Online Ménage (11 page)

Read Online Ménage Online

Authors: Sara Kingston

BOOK: Online Ménage
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Ryan looked at Alex. He couldn’t wait any longer. He had fantasized all day about the bag of toys she would be bringing home. It wasn’t the toys that made him impatient. It was Alex’s willingness to experiment and to venture into unknown territory. Who was he kidding?
It was the thought of taking Alex’s ass that was driving him insane
He stood and stalked to Alex’s side. “Come. Bedroom. Now.” His guttural tone didn’t surprise him. He felt more like a beast about to claim his mate than a man asking a woman to come to bed.

Tyler grabbed his arm before he could follow Alex down the hall. “I want first.”

Ryan understood what he was saying. “So do I.”

“Okay, how do we decide? What do you want for giving up the position?”

“What would you be willing to give?”


“Ditto.” Ryan looked toward his love of six years. They’d had arguments and tiffs, but nothing had been unsolvable. How on earth would they resolve this?

“How about rock, paper, scissors?” Tyler offered. What other options did they have? By God, though, one of them was going to live with the disappointment of not getting to take virgin ass.

“Okay, fine,” he ground out through clenched teeth. “One, two, three.” Ryan went for rock, expecting Tyler to do the same. He was shocked to see him holding his hand out flat.
He’d lost. Tyler would get her ass first. Rationalizing it, he knew Tyler wouldn’t have been able to deal with losing. Anyway, what did it matter in the scheme of things? He’d get her as well, and more importantly, he’d still be there, holding her for her first time. Consoled, he patted Tyler on the back in congratulations and moved to the bedroom.

* * * *

“Where are the toys, Alex?” Tyler asked, walking into the room. Alex pointed to the dresser, where she’d laid out the items she had bought and washed, ready for use. He looked over her purchases. Butt plugs, he knew about already. Warming lube, good girl. The French tickler, well, that was for her pleasure. Silk rope. Um…interesting, but maybe save that for another night. Tonight was manwich night, with Alex as the filling.

“Strip, and then up on the bed, baby.” Alex and Ryan looked at each other, wondering who was baby. “Both of you.” As they all undressed, he couldn’t wait. He had to taste them both. Stealing kisses between each item of clothing. He pushed the now-naked Ryan onto to the bed. Alex quickly followed, and he let the two of them kiss and fondle each other as he gathered the supplies. “I know, honey, you thought to get us both the butt plugs, but I have news for you. You’re going to have this one buried in your tight virgin ass, and I think you’re going to love it.” Alex gasped and began to tremble, whether with fear or excitement, he wasn’t sure.

He saw Ryan caress her back and deepened his kiss and knew he was trying to distract Alex from what was about to happen. Gently, he lubed her ass with the cool gel and felt her jolt at the feel of his fingers playing with her rosy hole.

* * * *

Alex gasped as Tyler slowly inserted the plug. She didn’t know that so many nerve endings were in that location of her body. It seemed as though her entire being was centered at that spot. The sting of the widest part of the plug made her pant. “It’s okay, baby, breathe deep.” She followed Tyler instructions. After all, he’d know about anal sex. Breathing deeply, she felt the base of the plug slide neatly into her crack, seating itself flush with her body. “Now we’re ready, Ry. Do you want the remote?” Ryan reached over Alex and took the small remote from Tyler. He gave her a sly smile right before he clicked the button. She jolted at the sudden vibration, revving all those unknown nerve endings into gear. She began to moan at the new sensation.

“That’s it, baby. Let the feelings take over.”

“Alex, baby, roll over on the bed.”

She slowly rolled off Ryan to lie next to him.

“Ry, I have a plug left and your ass is going to get stuffed full of fun,” Tyler said.

She heard Tyler groan as Ryan spread his legs and watched as he finished lubing up the plug. She covered Ryan’s mouth with hers and started playing with his nipples to distract him as Tyler pushed the lubed plug into place. She knew he wasn’t worried about hurting Ryan with the sudden insertion. The plug itself was quite a deal smaller than his cock, and she knew Ryan had taken that more times than he could count. He then flicked the remote, and she watched Ryan’s face distort in pained pleasure.

“Alex, come back up here and mount our boy,” Tyler said.

Alex rolled up on top of Ryan. She positioned herself over his shaft. Tyler held Ryan’s cock high, so she could sink down inch by glorious inch. Once she was seated, Ryan pulled her to his chest for a deep kiss. He sucked on her tongue, taking it deep into his mouth.

“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight and hot. I can feel the vibration of your plug as well as mine,” Ryan gasped. “You need to hurry up, Ty. I’m dying here.” She had only a second to wonder what he meant before she felt the plug being pulled. She knew Tyler was going to take her ass. She felt the pinch as the plug slipped free, but before her muscles closed, she felt the blunt tip of his cock.

Before she tensed, Tyler crooned, “Don’t tense up, baby, just relax. You’re going to love this.” He took his lubed cock and slowly started to enter her ass. “God, baby, you’re so tight, so good.” He panted, and she knew he was trying to hold his orgasm at bay.

She moaned and squealed, the sensation so foreign to her, a pinch of pain with a dash of pleasure. She felt Ryan vibrating below her and remembered that not only was he buried in her pussy, but also he had the plug still vibrating in his ass.

“Fuck, Tyler, I can feel your cock.”

“I can feel yours inside her, too. It’s like I’m fucking you and Alex at the same time.” Ryan moaned at Ty’s description. “Not. Going. To. Last.”

It was too much, something had to happen, and someone had to move.

“Please, please, move, for God’s sake. Fuck me.”

Both Tyler and Ryan started a slow pace. Tyler pulled nearly all the way out as Ryan pushed in, and then they reversed. Before long, all choreographed moves were out the window, and they were pounding into her.

Alex couldn’t believe the sensation, so full, so used, so everything. Her body was vibrating, pulsing. Ryan reached between them and pinched her clit. It set her off like a rocket. She tensed and screamed with the biggest release of her life. Her muscles clenching so hard, she milked them both of their cum. Finally, she started to come down, her body liquefied. Both softened cocks slipped from her body. She lay crushed between their sweat-coated bodies, and she didn’t care. She was floating in another place, in a world of liquid ecstasy.

Finally, Alex came back to earth, her heart still thudding in her chest. “God, I love you both.”
Shit, shit, shit!
Did she really just say that out loud?
Alex wanted to scream at herself. Why had she let that out?

“I love you, too, baby,” Ryan cooed.

“Me, too.”

She looked into each of their eyes. “You both do, really? I mean, you don’t have to say it if you don’t mean it. I…”

“Alex, honey, we both love you. We just wanted to wait till the time was right to say it.”

“And looks like you beat us to it.” Ryan leaned over and kissed her with a soft, gentle, and loving tenderness that brought tears to her eyes. They really loved her.

“Hey, stop hogging our girl,” Tyler hollered with a chuckle. He took Alex from Ryan and kissed her, hard and demanding. As he pulled away, he looked into her eyes. “I love you, Alex, more than I could possibly say. The best part is, Ryan’s great with words, so he can tell you how much.” She laughed at his statement. Her feelings of love for these two beautiful men overwhelmed her, Ryan with his compassion and caring, and Tyler with his blunt honesty and fun.

* * * *

Ryan took another sip of his coffee, reading the three-way messaged conversation. Tyler had finally set up a user account and was participating in his first conversation with them both. With a flash of creativity, he was going to make this a first Tyler would never forget.

Big Red: Has Little Red Riding Hood been a bad girl? Does she need the Big Bad Wolf to punish her?

Amazon Pixy: Ooh! That sounds interesting. What would the Big Bad Wolf do to Little Red Riding Hood?

Big Red: He would huff and puff and blow her till she nearly died from pleasure.

Amazon Pixy: If that’s the punishment, I’m never going to be a good girl.

Dark Knight: Do you two talk like this all the time?

Big Red: Are you jealous?

Dark Knight: Yes, I thought you both carried on about feelings and gossiped, not that you sex talked. Damn, I’ve been missing out!

Big Red: Don’t worry, baby. We’d never leave you out of our feelings and gossiping.

Amazon Pixy: He’s right. Just this morning we were gossiping about the little spot just behind the head of your cock that we lick and nibble and how it drives you crazy.

Dark Knight: Okay, we can talk about that, but I’m more interested in Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, especially when the hunter joins the party.

Amazon Pixy: Ooh! What would the hunter do?

Dark Knight: The hunter would talk to the Big Bad Wolf (a shape shifter, no animal fantasies please) and Little Red Riding Hood. He would tie them both to the bed and show them how a real hunter enjoys his prey. He would make them his pets to please him whenever he demanded.

Big Red: And what would he demand?

Dark Knight: He would get Little Red Riding Hood naked and on her knees before him. He would demand that she suck his cock while he told the Big Bad Wolf to suck on her clit and tongue fuck her until she came.

Big Red: But what about the Big Bad Wolf?

Dark Knight: Stop fussing about the wolf. Next the hunter would tell the wolf to lie down on the bed as Little Red Riding Hood mounted his big hard cock. The hunter would push Little Red onto the wolf’s chest, knowing the wolf’s cock was buried deep in her pussy. He would lube her ass, and his cock would then massage her ass, ready for his invasion. Then he would thrust his cock into her ass, feeling the wolf’s cock inside her only separated by a thin piece of her skin. Together the wolf and the hunter would fuck Little Red Riding Hood into a blinding orgasm that would rob her of all thought, leaving her a quivering mess.

Big Red: My God, I think I just came.

Amazon Pixy: Yes, yes, yes! I’m a very naughty Little Red Riding Hood and need the Big Bad Wolf and the hunter to punish me all night long.

Big Red: Get in line, Little Red. The wolf wants to be punished as well.

Amazon Pixy: Hey, Big Red, the hunter said Little Red was the meat in the sandwich.

Dark Knight: Now, now, my pets, no need to fight. I can take care of both of you.

Amazon Pixy: Let me just say, officially, getting Dark Knight online is the best idea ever.

Big Red: Second that motion.

* * * *


Alex couldn’t wait for the clock on her desk to finally reach six. She wanted to get home to her men. They had decided after many ideas and fantasies thrown around that they would play out Little Red Riding Hood, the Big Bad Wolf, and the hunter. She loved being the meat in a manwich. Sometimes she worried that she was forming a new addiction. She suffered withdrawals if she didn’t get it at least twice a week. Hell, she could worry about that later. If that was her biggest problem in life, needing to be in the middle of the two men she loved at least twice a week, what a fantastic life she would be living.

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