Origins (7 page)

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Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones

Tags: #Paranormal/Wereshifter

BOOK: Origins
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Joy was in the land that time forgot. It would be beautiful if she wasn’t so nervous and scared.

By the time they reached a suitable place to call it quits for the night, Joy was on edge and jumping at shadows. Only Zareb’s presence kept her calm.

“I will take first watch tonight. The both of you have been injured. You should rest while you can.”

“I’ll take the second shift,” Joy volunteered. That way she could do some scouting of her own. She knew that Zareb would not sleep while Kir was on duty. Neither would she.

“Then I shall take the last.” Kir smiled.

Joy looked for ulterior meaning behind the grin. She couldn’t see anything. It was at times like these she wished she had her sister’s ability to see auras. Kir didn’t seem evil, but that didn’t mean anything. Not in the grand scheme of things.

“Joy, will you start a fire? Then I would like to speak to you before you rest.”

She nodded at him. Kir waited for her to finish her spell and settled next to the fire with his back towards her. Could he really sleep that easily, or did he suspect that they knew something was wrong? Joy needed to stop second-guessing herself. Things would happen as they were meant to—they could change some of it, but sometimes they could only survive the fallout.

Satisfied that the fire was strong and Kir settled, she went to Zareb as he’d requested.

“I need you to really rest, because once my shift is over there is a good chance we will need to run. And we both know if we do not run we will be watching Kir.”

“He appears to be asleep right now.”

“Looks can be deceiving.”

“Yes, they can. I promise to sleep if you try and do the same when I’m on watch. Both of us will need to be at our best and if we don’t recharge a little we’re so screwed—and I want to get out of this alive.”

“I promise. Now go to sleep.”

Joy stood on tiptoes. Zareb was so much taller than she was, but it didn’t stop her from locking lips with him. His kisses were the best she’d ever had. He worshipped her with his mouth. Like nothing else mattered, but the two of them. She liked it.

“Does Kir have any magic?”

“No. When the change happened, the rest of the tribe got the shifter gene. Dji and I received magic because the guardian ceremony was already finished when the shaman had to change the others into panthers.”

“Good, then I’m going to place a ward around him. I’ll know if he moves.”

“That is a good idea.”

“I do have those on occasion,” Joy teased.

And there it was, the smile. It didn’t come out to play often, but when Zareb smiled his whole face lit up. She wanted to see it more. He was so serious and focused. Maybe that was why she was chosen as his mate. It was time to give him a little fun. He deserved it, and when this situation was over, it would be her pleasure to give it to him.

She would get some sleep. Her recon would make her tired. She doubted the others would be where Zareb would be able to find them unless he used magic to locate them. She caressed his face and turned towards the fire. It was go time, and she would make her mate proud.

The jungle was never silent, but within the cocoon she’d created nothing penetrated their bubble. Things were muted when her spirit travelled, but she could still hear them. Joy floated in the direction she had taken before. The smoke was still strong in the sky. The scent couldn’t reach her in this form. They were much closer than they had been yesterday when she had released her spirit to search for the guys who were waiting to capture them.

Kir was taking them right to the kidnappers campsite, he had to be. Now that she looked down she saw it wasn’t really a village. No women were around, no children, just armed men. There had to be at least twenty to thirty men scattered around the area.

Could they fight them all off? Wait, what was that? Off to the side on the outskirts of the area two people were tied to a post. They didn’t look like they had been harmed. Was it—yes, it was Ive and Dji. They looked okay. Joy got closer. Could she talk to Dji in this form? One way to find out.

Joy let her spirit get right next to Dji and whispered in his ear, hoping he could hear her in his mind.

“Don’t be startled. This is Joy and we’re not far off. We’ll get you out of here.”

Dji spoke directly to her spirit. His lips never moved, but he looked right at her.

This must mean he could hear her and maybe even see her. She would have to learn more about communicating this way when they got home.

“We can be here tomorrow.”

It is a trap. Kir has been turned. Do not come here—destroy the Vessel and we can hold out as long as we need to, just warn Zareb.”

A native walked up to Dji and smacked him in the face with the butt of his spear.

Ive screamed, “What are you doing? Stop!”

Joy wanted to scream as well. She was surprised when the guy spoke English.

“Who you talk to?”

Not good—someone here had magic and could sense her. Joy began to pull back, but a force drew her to the other end of the camp. A person chanted and Joy couldn’t breathe. Not that she really had breath in this form, but the magic user wanted to keep her spirit here and there was no way that could happen.

With a burst of speed she vacated the camp and found her body. She really needed to stop the slam of spirit and flesh, or she was going to hurt herself.

If it was possible her soul needed a good wash. The evil from the camp penetrated every inch of her. Joy closed her eyes and processed all of the information from the trip. She was missing something, maybe if she thought real hard she could remember, it was just on the fringe of thought.

Oh my God. Yes!

She would have to wake up Zareb.
r from the Masters pack and Grey, Ive’s brother, had come. Bella must have gotten her message and sent them, good thing she’d put a spell on the wolf necklace because those two were pure shifter with no magic to speak of between them. She didn’t know them that well, but Grey was Ive’s twin so that had to be good. They would have a special connection to lead Grey right to them, she hoped. The only downside was there the shaman type person in charge. There was no way the shifters could win in a battle against magic. Peter and Grey could end up dead unless Dji could take charge.

Joy itched to make her way back to the campsite to help, but Dji was right, it was a trap. They had to destroy the Vessel before anything else.

The situation sucked donkey balls. What would her sister do? Hell, what would their mother Catherine do? V would question them to death before they shut her up, but Catherine was a different story. That woman would do what she had to do and hope the universe would take care of the others.


She could do this, she
do this. The question was—what to do with Kir? They could leave him here and continue on, but Joy didn’t want to do that, it could come back to bite them in the ass. But how could they dupe the man into helping them?

A tug on the magic surrounding Kir made her pause. He was waking up and if she didn’t remove the binding he would know something was wrong when he couldn’t get up. Joy didn’t want to release him, but she had no choice at this point. She couldn’t give away what she knew.

“Is it my turn for watch?” Kir whispered from his resting spot.

Joy called the binding back to her and released Kir.

“Yep, you’re up.” Joy went to where Zareb slept.

“My siel,” Zareb spoke softly.

“We need to talk, but not yet.”

Joy wanted to give Kir time to start his watch, letting him think they both slept. Then she would sequester herself with Zareb. She snuggled into her mate and tried not to fall asleep.

Minutes passed, but it felt like hours. Kir was on the other side of the camp keeping a look out—it was time. With a small spell she and Zareb could speak freely without Kir hearing a thing.

“Kir is leading us into a trap. I’m sorry Zareb. Ive and Dji appear to be fine, but there is a magic user or shaman there. They knew Dji spoke to someone, and hit him. I don’t know how much time we have. The good news is the pack sent Grey and
r, and they aren’t too far from the camp, but they are walking into a situation that is above them. They have no magic and unless Dji is holding back they don’t have a fighting chance.”

“We can’t go to them.”

“I know. I fucking hate it, but I know.”

“It will work out. I have faith.”

“Faith is all well and good, but how do we ditch Kir and get to the burial site for the Vessel? Once we get rid of the Vessel we can help the others and get home. I need a hot bath and a month in bed.”

“I love the way you think, my liefie. I would like to peel your clothes off you and lick every inch of your beautiful body. We have not had time to explore. I want to see you wet and covered in my cum.”

“Oh, God.” Joy could cum by his words alone. How did he get her so hot?

Every part of her body ached with desire. They didn’t have time for this, but a kiss couldn’t hurt, right?

Joy opened up to Zareb’s invasion. He licked and nibbled at her lips. She moaned into his mouth and rocked her body against his. Zareb’s hard cock rubbed against her and she wanted it deep inside, to join them, becoming one all over again.

“We should stop.” Zareb didn’t sound that convincing.

Joy opened his pants, just enough to get her hand inside. Her back was to Kir, so even if he looked over he couldn’t see what she was doing with her hands. Good thing because Zareb had her pants open as well. Joy’s hips bucked when Zareb’s palm met her flesh.

Joy took Zareb’s cock and stroked it from root to tip. She didn’t have time to notice before, but he was uncircumcised—not that she should be surprised, they didn’t do that in
centuries ago. Joy pulled the skin down and gathered the bit of pre-cum on his dick, using it to help with the friction.

It was Zareb’s turn to move his hips. This would have to be over with quickly, as they were both aware of the danger surrounding them. Joy couldn’t wait until they could take their time with each other. She’d make Zareb give her the mating words even if they were truly already mated. She had a few words of her own to bind them together even more strongly. Something her birth mother had taught her before she had died and Catherine had become Joy’s adoptive mom.

Her thoughts scattered as Zareb flicked her clit with a finger and squeezed. Joy couldn’t contain her movement. She clutched at Zareb’s dick, her hand going faster and faster until Zareb screamed her name into the night.

They both lay there panting and Joy was thankful she’d thought to shield them, they’d both been so loud. Something wasn’t right. Panic set in. It was happening again—couldn’t those evil bastards leave them alone?

“Someone breached the shield Shit, Zareb, is the Vessel close?” Joy jumped up and adjusted her pants, wiping her cum covered hand on her shirt. No time to worry about stains now, she’d be burning this outfit when she got home anyway.

“Kir and the bag are gone,” Zareb declared from the bush it had been under.

“Not for long.” Joy ran in the direction of the disturbance.

She let the force field shatter and charged after Kir. Not even aware she was doing it, she stripped off her clothes and shifted. Her panther stalked its prey, the scent heavy in her nose. He wouldn’t make it far.

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