Operation Mustang [The Service Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (17 page)

BOOK: Operation Mustang [The Service Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Mustang nodded. “He’ll need some time to himself. Will they let him in to talk to Thomas at all?”

“They will,” Ben said. “Thomas will likely plead insanity, Mustang. Any lawyer with an ounce of credibility would recommend that.”

Mustang sighed. “At least then maybe he can get some help.”

“I still can’t believe it’s been him all along,” Georgia said. “What would make him go off like that?”

“His mother’s death.” Mustang stared thoughtfully into her snifter. “It never hit me until he went berserk in my room. I don’t know why it didn’t. I guess I had simply put it out of my mind like the rest of us. I don’t even think anyone realized he knew the truth behind her death.”

“What happened to her?” Marissa asked.

“She was heavy into the BDSM scene. I don’t know all the specifics. Thomas and I are the same age. We were both barely out of diapers when she died. I remember overhearing my parents talking about it when I was little, something about his mother being in a relationship with two, or maybe it was three, men. They loved her. I know that much. One of them was Thomas’s father.” She paused, took a sip of her brandy, and shook her head. “Asphyxiation that accidently got out of hand.”

“They strangled her,” Marissa whispered, her hand going to her own throat.

Mustang nodded. “Completely unintentionally. From what I remember hearing, it tore them up. I think Thomas’s father even committed suicide. That’s how Thomas came to live with Chester.”

Georgia sighed. “He kept all that rage bottled up.”

“And put the blame for it on the lifestyle and anyone who lives it,” Mustang added. “He was trying to save me. That’s what he kept saying.”

Diek put his arm around her and pulled her close. “You know we would never take those kinds of risks.”

“Oh, I know,” she said quickly. “What happened to his mother was quite literally a crime of passion and apparently something he simply couldn’t bring himself to understand. It ate away at him all these years, and I guess he finally snapped.”

“We almost lost you tonight.” Gunner turned on the sofa toward Mustang and pushed her hair behind her ear.

Diek met his brother’s gaze and understood the turmoil, the fear, and the sheer love he saw swirling the other man’s eyes. They had come close to losing her. If the shot hadn’t missed, if she hadn’t fought back so hard, if she hadn’t possessed the strength she did, if Thomas had taken another shot—He shut off the “ifs” and forced himself to think about the facts. The first shot had missed. Mustang had fought back. She was quiet possibly the strongest woman he knew. And, because of all that, Thomas hadn’t gotten off another shot.

Mustang turned slightly in his arms and cupped Gunner’s cheek. “But you didn’t.”

“I couldn’t stand it if I did.”

Neither of them could, but Diek didn’t correct his brother on that. This was their moment, Gunner and Mustang’s, Gunner’s time to reveal to her exactly how intensely she held his heart.

“And I couldn’t stand losing you, so you better make sure when you leave again, you come back, okay?”


* * * *


Gunner wanted to tell her he’d always be back, but he knew that was a promise he couldn’t honestly make. He also knew that he held his life, held heaven in the palm of his hand with her, and everything he’d worked for paled in comparison.

“I’ll quit. If it makes you feel safe, if it keeps you from staying awake at night, if it’s what you need, what you want, I’ll quit.” He never thought he would be willing to give something that meant so much to him. He’d busted his ass in the Navy and conquered obstacles few men could in his climb as a SEAL. But looking at her now, feeling her silky flesh beneath his hand, absorbing her warmth and staring into her fathomless, emotion-filled eyes, he knew she meant more to him than any career.

“You would quit the teams?” She shook her head and dropped her hand to his thigh. “I would never ask that of you any more than you would ask me to sell my ranch. I might have believed it once. I might have thought that accepting you, Diek, and Lucky into my life would cause me to sacrifice that part of me. It didn’t. It won’t. I know that now. I already have one of you dealing with the loss because of something he couldn’t control.” She glanced at Diek and snuggled a little closer in his embrace before looking back at Gunner. “I won’t have that happening to two of you.”

Gunner nodded and skimmed the pad of his thumb over her mouth. Her lips parted at the touch. Her tongue peeked out to lick his thumb. The sensation of that lick traveled a sizzling path straight to his cock. “What would you have happen now?”

The corner of her lips tilted in a wicked smile that sent his system on a speeding ride to Hormonal Happy Land. “I’d have you inside me.” She scanned the room until her gaze locked on Lucky and then Diek. “All of you. Right here. Right now.” She untied her robe as she pushed to her feet, turned to face him, and shrugged off the garment.

“Damn, that’s beautiful.”

Gunner flicked his attention past her. He saw the lust and appreciation on Austin Roscoe’s face as the other man’s gaze skimmed down Mustang’s naked body and did a slow climb up again.

“Define all of you,” Diek said, his voice thick with his own arousal.

Mustang lifted a brow as she settled her gaze on him. “Are we back to Mr. Webster again?”

Diek chuckled. “Just looking for clarification, darlin’.”

“While I’ll admit that more is definitely appealing, my definition tonight is you, Lucky, and Gunner.” She shrugged and shot a glance over her shoulder at the other people in the room, then leveled her stare on Gunner. “I don’t care how many people watch. However, I also understand that this is your body.” She gestured to her naked flesh with a flourish of her hands. “And it abides by your rules.”

“She learned fast,” Tyler commented, his voice ringing with approval.

“No, she just finally allowed herself to accept what she wanted, to go after what she craved,” Gunner corrected.

“And tonight she’ll get it,” Lucky added, moving up behind her. His arms came around her. His hands covered her breasts.

Mustang leaned her head against his chest as he started kneading her breasts. Her eyes fluttered closed, and a quiet, “Oh, yeah,” escaped her lips.

Gunner caught movement out of the corner of his eye. He saw Justin and Ben starting to undress Marissa and Gavin and Randy doing the same to Georgia. Austin and Tyler appeared to be settling in for the show, as did several of the others. He could relate to the pained expressions on the single men’s faces. He remembered a time not so long ago when he, Diek, and Lucky had sat back at these meetings and watched the other couples with their women. Sometimes they’d joined in, sometimes they hadn’t, but every time they’d longed for Mustang to be there with them.

Just like she finally is tonight.

Diek got to his feet. His hands glided over Mustang’s abdomen, her belly, and continued on a direct path to her pussy as Gunner unfastened his jeans and pulled out his rigid cock. Gunner watched her, loving the way her body moved ever-so-slightly into Diek’s and Lucky’s touches. He loved even more when she lifted her head. Her heavy-lidded gaze instantly landed on his cock. The hunger that filled her expression darkened to something wicked and immensely enticing when he curled his fingers around his shaft and started to pump his dick.

Everyone else in the room was instantly swept away as the sexual desire between them mounted to torturing levels. Gunner drank her in with his gaze. He felt utterly intoxicated by every inch of her satiny flesh, by the sight of his brothers’ hands working her incredible body, by the knowledge that in a few more seconds his cock would be sheathed inside her sopping channel.

“I should be doing that.” The hunger he’d noted in Mustang’s eyes sounded thick in her tone. She licked her lips.

Watching her tongue glide between her lips made Gunner’s cock and balls sting as if she slashed the tender flesh with a whip. He knew the paradise he’d find in the sweet, hot recess of her mouth. He knew the pleasure she would send rocketing through him with her hand around his shaft. But the sodden alcove of her body was where he wanted to be most.

Gunner shook his head. “I’ve got other plans for you tonight.”

Excitement lit her eyes. Diek’s hand pushed between her legs and covered her bare pussy lips. She widened her stance, offering her pussy to his touch. “I hope those plans include you being inside me,” she said breathlessly as Diek sank a finger between her folds.

Gunner scooted to the center of the sofa, sank into the cushions, and reached for her.


* * * *


Mustang wanted to go to Gunner, but Diek’s wicked fingers plunged into her pussy, and she melted. Lucky’s hands did wondrous things to her breasts. He squeezed and drew on them, rolled her beaded nipples between his fingers and pinched until twin bolts of electrically charged pained pleasure shot straight to her sex. Those bolts collided with the storm of need Diek’s fingers created in her pussy, making her mindless, unable to control the movements of her body. She writhed between them, seeking more, the need so acute it made her want to weep. She cried out when Diek pulled his fingers free of her sodden channel. He pinched her labia, then tugged and rolled the tender flesh, and animalistic claws of release sliced through her very soul.

“I believe our brother wants you on his lap.” Lucky released her nipples, flicked the callused pads of his thumbs over them then latched onto them again. His fingers were more devious than any clamps he’d used on her. The pain and pleasure slammed together to rain fiery embers down her body, stroking her rapidly growing need to come. “Are you going to keep him waiting?”

She didn’t want to. She opened eyes she hadn’t realized she’d closed and stared down at Gunner’s stiff cock, waiting for her to mount. Her inner muscles convulsed in excitement, knowing how stupendous it would feel when he sank balls deep inside her. The difficulty came in moving away from Lucky’s and Diek’s touches to allow it to happen.

“Do you need a cock inside you, darlin’?” Diek’s question turned husky, hot against her neck as he leaned in opposite Lucky and nipped her collarbone. His fingers continued to work her pussy lips, squeezing and pulling on them in the same manner Lucky’s fingers did to her nipples.

“Please.” She ached from the tips of her toes to the roots of her hair. Their hands tortured her, drove her to the very edge of the release her body screamed for, only to snatch her back each time they paused. “Don’t tease me. God, I can’t take it. I can’t stand it.”

“Neither can I.” Gunner leaned forward enough to reach her hips. His hands flattened on her flesh, and he pulled her closer as Diek’s fingers retreated.

Mustang straddled Gunner’s lap. Her hands found purchase on his broad shoulders as she situated her body over his rigid cock and prepared to sink down. Lucky’s and Diek’s hands stayed on her. Each took a breast to massage and please as their lips glided over her face, neck, back, and chest. She felt the head of Gunner’s cock pushing at the entrance of her wide-spread pussy and paused to savor the moment. He held her hips in a firm grasp, and she fully expected him to use it to maintain control. Instead, he allowed her to make the moves.

Mustang locked gazes with Gunner and kept her eyes open despite the intensity of the sensations as she lowered her hips. She wanted to watch him, wanted him to watch her. She let him see everything in her eyes, the pleasure he gave her, and the love she felt for him, the fear that every time might be their last. She took her time as her body accepted the full length of his massive cock inside her channel inch by gloriously hard inch. Only when their bodies met flush did she feel his grip on her hips tighten. His fingers dug into her flesh.

“Right there,” he said through gritted teeth. “Stay right there.
, I love the feel of being inside you.” His head fell back as his hips lifted to push his cock deeper still, and then he lifted his head and met her gaze again. “It’s a perfect fit.”

Mustang smiled and cupped the side of his face. “We’re a perfect fit.” She let go of his shoulders and reached back with one hand to snake her fingers through the back of Lucky’s hair. She reached to her side with the other hand to cup Diek’s nape. She wanted them to know when she said
she meant all four of them.

“Sure as shit took you long enough to realize that,” Diek muttered against the side of her neck.

Mustang playfully slapped the back of his neck and turned her head. “Oh, shut up, and kiss me.”

He lifted his head and shook it slightly. “Gunner’s not through with you yet.”

Mustang blinked her confusion. Since when did she only get attention from one brother at a time? The question stayed on the tip of her tongue as she shifted her focus back to Gunner.

“Marry me.” Though he worded it as more of a command than a proposal, she didn’t miss the uncertainty lining his tone.

“Say yes, darlin’,” Diek whispered in her ear.

“Make us a perfect fit forever, Mustang,” Lucky chimed in and nipped the lobe of her other ear.

They did understand, just as she understood Gunner might be her legal husband, but she would be marrying all three of them. Still, she couldn’t let them off the hook so easily. She lifted a brow and glanced at each of them in turn. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

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