the Klerksdorp Museum, has stated, “The spheres are a complete mystery. They look man-made, yet at the time in Earth’s history when they came to rest in this rock no intelligent life existed. They’re nothing like I have ever seen before.”

Even stranger was the explanation of Douglas James Cottrell, a trance psychic similar to the famous Edgar Cayce. During one session, he was asked about the Klerksdorp spheres. He stated that they are “sighting instruments,” similar to tape recorders, created by extraterrestrials to pass along information from one world to another via subtle energy vibrations. His explanation for such ancient cell phones sounded eerily similar to that of the accounts of Tellinger, Cathie, and Leedskalnin

Other ancient artifacts are equally intriguing. One such was found by author Sitchin in Turkey’s Istanbul Archaeology Museum. The carving, which measures about six inches long by four inches wide, was described by Sitchin as “a sculpted scale model of what, to modern eyes, looks like a cone-nosed rocket-ship … powered by a cluster of four exhaust engines in the back surrounding a larger exhaust engine, the rocket-ship has room for a sole pilot, actually shown and included in the sculpture.”

A figure described as the pilot was sitting with legs folded toward his chest and appeared to be wearing a one-piece ribbed pressure suit with boots and gloves. As the head is missing, it is impossible to know if the figure wore a helmet, goggles, or other headgear.

The carving was excavated at Toprakkale, a city known in ancient times as Tuspa. Curators had not put the carving on display; they had concluded that it was a fake because it differed from other objects of its era and mostly because it resembled a space capsule. Sitchin convinced them to display the artifact and let the public decide. Most observers do see the figure as a person sitting in some sort of cockpit.

Austrian researcher Klaus Dona, who presented a well-received public exhibit at the Vienna Art Center Schottenstift in 2001, displayed many amazing artifacts that gave indication that our history is not as we have been taught.

A small tool called the Hammer of Texas was one exhibit indicating intelligent life before that accepted by conventional science. This hammer was made of almost pure iron but showed no signs of rusting. It was placed within a wooden handle and was obviously a manufactured tool. The tool was found encased in limestone dated to more than 140 million years ago, when no humans were thought to exist. Adding to this puzzle are several humanlike handprints and footprints found in the same geological stratum with dinosaur tracks. Humans and dinosaurs are not supposed to have coexisted, according to conventional science.

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