Orson Welles: Hello Americans (87 page)

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Figuereido, Dr Assis 61, 73, 76, 120

named films eg
Citizen Kane

Finian’s Rainbow
(musical) 311

Fitzgerald, Geraldine 69, 258

Five Kings
(Shakespeare: Wars of the Roses
) 106, 147, 294, 297, 322, 387, 397, 442

Fix, Dick 297, 298, 301, 304, 308

Flaherty, Robert xvi, 9, 33, 132

Fleck, Freddie 108

Fleet’s In, The
(film) 86, 87

Fleischer Cartoon Studio 59

Flesh and the Devil
(film) 291

Fletcher, Louise 47


Flynn, Errol 358

Fo, Dario 202

Follow the Boys
(film) 198–200, 382

Fontaine, Joan 162, 164, 165–6;
No Bed of Roses

Ford, John 36, 383

Fortaleza 130–5, 369

Foster, Norman 12–13, 31, 32, 34, 39, 43, 45, 46, 49, 104, 106

Four Men on a Raft
(film) 93, 121–2, 134, 135, 137, 147, 369, 443

Franco, General Francisco 202

Fraser, Mrs Edna 324–5

Free World Association of Hollywood 211

Free World Forum 242

Free World
magazine 185, 186, 211, 214, 220, 229, 238, 245, 252–3, 260, 284, 335, 340, 408

Freedley, Vinton 382, 391

Freeman, Don 301

Friele, Berent 97–8, 123

Gallagher, Bret 286

Gance, Abel 418

Garland, Judy 223, 443

Garland, Robert 303

Garner, Peggy Ann 168

Garson, Greer 189

Gate Theatre (Dublin) 388, 431

Gessner, Robert 31

Ghiaroni, Professor 70

Gibbs, Wolcott
304, 305, 306

Gielgud, John 311

(film) 349

Gilder, Rosamond 391

Gilks, Al 31, 33

Girl of the Rio
(film) 71

magazine 253

Goddard, Paulette 345

Goetz, William ‘Bill’ 162, 163, 164, 224, 267, 268, 269

Goldbogen, Avrom Hirsch
Mike Todd

Goldwyn, Samuel 5, 142, 412

(film) 418

Gone with the Wind
(film) 161

Gonzaga, Adhear 150–1

Good Neighbor Family

Good, Ray 293

Goodall, Gladys 390, 391

Gordon, William 49, 142, 145, 146

Grafton, Sam 239

Grand Detour (Illinois) 22

Grant, Cary 31

Great Dictator, The
(film) 17, 68

Great McCoy: His Wonder Show of 1936, The
(vaudeville) 191

Green Goddess, The

Greenberg, Josh 151

Greene, Harry 75

Greene, William ‘Duke’ 61, 64–5, 75

Griffith, D.W. 17

Group, The
(film) 382

Guatemala 229–30

Guild, Nancy 415

Guthrie, Woody 336

Haig Corporation 267

Hall, Robert 244–5, 247, 250

(Shakespeare) 23–4, 232, 315; film 421, 422–3, 424, 427, 428, 431, 438, 441

Hammerstein, Oscar, II 208, 324

Hammond, John 10

Hammond, Percy 308, 384

Happy Prince, The
(Wilde) 48, 314, 345

Haran, Shifra 49, 100, 143, 144, 194

Harburg, F.Y. 343

Harrington, Oliver 323, 326, 329, 338, 341;
Why I
Left America

Harris, Jed 4, 148

Harrison, Rex 322

Hart, Lorenz 307

Hastings, Ross 124, 128

Havilland, Olivia de 342–3

Hawkins, William 304

Hawks, Howard 36

Hays Code Administration Office 5, 48, 266, 345, 418

Hayworth, Rita 48, 50, 196–7, 221, 243, 255, 258, 267, 277, 290, 291, 347, 349–50, 356, 382; and Black Dahlia letter 378–9; breakdown of marriage to Welles 222–5, 256–7, 285,
443–4; marriage to Welles 198, 201; and
The Lady from Shanghai
357, 358–9, 361, 362, 367, 368, 375, 380

He Who Gets Slapped
(theatre play) 27

Healy, Mary 289, 291, 301, 313

Hearst Newspapers 128

Hearst, William Randolph 3, 6, 222, 337, 383, 397

Heart of Darkness, The
(Conrad), film 427; radio 243

Heartbreak House
(film) 397, 442

Hearts of Age

Heaven’s Gate
(film) 30

Hecht, Ben 13,
307, 383

Heifetz, Jascha 423

Hello Americans
(radio series) 81, 98, 157–8, 159–60, 343

Hempstead, David 13, 16

Henry IV
Parts One and Two (Shakespeare) 294, 300

Henry V
(Shakespeare) (film) 300, 391

Hepburn, Katharine 300, 408

Herald Tribune
139, 216, 329, 439

Herbert, Lolita 315

Herlie, Eileen 405

Herrmann, Bernard 21, 34, 47, 55, 108–11, 161, 163, 208, 257, 268, 272, 273, 344, 362,
386, 414, 416, 417, 419

Higham, Charles 34, 349

Highland Park News
169, 225

Hill, Roger ‘Skipper’ 4, 47, 160, 248

Himber, Richard 193

Hirschfeld, Al 301

His Honour the Mayor
(radio play) 3

Hitch-Hiker, The
(radio) 47, 155

Hitchcock, Alfred 162, 276, 398

Hollywood 7, 18, 23, 28, 59, 78, 84, 85, 122, 123, 127, 130, 131, 132, 137, 139, 140, 148, 150, 161, 179, 198, 199, 211, 224, 245, 246,
249, 258, 265, 267, 268, 299, 310, 332, 356, 359, 360, 376, 382, 392, 400, 425, 437, 442, 444; industrial unrest 409–13

Hollywood Independent Citizens’ Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions 342–3

Hollywood Reporter
136, 148, 168, 198, 410, 411, 412

Hollywood Ten 413

Holt, Tim 25, 28, 40, 88, 111, 124

Honey Pot, The
(film) 382

Hoover, J. Edgar 333

Hopkins, Harry 53, 54, 72

Hedda 212, 213, 277, 425

Horne, Lena 166, 343

Horse Eats Hat
(radio) 191, 195, 312

Hot Mikado
(musical) 281

Houdini, Harry 192

House, Billy 269

House of Un-American Activities Committee 184, 408, 412

Household, Geoffrey,
Rogue Male

Houseman, John 162, 163, 199, 321, 332, 383, 404

Houston, Mary 325

How Green Was My Valley
(film) 388

Hughes, Langston 327

Hull, Cordell 44, 185

of Notre Dame, The
(film) 170, 282

Huston, John 25, 267, 412

Huston, Walter 21, 47, 172, 218

Hutton, Betty 86

Huxley, Aldous 162

Hymans, Jerome 442

Hypnotic Influence

Hypnotic Rigid Test

Hypnotism on Animals

Office of Inter-American Affairs

Ibert, Jacques 418

Iceman Cometh, The
(O’Neill) 311

If I Die Before I Wake see Lady from Shanghai, The

I.F. Stone’s

Il Tempo
421, 424

Importance of Being Earnest, The
(Wilde) 311

Independent Voters’ Committee for Arts and Sciences for Roosevelt 213, 218

Information Please
(radio quiz) 160

Inglewood 111

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Operators (IASTE) 411, 412

International Brotherhood of Magicians 191

International Free World Association 184–5

(film) 269

Ipacema Beach 147

Isaacs, Hermine Rich 348

Italian Straw Hat, An see Horse Eats Hat

It’s All True
(film) xiii, xv, xvi, 8–12, 31, 45, 46, 52, 53, 55, 112, 159, 196, 324, 357, 369, 379, 442; briefing and preparation for filming in Brazil 57–60; Carnival sequence 57–67, 74–5, 85, 442–3;
in 100–1; and death of Jacaré 120–2;
141; funding for 141–3; ideas on what the film
was about 101–3; and the
81–4, 92, 103, 114, 134–5,
141; post-Carnival filming
91–101; problems and frictions on 113–17, 122, 131–8; RKO dinner party for 128–9; and the samba 70–1, 79, 81; versions of 143–7

It’s a Wonderful Life
(film) 17

Ivan the Terrible
(film) 190, 245–6

Ivens, Joris 34


Meiro, Mandel Olimpio (‘Jacaré’)

Jack Benny Show
(radio series)

Jaglom, Henry xv

Jam Session
The Story of Jazz
) (film) 8, 9, 11–12

Jane Eyre
(film) 161–9, 213, 224, 231, 268

Joan of Arc
(film) 360

Joan of Paris
(film) 162

Johnson, Hiram Warren 261

Joseph, Ray 136

Journey into Fear
(film) xiii, 6, 12, 13–17, 31, 46, 48, 49–55, 79, 93–4, 103, 104–5, 117, 125–6, 135, 160–1, 165, 168, 269, 270

Juárez, Benito 155

Julius Caesar
(Shakespeare) 31,
205, 321, 387


Jump for Joy

Just William
(film) 388

Kahn, Gordon 408

Kamp, David 150

Kanin, Garsin 5

Kaper, Bronislaw 268, 272–3

Kauffimann, Stanley 322

Kazan, Elia 106, 266, 320

Keller, Helen 255

Kellner, Sandór Laszlo 189–90

Kelly, Gene 197

Kennedy, Joseph 5, 44

Kenosha School Board 10

Kent, Amalia 29

Keys of the Kingdom, The
(film) 189

King Lear
(Shakespeare) 265,
292, 382, 383, 392; radio production 344

King, R. Sherwood,
The Adventurer
Between Murders
If I Die Before I Wake
349, 351;
The Outlaws of the Air

Kirk, Mark-Lee 34, 49

Kiss Me, Kate
(musical) 306, 321

Koch, Howard 172

Koerner, Charles W. 77, 79, 86, 86–7, 88, 93, 107, 111, 118, 120, 124–5, 126, 142, 148–9, 161

Korda, Alexander 140, 189, 190, 200, 267, 290, 299, 322, 340, 344,
345–6, 404–5, 411, 414, 415, 418

Korea 258, 259

Korngold, Erich Wolfgang 109

Krupa, Gene 142

Ku Klux Klan 327

Kurtz, Efrem 419

La Cava, Gregory 25

Laage, Barbara 405

Lady in the Dark
(film) 288

Lady Esther Show, The
(radio series) 32, 38, 44, 47, 48, 54, 55, 155, 202

Lady from Shanghai, The
(film) xiii, 347, 349–51, 382, 386, 397, 402, 403, 404, 409, 410, 412, 439; and the censor 355;
delays and costs 358–61; dialogue 353–5; end result 364–81; illness and death on set of 358–9; location shooting 356–8; plot of 351–3; production of 355–6, 361–4

Lady Hamilton
(film) 190

Lady Killer, The
(film) 8

Lady Windermere’s Fan
(Wilde) 311

Lampedusa, Giuseppe 19

Lanchester, Elsa 105

Lasky, Betty 4

Lassie Come Home
(film) 388

Laster, Al 333

Laughton, Charles 29, 52, 105, 167, 190,
205, 282, 283, 284, 315, 316–21, 404, 405

Laurence, Larry 289, 295

Lawrence, Gertrude 312

Lawrence, Viola 355, 361, 369, 377, 382, 386

Lawton, Charles ‘Buddy’, Junior 355, 356, 358

Le Sang d’un Poète

Lea Radios 259

Leaming, Barbara 277, 283, 285, 320, 361, 443

Lear, Les 333

Lear Radios 257, 290

Lear, William 257, 260

Lederer, Charles 222, 397

Lee, Canada 172

Leigh, Vivien 345,

Leighter, Jackson 194, 236, 243, 315

Leighter, Lolita 194

Leopard, The
(Lampedusa) 19

Les Misérables
(radio) 160

Lesser, Sol B. 5, 77, 128

Levant, Harry 298

Lewis, Robert 106

Lewisohn Stadium (Chicago) 175

Lewisohn Stadium (New York) 336

Life of Christ
(film) 7

Life of Desiré Landru, The
(film) 7–8

Life of Galileo, The
(Brecht) 282–3, 284, 296, 315, 316, 318–19, 404

48, 66, 113, 119, 124, 180, 196, 423–4

Light, James 265

Lighthouse and Informer
323, 329

Lindsay, Louis 416, 418

Little Brown Jug

Little Prince, The
(film) 189

Litvinov, Maxim 239

Lockheed 157

Logan, Joshua 311

London 404, 414, 437

Long Beach 111

Long Island 353

Long Island University 47

magazine 163

Look Who’s Laughing
(film) 149

Lorentz, Pare 34, 148;
The Plow that Broke
the Plains

Los Angeles 35, 38, 137, 201, 208, 210, 245, 250, 258, 282, 285, 316, 318, 348, 356

Los Angeles Herald Examiner

Los Angeles Society of Magicians 191

Los Angeles Times

Losey, Joseph 320

Lost Horizon
(film) 38

Love Story
(film) 8, 9

Loy, Myrna 410, 411

Lubitsch, Ernst 190

Luce, Henry 10, 139, 180–1, 251

Lyons, Leonard 169, 204, 225, 235, 425

Lyric Theatre (Hammersmith)

MacArthur, 307

(Shakespeare) 270, 378; Harlem production 16, 324, 383–5, 387; Mercury recording 385–6; Utah production 387–97

(Shakespeare) (film) xiv, 386–7, 397–401, 402, 404, 406, 409, 414, 443; new version 438–42; original version of 425–36, 442; post-production problems 416–18; press reaction to 422–5, 438–41; previews of 419–25; recommended changes 436–7

Guthrie 165, 391

MacDonald, Philip 267

McDonough, 77

McDowall, Roddy 388, 391, 394, 399–400, 433

McGee, Fibber 149

McIntire, John 388, 397

Macleish, Archibald 10, 185

macLiammóir, Micheál 23, 168, 388

McMillan, John 203, 206–7

Magahlaes, Raymundo 58

Magnificent Ambersons, The
(film) xiii, 12, 13, 18, 24–38, 39–42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 52, 53, 55, 59, 77, 78, 79, 82, 84–5, 86–91, 92, 94, 96,
103, 105, 107–12, 117, 123–5, 135, 137–40, 148, 150, 162, 165, 167, 268, 272, 355, 397, 402, 435; book plot 18–24; film 276, 313; music for 108–11; possible Brazilian print 150–1; previews of 111–12; radio production 18, 20, 21; re-editing of 107–8; release and press reviews 137–40

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