Only For Now: Second Chances (7 page)

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Authors: Alana Hart,Mila Rose

BOOK: Only For Now: Second Chances
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Alexa had to fight back a smile at that entreaty. He was good. He knew that Cara was a mild bridezilla, but a bridezilla nonetheless. None of them would hear the end of it if the wedding photographer didn't deliver.

Cara smiled slyly and Alexa thought things were working out perfectly, until she spoke her next words. "Alexa would be perfect to help you out. You know she’s done some modeling? And she's an amateur photographer as well now."

She cut her eyes sharply toward her sister, but didn't miss the fact that Will was staring at hard at her now. Why had she gone and mentioned that? If he asked to see her photos, she’d never let Cara hear the end of it.

"You don't say?" The tone of Will’s voice had her head whipping around, but his expression was unreadable.

"Then it's settled," Cara said. "But I want to see the proofs tomorrow." The message came through loud and clear to Alexa. Watch what you're doing. "I'm going to hit the shower and get ready. Reservations are at seven, so we need to be out of here well before that." There was a chorus of acknowledgment from the wedding party. Jocelyn got up with a huff and stormed off, and Alexa couldn't hold back a laugh.

"I think your sidekick is miffed that she wasn't asked to model." It was the first time she'd directly addressed Will since their earlier conversation.

He turned to her with a wink and that sideways smile she recognized as flirtation. "Thank god. I could use a little quiet after two days of her incessant chatter. I can't believe the girl hasn't lost her voice by now."

Alexa smiled back. Maybe he was enjoying Jocelyn’s attention even less than she'd thought. While he hadn't seemed overenthusiastic or encouraging, he had also not done anything to put her off. Maybe he wasn’t the same player he used to be. It was something to consider.

"I think I'll go get cleaned up as well." She had sun lotion on her skin and saltwater in her hair. Definitely not ideal for a photo shoot. It had been years since she'd done a proper photo shoot, but she remembered the necessary preparations. "What should I wear?"

Will angled his head and studied her, running his eyes down her body excruciatingly slowly and back up, finally meeting her eyes. She could see the heat there, and it matched her own. Her breath hitched slightly and suddenly she was a bundle of nerves.

"Something flowing and white, if you've got it. Hair down."

She nodded quickly and hurried off, feeling his gaze on her as she made her retreat. It set her body on fire, and she couldn't help but wonder, what had she agreed to?








Will sat at the dining table organizing his equipment for what he would need tonight. He kept a pretty simple setup. After all, he did travel, so his gear needed to be both light enough and small enough to follow him around the world. Tonight, though, he would only be using one camera and one lens. He didn't want to mess with all the rest out on the sand. Plus, he was fairly certain his subject and setting wouldn't require a lot to create beauty.

He almost felt guilty about lying about needing a practice run, but not guilty enough to change his mind. He needed some time alone with Alexa. He needed to see who she was now when it was just the two of them, if she would slowly let the layers fall away when there was a camera between them. He knew she would. The pictures he'd seen earlier had shown him a side of her he hadn’t seen in years, so he knew she would open up for him. At least she would be comfortable in front of the camera. Less walls to break down that way. He could already feel them starting to crumble, bit by bit. He knew she was scared of what was between them, which was why he hadn’t pushed her. Yet. He had to find a way to convince her to trust him first.

So lost in his thoughts, Will barely glanced up as the wedding party, who had been lounging around in the living room, made their way out the door. They made their exit and Will turned his attention back to putting away what he wouldn't need, all the while thinking of what Alexa might wear. And how it might hug her curves in the sea breeze. He couldn't wait any longer, so he got up, taking the stairs two at a time, and knocked on Alexa's door.

"Almost ready. Go on down without me."

"Okay, but don't take too long. We don't want to lose our light."

He couldn't quite make out her murmured response, but it sounded like agreement, so he headed down to the beach.

He adjusted his camera and took a few practice shots. There was a huge crane that had been hunting for fish in the surf in the same spot every day so far, and Will got caught up in catching it on camera. He didn't know how long he had been clicking away at it, when suddenly it took flight. Its wingspan was huge.

"Wow, that's incredible," Alexa breathed, right behind him. He turned quickly, startled, not having heard her approach. Perhaps the bird had noticed her presence. Taking in the sight of her, Will's pulse slowed for one hard thud, then picked up double time. Incredible didn't even begin to describe what he saw.

She was gorgeous, and not in a fake Photoshop model way. Her thin-strapped white dress did indeed cling to all her curves, with a low neckline that hugged her from her breasts all the way to her hips, giving way just slightly at the thighs to flow outward down to the ankles. She had left her hair down, just as he'd asked, the raven waves falling halfway down her back. What took his breath away, though, were her eyes. Huge and bright blue, they stood out in contrast against her dark hair and bronzed skin, and he felt as if he could fall into their depths.

Before he'd realized what he was doing, he had stepped right up to her and tipped her chin up with his fingers, running his thumb along her cheek. It was so soft. In that moment he was one hundred percent grateful that he hadn't let anything happen between them in New Orleans. To be sure, he wanted this woman, and badly. But he wanted her to come to him willingly and want him as desperately as he wanted her.

She opened her mouth slightly, and Will's eyes were drawn to their soft fullness. All thoughts of why they were there flew from his mind and all he could think was how badly he wanted to kiss her, right then and there. Did she feel it too? Were her lips parted for him?

Then the call of the crane broke the moment as she tore her eyes away from his to follow its flight. Will shook his head and took a step back. What had just happened to him? He'd never been so overcome by the mere sight of a woman. Before he could let himself think any more about what it might mean that she had such an effect on him, he lifted his camera and looked for the perfect spot to begin. "We better get started before the sun sets."


* * *


Holy hell. That was intense. Alexa stood perfectly still as she tried to shake herself out of the stupor Will had just thrown her into. She had been certain he was about to kiss her, and all she could think was,
Yes, please
. The way he'd looked at her like he wanted to devour her had her weak in the knees. She'd thought that was a silly term that people used, not something that actually happened, but her body was showing her otherwise.

Breathing deeply and slowly, she gave a hesitant smile. "Is what I'm wearing okay?"

He turned back from where he'd been looking through the camera down the beach and smiled. "Perfect."

She'd thought she would be self-conscious. She always had been when she'd modeled before. Surprisingly she wasn't. She felt oddly comfortable around Will—when he wasn’t making her crazy—and had a sense of being home. Whether it was being a woman who had come into her own, or just being with him, she didn't know, but she was suddenly excited to get started. They still had an hour until sunset. Perfect lighting for the ceremony, then pictures would follow as the sun slowly lowered behind the water.

Will's next words surprised her all over again. "What do you think would be the best angle for the ceremony?"

"Me? You're the pro." But she was pleased that he had asked, because she did have an opinion. She showed him her thoughts, walking around and stopping in various places. He followed her, snapping shots from various angles and positions, encouraging her to continue. They went on this way for some time, him letting her take the lead while he tried to disappear behind the camera. As the sun began to lower, she showed him her thoughts on the arranged poses, talking all about the way the sun would play against the sand and sea, creating light and shadow.

She never talked to anyone about this because they didn't get it, how the technical side of photography could also be the artistic side. How something that was simply pretty and appealing to the naked eye could be transformed into art and beauty by the correct conditions and techniques.

Before Alexa realized it, their light was gone. At least the light that would make the best wedding photos. She stopped and simply stared out at the sunset.

"This is my favorite time of day. Look how the water looks golden." She walked to the edge of the shore where the tide was starting to recede, leaving uneven pockets in the sand, and dug her toes in, holding up the hem of her dress with one hand. A few more steps and she was a little deeper, letting the water wash around her calves.

When Will didn't respond, she turned back to find him with his camera still pointed at her. Alexa laughed. "Photo shoot is over. Come out with me." She held her hand toward him, and he did step closer, but he didn't lower the camera.

"You're stunning, Alexa. Breathtaking."

She licked her lips, suddenly nervous. She felt exposed, like he was seeing through her with his camera.

He took another step toward her, and brought the camera down so she could see his face. His eyes were blazing with desire. "Model for me. I've got what I need for the wedding. I want to see you now."

The way he said it,
model for me
, felt almost sexually charged to Alexa. She should have been embarrassed, but instead she found herself responding to his request. He didn't speak, and neither did she. She simply let herself go, channeling the vulnerability she'd felt at being exposed, and letting her true self shine through. This was something she'd found hard when modeling. The intense need to cover up what she was feeling and not let the camera see. It's why she had quit and decided to pursue something behind the scenes. It's also why she had chosen to edit and not write. That fear of putting herself out there, bared to the world.

But this felt different. She was at ease with Will. Well, not exactly, because just having him in her proximity set her on edge, physically. But she was comfortable with him, and being herself came naturally.

She didn't know how many photos he took, but suddenly the sun was just a slit on the horizon and he put his camera back on the beach, careful to keep it out of the sand, and came back to her in the water. Alexa couldn't help but notice how his gray shirt was stretched across his broad chest and his khaki shorts were slung low on his hips as he approached her.

He stopped a yard from her and simply stared. She had made her way a little deeper into the waves, at knee height now, and she realized her dress was pulled up around her thighs with both hands. She took a step toward him, intending to close the distance, when a stronger wave suddenly surged behind her, knocking her off balance.

Will rushed to catch her, but it was too late. She grabbed for him to steady herself, but the sand was unstable and they both went toppling under the water, arms and legs tangling together. Sputtering water, she pushed herself to her knees, Will surfacing in front of her. Laughter erupted from both of them then as they were both unexpectedly on their knees with waves crashing all around them.

Just as another wave threatened her balance again, Will scooped her up effortlessly and walked the short distance to the shore. His body was hot against her cold wet dress, and she immediately regretted the loss of contact when he sat her down gently, then lowered himself next to her, turned sideways and propped up on his elbow. They were soaking wet and sand was sticking to their bodies, but Alexa didn't care. All she wanted was to stay right here.

"That was amazing," he said softly, his gaze never leaving her face.

"I had so much fun," Alexa admitted. "I don't think I've ever enjoyed being in front of the camera that much."

"You've never posed for me before." The arch of his brow let her know he was half-joking, so she punched him lightly in the arm. He grabbed her wrist before she could pull it back, forcing her to lean in closer. "Seriously. You were incredible. Beautiful."

Suddenly Alexa was short of breath again, her heart pounding so hard she was certain Will could hear it, even over the crashing waves. She felt as if she were in a dream. All the years of longing for him and knowing he’d never truly be hers seemed to disappear as Will took his arms and, wrapped them around her, lowering her slowly to the sand until she was looking up at him as he leaned in closer.

She thought briefly of their kiss four years ago. How they’d been drinking on New Year’s, at a party together, but not. How she’d had the ridiculous drunken idea to make her move, and he’d responded with an intensity that had thrown her way off guard.

But this was different. Will was looking at her as if she were the most precious thing he’d ever seen. She pushed all doubt from her mind as he traced a finger over her mouth, and down her neck before gently, testing, he touched his lips to hers.

Her response was immediate and she gave in to his kiss body and soul, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders and pulling him closer. She parted her lips and he tasted her and it felt like coming home.

Alexa wanted more. She pulled him closer still, entwining her legs with his, and could feel his hardness pressed against her hip, indicating just how much he desired her. It was overpowering. All-consuming.

Will trailed hot kisses down her neck while his hands traveled down her sides, seeking out her breasts and tweaking her nipples before continuing down her waist to her hips. She arched into him as his head dipped lower, and she ached for the feel of his mouth against her.

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