One Stubborn Cowboy (7 page)

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Authors: Barbara McMahon

Tags: #Romance, #rancher, #western, #cowboy

BOOK: One Stubborn Cowboy
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He drew in a deep breath. His eyes again scanned the room. Then he turned and looked at Kelly. Her heart sank at the bleak look in his eyes.

"Hell, you might as well know. Everyone else here does. I was engaged to be married when I was injured. She broke it off and married someone else. Sally found out she's coming here tonight. Alone. I'd like very much not to see her." He gave a short, bitter laugh. "Hell, I'd do anything to avoid it. Except cause Clint and Sally to have to leave early just because I'm a coward."

Kelly blinked at that. Kit Lockford was definitely not a coward.

"If she married someone else, why is she coming here alone? Where's her husband?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know. Sally said she'd heard they'd split. That Althea was free again. Dammit, I shouldn't have come tonight!" Kit slammed one fist against his thigh, his eyes again scanning the room, his look almost hunted.

Kelly could feel his anguish swamp her enjoyment of the dance.

"Why don't you want to see her? If you two were planning to marry you must have been close. Why not see her again?"

"Because it's one thing to have your life dumped into your lap, and something else again to still be alone years later, as if I'm still awaiting the lady to condescend to notice me again. That's why, dammit!"

Pride. She blinked. It hurt his pride. God knew he didn't have much else, but he had abundant pride and the situation would take that from him. Of course, if he ran out everyone would know and that would be just as humiliating. Her heart lurched.

"I don't think she'd think that," Kelly said.

"I think that's exactly what she'll think. You don't know her. I do," Kit snapped. "Dammit, the last thing I want is pity and charity from Althea Kendricks. Life is hell enough without that."

"Are you kidding? She's probably thanking her lucky stars she didn't marry you. Of all the bad-tempered, arrogant, stubborn men I've ever met, you take the cake."

"I'm not bad tempered." He glared at her, momentarily distracted.

"Could have fooled me." Suddenly she smiled in triumph, her eyes dancing. "You don't deny arrogant and stubborn, I see."

"Sure I do. That goes without saying. I will admit to a certain amount of self-assurance."

She laughed, leaning closer so he could hear her over the band when she said softly, "You act like the world should sit up and roll over for you. If that's not blatant arrogance, I don't know what is."

"I am not arrogant!" Kit brought his face near hers, so near she could feel his breath brush against her cheeks, smell the beer and spicy cologne he used. She was caught by the look on his face, the tight control he exercised. Shakily she licked her lips, mesmerized by the look from Kit's eyes.

His eyes followed the movement of her tongue, a muscle moving in his cheek. He leaned closer and held her gaze.

"Help me, Kelly," he said so quietly she almost didn't hear him.

"Do what?"

"Don't let me be alone when Althea comes."

"What do you want me to do, sit with you?"

"Hell, I don't know." Kit rubbed a hand across his face, leaning back in his chair. "Dumb idea, forget it."

Kelly's face cleared. "I'm to be your girlfriend?" she asked, astonished.

He looked at her warily, not knowing what to expect.

"Just pretend, right?" she asked. Laughing softly at the notion, she noticed his frown and laughed harder, putting her hand on top of his as it rested on his thigh.

"You're so lover like, darling," she said when she caught her breath, her eyes dancing in amusement. The entire suggestion was funny from one who was so independent and hard and remote. Imagine him asking her for a favor.
favor. It was mind-boggling.

But a look at his closed face, set against the coming pain, touched her heart and she sobered immediately.

"I'll help out, if only to have you be nice to me for a little while." Kelly smiled a slow smile at him, watching the tension ease a little from his eyes.

"How nice?" he asked as wariness slowly crept into his own gaze.

Kelly caught her breath. How could anyone have thrown him over just because he didn't walk without help?

"I'll let you know. Deal?"

"Deal." He took her hand in his and waves of energy pulsated up her arm. She looked at him, her amusement giving way to something else. An awareness of the dominant maleness of him spread through her. The desires and feelings he evoked with no effort on his part flooded her body. She felt vulnerable and fragile and very feminine. What was she getting into?

"If the two of you were engaged and she's now left her husband, seems like the perfect time to get back together, not play games," Kelly said, tugging her hand. Kit didn't release it.

"I don't want to. I don't want her even trying. You're the perfect decoy. You're new in town, young, successful, pretty enough to attract anyone." He frowned at that. "You aren't attached right now, are you?"

She shook her head, fascinated by the play of emotion across his face. "Never have been," she said honestly.

"And you'll go through with it?"

She nodded.

"However long she's here?"

She paused a second, then nodded again, wondering how involved they were supposed to be, and how long Althea was planning to stay.

"It won't take Althea long to find out I've just moved here. Won't she be suspicious?" Kelly asked, giving the situation some thought.

"Depending on how good an actress you are, no. Though she might wonder how anyone could be attracted to me." His voice was bitter, his face tormented.

Kelly's fingers tightened around his and she leaned closer, aching to ease the distress so evident in his expression.

"I think you're sexy as hell, Kit Lockford," she said evenly, her eyes looking straight into his.

He shook his head, looking at her as if she'd lost her mind, then a dull flush spread up his neck, touched his cheeks.

Kelly was delighted. She would never have expected such a reaction from the town's hell-raiser. She smiled in enchantment. Althea must have done a real number on him to shake his own self-confidence so badly. He was more man than she could handle, yet he didn't seem to realize it. Could she continue the charade for any length of time? Would her own heart become involved?

"Then give me a smile, sweetheart," Kit said finally. "The music's stopping and Althea just walked in the door."

Kelly swirled around to look. There were several people in and near the door, most of them strangers to her. Which one was Althea? Kelly wasn't left in doubt long as a tall, slim woman with wavy auburn hair turned and spotted Kit. She spoke to the person beside her, her eyes never leaving Kit, and then walked deliberately over to him. Her thick auburn hair was beautiful, Kelly thought, and the striking clothes she wore gave her a certain elegance missing from the other women present.

Althea paused dramatically a few steps away, holding the moment as people nearby turned to look at her, curious about her meeting with Kit.

"Hello, Kit." Her voice was low and sultry, accompanied by a provocative smile for Kit alone.

Kelly watched quietly, waiting, feeling as if she was on the edge of a deep, dark hole. So this was Althea. Kelly took an immediate dislike to the woman. Knowing what she'd done to Kit was bad enough, but her air of patronization grated on Kelly's sensibilities. Althea didn't fit in with the rest of the crowd. And she was a troublemaker. Kelly knew enough about human nature to recognize that trait immediately.

Kelly's hand ached with the strength of Kit's grip. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, his voice even as he said, "Hello, Allie. Didn't expect to see you tonight."

Althea smiled brilliantly. "Just visiting my parents for a while. Thought I'd drop in and see old friends. It's been a long time, Kit. Too long."

He shrugged and glanced at Kelly, his eyes opaque, hiding any feeling he had. "Kelly, this is Althea Kendricks. Allie, Kelly Adams."

The redhead looked at their clasped hands and the slightest frown marred her perfect features. But she recovered quickly.

"How nice to meet you, Kelly," she said smoothly. "Do you live near here?"

"Yes." Kelly was not going to volunteer any information.

Althea flicked another glance at their hands and looked at Kelly. "Maybe you'd like to dance, or something. I can sit with Kit. He and I have a lot to talk about, to catch up on. We were close, did he tell you?"

Kelly looked up in surprised innocence. "No, he never mentioned he was close to another woman. Of course, I know about his wild reputation when he was young, and the groupies that chased him."

Althea drew in a sharp breath, her eyes narrowed at the implied insult. "I didn't chase him! We were engaged."

"That ended years ago, Allie," Kit said, his lips twitching at Kelly's remark. He should have expected Kelly's sassy mouth to come up with something to insult Althea.

"I didn't expect to see you at a dance," Althea said, her eyes running over him.

Kelly turned to look at him, as well. His broad shoulders filled out the Western shirt, and his jeans were new and snug, his boots polished. No one would ever suspect he wasn't still the wild cowboy of his youth. His body was hard, fit, and his legs strong looking. Kelly felt the solid thud of her heart as she assessed him. He was a gorgeous male.

"I came because of Kelly. I didn't want to keep her from the dancing and socializing, but no sense letting the others think they can move in on my claim," he said easily.

The meeting was not going as Althea had wanted, that much was obvious to Kelly. She smiled a broad smile at the older woman and wondered how to get rid of her. While Kit seemed to be handling the confrontation well, she knew he was under a lot of strain. The grip he had on her hand had not eased.

"I'm sure Kelly would like to dance. I'll sit with you." Althea tried once more.

"Kit doesn't need to talk over the old days, Mrs. Kendricks. His best times are now. It was so nice to meet you and see someone from Kit's past. But I'm sure you have other people to visit. Isn't that Annie Carstairs trying to get your attention? Weren't you two in high school together?" Kelly said with false sweetness.

Althea glared at her, then turned back to Kit. "I'll be in town for a while. I'm sure we'll run into each other soon."

Kit chuckled as she walked away and began greeting others at the dance.

"Annie Carstairs is at least seven or eight years older than Althea," he said as he watched her walk away.

"She's well preserved for her age," Kelly said, pulling her aching hand from under his and flexing her fingers.

"She's the same age I am, dammit."

Kelly smiled a teasing grin and cocked her head. "And how old is that, pray?"

"Thirty-three. And it's not old."

"On her it is."

"Meow. What a cat."

Kelly looked as innocent as she knew how. "Excuse me, are you defending her?"

The amusement didn't leave his eyes as he looked at her sitting so close to him. "Not in the least. But you're a little hellcat, insulting her like you did."

"Do you think she caught it?" she asked doubtfully.

He laughed and nodded. "I'm sure. And didn't like it one bit."

"You really wanted to marry her?" Kelly asked, her eyes tracking Althea as she danced in the crowd.

"Yeah. Hard to believe now, isn't it?" His eyes followed her, as well.

"Do you still want her?" Kelly's voice was soft, gentle.

"No. And maybe I'd better make sure she knows it."

He turned to Kelly and slipped his hand up beneath her hair, encircling her neck. Drawing her closer, his mouth closed over hers in a hungry kiss. His lips pressed against hers, moving persuasively until she parted her own and felt the gentle entry of his tongue. She forgot the dance, the townspeople, Althea and their charade as she reveled in the sweet sensations rippling through her at his touch.

His mouth moved and she responded, her whole being caught up with the warm waves of tingling awareness and growing yearning Kit caused. She wished they were alone, and had the whole night ahead of them.

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