Online Ménage (4 page)

Read Online Ménage Online

Authors: Sara Kingston

BOOK: Online Ménage
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* * * *

“Good morning,” Ryan said with closed eyes, still snuggled under the covers.

“Morning,” Tyler replied.

His ominous tone made Ryan’s eyes snap open, instantly awake. Something was wrong, much more wrong than a little fight. He could feel the vibes emanating from Tyler lying there fully dressed and having obviously not slept. Panic raced through Ryan.

“What’s happened?” he asked. Tyler bit his bottom lip, and it looked as though it was trembling.

“Ryan, I have to tell you something,” he finally said.

Ryan’s heart was beating one hundred miles a minute, and his mouth was dry.

“Last night I kissed someone. I was so angry, I just…I’m so sorry Ryan. I ran into Alex, and it just happened, but nothing more,” Tyler stammered.

He felt his heart stop beating, and his body froze. He couldn’t breathe. He rolled out of the bed and walked toward the bathroom.

“Ryan, please!” Tyler begged.

“Not. Another. Word. Just leave the room! I need to think,” Ryan said between clenched teeth, his shock and anger fighting for control.

“Ryan, please, look, I didn’t mean it to happen. It just. Look…I have desired Alex for a while, a long while, but I would never betray you and I never have. I messed up this time, and I’m so sorry, please forgive me?”

Ryan couldn’t believe it. Here he was last night thinking of how he’d let Tyler down. That he’d been neglecting him and causing him to be jealous of his friendship with Amazon Pixy. And Tyler, he, he was, he was kissing another man, someone he had wanted for a long time. “God,” he called out as pain lanced through him. He bent over panting with pain. He needed help. He needed Amazon Pixy.

He reached over to the table beside the bed for his phone. He logged on, praying that Amazon Pixy was online. He needed her right now more than he needed air to breathe.

Big Red: Baby bear, I need you!

* * * *

Alex was walking down the aisle of her favorite grocery store doing her normal Saturday-morning food shopping when her cell phone dinged. Opening it she saw Big Red’s message.

Amazon Pixy: What’s wrong, papa bear?

Big Red: My whole world is crumbling. God, it hurts so much!

Amazon Pixy: What’s happened?

Big Red: He told me he kissed some guy last night. We had a fight, and he kissed some other guy. I’m really scared, Pix. I can’t imagine my life without him, but he…He…

Amazon Pixy: What a bastard! He’s a piece of scum! Do you know who this guy is?

Big Red: He told me he’s wanted him for some time but didn’t do anything till last night. He said they only kissed.

Amazon Pixy: I know this isn’t what you want to hear right now, but at least he’s being honest with you. It would be one hundred times worse if he’d lied or hidden it.

Big Red: Yeah, I know. I should give him some credit, but it just hurts so much. I think he’s going to leave me. One part of me wants to kick him out. The other wants him to stay so much I’m prepared to beg.

Amazon Pixy: I think it’s time we meet. We know we both live in the same city, so let’s agree on a coffee shop. We always said if either of us needed it, we’d brave it, and I think now’s the time. You need it. I also have news to tell you as well. Good news might cheer you up!

Big Red: You’re right.

* * * *

After they had agreed on a time and place, Ryan had a quick shower and scoured his wardrobe for something to wear. Finally he was meeting Amazon Pixy. If it wasn’t for Tyler’s admission, today would have been a great day.

Ryan sat watching the front door of the coffee shop, waiting. It surprised him that after all these months he still didn’t know her real name or any other important details about her. He knew she worked as a graphic designer and that she hated her boss, and she’d had some problems with a few of her coworkers, but he’d never actually asked where she worked.

He watched as a stunning, dark-haired woman entered the shop, looking around, obviously searching for someone. He sucked in a ragged breath. If this was Amazon Pixy, he was in deep trouble. She had beautiful green eyes and gorgeous thick, dark lashes. Her eyes had a sensuous cheekiness and laughter just bubbled from them. She had a body that would bring most men to their knees, full breasts, and curves to match. This was not some waif-thin model. She really did look like an Amazonian warrior. He raised his hand just in case, and when she set those blazing, deep jade-green eyes on him and smiled, he felt the whole world stop. He felt as if everything was concentrated on this one moment in time.

She walked toward him with a sway to her step that set a wave of desire heading toward his crotch. His cock started to harden with need just looking at her. A fog of lust covered his mind. “Well, I have to say Big Red suits you,” she said in a deep, rich voice. He imagined that her voice alone could soothe the soul.

“And Amazon Pixy is the same for you, but maybe Amazon princess would be better,” he replied.

“Are you trying to flirt with me?” she asked. A wicked smile settled on her luscious lips. Lips he could well imagine wrapped round his cock.

“Trying is correct, as so far it doesn’t seem to have worked too well.” Her laughter filled the room, and he felt like laughing himself. She seemed to have that cheeky, sexy, funny air that would make anyone feel happy just to be near her.

“Well, I don’t think call signs work face-to-face, so let me introduce myself. I’m Alexis Thompson. Most people call me Alex.”

Ryan’s brain froze. Alex. Her name was Alex. Could it be…No, it just couldn’t. Running back through his conversation with Ryan, he tried to remember if Ryan had actually said that the Alex he kissed was a guy. But then the chances of his Amazon Pixy being Tyler’s Alex, no way…things like that only happened in the movies. He needed more facts.

“Hello, Alex. I’m Ryan Cooper,” he replied.

* * * *

Alex took a seat opposite and tried to calm her nerves. It really was a great waste that he was gay. Not only was he the greatest friend in the world, but he was also gorgeous.

“So now that we’re going to get to know each other better, how about you tell me how you take your coffee?” Ryan asked.

“White with one,” she replied and then watched as he went to the counter to order their coffees, watching the sexy sway of his butt as he walked. My God, he was good looking. She mourned the fact that she couldn’t have a taste of that body.

* * * *


“So you haven’t told me, where it is you work?” Ryan asked.

“Really, you know I think you’re right. I’ve told you all about the people I work with, just not the company. I work at Bell Advertising.”
Ding, ding, ding!
That’s the company Tyler uses for his advertising
My God, could this be true?
Could his Amazon Pixy be Tyler’s Alex? What were the chances? Trying to calm himself from getting too excited, he pushed on.

“So before we get all depressed about my problems, tell me this good news you have to share,” he suggested.

“Okay, okay, you’re not going to believe this, but you know Mr. Hottie, the client that I drool over?”

“Yes, the gay one, right?” he asked.

“Yep, that one. He kissed me last night!” And there it was. It was official. Tyler was lusting after his best friend, his Amazon Pixy, and didn’t know it. The very woman he was jealous of was the very one he couldn’t stop his attraction to.

“No way, you’ve got to be kidding. Did you mistake him for being gay?” Ryan asked, already knowing the answer, but he wanted to play along.

“Well, no, I know he lives with a guy. Uh! My gosh, I’m the other woman. I’m a harlot, a…a mistress,” she admonished herself.

What would she think if she knew I was the scorned partner?

“Sweetheart, you kissed. It’s not like you got down and dirty.”

“Don’t put the image in my mind. God, I would have loved it if we had,” she responded.

“Hey, what am I, chopped liver?” he joked.

“You know, Big Red, ah…I mean, Tyler, after meeting you in person, I’d take you on any day, but, my dear, you bat for the other team. So does Mr. Hottie.”

“You’re right. Do you think there’s any chance he’s bi? I know it’s a long shot, but do you think, maybe?” He put the idea in her mind of having a relationship with a bisexual. As open-minded as she’d always been, he needed to discover if she could consider the concept.

“I don’t know. He did kiss me pretty well, and he rubbed against me,” she replied, a dreamy expression on her face. Ryan didn’t like the mental picture of Tyler rubbing against her. It didn’t sit right with him. He wasn’t just jealous that Tyler had a moment with someone else. He was also jealous that Alex had a moment with someone else and he wasn’t there to join in.

“Honey, if he kissed you with half the passion I’m seeing in your face right now, then you better believe he’s definitely bi,” he replied, forcing his feeling of jealousy aside for later consideration and processing.

“Wait a minute. What the hell am I thinking? I’m not going to be someone’s mistress. I couldn’t hurt his partner like that. No. No…that’s just not me. I think I’ll tell my boss I can’t work with him anymore and just forget it happened,” she stated.

Ryan sat back, looking over at Alex. He had to admit he wanted her, and Tyler also wanted her. “Have you ever once thought that maybe his partner would like to join in and make it a trio?”

“Honestly, I have never thought about it. I mean, I’ve read books about it, but I never thought that stuff happened in real life,” she replied.

“You’ve read books about it? Tell me about these books,” he said, his interest piqued.

“Are you telling me you’ve never read erotica books?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m telling you that,” he replied.

“Well, honey, I’m about to expand your mind and open you up to a new dimension of fun.” As they sat drinking their coffee, Alex showed Ryan her favorite online bookshop and how to download books. He pulled out his phone and opened his notepad app, and she then recited a list of her favorite ménage book titles for him to read.

“So you’ve read about ménage but never tried it yourself?” he questioned.

“Ryan, I think that half the women on the planet fantasize about the idea, but most of them are too afraid to try it. Not to mention society labels women who would participate.”

“So you wouldn’t be brave enough?” he asked, hoping, praying that she’d tell him she was.

“I don’t know. To be honest, if it was with two right people where I felt protected and safe, yeah, I probably would.” Ryan felt like pumping his fist in the air in victory. She could actually accept the idea of a threesome. He had always thought of a ménage as a porno-flick concept or some drunken frat party event, but the idea of him, Alex, and Ty in bed together…
My goodness!

Chapter Four

“Please, Alex, could you come over to my place for dinner tonight? I’d like for you to meet my partner, and I need your support when I see him again after this morning.” Ryan was careful not to mention Tyler’s name as he didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag just yet.

“Sure, of course I’d love to meet him, the cad. I might give him a piece of my mind for upsetting you. You know, I don’t think I even know his name,” she replied.

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