One Night In Amsterdam (31 page)

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Authors: Nadia C. Kavanagh

BOOK: One Night In Amsterdam
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I kissed him fiercely, explored his mouth with my tongue and he returned my kiss with equal abandon. His hands and my hands tangled, I started unbuttoning his shirt with trembling fingers. A deep sigh escaped his lips as I slipped his shirt from his shoulders, admired his chiseled body once more with my avid gaze, and brushed his naked skin with the tip of my fingers. I trailed kisses down his chest and judging by his restless body, I knew we wanted the same thing, and we wanted it right away. His eyes wide and feral with unfulfilled desire, his hands reached to the bottom of my pale pink t-shirt and with a gentle tug, he pulled it over my head. He tossed it over near his shirt lying on the ground and revealed my breasts, covered slightly with my pink lace bra.

I threw my head back, rested it on the window, giving his mouth better access as his lips trailed down to my neck and my breast while he held the small of my back with one hand and unclasped my bra with the other.  Once my bra dropped right next to our clothes, he bent down and sucked one nipple first while he brushed his thumb over the other. Then he moved his mouth to the next, making me breathe hard and moan. Every time he twirled my already hardened nipples between his fingers and sucked them, a pleasure jolted through my body, my legs almost gave out.

Sensing my dizziness, he scooped me up in his arms and placed me on his bed. His hand moved to my leg, slipped under my skirt slowly, trailing soft touches along my thigh towards my already-drenched core.  He pulled my skirt down and pressed his nose against me, nudging the small wisp of my lacy panties.   Feeling his finger first, then his tongue inside me, I gasped soft moans, and breathy whimpers.  His soft velvet tongue was relentless, flicking, circling, licking me, sucking my core into his mouth while he stroked me with one finger and then with two, in and out slowly, as I quivered in pleasure. I couldn’t stifle my moans any longer, pulling his face toward me, raking my hands through his disheveled hair, I screamed his name.  The pressure built up inside me where all the nerve endings in my body merged. I was at the edge of a precipice, freefalling as he took me into a wonderland of ecstasy. With the final flick of his tongue and one last stroke with his deft long fingers, I reached my climax and came down from the clouds as my body arched and then stilled.

Still panting heavily, I gazed eagerly at his bright blue eyes. I wetted my lips with the tip of my tongue and then bit them trying to suppress my hunger for him. I reached for his jeans, unbuckled his belt and unzipped his fly. I freed him of his boxers quickly. I took his long length between my fingers and I stroked him slowly. I licked it and placed a soft kiss on his pink tip, but he stopped me before I could taste more of him. “It has been a while, Emma. It will be quick. I want to be in you when I come,” he whispered in my ear.

And quickly he pulled my hips to him and made me sit on his lap, as he rested his back on the wall.  He entered me slowly at first, my eyes wide open, gazing into his maddening eyes.  Then he moved his hips back and then plunged forward, hard and fast. I pushed against him equally, forcing him to go deeper. His salacious gaze lingered on my lips and his hands cupped my face and quickly he slipped his tongue into my mouth as we moved together in unison. I felt him deep inside me and oh god, it felt so good.

I wanted the pleasure to last longer but as the sensation built inside me, “I’m going to come,” I moaned into his mouth.

“Hold on baby! I’m almost there!” He said.

“I can’t. Dylan…” I whimpered as my body shivered reaching my climax.

“Oh. God.” He cried. “You feel so good!” I felt his body buckle as he arched his head back and pushed in me one more time. Then he stilled. My name escaped his mouth.

He held me tightly, my face buried to his chest as his breathing slowed. He looked a bit pensive, but the tenderness in his eyes told me what he couldn’t say in words.

“Would you like to watch the sunset?” He asked, after a few long, comforting and quiet minutes laying in his arms.

“Yes! I’d love to…” I replied.

“I’ll grab the left-overs and a bottle of wine. Meet me on the deck in five minutes.” He said, smiling. He put on his jeans and shirt quickly and disappeared into the kitchen.

I went outside a few minutes later with messed up hair and smudged makeup. I had put on one of his dress shirts instead of my white blouse. “It looks so much better on you!” He commented, as soon as he saw me standing by the door.

“I wanted something more comfortable!” I giggled.

“Come here, baby! Eat something.” He uttered softly and placed one of Jane’s bite-size quiches in my mouth. He then handed me a glass of wine and sipped on his. “To you… Dr. Collins!  To your success!” He toasted, but his eyes were misty, something was bothering him.  After such an amazing day, I felt that we were at that point, we had to talk about what was lingering in the back of our minds… us.

“I don’t care about my success Dylan. I thought that the day I had my degree would be the happiest day of my life, but it wasn’t.”

“Why wasn’t it?” He asked, his eyes were intense, demanding.

“Because of you. You weren’t there with me!” I confessed, I couldn’t hide my feelings any longer. I felt empty without him.

“I was there. I watched you from the back.” He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his lips to my neck, taking deep breaths. “I saw the sad look on your face when you walked to the stage. I wanted to hold you in my arms and erase that sad look.”

“Oh, Dylan… Life lost its meaning without you.”

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“I was scared. I was scared of your past but more so… I was scared of my feelings that I couldn’t control.”

“I love you Emma!” He whispered in my ear. “I love you so damn much! I can’t breathe without you.”

“Dylan …” I tried to interrupt him.

“No, just listen.” He said. “I prepared this long speech for you. But today was so perfect, I didn’t want to ruin it. Now that finally I have the courage to speak… I forgot it. I forget everything when I am with you Emma. When you are in my arms, the world stops spinning, as if it is only you and me left standing.”

“Oh, Dylan. I feel the same.”

“Then don’t go Emma. Don’t leave me.”

“It’s too late Dylan. I have to go. I already signed up. I can’t quit now.”

“Then I’ll come with you.”

“It is safe there for doctors but not for civilians like you.”

Then suddenly, he was on his knee, holding a black velvet box in his hand. “I don’t want to go there as a civilian. I’d like to be a volunteer in the field like you, to support you, to support my wife. Of course that’s if you say ‘yes’. Marry me Emma. I know this is not the most romantic proposal, but you haven’t given me much choice. When I learned you were leaving the country in two weeks, I couldn’t wait any longer. So what do you say, Emma. Will you marry me?”

“Dylan. It’s not that easy. What about your work? What about my father? He won’t leave you alone. He will make your life miserable.”

“I don’t care what Chuck Reed thinks of me or wants to do to me. I’m not scared of him because I know that I am not that person anymore. Ever since I saw you in front of that church in Amsterdam, something inside me has changed. I don’t care about the business, the profits that don’t bring me happiness. I hated my life before I met you, I just couldn’t admit it. Now I know. I cannot go back to that life anymore. I’ve already told Max that I want to sell my shares and get out of the business. I am not going back to Manhattan. I want to live here. With you! Go wherever you go. When we are together, the world becomes this wonderful place and nothing else, no one else matters. Tell me you feel the same. Tell me you love me too.”

“Yes, I feel the same. Yes, I love you.” I admitted, crying.

“So…will you marry me?”

“Yes, I will marry you!” I exclaimed.

Hearing my confirming words, he slid the diamond ring on my finger and lifted me up. He spun me around, laughing and screaming happily. Now that we were together, life had meaning again.





I would like to thank…

my beloved husband, who encouraged me to indulge in the fantasy of writing. Thank you for your patience and understanding,

my good friend, Rachel Clerico, for her meticulous editing and great feedback,

my good friend Tom – a first time romance book reader- for his great comments and edits,

my funny, crazy, wonderful and very supportive girlfriends, without their inspiration, I could not have published this book.





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