One Night with the Prince (26 page)

BOOK: One Night with the Prince
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Chapter thirty-two






“Dem!” I yelled as he was skipping around my room in my bra. I sighed and shook my head. He said he wanted to feel what it was like to be a girl but I never thought he’d do this!


“Dem! Just because you want to know what it’s like for a girl doesn’t mean you can try on my bras! Are you sure you like Missy and not Danny?” I asked, exasperated. He snickered, he knew this was irritating to me. Yes it was also funny but it lost its edge twenty minutes ago.


“I don’t know. Danny is a hottie with a naughty body! Look! I have boobs!” He laughed. Suddenly I got an idea. I brought out my phone and took a picture of him in mid skip. The sound of the camera taking a picture made him stop and he looked suspiciously at me.


“What did you just do?” He asked slowly. I smirked and got ready to send the picture to Missy and everyone else.


“Take off my bra or I will send the picture.” I threatened. His eyes narrowed.


“You wouldn’t.” He tried to call a bluff. I snickered.


“Watch me.” I went to push the send button when he scrambled to get the bra off. I felt triumphant, and smiled.


“You’re evil. Spoiling my fun.” He pouted. I laughed.


“And you’re crazy!” We didn’t dispute each other, but just enjoyed each other’s company. I turned towards him.


“Hey, do you know what’s up with Zach? I haven’t seen him since yesterday. He didn’t even come in last night.” I asked him. He shrugged.


“For once I have no idea!” I knew he was telling the truth because his eye didn’t twitch for when he was lying. There was knocking on the door and Dem went to answer it. He opened it wide and in came Syd, Rachel and Carol. They grinned at me and I smiled slightly back, still lost in my thoughts of Zach.


“Hey Red! How are you doing?” Syd asked with a smile. I shrugged, and watched Dem give me a simple wave and walked out. Hopefully he went to go find Zach.


“I don’t know. I feel like something is up with Zach. I haven’t seen nor heard from him since yesterday.” Syd and Rachel looked sympathetic while Carol seemed expressionless.


“I’m sure it’s nothing sweetheart. He loves you. It might just be the stress of everything. I’m sure he’ll turn up today.” Syd tried to reassure me. I nodded absentmindedly. Maybe.


“I don’t know….” Carol started. I gave her a confused look, “Well, with everything in the news, and the public kind of against his decision to pick you, it might be getting to him. It’s very important for any royal family to keep face in the public. And the public has been told not to like you.” She shrugged. Syd and Rachel gave her a confused stare and she shrugged again.


“I’m just trying to prepare her. Wouldn’t want her to get blindsided.” She explained. My heart suddenly felt like lead, and I shook my head.


“No. No, he wouldn’t do that.” I denied. All three looked sympathetic at me and I felt tears sting my eyes. I quickly blinked them away.


“No. I’m not going to assume anything until Zach says something.” I nodded to myself and stood up. They joined me and I walked out into the hall.


“I’m going to go find him. See you guys later.” They waved but Carol stopped.


“Tell us what happens.” I nodded and set out to find him. Aimlessly walking around I tried to look down every hallway to see if he was down. I even asked the staff and they had seen him. I wasn’t watching where I was going and bumped into someone.


“Oh! Sorry!” I apologized. I looked up to see Queen Lilly. She smiled down at me fondly and put an arm around my shoulder.


“How are you sweetie? I saw what that dreadful Jasmine did on the news. I’m so sorry.” She apologized. I leaned against her as we walked.


“I could be better, but I guess I’m just stressing a little bit.” I answered, passing some windows where the sun was shining brightly, lighting the entire hallway. She hugged me close and rubbed my shoulder.


“It will all work out. We should get together soon. Just you and me. After all you’re going to be my daughter soon enough.” She winked. My face heated up at the thought but it also made me smile. But I couldn’t help but think something was wrong with Zach, which reminded me why I was out here.


“That sounds great, but I need to go find your son.” I smiled. She grinned at me and kissed my forehead.


“Of course. He’s up in the tower.” She answered. My ears perked up.


“Tower?” I asked confused. She laughed lightly.


“Oh yes! It’s the place he goes where he needs to think or just wanting some peace. It’s a beautiful place. Come, I’ll show you.” She grabbed my hand and led me down this dark hallway and after a long while of walking we stopped at a skinny, tall door. She let go of me and smiled.


“Here we are. I’ll talk to you soon sweetie.” She hugged me and left. I opened the door quietly and found there were narrow concrete steps leading upwards. I cautiously made my way up and after a while I could finally see daylight. When I reached the top I silently gasped.


It was beautiful! There was a 360-degree view of the lands here. I could see the garden along with the training yard and the ocean. I looked to my left and saw Zach sitting on the ledge, looking at nothing in particular.


“Hey there.” I said quietly. I didn’t like this feeling in my stomach. It was like this heavy feeling was preparing me for the worst. His head snapped over to me and he just looked at me taking me all in before taking a deep breath and walking over to me silently. I just looked at him and waited for him to start.


“Hey Rose. How did you find me?” He asked wrapping his arms around me. I leaned into him.


“Your mother. She told me you were here.” I put my head against his lower chest since he was so much taller. I heard his heartbeat and closed my eyes to listen to it, as if it was a lullaby.


“Are you alright Zach? I can’t help this feeling that something is wrong.” I looked up at him. His face contorted in pain and he looked away.


“I’m not sure Anna. I’m torn between what is right and what I want.” He said so quietly I barley heard him. I knew what he was talking about. So does this mean he doubts choosing me because of this stupid news thing?


“Just do what
think is good.” I squeezed him, trying to not let it hint that I know. It wouldn’t be fair and I get why he’s having trouble deciding. I was never raised to be Queen. Of course that has to be considered! I was so stupid to think he loved me more than that. His country has to come first.


I would love nothing more than for him to choose me anyways, but he has to listen to what his country wants right? I felt hot tears sting my eyes and I dug my face further into his chest as the feeling of not belonging here hit me hard. I didn’t want him to see me like this and have it affect his decision. So, blinking back my tears I looked at him and stepped away,


“I’ll see you later, so you can think.” I gave him the best smile I could without letting him know how broken I feel.


I began to walk away and I was half way across the room when, “Anna!”


I turned around to him and he seemed pained but he covered that up quickly and strode over to me in just a few large steps and pulled me into a crushing kiss. He kissed me with such force that I leaned limp against him, but kissed him with just as much force, feeling like this could be our last.


I could feel the conflict in him. He was still undecided, as he crushed himself to me. But it wasn’t uncomfortable, if anything I wanted him closer. He pulled back and wiped away some tears and I saw he had them too but they were unshed. Suddenly he pulled me to him and hugged me close.


I don’t know how long we held each other like that but I knew the sun would go down soon. So with a pained sigh and suppressing a cry I pulled away.


“I should go. I’ll see you tomorrow for the meeting and your decision.” I didn’t look at him as I ran out of there. As soon as I was out of hearing range tears pooled out of my eyes and I tried hard to cry silently. He didn’t stop me, which I was grateful for and hurt at the same time. But I guess I can try to understand.


I didn’t acknowledge anyone and they had the decency not to acknowledge me. I saw their concerned looks but I just made a beeline to my room and skipped Zach’s all together. I knew he wouldn’t be there tonight but I didn’t want to risk it. If I saw him one more time today I’d completely break down.


I was dumb to think I could do this Queen thing when clearly people think I can’t. I couldn’t put his family through that. It wasn’t fair to them, and even though it makes my heart hurt just thinking about it, I would accept Zach’s decision tomorrow. Whether it was me or someone else.


It hurt so much just thinking about leaving him here and having to go back and never see him again. A large part of me wants to fight for this but it would be so selfish. How can I ask him to pick me if his people are so against it? I wasn’t stupid, I’ve heard what they were saying. They found me unfit and a troublemaker. It angered me that they don’t even really know me, yet are so willing to accept the word of some pretty girl with money.


I made it to my room and slammed my door then flung myself on my bed ready to finally let it out. My heart twisted and I cried harder than I have in a long time. Just the thought of giving him up made it hard to think. I heard a knock and I mumbled a ‘go away!’ Whoever it was didn’t listen because I heard the door open.


I groaned and turned away so they wouldn’t see my puffy face. I felt a hand on my shoulder.


“Anna? What’s wrong sweetheart?” I heard Dem’s voice. I sniffed and turned to him. He looked concerned and swept some hair out of my face.


“Tell Uncle Dem. I’m here for you.” He cooed, trying to make me feel better. It worked some. I cracked a sad smile.


“It’s Zach. I have a strong feeling he’s not going to pick me tomorrow.” I croaked. He looked appalled.


“No! That’s not possible! Honey, he loves you!” I shook my head.


“That was before this whole news fiasco. I’m telling you, I know what I’m feeling. And you should have seen him. He’s been avoiding me like the plague, and seems conflicted.” I sniffed again. He wiped away some stray tears and offered me a small smile.


“There’s no way he could not pick you. Everyone has seen the way he looks at you. You two are perfect for one another.” I shook my head.


“No we’re not. He was raised in this society and I was raised in some backwoods town in Montana. I’m not even from the same country. I wasn’t taught the rules or how to act. A fun day here is some tea and small talk. Fun to me is setting a cow loose on unsuspecting people. We’re nothing alike.” I sat up and wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my head on them. Dem chuckled.


“I never said you two were the same. I said you were perfect for each other. You two balance each other out. He’s a little more serious and brings that out of you, while you bring out the fun side. I’ve never seen him laugh as much as when you showed up. Just hold tight and everything will work out.” I thought but I then grabbed my phone.


“I want to talk to my mom.” I said quietly. He nodded and kissed the top of my head and left. After a few rings she didn’t pick up and then I tried the next best thing, and after a few rings she picked up.


“Hello?” She asked. I sighed.


“Hey Missy. I need some girl talk right now.” I said sadly into the phone.


“Of course Anna! What’s wrong?” She questioned. I sniffed again as my tears were drying.


“I don’t think Zach is going to pick me.” I stated. She gasped.


“No way! How did your brain come to that conclusion! That’s insane!” She denied. I shook my head even though she couldn’t see it.


“I know he’s conflicted right now. I can feel it. Jasmine went on the news saying how bad the country would be if he were to pick me. She brought up my school record of detentions and what my dad did. Now I get the feeling that he won’t choose me so his people will be happy. I can’t blame him! I’m not fit to be Queen! I just-I just-” I broke off feeling another sad cry leave my mouth.

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