Authors: Sara Kingston
“As much as I don’t want to interrupt you two, I think something is burning, Ry,” Tyler called from behind them.
“Oh no, not my butter cream sauce,” he moaned, as the two of them behind him burst into gales of laughter. Warmth spread through Ryan, which had nothing to do with the heat of the oven. It came from inside his heart at the sound of his two lovers laughing. The mood had been lightened, and his Amazon Pixy was home along with his dearest love, Tyler. His nest was full, or almost anyway.
After dinner was over and the dishes done, Ryan decided it was time to talk about the elephant in the room. “So, guys, we need to discuss some realities…I know it’s very early in our relationship. I mean it’s been what? Two days?” Both Alex and Tyler looked at him with dread, but he pushed on. This conversation had to happen if they were to move forward. “Tyler, you and I’ve been together six years, and, Alex, we’ve been best friends for a year, so the getting-to-know-you stage has well and truly passed. Even you and Tyler have known each other for six months. So it’s time to talk about how we’re going to make this work, if that’s what we all want.”
* * * *
Alex looked down at her hands in her lap. This was fast, talking about commitments on day two of a relationship, but this evening had shown her how hard a three-person relationship could be.
“I’d like to see where this could go. You and I are best friends, and knowing I can also snuggle and, more importantly, have mind-blowing sex with my best friend seem like a fantasy come true. Tyler, we have talked to each other and fantasized about each other for six months. To know I can have you and Ryan, together in one package, well, I think now I have evidence that Santa Claus is real.”
“I’m in. Let’s get the rules sorted out,” Tyler said. Short, sweet, straight to the point. That was Tyler. Alex again thanked her lucky stars for Ryan. He could talk sweetly and emotionally. He could gossip with her.
“Okay, so we all agree, each of us has free license to have sex any time, anywhere with each other, alone, or with one or all of us. However this is a consensual ménage relationship, so no sex with anyone else outside of the three of us.”
“Okay, so I can only fuck you two men, either separately or together.” Alex snickered. Could this be real? Could she really be having this discussion?
“Don’t laugh, kiddo. You sleep with any other man or woman and I will spank your ass and kill them,” Tyler stated without any humor.
“Tyler, I was only joking. Besides, you will both keep me so busy I couldn’t possibly fit in another man and I’m not into women,” she replied.
“Okay, back to business, guys. We’ll deal with any jealousy issues between us by open, frank discussion. I would ask, though, that you both don’t leave me out of any sex if it’s possible for me to join in.”
“Oh! Ryan…of course, we had such a problem in the office today. I felt like I was betraying you until we texted each other,” Tyler responded.
“That’s why we’re having this discussion. You were both in the mood, and I couldn’t physically be there. You did the right thing, and I’m not jealous. Disappointed that I wasn’t there, maybe…but not jealous.”
Alex turned to Tyler. “Maybe we should give our man some special attention to make up for his disappointment.” Alex slithered from the couch to the floor and crawled over to where Ryan was sitting. She knelt in front of him and grabbed the fly of his chinos, unbuttoning and then unzipping him. She grabbed his hips and dragged him to the front edge of the couch, pulling his pants and boxer briefs down over his hips. Alex cursed as they were trapped on his legs as she’d forgotten to remove his shoes.
“Let me help,” Tyler called as he joined her on the floor in front of Ryan. Tyler swiftly removed his shoes, socks, and pants, leaving him naked from the waist down. Both Alex and Tyler watched as Ryan’s cock inflated to full length and bobbed in excitement. Alex took it in her hands and flattened her tongue to lick at the bead of pre-cum that had escaped him.
“Tyler, you have to taste him with me.”
* * * *
Ryan groaned out loud and spread his legs to allow Tyler room to kneel next to Alex. He looked down at Alex licking and caressing the shaft of his cock and Tyler engulfing the head and swirling his tongue over and over, with a dash of teeth just as he liked. Alex moved her head down lower and licked and sucked at his balls, taking one at a time into her mouth, while her fingers caressed and lightly scratched the ever so sensitive skin between his ass and balls. She then began a slow massage of the very root of his cock behind that skin. Ryan threw his head back in ecstasy. Having his two lovers’ mouths all over his cock, he could feel the pressure building in his balls, but he had to last. He couldn’t let this moment pass too quickly. Alex released his testicle and started to lick his cock up toward where Tyler’s mouth was at the top. Ryan watched as Alex grabbed the back of Tyler’s head and pulled his mouth to hers with Ryan’s cock between their lips. He watched as they kissed each other, dueling their tongues around the head of his cock, both of their mouths slurping and sucking. They each had a hand on the base of his cock and pumped in rhythm with the rolling of one testicle each in their other hands. The sight, the feeling was too much. He couldn’t hold on any longer. He felt his balls pull tight into his body, and the first pulse of his cum, and then he roared his release. His cum jetted between both of their mouths and onto their faces. Neither pulled away as his cream coated them. They both continued their torture until he had jerked a final time, emptying himself completely.
Alex licked the cum off Tyler’s face, and he did the same for her, and they then finished with a deep, passionate kiss. “Fuck! Alex, let me just say you are one very, very, amazing woman, and I’m so thankful you’re all ours,” Ryan whispered as he slipped to the floor and kissed Tyler and then Alex, tasting himself on them both and loving it.
“Let’s move this to the bedroom,” Tyler commanded.
“Yes, sir” Alex replied.
* * * *
Alex was packing a small suitcase with some work clothes, PJs, and some outfits to take over to Tyler and Ryan’s tonight. After another great night in bed, the fifth in a row, they all agreed she should keep some stuff at their house so she wouldn’t have to run over to her place early every morning. She zipped the bag closed, making sure everything was set, and left her apartment. As she sat in the cab headed for the office, her phone beeped, announcing a message.
Big Red: How are u, babe? Missing u already.
Amazon Pixy: How could you? I only left you an hour ago.
Big Red: Yes, but that was too long. Did you pack your bag?
Amazon Pixy: Yes, it’s in my hand.
Big Red: Did you pack anything naughty?
Amazon Pixy: Such as?
Big Red: U know, toys, some naughty lingerie.
Amazon Pixy: You want me to bring toys? Why would I need my b.o.b when I have you and Tyler?
Big Red: b.o.b?
Amazon Pixy: Battery Operated Boyfriend
Big Red: Ah…that sounds interesting. Maybe you should.
Amazon Pixy: What would you do with it?
Big Red: Well, first I would get Tyler to hold you nice and still while I dined on your luscious pussy, bringing you to the edge of coming then backing off and starting again. Then when you begged me to come, I would get your b.o.b and force you into orgasm after orgasm as you took Tyler deep into your mouth. As he fucked your mouth over and over again, I would start prepping your tight little ass for my cock. I would lube you up and stretch you nice and easy to take me deep inside. Once you were loosened and begging for me to fuck your ass, I would then slowly push my hot cock into your tight ass, the pain and pleasure mixing so perfectly. With Ty’s cock in your mouth and b.o.b buried in your pussy, buzzing away at your clit, you would explode like a firecracker.
Amazon Pixy: Okay! Well, I’m so turned on sitting here in the back of this cab I’ll need a trip to the bathroom to play with my pussy as soon as I get to work. It’s too late to go back home and get b.o.b, but in my lunch break I’m going to a sex shop up the street and getting a new b.o.b. As long as you promise me you’ll recreate that exact scene tonight, because gosh…I’m almost ready to come just reading your message.
Big Red: Well, baby, get us an extra b.o.b, and while you’re there get some lube and anything else that takes your fancy…maybe some nipple clamps or a French tickler?
Amazon Pixy: I’ll see. Maybe I might get vibrating plugs for my boys.
Big Red: Ooo, you are naughty…I like it. Get whatever you want, baby. I know Ty will be as willing as me to try anything with you.
Amazon Pixy: When you talk to Tyler, remind him to pick me up at six tonight and tell him about what you promised.
Big Red: Will do, babe. See you tonight. Have a good day!
Amazon Pixy: You, too. Now get writing!
Big Red: Yes ma’am…LOL.
Alex felt like skipping her life was so good. She had two fantastic men, work wasn’t crap at the moment, and she had a night of naughty fun to look forward to. Lunch couldn’t come fast enough, and now a new challenge was about to begin. This was going to be her first adventure into a real sex shop. Yes, she’d bought sex toys before but always online, and they were delivered in brown packaging. She had never even actually seen a vibrating butt plug in person, just online, and wondered what it would feel like.
I hope they have some
. Just the thought made her soaked. Whatever made her talk to Ryan about it, she didn’t know, but now she had to deliver.
Suck it up, girl. Who cares what anyone thinks?
With her newfound bravery, she opened the door and walked inside the shop. After hitting her Visa with a two hundred ten dollar charge, Alex had a bag full of toys and the boys were going to be very happy, at least she hoped so, anyway.
Alex knocked on the door of the boys’ apartment, the bag of toys clenched in her sweaty and slippery hand.
“Alex, honey, why are you knocking?” Ryan asked her as he opened the door.
“How else do I get in if I don’t knock?”
“How about opening the door and coming in?” he replied, clearly puzzled.
“And how exactly would I open a locked door?” She raised her eyebrows. Understanding her problem, he turned back into the apartment, opened a draw in the hall table, and took out a key. “Well that’s easily solved.”
“Here you go, baby,” Ryan said, as he handed her the key. “Now you can open the door anytime.”
“You’re giving me a key to your apartment?” she asked, feeling stupid. If felt heavy in her hand and kind of hot. She’d never been given a key by anyone before.
What’s the correct response? What does one say when given a key?
Using the only thing that came to mind, she said, “Thank you.” Ryan chuckled and walked into the living room. Well, with that crisis over, now to the bag of toys in her hand.
* * * *
“So, Alex, did you go toy shopping today?” Tyler asked.
Alex’s face flushed red, and she looked down at her dinner.
“So what did you buy?” he asked, making her squirm in her seat.
“Well, I got a few things and um…well, I got the things Ryan and I talked about.” She then looked at Ryan with pleading eyes.
“Ah, baby, you bought vibrating butt plugs?”
Holy shit! She actually bought butt plugs, and vibrating ones at that.
No wonder she was nervous. They hadn’t taken her ass yet. They had decided to work her into it, knowing she was an ass virgin. Was this little Alex’s way of asking for it
If it was, he was so ready to deliver. He had dreamed of taking that tight virgin hole, and tonight he was going to get his wish. They hadn’t agreed on who would take her first. Watching Ryan eyeing Alex, maybe he should just give in and let Ryan go first.
Hell no, if this is going to be a fight to the death, I’m in. I want it bad and I’m going to get it first.