One Stubborn Cowboy (10 page)

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Authors: Barbara McMahon

Tags: #Romance, #rancher, #western, #cowboy

BOOK: One Stubborn Cowboy
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"All I can say is you don't seem like a wild hellion to me. I think you're nothing but a...but a... but a pussycat!" Turning, Kelly marched up her driveway and around to the back of her house, head held high, back rigid and straight.

Kit stared after her in amazement, his eyes tracking her until she disappeared from view.
A pussycat?
Dammit! For two cents he'd go after her and make her eat her words.

His hand gripped the door handle. He paused. The gleam in his eyes was sudden. He'd wait. Tomorrow he'd have her alone, out on the Smiths' ranch, totally at his mercy. Then he'd show her what a pussycat he was.

Chapter 5


The next morning promised to be as hot as the previous one. Kelly dressed in a loose yellow top and white shorts. In deference to any walking they might do at the Smiths' ranch, she wore socks and tennis shoes, instead of sandals. Her feet were hot before she finished tying the laces. She drew her hair back into a high ponytail to keep it off her neck.

Preparing the picnic lunch, Kelly hoped she had things he'd like, wishing she had a basket. Stuffing everything into a paper bag and a cooler, she located an old blanket, got her sketch pad and stacked everything on the front porch. She didn't know when he'd arrive, but she was ready.

Kelly was surprised at the surge of pure joyt that swept through her when Kit drove up. She had a hard time keeping the smile from splitting her face as she gathered her things and walked slowly to the truck. No sense letting him know how glad she was to see him. She was sure the feeling wasn't mutual. She still wondered why he'd offered to take her to see the pony.

"Good morning," she said, peering into the cab.

"Put the things in the back and let's go."

She complied, quickly opening the passenger door and climbing in.

"Don't you ever use normal social amenities like good morning, how are you, nice to see you?" she asked as she fastened her seat belt.

"Why?" He threw the truck into reverse and backed quickly to the highway, then accelerated.

"It's a polite way to greet people when you haven't seen them in a while."

"I saw you yesterday."

"That's a while." A long while if you were counting minutes.

"If I wanted to chat up some woman, I might try it. Otherwise, why bother? You see me. What does

She shrugged, no longer willing to argue about something so unimportant. She was going to enjoy today, no matter how obnoxious Kit Lockford became. She could handle him. She'd had a long talk with herself last night and was ready to deal with the man today. She hoped.

She watched as the familiar scenery rushed by. She'd driven this road a couple of times when first exploring the area. The hills rose and fell with regularity, deserted and barren except for the drying grass and enclosing barbed-wire fences. Here and there a group of live oaks offered relief from the monotonous scenery. The sky was cloudless, pale blue and brassy. The sun was already hot, and the worst heat of the day was still ahead.

Kit turned onto a dirt trail barred by a metal gate.

"Open it, wait for me to drive through, then close it behind us," he said as he stopped.

"Can we go there?"

"Sure, as long as we close the gate behind us."

She jumped down from the high cab and quickly unlatched the metal gate. It was lightweight, easy to move as she swung it wide so the truck could pass. Closing it behind them, she double-checked the latch to make sure it was fastened. Then she got back in the truck.

"Fasten your seat belt tight. It'll get bumpy from here and I don't want you to hit your head," Kit instructed.

Kelly glanced at him. He probably didn't want her head to dent the roof of his truck. She doubted he had any concerns for her safety. Yet as she complied, she noticed he'd already fastened his own belt.

They followed the dirt road for a while then Kit swung left, put his truck into four-wheel drive and began climbing one of the low hills. The truck lurched and bounced as it traversed the natural terrain, spinning up dirt, leaving a trailing plume of dust behind.

Reaching the summit of the small hill, Kit paused and looked around. In the distance, to the right, another small grove of live oaks rose from the grassy hill. Beneath the trees, near the edge of sunlight, stood the black pony.

They reached the trees in only minutes, Kit taking care to cover the last quarter mile slowly and easily so as not to spook the pony.

His brown eyes watching curiously, the pony stood his ground as the truck approached, Kelly held her breath, afraid he'd turn and run away. But his ears pricked forward, his nostrils flared slightly, as he watched. He didn't seem afraid, only curious.

Kit stopped, turned off the engine. Silence swept through the cab. There was only the heat rising from the ground, from the engine cover, shimmering in waves. Otherwise there was silence. Silence as Kelly had never heard before. She could hear her own breathing. Hear Kit's.

"We'll sit beneath the trees. It'll be cooler there."

"Okay." She opened the door, her eyes still on the pony. He ambled closer, curious. Smiling in delight, she stretched out a hand. As he drew nearer, she reached out and tentatively stroked his soft, hot neck, the black hair retaining the heat from the sun.

"There's a small brown bag in the back. Get it," Kit called. He hadn't moved, just sat watching her.

"What's in it?" She turned to do as he'd asked.

"Carrots and apples. I thought the little guy would like a treat."

She smiled as her heart almost exploded in tenderness at his thoughtfulness. What a complex man Kit Lockford was. Arrogant, bossy and bad tempered, yet kind enough to remember to bring a treat for a pony.

She grabbed the bag and opened it, taking out a carrot. Holding it away from her as if it might bite, or as if the pony would bite her, she approached him gingerly.

Kit chuckled. "He won't bite you. Let him take a bite or two, then put the rest on your open palm. He'll take it nicely."

Kelly wasn't too sure of that. The first crunch startled her and she dropped the carrot. The pony nuzzled her hand, then dropped his head to forage on the grass, finding and finishing the carrot.

Kit slid across the seat, out of the truck, balanced on his crutches. He moved beside Kelly and balanced on the crutches. He took her hand in his, taking another carrot from the bag. When the pony approached, Kelly tried to shrink back, but Kit's bulk was behind her, solid and unmoving. His hand held hers firmly as she offered the treat.

When the pony daintily bit off two chunks, Kit turned her hand, opening and placing the remaining carrot flat. "Now hold still."

Soft velvety lips brushed over her palm and seized the carrot. Crunching placidly, the pony finished it.

She smiled in sheer happiness. "That was great!" She turned and found herself against Kit, his arm still half around her, balanced on his crutches. Her smile faded as she met the look in his eyes. She was caught, couldn't move, couldn't look away. Could only look deep into his dark blue eyes and feel herself captivated as she'd never been before. Her breathing became constricted and she felt dizzy, disoriented. Taking a deep breath, she knew it had been a mistake. She smelled the drying grass, the pony and the hot, masculine scent of Kit Lockford.

The pony butted her in the back, searching for more treats. Kelly lost her balance and crashed into Kit, her soft breasts pressed against his hard chest, her legs brushing against the soft denim of his jeans. He lost his balance and fell back against the side of the truck. Both remained upright, though his arms dropped the crutches to enclose Kelly and keep her from falling.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said against his shoulder, her head naturally finding a comfortable spot. "Are you okay?"

She pushed back, but he wouldn't let her go. She felt the muscles of his chest bunch beneath her, his legs long and hard. As she moved to find her balance, her hips brushed against him and she froze a second, feeling the unmistakable sign this man wanted her.

She pushed back, meeting his amused eyes. Flustered and embarrassed and a little aroused herself, she tried to stand, brushing against him again, her breasts tingling with desire as waves of realization rippled through her. Her hands clutched his shoulders and she had to stop herself from tracing the muscles she could feel beneath her fingers. She tried to push away from the solid wall of his chest, but the proximity drained her strength. It was a fight to move away.

"I'm okay," she said breathlessly.

"I'm not," he said, and lowered his head to her parted lips.

Kelly closed her eyes against the bright sky and gave herself up to the pleasure of his kiss. His lips moved against hers, his tongue traced the seam of hers, before sliding through to explore the soft inner reaches of her mouth.

His hands held her loosely, his mouth doing all the work, driving her crazy with longings and desire. She met his thrusting tongue with her own, tasting his own special sweetness, following back to his mouth. She pressed closer, responding avidly to the sensations and enchantment his touch delivered.

Giving into desire, she let her hands move across his shoulders, to the strong column of his neck, feeling the heat of his skin, the soft hair that brushed against her fingers as she reached up to encircle him.

Another nudge from the pony broke the kiss.

"Hey, go find your own girl," Kit protested, trying to protect Kelly from the curiosity of the pony.

She giggled slightly and reluctantly pulled back, embarrassed by the instant response she'd given. Turning to pick up the bag of treats from where she'd dropped it on the ground, her shaky fingers withdrew a piece of fruit.

"Here's an apple." She held it out gingerly, her fingers dancing around the edge as the pony bit into it.

"You're a pushy little thing," she said as he butted her chest with his forehead, his soft lips nibbling around her hand.

"Sam." Kit still leaned against the truck, watching than, his expression relaxed.

"What?" She looked at him.

"His name's Sam."

"That's not a very pony name." She looked back at the little pony. He had apparently figured out there were no more treats and was calmly grazing on some of the drying grass.

Kit chuckled, his arms crossed across his chest.

"What's a pony name?" he asked.

Kelly thought for a moment that that was what he had looked like before the accident. His eyes were amused, his look superior and arrogant, like the supremely self-confident man he was. To look at him she couldn't tell he was unable to walk unaided. He looked virile, muscular and potent. Too potent for her.

She casually reached down and picked up his crutches, handing them to him without a word, and without a look of sympathy.

"I don't know. Popo's not bad. Trigger, maybe, or Silver? But not Sam."

He took the crutches, his eyes on her, tension now evident in his face. His concentration seemed to be on how she was treating him.

"Sam's as good as any."

"He still looks sad," she said. She refused to let him dwell on his limitations, or make her dwell on them.

"He looks like a pony." Kit scowled and pushed away from the truck, moving over the broken ground toward the shade.

"What did you bring for lunch?" he asked.

She closed the door and reached into the back of the truck for the picnic she'd brought. Carting everything to the shade beneath the old trees, she dropped the bag and cooler and spread the blanket out on the most level spot she could find.

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