Only One (5 page)

Read Only One Online

Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Romance, #Football, #actress, #Mystery, #Love, #New Adult, #second chances

BOOK: Only One
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“Look, we had one night together and that’s…”

He cut me off, backing away from me. “One night?” he asked, astonished. “Try a fucking lifetime, Annabelle. For my whole life I tried to get you next to me, and for what?”

I stormed up to him and poked his chest. “Fine. You want to know so badly, I’ll tell you.” I poked him harder the second time, watching, as his eyes stay trained on me, waiting for the bomb to drop. “I heard all about you and Shannon and that one fun, fucking night you had with her. That’s why I stopped taking your calls and never came home. I wrecked you? Well, screw you, Cole Lucca, you wrecked me first.”

Cole turned white as a ghost. “What? Who told you that?”

I crossed my arms, refusing to back down. “Sara Jenkins called me the next day to brag about how you and Shannon were all over each other that night. You said you loved me. Now I’m not sure, seeing as I’m not as smart as a college boy, but I’m guessing that ain’t love when you cheat on someone.”

“Are you fucking kidding me right now? I lost you over Shannon McEntire, a girl I was never with, Annabelle. Never with! Do you hear me?” he shouted. “I can’t believe all this happened over a mis-fucking-communication,” he muttered.

“You’re lying. Sara was one of my best friends. She never lied to me before. Why the hell would she do that then?”

“Gee, I don’t know, maybe cause she was jealous of you, maybe ‘cause I told them I was going to marry you after school and those bitches got it in their heads to go and ruin that for us, and since Shannon had a thing for me since like… forfuckinever.”

I shook my head, not accepting his answer. “You’re lying to me.”

He tilted my chin up with his finger. His eyes drilled into mine and I could see the disappointment. “I’m not lying, Belly,” he said softly. “I would never have done that to you. All of this could have been avoided if you just asked me years ago.”

Cole took a deep breath and then let it out. He leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to my forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the party.” When he walked out a second later, I broke down, falling to my knees crying.

My Daddy found me still on the floor half an hour later. He bent down to my level. “What happened with Cole?”

“Nothing that isn’t my fault.” I held out my hand and he helped me up.

“Baby girl, what’s going on with you?”

“Cole just wanted to see me one time before he brought his new girlfriend over.”

“Is that what all these tears are for, Cole’s girl?”

“No, Daddy. I just realized I made a huge mistake years ago, one that I will never forgive myself for.” I wasn’t sure if Daddy knew about that one night Cole and I shared, but I knew Aunt Lu did from the letter I received from her a few months after I left. And all because of pride and stubbornness, I didn’t take five minutes to ask questions about that rumor. If anything, we both knew he’d deserved that chance. He’d deserved a million chances. But I had let a lie keep me from him.

Chapter 4


I was five when I first held her hand, ten when I kissed her cheek, and eighteen when she gave me her virginity and then proceeded to take my heart with her across the country without blinking an eye.

I stayed out driving, trying to clear my head, trying to sweep away all my emotions before facing Hannah. I finally realized that I was just a little tired of this game and all the same old baggage that seemed to still exist when it came to Belly. Seeing her for the first time in what had felt like forever to me brought up too many feelings. Too many memories. She’d looked so good, I’d almost swept her up and done the one thing I’d wanted since she left. I’d almost thrown her on that bed and forgotten all about Hannah. With just one look she had me torn up and wrapped around her little finger. Instead, I decided to pick a fight in order to keep me from kissing her. If anything, Belly could never say no to getting the last word in. Although, for some reason she’d let me have it tonight and that surprised me.

There were a lot of things that I knew about Annabelle Woods. She was pretty as any picture, seeing she was so easy on the eyes, but there was a down side to that beauty. And loving her all those years was like handing my heart over to hell. When she went away that was where my heart plummeted to—straight down to the devil himself, or at least that’s what it felt like. And finally seeing her after all this time, I felt like it was all going to happen again. How could I spend a summer home with her back in town?

When she’d given me her explanation about why she turned me away years ago, the hole in my heart had shattered even more. I’d expected something different, stingier, more ruthless from her, but to hear it was based on a lie, fuck, it killed me inside. One call, one visit, one letter, anything would’ve fixed it all up like a big old bandage. My Belly never stopped to ask questions, she always believed everything she heard. I should have known those girls were up to something when they came down to visit me. And, yeah, Shannon had thrown herself at me, and yeah, we locked lips for a whole second or two, merely out my dumb fucked confusion, but then I stopped it.

Now I have Hannah, a girl I cared for, but she wasn’t Belly. Once summer was over, we’d be together again for our final year in college.

Mama had always said that Belly and I were going to end up together, and part of me had believed her for a while. Maybe the better word was hoped, but apparently it wasn’t in the cards for us. It wasn’t that mama didn’t like Hannah, she just wasn’t Annabelle. It probably never was in the cards, looking back. One night with Belly was going to have to be enough for both of us, because I’d moved on. I had to move on.

Whispers over the years about Annabelle becoming famous and getting her dream kept me from reaching out to her. It didn’t help matters when her Daddy and Uncle Josh paid me a visit recently when they found out some information on the guy she was seeing and wanted me to step in. I couldn’t do it. I was already in a real relationship with Hannah at the time, otherwise I probably would’ve. I had to give up on that dream of having Belly since football was my number one priority, and especially since I was going to be the starting quarterback for my final year. The next year would be all about being the best player and about getting my degree so I could work with my father building houses once I graduated. I had no intentions of making football a career, never have, but that was my secret.

My family, my hometown and going back there to live meant more to me than any amount of money professional football could throw my way. Besides, the business was doing so well I’d even contemplated once on bailing on my last year to get a head start on my future. Two things had stopped me, the scholarship for my full ride that wasn’t breakable and my mama. I told her what I was thinking over a phone call and I swore she said more cuss words than I’d ever heard from her before. I figured it be in my best interest to stay, work hard, play hard and then figure everything else out later.


Before the barbeque I was sweating like I’d just played four full quarters and I couldn’t even blame the weather. Before I left my room I changed my shirt three times before finally deciding to play it safe and throw on my favorite Alabama T-shirt. Hannah was nervous, too, but for other reasons. I still haven’t had the balls to fess up that she was about to share BBQ with the girl who stole my heart, the main reason Hannah was still trying to find it. Hell, I didn’t know if she ever would. It wasn’t that I was hiding it from her. She just wasn’t the one holding the key that could crank open that rusty safe. I’d been pretty good at not getting attached to any one girl in college until this year, letting each one know the drill if she wanted to get in between my sheets for the night. Hannah, for some unknown reason, stuck around and pushed me until I accepted a casual relationship where I’d call her up if I got lonely. And when I did, she’d come running. Somewhere between those calls and late night visits, I let her in a little bit and even started caring for her. I wouldn’t call it love, I knew it wasn’t, but I would definitely admit to liking her a whole lot.

My folks left early to help with the cooking and getting everything set up, leaving us alone. I was dithering in my head about whether to warn Hannah or not. She cleared her throat, causing me to really look at her. But when she flashed that pretty little, sexy grin, I pushed my concerns aside.

“You look good, Han.” I grabbed her waist, pulling her into my arms.

“You don’t think it’s too much?” She stepped back some so I can assess her. I ran my eyes up and down her body, taking in the bright, yellow little dress and high heels. Was it too much? Hell, yeah, it was. This wasn’t some fancy New York garden party she was use to going to. She smiled innocently up at me and I faltered. She looked so beautiful. And right now, besides not wanting to hurt her feelings, I wanted a hot girl next to me when it came time to face Annabelle again. Was it wrong and immature? Fuck, yeah!

I kissed the tip of her nose and wrapped my arms back around her waist. “Wouldn’t change a thing, babe.”

She pressed her cheek against my chest, her hands slinking a little lower until I felt her fingers grip the edge of my shorts. “Han, we’re gonna be late,” I warned her, knowing full well what those hands of hers wanted. She looked up, her bottom lip caught in her teeth, trying to look sexy. “Can’t we be a few minutes late?”

Yeah, we could, but I was so fucking nervous about the prospect of being around Hannah and Annabelle at the same time, that I was pretty sure my dick wouldn’t register the fact that this hot chick wanted me, and old faithful down below would let me down by not being able to get it up.

I laughed, unwrapping her arms from around me. “I promised my mama we’d stop and grab some ice on the way.” I quickly pecked her lips. “Later, I promise.”

After escaping the seduction from one hot, sex- hungry, redheaded wild girl of mine, I stopped and grabbed extra ice that I’d lied about and knew wasn’t needed. I’d deal with that later.

The field leading up to the farm was filled with trucks, cars and even a motorcycle or two. The shock registered on Hannah’s face the moment I shifted my Jeep into park.

She swung her gaze from left to right before turning those brown eyes to me. “I thought your mom said it was a small gathering?”

“It is. People are probably running late or something.” I jumped out and walked around to help Hannah down, but she just stayed put with her hands gripping her bag like it was her lifeline. “You coming or what?”

She nodded softly before placing her hand in mine. “Promise me you won’t leave my side today, Cole.”

I kissed the top of her head. “You’ll be fine. Everybody you meet here is either family or we’re so close they might as well be. A few others are all Uncle Dane’s vet friends from the past.”

Even though I knew it was totally normal to hold my girl’s hand, it felt strange walking into Annabelle’s house, holding on to someone else, so I let go and pretended to pick a hangnail. I glanced around nervously, expecting Belly to come sliding down the banister like she used to whenever I came over.

But the first person we came across was my Aunt Ashton. “Hey there, handsome,” she yelled out from the kitchen.

Making my way into the kitchen, I knew Hannah followed a few steps behind. “Smells good as always, Aunt Ash.” I leaned down to kiss her cheek, noticing her eyes shift behind me.

“You gonna introduce me or let that poor girl stand there looking like she’s about to make a break for it?”

I cleared my throat before reaching back for Hannah. “This is Hannah. Not that you and mama haven’t gossiped like two school girls about her already.”

Aunt Ash shot me a stern look and swatted me with her dishtowel. “Hi, Hannah. It’s so nice to finally meet you. Welcome to our home.”

“Thanks! You, too.” Hannah actually curtsied right before taking her hand to shake it, causing Ashton to laugh out loud. She stepped away to give us our privacy. As soon as she was out of earshot, I turned to Hannah. “What the hell was that?” I asked quietly.

“Ohmigod! I’m so nervous, Cole. I cannot believe I just did that. You don’t think she’ll tell anyone, do you?”

I shook my head, trying to calm her nerves, even though I knew Aunt Ashton would be running her mouth to Mama as soon as she could. “Let’s get a drink and head on outside.” I stopped and turned to find her staring at me like she didn’t understand anything I just said. Her hands were behind her, gripping the kitchen counter like I’d need the jaws of life to remove her.

I slowly approached her, laughing to myself at how ridiculous she was being. “Please don’t worry, Han. Everyone is really cool out there. No nerves. No bowing. Just be yourself and you’ll be fine.” I explained all this as I slowly peeled her hands away, wishing for some damn trap door or eject button to magically appear in order to escape the next few hours.

Belly was nowhere to be found by the time I’d gone around and introduced Hannah to the people I wanted her to get acquainted with. As much as I tried, my eyes refused to listen and I couldn’t help but search all around the back yard for her, doing my best to look nonchalant.

A second later my Uncle Dane was by my side. “She took Lance out for a ride about an hour ago.” He patted my back. “She’ll be back soon enough.”

I shrugged, pretending not to care one iota where Belly was.

He looked down beside me to where Hannah was sitting. “She seems real nice, Cole.”

I couldn’t tell if he was being smug or sincere in the way he said it. Like he knew something that I didn’t. “Yeah, she is.”

He waited a beat, noticing Hannah engaged in a conversation with Belly’s sister Lily. “You love that girl?” he asked quietly.

I almost choked on the beer I was drinking. I peered over my shoulder to make sure she was being entertained before answering. “Ah, Uncle Dane, I don’t…”

He cut me off, pulling me aside some. “I asked you a question, son.”

I stared him down, not sure if I wanted to answer it, but he just waited, studying me behind those damn dark sunglasses of his. “No, not really,” I barely got the words out, but I admitted it. To say it out loud made me feel all kinds of bad about leading Hannah on to something that would probably never amount to anything other than several months of good sex. But it felt liberating to come out and tell someone—to admit it.

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