One Night with the Prince (15 page)

BOOK: One Night with the Prince
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“Yes.” She said so quietly I almost didn’t hear it. I looked back down at her, and I felt a full-blown smile stretch across my face.


“Yes?” I made sure. She giggled and nodded while stretching upwards to me for a kiss. I held her head in my hands gently and kissed her back, showing her how much I loved her without saying it and scaring her off. I was turning into such a sap.


I loved kissing her. Her lips are so soft and sweet that if I could I’d spend the rest of my life doing just this. I would always treat her as if she was made up of the most fragile material because that’s what she deserved. She had turned me into this soft guy, and I don’t mind it too much.


“Wow.” She murmured to herself. I chuckled with my voice sounding hoarse, and tucked some hair behind her ear.


“I agree.” I whisper kissing the corner of her lips. She smiled and stood up.


“I’m going to go see if Danny got lost or something.” She mumbled, hurrying back inside with her face flushed. I laughed quietly to myself. For someone so devious and cunning, she is also the very innocent.


“Whoa! Okay then! Wow Missy you move fast!” I hear Anna inside. I peek from the door to see Missy and Demetrius jump apart looking flushed. I shake my head at them, while Anna walked out laughing to herself.


Sitting back on the lounger I think about how I can convince Anna to let me pick her. If I could choose today it’d be her hands down. I loved her quirky personality yet she can strike at you in a moment’s notice. However she rarely stood up for herself, rather she does it for people she cares about.


And with the fact she’s funny, interesting and beautiful, it was no wonder I fell for her hook line and sinker. I must have been spacing out for a while when I hear the door banged open and Anna seems out of breath.


“Oh my…gosh!…your brother…and Danny…
!” She got out. I felt my eyes bug out. No way!





Chapter twenty






“Rose?” I heard Zach start while I snuggled closer to him on the balcony outside.


“Yeah?” I answered back so he would continue. He took a moment and my anxiety level kicked up a few notches.


“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked. I could hear the doubt that I’d say yes in his voice. Did he seriously just ask me that?! I wanted to smile so big and jump up and down and yell with joy but that’d seem pretty silly and not to mention the fact embarrassing, so I just tried to act cool.


“Yes.” I said quietly so I wouldn’t yell it out.


“Yes?” He made sure. I giggled at his unsure voice. Like I would say no to him! Well I could see why he’d think that considering how I had been acting towards him. I turned around and stretched up to kiss his lips. This is my heaven. Oh gosh, he was turning me into such a sap! He held my face gently but kissed me with earnest. What is this boy doing to me? I could feel myself falling for him but am I really ready for that? Did I want to risk getting hurt?




I pulled away for breath as his kisses always leave me breathless like I just ran a marathon. My lips were tingling like they were numb for so long and now I started to get feeling in them again.


“Wow.” I murmured to myself. He chuckled at me.


“I agree.” He said softly and kissed the corner of my lips. I wanted to stay here forever but I knew if I continued to be in his arms like this I could do something I’d definitely regret.


So I smiled up at him and said, “I’m going to go see if Danny got lost or something.” I tried to get some space between us as I pulled away. I hopped up and rushed inside as I thought I heard him laugh but dismissed it as soon as I saw Missy and Demetrius going in for a kiss.


“Whoa! Okay then! Wow Missy you move fast!” They jumped away from each other looking alarmed. I laughed at them because they were so cute together. Walking out into the hall I made my way to the kitchen now wondering what was taking Danny boy so long.


When I got near after a long way I started to hear voices and I recognized one of them as Danny. I snuck up closer to hear. I was forever going to be devious.


“I know what you’re hiding.” Danny stated. I heard a scoff.


“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Oh my goodness is that Caidius?!


Danny laughed. “I know one when I see one.”


What the heck are they talking about? I peeked around the corner to see Danny and Caidius standing very close together. Oh no are they going to fight?! I was going to interfere when Caidius spoke.


“I am not! I sleep with tons of girls all the time!” He defended himself for whatever reason. Why would he need to defend that? Ew! That was
something to brag about!


Danny started chuckling. “Yeah right! I’m sure that’s just a cover-up. In fact, I’ll prove it!” Just then Danny grabbed Caidius’ face and freakin kissed him! I thought Cade would push him away but then he actually grabbed Danny’s shirt and pushed himself more to him! He was kissing him back!


Once I knew they weren’t going to fight, I booked it back to Zach’s room feeling slightly dizzy from all these questions zooming in my mind. I barged into the room ignoring Missy and Dem. I was breathless when I reached Zach.


“Oh my… gosh!…your brother…and Danny…
!” I gasped out. His eyes got huge as his jaw hits the floor.


“No…t-that’s not possible! You have to be joking!” He gets out. I narrowed my eyes at him and pointed to my face.


“Does it look like I’m joking!?” I said to him seriously, still catching my breath. He pulled my hands so I was sitting across from him as Missy and Dem came out looking worried.


“What was that? You look like you just been to Ripley’s Believe it or not.” Missy asked and patted my back.


“Anna here just said Danny and my brother were kissing in the kitchen.” Zach mumbled. I nodded to confirm what he just said, and Dem started laughing.


“No way! The playboy prince?! Very funny.” He chuckled.


I shook my head. “I’m serious Dem. I saw them myself. But the important thing to do right now is not to freak out.” I said quietly. Zach scoffed.


“How do you expect me not to freak out?! He‘s my brother!” He asked incredulously.


I nodded. “Exactly. He’s your brother. Accept this. If he really is gay, then he’s going to need support. Especially from you.” I looked directly at Zach as I said this. He looked down at his lap for a moment and nodded.


“Yes, you’re right. It’s just such a shock right now.” He answered. I sat on his side of the outdoor couch and took his hand.


“I know. But at the end of the day he’s still your baby brother.” Dem plopped down on the couch opposite of us and Missy sat next to him.


“Well, this is a shock!” He chuckled. Of course Dem would find any situation funny! I shook my head at him with a small smile. Just then we heard the door open and Danny walked in whistling. He walked out to where we were and he stopped when he saw us staring at him.


“What?” He asked with a smile so wide that it looked like his face was split in half. I chuckled at his smile.


“I saw.” I grinned at him.


He looked at me questioningly for a moment before looking shocked. “You-you did?” He asked sheepishly.


I nodded, and stood up to hug him. He hugged me back instantly.


“Oh Red! It was great! But he’s so freaked out right now! He’s not in denial anymore but…” He looked over at Zach, “He’s afraid of what you and your parents will say.” He finished.


“I need to go talk to him.” Zach stood up and just when he was about to go back inside he turned around to kiss my forehead.


“Make yourself feel welcome.” He told everyone else as he left. It was quiet for a moment before Missy smiled and hugged Danny tight.


“I’m so happy for you Danny!” She laughed and kissed his cheek.


He blushed slightly. “You think he really does like me?” He asked quietly looking at the ground.


I scoffed and ruffled his hair. “He’d be crazy not to Danny boy! Plus by the way I saw him kissing you back!” I giggled. Dem grimaced slightly but smiled at me.


“Even though I don’t know you that well, I’m happy for you.” He did the man handshake hug thing and Danny beamed at him.


I clapped my hands together. “Okay well let’s head back inside! It’s cold out here and I need to get warm.” I walked back inside as the others followed me. There was a T.V. in the room and I looked at his DVD collection. With a large smile I picked out one and popped it in.


“Uh-oh what did you pick?” Missy asked. I laughed and jumped in the bed with them. We were all sitting up in it facing it. When the menu popped up Dem groaned.


“Awww! C’mon! Happy Feet?” He asked.


I laughed at his face. “You should be groaning at Zach since he is the one who has it in his collection. Besides! It’s a great movie!” I defended as the songs started. Without even thinking about it I was singing along with the songs. Soon everyone was joining in, including Dem. I whacked a pillow at his face.


“Wow, for someone who doesn’t like this movie you sure do know a lot of the songs in this movie!” I teased. He rolled his eyes at me.


“I only like it when Mumble is a baby penguin. Otherwise it’s dumb.” He said with his nose in the air like a snotty person. I narrowed my eyes at him.


“Take. That. Back.” I said slowly.


He grinned and shook his head.




I let go of a pillow I had and jumped on him with a battle cry of my own.




He let out an oomph and struggled to right himself, which was difficult to do in this fluffy bed.


“Danny! Missy! Help me!” I called out. Missy jumped on as well along with Danny who was now on top of everyone else.


“Ah! Get off of me!” His muffled voice came from below me. We were laughing hard and continued to do so even when we got off of him. He huffed and fixed his hair pouting.


“Awww, are you mad?” I cooed like I was talking to a baby. He pouted more and I rolled my eyes at him as pushed him in a playful manor.


“You should stop pouting like that or a bird will poop on it.” I scolded like my grandma used to tell me. He laughed at that and pushed me back. But he pushed me too hard and I fell off the bed with a loud thud.


“Ow!” I moaned when my shoulder hit the floor. Carpet or not it hurt!


“Oh I’m so sorry Anna! I forgot how little you are!” Dem apologized crouching down to me. My shoulder felt like it was on fire and I bit my tongue to keep from screaming. Oh sweet Doctor Who! This hurt! Missy came to my side and looked at it, being careful not to touch it.


“Oh no. I think it’s dislocated. Demetrius? Is there a hospital around here?” She asked quietly. I blinked back tears as I tried to stay strong. Danny stroked my hair lovingly.


“It’s okay Red.” He said softly. I wanted to roll my eyes.


“Guys. It’s just my shoulder. I’m not dying.” I grunted out.


Missy shook her head smiling when Dem answered, “No need. I can call the palace doctor. Hold on.” He whipped out his cell phone and dialed whatever number he needed. While he was talking the door opened to reveal Zach and Cade. When Zach saw me he rushed to my side.


“What happened?” He asked as he brushed some hair out of my face, replacing the spot where Danny was.


“Just rough housing. No big deal.” I said through gritted teeth. Dem snapped his phone shut.


“The doctor will be here in a moment. He lives here with us, so you only have to hold on a little longer.” Dem looked so guilty that I chuckled but immediately regretted it when that action shook my shoulder.


“Dem relax! It was an accident!” I said hoarsely. This freaking sucked! It felt like someone was literally burning me.


“Why is Dem looking so guilty and what was an accident?” Zach asked cautiously. Dem gulped and I rolled my eyes.


“It was nothing. I pushed him and he pushed me back and then I ended up on the floor. It was an accident.” I explained closing my eyes trying to block out the pain. There was a knock at the door and Zach was glaring at Dem.


“Zach stop it.” I said calmly. Cade opened the door and I saw a middle aged man with a bag. He had on his white doctor’s coat, however he had pajama pants. He looked like he just woke up or getting ready to go to sleep.


“Let’s take a look at your shoulder shall we?” He said in a thick Scottish accent. He bent down to my level on the floor and very gingerly sat me up. I hissed in pain at the slightest movement of my arm.


“It seems that your shoulder is indeed dislocated. I’m just going to pop it back into place okay? It will hurt at first but once it’s back in it will feel much better.” I nodded, not trusting my voice to talk.


He grabbed my arms and with a twist and a push, plus a short scream from me I heard a popping sound and the burning sensation stopped almost instantly. I sighed and leaned back against the bed.


“Thank you.” I said gratefully. He nodded and brought out a sling.


“I want you to keep this on for a short while. It’s just mainly for precaution. Please call me if you have any more trouble miss.” He bowed slightly and left without another word. Zach suddenly picked me up bridal style.


“Zach! My legs aren’t broken!” I protested as he sat me down on the bed.

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