One Night with the Prince (28 page)

BOOK: One Night with the Prince
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I sat back zoning out, thinking about everything. I have never felt so utterly broken before in my life. Not even when my dad left and that’s saying a lot. I once again fought back with everything I had in me to keep the tears at bay.


“And now, we have this year’s valedictorian, Anna Williams!” The crowd clapped loudly and I made my way up to the podium.


“U-Um, this year we’ve learned a lot…” What am I doing? “We’ve learned that cows hate second stories…” The crowd laughed, but my mind was elsewhere. I shouldn’t be here! I should be with Zach back at his home! It was like I suddenly woke up and snapped back to reality. I wasn’t just going to
give up


“I’ve learned recently that you have to fight for what’s right and not just step aside! Stepping aside admits defeat. So I’m sorry Mr. Anderson but I’m not meant to be here now. I have to go.” With that I ran off stage. There were gasps and loud clapping coming from Danny and Missy,


“Go get him girl!” Danny shouted. Mom came from the side and tossed me the keys.


“You never were a quitter.” She smiled. I gave her a hug and took off. My heart pounded in my chest as I sped towards the airport. I should have never left.


I’m not the type of girl to just roll over and take it. I was going to demand Zach tell me he doesn’t love me and mean it. I know he does! How could I think for one second that running back home with my tail between my legs was okay?


I parked half hazard and threw off my gown, ignoring the yells from people who were screaming at me to move out of the way. I was surprised that I could run this fast in heels! With my heart soaring I sprinted to the front desk.


“Hi! I need a one way ticket to Bantaniomos now please!” I huffed out of breath. The desk clerk rolled her eyes and processed my passport that I still had in my purse since yesterday. Once that was done and a large charge to my emergency fund in my account I got what I needed.


I took off again and was half way to the gate where the plane was when,




I stopped dead in my tracks as I recognized that voice. Slowly turning around my breathing stopped.


“Zach?” I breathed.




Chapter thirty-five




Prince Zachias


“What do you mean she’s gone?!” I asked worriedly. Demetrius looked so upset and distraught.


“She left. Once you announced you chose Carol she ran to her room where her things were already packed and left. I tried to stop her but she so set on leaving. You should have seen her, she looked so broken.” I haven’t seen him this sad since his first crush in the 5th grade turned him down.


My heart stopped though. She left? No! This was not supposed to happen! I tried to breathe in and out to calm myself.


“I’m going after her.” I started for the door. I was not going to just let her walk out of my life. But Demetrius stopped me,


“She left a little while ago. By the time we get there the plane would’ve already left. We’re going to have to wait until it returns then leave.” It killed me not to leave now but he was right. I walked across the hall and plopped down in a chair with my head in my hands.


“It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this.” I muttered. I heard a sigh as Demetrius sat next to me.


“Believe me I know. I guess we didn’t take into account that Anna would just take off like that. We will get her back.” I raised my head with a wry smile despite my heavy heart.


“We?” I asked. He nodded punching my arm slightly.


“She’s like my little sister. I love her and it might have to do with the fact Missy is there.” He added quickly. I chuckled though it sounded off as if to go with my mood.



“I guess we should also bring Caidius? He would be royally ticked off if we leave him behind and he couldn’t see Danny.” Demetrius stood up and got the attention of one of the workers.


“Could you please go and get Prince Caidius? Tell him it’s urgent.” The worker nodded and I looked down the hall to find my mother and father stalking their way over to me and looked very put out. My mother came beside me and hit me across the back of my head. I winced.


“You moron! I thought your father and I raised you better than that! How could you pick Carol?!” She yelled. Everything was silent, Mother never yelled, and I sighed.


“Mother, believe me, I did not want to pick Carol but my hand was forced-” I could tell they were going to interrupt so I raised my hand to stop them.


“Lady Jasmine and Carol are cousins. They figured if Jasmine could not enter the competition then they would get Carol to win by poisoning Anna. That was a warning. She and Jasmine said that if I didn’t pick her they have people in the castle that would kill Anna. But I just tricked Carol into telling me who was working with her and recorded the conversation.


She is now in the dungeon along with the other workers here that was working with her. Lady Jasmine is now being apprehended.” I finished. They both looked stunned then my father grew angry.


“This was all happening under my roof without my knowledge?!” He asked outraged. I rubbed my face tiredly,


“Yes. I’m sorry father but I couldn’t let anyone know. I couldn’t risk the safety of Anna.” He sighed and nodded.


“You will let me know of anything that needs to be known. Do you understand me?” I nodded and my mother smiled.


“I feel much better knowing you’re picking Anna. Speaking of my daughter in law, where on earth is she?” I sat back feeling the air whoosh out of me.


“She left as soon as I announced who I ‘chose’. She took off and now I have to wait until our plane returns and then I’m going after her.” My mother looked pained.


“I’m so sorry sweetheart. You must be so drained. You should get some sleep while you’re waiting. I promise to send someone to fetch you as soon as the plane is back.” Knowing there was nothing I could do, I agreed and begrudgingly went to my room.



“Prince?” I heard a voice. I opened my eyes to see one of the maids.


“Yes?” I croaked. Then clearing my throat to get rid of the grogginess.


“The Queen told me to wake you as the plane is now back.” I looked out the window to see it was just now getting dark. I jumped out of bed and grabbed a bag with some clothes in it.


“Thank you. That will be all.” She blushed at my shirtless-ness and scurried out. I hurried to get ready and rushed out to the front doors. I saw Caidius and Demetrius who were already there, waiting.


“Let’s go.” They nodded and we were off. Demetrius handed me a small file with little information on Anna. But I only needed the basics, like where she lived.


Soon enough we were on the plane as my home wasn’t far from our private airport. I sat back on the chair and closed my eyes focusing on Anna. I played with the little felt box in my hand.


“Is that?” Demetrius started but I cut him off and nodded.


“Yes.” We didn’t speak very much during the flight, as we were all anxious to see our loved ones. I think I was far more anxious though I had a lot more to lose, as I wasn’t even sure Anna would take me back.


Once we landed it was daylight here and the weather was sunny yet still much colder than what we were used to. Holding the ring tightly in my pocket I ran out of the plane with Demetrius and Caidius trailing behind,


“Slow down Kia!” I didn’t listen as I tried to find the doors. But I saw a flash of red hair and my heart stopped. My heart told me to follow it and I did. Once I saw her turn around my heart stopped all together.


“Anna!” I yelled out. She stopped and slowly turned around.





“Zach?” I breathed. He was standing among the crowd looking at me with a hopeful expression. I didn’t think twice as I ran to him. He started towards me as well and I pushed past people who were getting in my way. I could care less at the moment. All I saw was


I ran faster then jumped in his arms, wrapping my legs around him tightly, forgetting I was in a dress. Oh well. He held me tightly as tears streamed down my face. He spun us around and I ignored the looks of others as I buried my face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent.


“Anna I’m so, so sorry!” He squeezed me tightly against him. I pulled back so I can look him in the face.


“Why?” I asked with tears thick in my voice. He swallowed and kissed my forehead as he always did.


“I had to Rose. I’ll explain everything later but just know I was forced and I took care of it. Nothing else is standing in the way I promise.” I got off of him but still held him around his waist but now I had to look up.


“You mean you don’t care about how your people think I’m all wrong?” I asked hesitantly. He chuckled and hugged me tight.


“No. I never did. They will love you once they actually get to know you.” I felt so happy right now that I felt like I could burst. I grabbed his collar and pulled him down to me.


“Are you going to kiss me now or what?” He chuckled and pulled me closer than I thought possible and kissed me sweetly.


“Ahem! I would quit it if you guys don’t want to get arrested for public indecency.” We pulled apart and I saw Dem there with Cade. I squealed and ran over to them squeezing Dem in a tight hug.


“Hey there little Red! Don’t you dare leave like that again!” He scolded. I nodded with a smile. He pointed to behind me.


“Um, Anna?” I turned around and gasped as my eyes met Zach, down on one knee. I slowly made my way over to him until I was right in front of him. He took the hand that was not over my mouth in shock.


“Anna? I know three months isn’t long to get to know someone and then marry them, but I love you so much it makes my heart hurt at the thought of you not in my life. I knew you were the one for me the moment I saw you walk in the room with your worn out jeans and t-shirt. I promise to never leave you again and to be by your side always. If you want I can spend the rest of my days making it up to you. So Anna? Will you marry me and be my Queen?” He asked, opening the little blue box.


I looked down and saw the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen. It was perfect and I saw there was a big crowd with people taking videos and pictures of the scene in front of them. I looked back and stared at Zach seeing his hopeful expression. I smiled hugely and nodded.


“Yes!” I flung myself at him effectively knocking us both down to the ground. The crowd laughed as I kissed all over his face. He chuckled and pulled us up, as he slid the gorgeous ring on my ring finger and kissed it.


“You don’t know how happy you’ve made me Rose.” He kissed me sweetly on the lips. I smiled up at him.


“I think I have an idea.” The crowd soon dispersed and people began to get on with their flight plans.


“So, where’s Missy?” Dem interrupted. I laughed and wiped away the happy tears that I didn’t know I had.


“Way to ruin a moment Dem.” I rolled my eyes. He held his hands out in defense.


“You two had your moment. Now I want mine.” I sighed happily and held on to Zach’s hand.


“So, you want to see where I live?” He grinned and nodded. I lead the three outside when I stopped.


“What’s wrong?” He asked. I turned around and slapped him upside the head. He winced and rubbed where I hit him.


“Ow! What was that for?” He whined. I narrowed my eyes and waved my ticket.


“I just bought this freaking ticket for nothing!”


He gave me a confused face.


“Why did you buy a ticket?” He asked.


“Why do you think I’m here? I just bought a ticket to go back…” I grabbed a handful of his shirt.


“I wasn’t going to let you go so easily.” I murmured, brushing my lips against his. He smiled against me and pulled back.


“You shouldn’t have to worry about any money. You’re going to be my wife, so money isn’t an issue.” I grinned broadly at the mention of being his wife. I saw by the look in his eyes that he liked that idea as well. I heard a gagging noise and saw Dem sticking a finger down his throat and crossing his eyes.


“Uhg! Too much mushy stuff! Let’s go!” He whined. We laughed at him and I took them in my mom’s car. I held Zach’s hand as I drove and was constantly sneaking glances at my new ring. I knew the graduation ceremony was nearly over so I headed back over to the stadium.


“I haven’t had the chance to say, you look stunning.” Zach said giving me elevator eyes. I blushed under his gaze and felt pleased that he liked what he saw. We pulled into an available space and got out.


Zach pulled me into his side and had his arm wrapped around my waist. I could hear Mr. Anderson talking through the microphone.


“And now presenting! The class of 2011!” I heard the cheers and Zach hugged me close.


“I’m so sorry you missed out on your graduation.” He sounded sorry but I just smiled.


“You’re worth more than some stupid ceremony. I still got my diploma, I just don’t have to walk.” I shrugged. We rounded the corner and saw the hats fly and out of nowhere Dem threw up my hat from behind him. He shrugged.

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