Operation Mustang [The Service Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (12 page)

BOOK: Operation Mustang [The Service Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Damn, you’re wet.” Ben wiggled his finger inside her channel, pulled it almost free and plunged it deeply again. “Do you want more? Are you about to come for us?”

“Yes. Yes.” She felt herself climbing and knew she was a few thrusts, caresses, and tugs from the edge. She shifted her gaze to Diek and found him watching her with the hungry expression of a starving predator.

“She has to ask for it.” Though Diek’s words were obviously meant for Justin and Ben, the warning in his eyes was meant solely for her.

She felt Justin grin against the side of her neck. “Naturally. We wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“It’s your choice whether you give her permission or not.”

Her gaze snapped to Lucky, and she saw challenge mixed with teasing on his handsome face. Would they really deny her again? She hadn’t done anything this time to deserve punishment, had she?

“Does she deserve to come?” Ben pulled his finger free of her channel, and a whimper nearly escaped. That whimper turned to an immediate gasp of pleasure when he drove two fingers side by side in her aching hole.

“Yes. Please.”

Justin’s assault on her nipples began again, twisting and pinching harder and harder while Ben fucked her with his fingers. He plunged three fingers inside her next and sent her very nearly toppling over the edge.

“Please what, Mustang?” Justin asked against the side of her neck.

“Please, can I come?” The words spewed out of her in the nick of time. Ben pistoned his fingers in her channel, reached with his free hand to catch her clit in a tight pinch, and she exploded.


* * * *


Diek expected the green demon of jealously to show his ugly face while he watched Justin and Ben pleasure his woman. He also expected the hunger, the carnal need that soared through his system, hardening his cock to the point of pain. He viewed consensual sex as something to be enjoyed by all parties, those watching and those involved. He knew who held Mustang’s heart no matter who happened to be touching her body. When satisfaction was achieved, she would be back in his arms, and Justin and Ben would go home to their woman.

Which was exactly what happened.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” Diek pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, loving the content look on her face despite the fire of need still simmering in her eyes. Justin and Ben made her come, but they hadn’t truly satisfied her. That job fell to him and his brothers.

She flattened her hands on his biceps and held his gaze. “Is it wrong of me to say yes?”

Pride wound around his heart. Her question might have made her sound uncertain, but her gaze and stance told him she had found her strength, let her inhibitions go if only for a while, and truly surrendered to her desires tonight. “Darlin’, after watching you with them and hearing the sounds you made, I would know you were lying if you said anything else.”

“So what happens next?”

She asked the question so innocently Diek couldn’t help but laugh. “What do you want next?”

“You.” She turned her head, finding Lucky and Gunner and added, “All of you. No more games, no more teasing. I’ve waited for years to feel you inside me. I want that now.”

“You’ll get it,” Gunner promised her as he moved in behind her. He exchanged a wordless glance with Diek that told Diek they had the same things in mind. “After your punishment.”

Mustang whirled completely around in Diek’s arms to face Gunner. “What the hell do you think you’re going to punish me for this time?”

The woman was stunning, Diek thought, but her beauty downright topped the wicked-sex-vixen charts when she got angry.

“Same thing we punished you for last night, not following orders.”

“I obeyed every command you gave me tonight.”

“Almost,” Lucky told her, moving closer to put himself in her line of sight. “You came for Justin and Ben.”

“I asked permission, too, damn it. It was humiliating and childish, but I did it.”

“Did you hear either of them give you the permission you asked for?” Diek kept his tone even and easy.

“I—” She stiffened in Diek’s embrace, and he knew she had realized her mistake. “No, but—”

“Do you know why we demand you ask for permission to come?” Gunner took her hand and eased her out of Diek’s arms.

“Control,” Diek answered for her as he let her go. “Not over you, but you over your body. When you learn to control your releases, the pleasure you experience each time we’re together will be more intense, more satisfying.”

“It’ll be earth-shattering.” Lucky moved in behind her, reached around her head, and held up a black silk scarf for her to see.

Diek heard her quick intake of breath, saw her head tip back slightly as she obviously studied the cloth.

“What are you going to do?” Her voice quivered slightly with a hint of trepidation.

“We’re blindfolding you,” Lucky answered as he commenced to covering her eyes with the scarf, tying it securely at the back of her head.

“I thought you wanted me watching you.”

“That was with Ben and Justin. There’s no one watching this time. It’s only us, and we want you to do more feeling than seeing.” Lucky gave Gunner an almost imperceptible nod, and Gunner started leading her to the wall across the room.

“Where are we going?” Mustang’s steps were shaky, slow, but she didn’t offer any resistance.

None of the men answered her. Diek followed and saw her head tip back as she apparently sensed where Gunner had taken her. He had stopped her beneath the bar anchored between two walls, beneath the cuffs Lucky had left dangling from it.

Diek flattened his hands on her back, skimmed his palms down over her firm ass and the backs of her thighs. He slid his fingers between her legs, urged them apart until she stood with her feet at shoulder width.

Gunner slipped in front of her, guiding her arms above her head as Diek sank to his knees behind her. He could smell her, that innate scent of female arousal, thick and hot. It moved through his system, taunted the animal inside, and sent his need for her skyrocketing to the moon.

She jolted when he put the metal bar between her legs and secured it with the leather bands around each ankle. He skimmed his hands up the inside of her legs as he stood and heard the click of the cuffs as Gunner bound her wrists. The shiver he felt move through her made him smile. “You know what we’re doing, don’t you?”

“I’m hoping you’re about to have your wicked way with me.”

Diek’s smile spread to a full ear-to-ear grin. This was the Mustang he had longed for all these years. No fighting, no hiding, no lies. She had finally, truly surrendered.

“You’re at our mercy now, darlin’.” He turned a hand over between her legs and palmed her pussy. “Now the dark pleasure begins.”


* * * *


It had already begun. Wicked, insane need collided with a sliver of trepidation as awareness flittered through her from her bound wrists to blindfolded eyes to bound ankles.

Gunner traced a finger along the flesh of her wrists, testing the cuffs. “Are they too tight?”

Mustang shook her head. The fur lining helped to keep the metal from biting into her skin. She felt the blood draining from her arms and knew it wouldn’t take long for her to lose circulation in both of them, but she had a good idea that in a few seconds she would forget all about her arms.

“How about this?”

Pleasure danced the thin line of pain around her nipples in a simultaneous rhythm that drew a whimper from her lips. The nipple clamps were back, she realized as she struggled to take shallow, steady breaths around the delight zinging through her system.

She shook her head again. Flames licked the walls of her channel, tormenting her pussy and demanding pressure there, too. Her legs attempted to close involuntarily, but the unyielding object they had lodged between her ankles wouldn’t allow it. Every morsel in her soul sizzled in intense excitement for what they would do next.

“Do you know how many nights I’ve laid in that bed staring at this very spot and picturing you in mind just like this?” Lucky had taken Diek’s place behind her. His voice was thick, his breath hot against the back of her shoulder.

“No more than I spent looking out my bedroom window wishing I was in here with you.” It felt good to admit that aloud, like a giant weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

“And yet you resisted for so long.”

She shivered as he outlined her shoulder blade with the tip of his finger. “You know why.”

“You have nothing to lose with us, darlin’.” Diek’s lazy drawl came from her right side. He touched her face in a featherlight caress, starting from just beneath the blindfold and skimming down to her jaw. “And everything to gain. You don’t believe that now, but you will. I promise.”

She wished she could believe it now. She wished she could trust in his words and grasp hold of that promise, but she still had her doubts and fears. She would keep them to herself tonight. For now, she had surrendered everything to these men, and tomorrow she would start dealing with the fallout. She may not have done so well with that plan this morning, but for the pleasure she was about to experience, she’d give it a second chance.

A hand splayed on her ass and sent all her thoughts scrambling as wonderment took hold. She sensed one man still in front of her and guessed it had to be Gunner since she hadn’t registered any movement from him. That left Lucky and Diek behind and beside her, but she couldn’t tell which man was touching her. The mystery excited her. It spread through her system and created a devious darkness that called upon her most wicked desires.

“Your ass is perfect.” The hand—Diek’s hand, she realized—glided over her flesh, caressing, teasing. His finger slipped between her cheeks and taunted her anus. “Have you ever been fucked in the ass, darlin’?”

She didn’t want to answer him. She didn’t want to remember how she had given her body to other men in an attempt to drive her need for the Rylon brothers from her soul. No one had ever truly satisfied her. No one had ever reached the deepest parts of her that these men could.

“Did you enjoy it?” Lucky asked, obviously taking her silence as an admission.

She wouldn’t answer that question either. While she had found pleasure in the act, she hadn’t found true contentment. She had walked away still feeling lost, lonely, and out of her mind in need of the Rylon brothers.

“It doesn’t matter. You know that, right?” Diek pulled his hand away.

Anticipation made Mustang’s heart skip a beat. She sucked in a quick breath in the next instant as a cold gel squirted between her cheeks.

“Whatever you’ve allowed other men to do to you has only been foreplay for us.”

Foreplay, a buildup to what they had planned for her. She could easily agree with that considering all sex had done for her in the past was made her burn for them more. She started to tell Diek so, but the word turned to a moan as he began to spread lube around her anus.

It felt good, too good as he massaged the gel around her most sensitive entrance. She wiggled her ass, seeking more of the caress, wanting it deeper.

“Do you like that?” Lucky asked, sounding as turned on as she felt.

She didn’t think to deny it. “Yes. I want more.”

“Hmm, do you now?” There was a hint of amusement in Diek’s otherwise thick tone. “Lucky, give our woman what she wants.”

She expected his cock, longed to feel it inside her for the very first time. She didn’t expect the thick, lubed object he buried deep inside her anus. A mewling sound escaped her throat as the pain lit into a pleasure so wickedly bright she was instantly teetering on the edge of release.

“How do you feel now?” Gunner asked, his voice controlled and husky.

“Oh, God,” she half whimpered, half gasped. Talons of razor-sharp need clawed the inner walls of her pussy. It threatened to take her over the edge she had been ordered to avoid.

“Don’t come, Mustang.” The authority in Diek’s words told her the punishment for disobedience this time would be harsher than any she had ever imagined.

She fought her release, somehow finding a recess of her mind not clouded by sex and using it to divert her thoughts. It worked only for a minute, just long enough to ease the ominous need before the first smack hit her already-smarting ass. Her body jerked forward. The cuffs on her wrists and binds on her ankles prevented her from any real escape. It wasn’t a hand or even a belt, she instantly realized. The second smack of the firmer, far more unforgiving weapon confirmed her suspicions. The cane came down on her bare ass a third time, crisscrossing the previous two stinging strikes, connecting with the plug inside her ass, and she cried from the pleasure of the erotic pain.

“Hold on to it, darlin’,” Diek commanded as a fourth and fifth smack followed in quick succession. “Control it.”

Control it? He was insane. With each smack whatever semblance of control she had managed to fool herself into believing she possessed faded drastically. The cane connected with her stinging ass yet again, and an unintelligible sound escaped her lips. She bowed her head and squeezed her eyes shut behind the blindfold. Everything became a struggle, thinking, breathing,
. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t hold on. Her pussy dripped with juices. The constant stinging rocketed straight from her ass to her toes, climbed back up, and settled in her pussy. She felt mindless, on the verge of madness, and yet the vixen demon inside her wanted more.

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