Opposites Attract (The Locklaine Boys Book 2) (23 page)

BOOK: Opposites Attract (The Locklaine Boys Book 2)
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I turned to walk away, only to have him stop me with a hand on my arm. “We’re not done with this conversation, Del. We’ll finish it when we get home.”

My heart began to pound against my ribs at his intense expression. Goosebumps broke out along my skin, and for some reason I wanted nothing more than to stand on my tiptoes and kiss the frown off his lips, but I couldn’t do that. It didn’t feel like it was my place. “I’m staying at my apartment tonight. Devon still needs me.”

He stepped closer, his expression leaving no room for argument. “Remember what happened last time you tried to run from me?” Tingles shot down my spine, right between my legs at the reminder of that night. God, what this man did to me. “Don’t think I won’t drag your ass back and tie you to my bed again. You know I’ll do it.”

And boy, did I.

As we made our way into the dining room, I actually found myself contemplating breaking his rules just to see what he’d come up with as far as punishment went.

Yep. I was on thin ice, all right. And if I listened closely, I could almost hear it cracking under my feet.


just like it did every Sunday — with good food and laughs before erupting into total chaos thanks to overactive children and nosey adults. I’d lost count of how many times I’d blushed scarlet when one of my family members said or did something to embarrass me. But with my family, it was just par for the course.

Richard laughed throughout the entire meal, seemingly enjoying my insane family’s shenanigans. But the thing that held my focus throughout the entire dinner, almost to the point of distraction, was the fact that Richard had spent the entire dinner touching me in some way. Either his arm was over the back of my chair, toying with loose strands of my hair, or resting on my thigh, or even holding mine on top of the table for everyone to see. But no matter how he did it, his touch was constant. I don’t think there was more than a total of thirty seconds when his hand wasn’t on me, and that was only out of force when he had to fill his plate or something.

Even as we sat in the back of the cab on the way home, his hand rested on my thigh. It felt almost possessive in nature, like he couldn’t stand to be near me without having constant contact with my body. Despite the fact that his actions made it feel like a million excited butterflies were nesting right in my belly, the ride from Brooklyn remained uncomfortably quiet.

The look he gave me when we stepped off the elevator onto our floor just dared me to head for my own apartment. I kept my eyes locked with his, almost in challenge, tingles shooting throughout my body as he slid his key into the lock and opened the door. His eyebrow quirked up as I walked past him and into his apartment, as if he expected me to put up more of a fight. But I didn’t
to fight him. I had no clue what we were doing beyond having amazing sex, or how long it was going to last, but right then, right in that moment, I wanted him. And I let my body’s desires snuff out my brain.

I didn’t look over my shoulder to see if he followed as I walked down the hall and into his room. I could feel him behind me the entire way, watching me like a lion watched his prey. It only made my desire for him burn white-hot as the quiet sound of the bedroom door clicking shut behind us echoed like a gun blast in my head.

“Do you have any clue how beautiful you are?” he asked against the sensitive skin of my neck as he pressed his entire body flush against my back. I did a whole body shiver as his hands skated down my sides, past each rib. Lower, lower, until he reached the hem of my dress. Without preamble, he lifted it up and over my head, only removing his lips from my neck for as long as it took to get the material over my head.

It was amazing really, but I’d never really believed it when a man called me beautiful before. I knew I was attractive, but I never found myself conventionally beautiful. However, when Richard said it I believed him. What was more, I actually

His fingers dug into my hips as he turned me around to face him. When his lips came down on mine in a hungry kiss, I gladly opened wide, letting him in, losing myself in the lust I felt whenever we were like this. His growl of approval when my fingers snaked beneath the hem of his shirt spurred me on, and I forced it up and off, trailing my nails lightly down the defined ridges of his pecs and abs. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get used to how amazing his body was.

He stood completely still as I worked his jeans open and down his strong thighs. He kicked off his socks and shoes, leaving him in just his boxer briefs, his erection straining between us.

I went to grab it, wanting to feel the silky steel of it in my palm, but he grabbed my wrist, stopping me. “Lay on the bed,” he whispered, and just the rough, needy tone of his voice was enough to drive me wild.

My heartbeat was frantic in my chest as I sucked in a breath and did as he told me. His clear blue eyes on my skin, clad only in the lace of my bra and panties, were like a physical touch. I could feel his gaze everywhere as he stared down at me, appreciation and desire making his eyes go half-mast. I needed him to touch me, to feel his weight against me, so badly I was on the brink of begging when he finally took mercy on me and climbed onto the bed. Only, he used his legs to pin my thighs together instead of apart, and grasped my wrists in a tight hold above my head, making it impossible for me to get away, even if I wanted to.

“What are you doing?” I asked, already slightly out of breath from lust.

“It’s time we finished that conversation we started at your parents’ house.”

It was almost comedic, the shock that just that one sentence cause. It was like a bucket of ice water being dumped over the two of us. The passion that had been coursing through me came to a screeching halt like tires on concrete. “Wait… what?”

“That talk,” he answered casually. “I think now’s a perfect time to pick up where we left off.”

Was that…? Yep, red hot rage that he’d used sex as a trick to get what he wanted began to boil my blood. “Are you
freaking kidding me right now
! I’m laying here almost naked and ready to go, and you want to

That smug grin tipped his full lips, and if my arms hadn’t been pinned to the bed, I’d have punched it right off his stupid face. “Have I ever told you how turned on I get when you get all feisty and pissed off? It’s almost as good as when you blush.”

I glared fiercely. “Oh, you
don’t want to get laid tonight, do you?”

He was way too sure of himself as he said, “Oh, I have no doubt I’ll be getting what I want by the end of the night. But first, you’re going to tell me what you meant with that whole ‘
jury’s still out
’ bullshit you spat at me earlier.”

Damn it! Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it
! “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lied pathetically. “I can’t even remember what we were talking about. Now can we move on and get to the sexy business?”

He stared down at me for several seconds before letting loose a bark of laughter. “Wow, you really are a shit liar, cutie. Remind me to never take you to Vegas.”

I was. I
was a horrible liar. I never got away with anything growing up because my parents saw right through me before the words ever left my mouth. However, I
good at being stubborn, and since that was all I seemed to have in my arsenal just then, I went with it. “I don’t know what you mean,” I shrugged, turning my face away from his knowing gaze as my cheeks grew hot. “I’m not lying.”

“That so?”

“Yup.” I barely finished the one-syllable word before his head ducked down, sucking my nipple into his hot mouth through the thin cup of my bra. I sucked in a gasp as pleasure spiked straight to my core. That gasp quickly turned into a moan as his talented lips sucked and bit with the perfect amount of pressure.

He lifted his head to look at me, and I whimpered at the loss of his mouth. “You sure about that, baby?”

What? Did he just ask a question? I couldn’t think straight. How could he possibly expect me to answer a question? The bastard.

“Richard, please,” was all I managed as I lifted my hips off the mattress, seeking out
sort of friction.

“Let’s try this again, cutie.” God, he didn’t sound desperate at all! I was starting to kind of hate him. He chained my wrists in one hand, using the other to slide down my body until he reached my panties. He brushed his fingers over the damp fabric at my slit, teasing, taunting, giving me just enough to drive me crazy, but nowhere near enough to get me off. “Why’d I get the impression you were pulling away from me before dinner?”

“You didn’t!” I cried. “I wasn’t! I swear!”

His head descended once again, this time sucking at my other nipple, all while he continued to rub me through my panties, stoking a fire without the promise of letting it burn out of control. “You were, Delilah. Don’t bother lying. Why are you pulling back?”

I couldn’t tell him. God, it would sound ridiculous! He’d probably run screaming for the hills if I told him the truth. We barely knew each other, and the last thing I wanted was for whatever was happening between us to stop because I scared him away by moving too fast or wanting something more than he was willing to give. “Richard, I swear, I was just hung over, that’s all.”

His hand between my legs disappeared and I let out a string of curses I hadn’t said since I stubbed my toe
really hard
a few months ago. “You want me to fuck you, baby?” I nodded on a whimper. I watched, mesmerized, as he used the hand that had just been toying with me to pull his rock hard cock from his underwear. “This what you want?” he asked as he pumped his hand up and down the turgid length.

“Y-yes,” I stuttered, unable to take my eyes off of him.

“Then tell me the truth. Or you’ll get to watch while I come all over your gorgeous tits.”

Oh sweet Hell, he was good at dirty talk. I paused momentarily, the visual he painted in my head holding a certain appeal, but as I watched him work himself over, I couldn’t deny just how badly I wanted to feel him inside of me. I was afraid I’d burst if it didn’t happen soon.

“Oh yeah,” he groaned, clenching his eyes shut. “That’s so good. So fucking good.” The ecstasy in his voice as he pumped his fist faster caused me to panic. He couldn’t finish. Not without me. I’d lose my mind.

“Okay, fine!” I shouted, fearing he was getting close to coming. “I freaked out, okay! Happy now?”

His hand slowed but didn’t stop moving completely. “Why’d you freak out?”

“Because I like you too much!” I cried out, unable to hold the words in. He’d managed to drive me delirious with need. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t have said just then to get him inside me. “I like you way too much, and I don’t know what the hell we’re doing. Is it just sex? We haven’t even gone a date, for Buddha’s sake! And I know it’s too soon to be thinking about stuff like that, but I can’t help it. I really like you and I’ve been worried that you don’t feel the same, but I didn’t want to ask because I didn’t want to scare you off. I have a habit of dating asshole losers, and I can’t be positive just yet, because we don’t really know each other all that well, but I don’t really think you’re an asshole loser. And I like that about you.

“But I pulled back because I don’t want to get too close and start to like you
even more
if this isn’t going to go anywhere. Seeing you there with my family tonight, all buddy-buddy with my dad and charming my mom, it was just… it was too much. I liked seeing you there. I liked having you there with me. But I’m worried that maybe you don’t like me as much as I like you. I mean, we’re really different, and if you’d asked me what your type was, I would have guessed a Victoria’s Secret model or something, and I’m
so not
a Victoria’s Secret model—”

He stopped stroking his erection and, all off a sudden, the hand on my wrists let go, only to cover my mouth and stop my humiliating case of word vomit. “Stop,” he commanded.

I stopped, not that I had much of a choice with his hand covering my mouth, but I pulled my lips between my teeth and bit down, just for good measure, and I sucked air in through my nose, having nearly deflated my lungs with my rant.

BOOK: Opposites Attract (The Locklaine Boys Book 2)
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