Origins (6 page)

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Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones

Tags: #Paranormal/Wereshifter

BOOK: Origins
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Zareb closed his eyes and hoped for strength.

“I want that too, but we cannot, at least not yet. I need to have a talk with the Ancients. Will you be all right until I return?”

Joy wiped her eyes and nodded. She was so strong and he was proud to call her mate.

“I’ll check on Kir and the wards and one of these days you’re going to have to teach me some Afrikaans so I know what you’re calling me. Joy winked at him before kissing him.

He wasn’t ready for her to get off his lap and move over to Kir, but it was time.

Zareb moved away from the camp. Not too far, and he stayed within the wards Joy had created. He knelt on the ground and called forth his creators.

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“We hear you my son. Your call has been answered. Yet you know we cannot show you the direct path to take. Just know that the path you are on is the right one. Believe in yourself and those around you. Lean on your mate. The two of you are powerful.”

“What of my brother, Djimon?”

“His fate is in his own hands.”

“Can I not help?”

“You have your own realities to deal with. Focus or all will be lost. He has his own path that you are not a part of. Just know that if the right choices are made the four of you will fulfil the destiny foretold to your seer, Bella on the fateful night all was brought together.”

“I don’t understand.”

But they didn’t answer. Not that Zareb was surprised. That was how they worked. Riddles wrapped in riddles, with no real answers. It could be frustrating to most, but he had come to depend on the Ancients’ vague answers—it was a comfort. He took air into his lungs and released it. And again. One more time and he was ready to face Joy.

When he got back to the middle of the camp, Kir was resting comfortably and Joy was gazing into the fire.

“Did you get your answers?”

Her question was so soft he almost didn’t hear it.

“Not really, but I did it more for the comfort. They never
you an answer just told me I needed to focus and let Djimon make his own way, as well as to believe in myself.”

“Sounds like a good pep talk to me.”

“It was. I needed the calm they can give me.”

Joy reached for him and he willingly went into her arms.

“It’s been a rough day. Hell—a rough few weeks. Getting back to normal sounds good to me. I want this over with.”

“I hope we can be finished with this soon as well. I want to get to know my mate better.”

Joy flushed red and he had to smile. They really needed to explore each other more. Not just sexually, but emotionally and magically as well.

“How are you really, my siel?”

“I’m hanging in there. It helps that I haven’t had to carry the Vessel for a while and the ward seems to be holding.”

Zareb looked around—where had he dropped the bag? This was not good. He stood and searched the camp.

“What’s wrong?” Joy rubbed his arm.

“Where is the Vessel?”

“I put it back in the bush you had it under last night. I didn’t want it out in plain sight and you know how easily I’m affected by it.”

“I am a bad guardian.”

“No, you’re not. I won’t have you talking about yourself this way. You’re strong and brave. Don’t you forget it.” Joy wrapped her body around his.

Her very presence was a calming factor for him. Something he’d never had. Not even centuries ago when he was preparing to become a guardian. Dji had always had it. He could now admit he was envious of the other man. That could be why the Vessel had called to him in the first place. Now he’d never really know. Maybe it was time for him to let the guilt that ate away at his soul go so he could be happy.

Chapter Four

Joy was pacing the camp area. She once again took care of the fire, making sure it was out and they were ready to go. She didn’t want to release the wards. Not again, after what had happened yesterday. But she was so tired of all the bullshit.

This had to end. Didn’t it? Who knew what was happening to Ive and Dji. It worried her that they couldn’t rush off to save them. She wanted to have a way to contact Valerie to see if Bella had got the message. Would someone come after them?

At least Kir looked better. The rest and bit of healing she’d been able to do for him and must have helped. He wouldn’t slow them down, but Zareb tried to convince Kir to stay behind. While they argued, Joy did what she should have yesterday. Sitting close to the fire, she took a deep breath. Then another. And another. Her body was loose and relaxed.


She sent her spirit away, through the ward. The jungle appeared clear. Could she stretch it farther? Power coursed through her, stronger than ever before. Joy had never attempted to scan this far away from her body. If she went a little more—was that smoke? Maybe Ive and Dji were there.


Her face hurt and she slammed back into her body. What was that? She shook her head.

“Huh?” she managed.

“Do not ever do that again. What were you thinking?”

Joy jumped to her feet. How dare Zareb? Who was he to tell her what to do? A wave of dizziness hit her hard. She grasped Zareb’s arm to steady herself.

With her eyes still closed she answered her mate. “I’m a big girl. I know what I’m doing.”

“Then why could you not respond to me? You push too far.”

“I didn’t push far enough. To the south there is an encampment. I was almost there. If you’d left me alone for just a bit longer I would have been able to tell you if Ive and Dji were there.”

“Did you ever think to tell me what you were up to? If I had known, I could have lent my power or at least been prepared for you to zone out. Don’t you understand? You scared me.”

Zareb pulled her roughly to him and squeezed her tight.

“I’m sorry, Zareb,” she whispered against his chest. “I’m not used to having support. Fuck. I’m not good at this shit. I do what I need to and get the job done. Damn the consequences.”

“No more.”

Joy glared at Zareb.

“Please, my liefie.” He added.

“You two need to talk about this later. We must leave.” Kir stood on the outer edge, close to the ward Joy had established.

“Yes, we’ll talk later.” Joy caressed Zareb’s face, trailing her thumb over his lips. “The reason I went looking was to see if those men were still out there. I didn’t see them, so unless they have some magic we don’t know about, the coast is clear.”

Zareb nodded and picked up the Vessel. “Then let us leave.”

“Zareb, should we strengthen the wards on the Vessel? What if it calls out to the others? We’re sitting ducks out here.”

“I did that while you were zoned out.”

It was Joy’s turn to nod. She released their area with a wave of her hand, the jungle noises loud in her ears and her new senses on high alert. The group walked single file with her in the middle. Kir took point and Zareb brought up the rear.

She was good with that—Joy liked that Zareb had her back. They didn’t make noise and Joy handed her machete over to Kir. His strength appeared to have returned full force.

“Joy, stop.”

“What is it?” She kept walking for a bit.

“Something is wrong.”

She fell back a little, letting Kir get a stronger lead. “What?”

“This is not the way we should be heading.” Zareb’s tone worried her. He whispered and she had to focus to hear him.

“Could Kir have got confused?” She worried her lips with her fingers. A nervous habit, but it helped her think.

“I do not think so.” Zareb shook his head.

“Do you think he’s with the guys who attacked us, the ones that almost killed him?” She hoped not. She liked Kir.

“I am uncertain. I have had no contact with him or anyone who stayed behind. I was too ashamed to ever come back after the disaster I caused bringing the Vessel into my tribe.”

“So what you’re saying is this could be a trap.” Fuck. Screw that, double fuck. Joy’s day had just gone from halfway decent to in the shitter in two point five seconds.


That is what she had been afraid of. When this was over she would demand a vacation, because enough was enough. She’d had no shower and was a sticky mess. She probably stunk to high heaven and all she wanted to do was jump Zareb’s bones—in a nice pool where it was cool. Maybe even a drink with an umbrella in it.

“Well, okay then. What should we do?”

“Nothing yet. How far off did you say that village was?” Zareb questioned her.

“Maybe a day, day and a half away by foot.”

They kept walking, Joy never taking her gaze off Kir. She didn’t want him turning around and catching them talking about him, especially not if he was a spy.

“Once we stop for the night I will do some scouting. Be prepared to run. How is your ankle?”

“Sore, but much better.”

“Probably from when you shift. It does not cure all, but it helps the healing process.”

“What are you two slow pokes whispering about back there? Daylight is waning, we should hustle,” Kir shouted back and turned towards them.

Joy let her fingers brush over Zareb’s skin, making it look like she couldn’t keep her hand off him. Not that she could. If given half the chance, she’d sex him up here and now. The feel of him over her and inside was one she wanted again. And again. Maybe she could keep him in bed for weeks. Now that would be a vacation.

“We are coming. Joy twisted her ankle and I was checking on it,” Zareb reassured Kir.

And he wasn’t lying, that had been the last thing they’d talked about. Joy smiled up at him. He winked at her and she shivered. Dirty or not, she wanted a piece of him.

“Should we take a break?” Kir sounded concerned.

“No, I’m fine—really. We have a lot of ground to cover before night fall. Zareb said we should be at your old tribe sometime tomorrow.”

“Yes, we should.” Kir turned and continued to cut the bush. The vines swung every which way and the vegetation was thick. Like not many people walked here.

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