Operation Foreplay (8 page)

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Authors: Christine Hughes

BOOK: Operation Foreplay
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“Look at me. Eyes on me.” He pulled my chin until our eyes met. “I love watching your eyes when you come.”

He eased in a second finger, dipping in slowly before the muscles in his forearms tightened and he moved faster, harder.

I held on to the arms of the chair, moving my hips to meet his thrusts.

“Now, Melody.”

Heat spread and I could feel the nerves firing just beneath my skin, spreading out before contracting in a tight pleasurable ball of release.


I let the ball tighten, tighten, until I cried out.

“Zac!” The wave pounded me until I was dizzy, spent.

Shifting his weight, he lifted me off the chair and set me on the table, pushing my skirt up to my waist. He fumbled with the buttons on my blouse as I frantically undid his belt, unzipped his pants, and pushed them down over his ass. He didn’t waste time undoing my bra, instead tugging on it until my breasts were freed from the lacy fabric.

“Melody.” He breathed into me.

“I want you inside me.”

I pulled him out of his boxer briefs, slowly stroking his length. It was beautiful.

“Not yet. I want to see you.” He hooked his thumbs inside my panties and eased them off. Widening my legs, he knelt down. “I want to taste you.” His tongue flicked my center and I let out a sharp breath.

Using his fingers to open me further, he flattened his tongue and licked me from bottom to top. “Jesus, Mel. You taste amazing.”

His tongue pressed hard against me between long, soft licks as his fingers pushed in and his teeth scraped ever so slightly. Heat spread through me lazily, as if in on his secret desire to torture me and make me beg for it. A slow burn began in my belly and spread to my thighs; my nose tingled and my toes curled. A scream formed in my chest but before it could escape, he lifted his head and smiled before standing, leaning over me and biting my bottom lip between his teeth. Shaking from being denied a release, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up.

I locked my legs around his waist and pulled him into me. His hand shifted downward and he grabbed his cock and guided it inside me. Dropping his head, he pressed his face into my neck as I gasped at the feeling of him. There was nothing in the world as amazing as that first thrust. He knew it. I knew it. And we held steady for a moment to revel in it before his hands gripped my ass and he pulled me into each frenzied thrust.

Zac dipped his head to my breast and teased each nipple with his teeth. I ran my hands down his back. I could feel my orgasm build slowly throughout my body.

We were fast, hungry, needy. There were no distractions in the conference room. Just me. Just Zac. Us. The way I’d grown to crave. A week spent apart felt like years. Each thrust grew harder and faster, each breath quicker, each moan louder. The slow burn became wild fire that consumed me, consumed him. With one last perfectly timed thrust, everything inside me tightened around him until we both cried out in pleasure and he fell on top of me.

Tangled together in a sweaty mess of lust and satisfaction, neither of us said a word. Instead, Zac pulled me toward him as he sat in the chair. I curled up in his lap as he stroked my hair and I nuzzled into his chest. Neither of us was quick to catch our breath. Closing my eyes to reality, I thought about what life would be like if he were mine. Truly mine. I didn’t like sharing and I didn’t like being the other woman. I realized that he may have said words out loud that I didn’t have the guts to say but, deep down, maybe I felt them.


I felt him lean down as he gripped me tighter. I kept my eyes closed, though I knew he was fiddling with something.

He shifted in his seat and pushed my hair away from my neck. My skin tingled as I felt the necklace drape in front of me. He closed the link and let my hair fall back down. Looking down, I fingered the pendant of the necklace I had intended to give back. His finger tilted my chin toward him and he brushed his lips across mine.

“My Melody.”

“Your Melody.”

I only wished it were true.

Chapter Six

strolled into the morning meeting wearing a kick-ass pair of pumps and a smile on my face and snickered when I noticed that Elaine, the resident know-it-all, placed her bagel on the table in the very spot that had supported my naked ass the night before.

Suddenly the memories became very real as Zac walked into the room, ready to start the meeting. A brief flicker of heat passed between us; I had to take a deep breath and remind my lady bits that it was not the time to get worked into a frenzy. He took off his coat and hung it on the back of his chair like he always did before sitting down. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he typed something before shutting it off and placing it on the table. The rest of us followed suit. As I was shutting down my phone, I noticed a text from him. I looked up and nodded. Starting tomorrow night, I’d be spending the rest of the week at his place. Hopefully in bed. With chocolate sauce and whipped cream.

Since the information he was going over was something I’d already been privy to, I let my mind wander a bit. The way he walked, with his shoulders back, enhanced his powerful presence. I noticed, once again, that the female members of the meeting hung on his every word, watched his every move. They all wanted to be noticed. I could almost see the pheromones wafting toward him.

Every man in the room looked on with awe. They all wanted to be him.

And only I knew what it was like to feel him. Against me. On top of me. Underneath me. Inside me.

Down, girl.

*  *  *

By six o’clock, I was on the train, coffee in hand, heading home completely fried from the massive amounts of work I’d powered through. I was afraid that if I didn’t keep busy, I’d have to start rubbing ice cubes all over my skin. I was still that worked up over Zac. The man was a real and true actual God of Sex.

Lord of the Orgasm.

Sheriff of the Sweet Spot.

General of the G-Spot.

I really needed a new hobby.

My stomach rumbled and the man sitting next to me looked over. I smiled as sweetly as I could while mentally telling him to stop looking at my boobs.

Once again, I’d forgotten to eat and my work clothes were starting to notice. Of course, I loved dropping a few pounds, but not at the expense of my wardrobe, which took me years to collect and refine. I knew I’d have to make a visit to the tailor sooner rather than later if I didn’t slow down and take a break once in a while.

Rummaging through my purse, I found my phone and realized I’d totally forgotten to turn it back on since the morning meeting. When I powered it on, text messages poured in. One, from Sarah, just said
call me now.

She picked up on the first ring.


“Hey. Where have you been? I’ve been trying to call you. Your assistant said you were busy, your phone went right to voice mail—”

“Slow down. Did you leave a message?” I gulped my coffee.

“No. Just the text. But anyway, what are you doing?”

“Riding the train. I should be home in fifteen. Why? What’s up?”


I snickered. “You said cock.”

“Nice. I mean I have cockroaches.”

“Ew and huh?” I shuddered. Apartment living meant cockroaches and mice. Neither of which I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with.

“My apartment is infested with them.”

“Fucking gross.”

“Yeah, tell me about it. Stupid neighbor went away on vacation and left his half-filled garbage sitting in the kitchen like a damned roach motel vacancy sign. Anyway, I am going to stay at Drew’s for the next week while the exterminators take care of it but I need a teeny tiny favor.”


“I need a place for my brother to crash.”


“Yeah. I need a place for him to stay until we can get back in the apartment.”

“My place?”

“Drew has only one bedroom.”

have only one bedroom.”

“Right, but I’d rather not have my brother within earshot of me banging Drew.”

“Or see any of your sex toys hidden throughout the house.”

“Shit. I forgot about those. So what do you think?”

“About him staying at my place?”

“Yeah. Is that okay?”

I couldn’t think of one reason why it wouldn’t be. Other than the fact that I really didn’t want a roommate, even temporarily. “Sure. He can sleep on the couch. And he better not bring any redheads over. I will not listen to him get his bow chicka bow wow on.”

“Excellent! Thank you so much! I already gave him the key. He’s been there since noon.”


“Yeah. You didn’t answer the text and I was stuck. That’s okay, right?”

I rolled my shoulders to relieve the tension. “Yeah. Sure. It’s just a week, right?” The last thing I really wanted was some unemployed, snarky, know-it-all twenty-six-year-old fresh off the relationship wagon in my apartment. Sarah was really lucky I liked her.

I walked the few blocks from the train station to my apartment and checked my watch. I’d barely taken it off since Zac gave it to me at Christmas. I had just enough time to change and meet everyone at Murphy’s.

Kicking off my heels and looking around the apartment I saw there was no noticeable evidence of a squatter. I thought maybe Jared wasn’t there.

And then I saw the pyramid of beer cans stacked on the kitchen counter.

You have got to be kidding me.

Fucking frat boy reject.

Remnants of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich stuck to my counter. I didn’t even own peanut butter and jelly let alone the starchy white bread it was slathered on.

“Jesus! I didn’t know you’d come home.” I heard him shout and I screamed, bumping into the aluminum pyramid and knocking the cans to the tiled floor. “What’s up blondie?” He smiled.

Goddamn that smile.

“Holy shit! You’re naked!” I’d morphed into Captain Obvious as I couldn’t help but stare at the obviously grown and well taken care of man in my living room. I knew he wasn’t the skinny, annoying boy I last saw eight years ago. I knew he’d become a total hottie. Arrogant and brash but hot nonetheless. But at that moment, standing in front of me, he was all man. His dark hair was wet and messy but his blue eyes looked right through me. And his cock? Half mast. And fabulous.

He looked down and smiled. “I guess I am.”

“But you’re naked. In my living room.” I pointed at him with one hand covering my mouth, attempting to stifle a stutter.

“And you’re fully clothed. In the kitchen.” He made no move to cover himself and looked to be enjoying the exchange. “No need to point, you know. You’ll give me a complex.”

“But this is my apartment.”

“Thanks, by the way, for letting me stay here. It’s a real nice place. Oh, I used your shower. Hope you don’t mind. That is one grade A showerhead you have in there.” He winked. “And that shampoo you have smells fantastic. What is that? Lavender?”

I nodded and threw him a kitchen towel. Not that I didn’t want to look because, God help me, it was a sight to see. But it felt weird looking at my best friend’s brother. Even if his naked body gave me lady wood.

He caught the towel and looked at me, one eyebrow cocked, and said, “Not sure this is going to do it.” He winked and tossed the towel back to me as he walked away, giving me a full view of his backside. “We’re supposed to be at Murphy’s by seven.”

I caught myself staring at his immaculately sculpted ass before pulling myself back to reality. “You’re going?” I was still trying to wrap my head around all the lean lines and perfectly hard abs of
my best friend’s brother

Breathe, Melody. And tell your vagina to heel.

“Well, yeah. Is that okay?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?” I yelled back.

“I don’t know, you just looked a little taken aback.”

“I wasn’t taken aback. I was a bit disturbed by the beer can pyramid and smear of peanut butter on my counter.”

“Then you looked like you’d never seen a naked man before.”

I had to remind myself that I’d seen plenty of naked men in my almost thirty years. And I decided to remind him. “I’ve seen plenty of naked men.”

“Have you now?” He sauntered into the room as he pulled a plain white T-shirt over his head. “How many is plenty?”

Jared reached around me, opened the refrigerator door, and pulled out a beer. I stood, my four-inch heels rooted to the floor as contact with him commanded my nipples to attention. A quite noticeable reaction considering I was wearing a thin silk blouse and an even thinner lace bra.

“That is none of your business.”

His eyes slowly moved from my chest to my face. “I figure since we’re going to be roomies, we could, you know,
.” I don’t know if he injected sexiness into his voice on purpose or if it was part of his makeup.

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