One Night In Amsterdam (30 page)

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Authors: Nadia C. Kavanagh

BOOK: One Night In Amsterdam
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As if she heard my inner thoughts, “You can just wipe that sulky expression right off your face, the million dollars isn’t for you, it’s for the hospital.” Sydney said, while I watched the crowd scatter around the ballroom now that the auction had ended.

“I know, but still, it is a ridiculous amount of money! I can’t believe he did that.” I grimaced.

“Dylan is just being generous for a good cause. He donates to different charities every year. This happens to be one of them. Just leave it at that Emma. Stop over-analyzing and enjoy your date.” She scolded me.

I rolled my eyes and couldn’t help but make a face. She was just being typical Sydney; carefree, easy going, the ultimate insouciant.

I clambered down the stairs and approached Dylan and Steve nervously, while Amy and Sydney accompanied me. I was contemplating what to say to Dylan when I saw Kyle walking towards him rampantly.

“What are you still doing here Kyle?” I asked, implying that he wasn’t welcome. He ignored my comment, stood a few feet away from Dylan, glaring at him insidiously, ready to do something stupid.

“You can’t buy Emma like you buy your whores for your customers.” He inveighed.

“Watch your language.” Dylan rebuffed. “This is a fundraiser. Nobody is buying anybody.”

“Who do you think you are fooling? Everybody knows what you do with your money Dylan. You are a sick bastard, a lecherous man who uses women!”

“You don’t get to talk to me like that. I know who you are Kyle Milton and all the sick things you and your brother like to do. You are quite famous according to my friend, Max Donavon. So get the hell out of here, before I tell Emma who you really are.”

Kyle gazed over at me and then back to Dylan with total frustration, “Fuck you!”  He blurted out. He turned his hands into fists and was about to hit Dylan when Dylan, with his quick grip, clasped Kyle’s hands behind his back dexterously. “You don’t want to make a scene here.” He narrowed his eyes and admonished him while still keeping calm.

“You can’t tell me what I will or will not do. You asshole!”

“Yes I can. I won’t let you bother her anymore. Just get out of here,” Dylan said calmly and pushed him towards the exit. He was still holding his hands clasped in the back, and Kyle squirmed to free himself from Dylan’s strong grasp, looking totally irritated, but he couldn’t.

“You two deserve each other. She’s as fucked up as you are!” He spewed his anger in despair again. On any other day I would have let his insolent, vulgar remark go. Not this time. I was so enraged that abruptly, out of nowhere, I slapped his face. He certainly didn’t see it coming and he just looked at me, utterly mad. He was about to speak, when Dylan shook his head and spoke calmly.

“Don’t even think about it!” His eyes were throwing daggers at him. Kyle, obviously scared, finally shut up and bowed his head down. Steve and Dylan dragged him out of the ballroom and Steve stayed outside to make sure Kyle left the hotel.

Dylan returned back quickly. “I’m sorry you had to see all that. I didn’t expect that.”

“Why are you apologizing? He is the jerk, not you. I can’t believe he had the face to be here. Kyle, he is my …” I tried to explain.

He cocked his head to side, his eyes full of affection, his lips curved into a charming smile. “Let’s not talk about him anymore,” he cut me off as he closed the distance between us quickly.

And now that we were finally alone, he caressed my hands first and then touched my face with his back of his fingers. “Emma!”  He whispered my name which sounded like a magic word opening the doors of heaven coming out of his mouth.

He tilted my chin up. His arms wrapped around my waist, his face an inch away, I breathed in his intoxicating smell. It was so damn hard to resist him while all my body was craving for him.

“I missed you so much”. He spoke very softly.

“Dylan! Please don’t!”

“No. Emma. You do not get to reject me tonight. You cannot deny me this. We have to talk. Please!”

“Alright. Let’s talk!” I said and pushed myself away. Around him, I felt like a little firefly attracted to bright light. It was so hard to resist him, to break away from his attraction.

“I don’t want to talk to you here. I want to take you somewhere. Somewhere special where we can be alone.”

“I am so tired Dylan. I don’t think I can go anywhere else tonight!” I declined.

“Tomorrow morning then. I’ll pick you up.”

“Dylan…I …” I muttered, trying to object again.

He pressed his index finger to my lips. “You owe me one date Dr. Emma Collins! One date!” He smiled.

I grinned and shook my head. “Yes, I do.”

“So, what do you say? Tomorrow morning I will pick you up early, let’s say around eight and we will have our date.” Dylan asked with beseeching eyes.

“Is it possible to say no to you?”

“I guess not…” He smiled mischievously.

“Okay, then. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. You need to pick me up from Sydney’s apartment.”

“Yes!” He nodded with a knowing smile. I’m sure Sydney had something to do with tonight and Dylan’s presence.  My dear friend was meddling with my life again, but this time I wasn’t mad at her. I was grateful that she did.

The next morning I woke up early, got dressed and fiddled around the apartment to occupy myself to suppress my excitement. Dylan arrived right at eight in his black Maserati Quattroporte. I was surprised to see him driving his car, instead of picking me up with Jeff and the limo.

“So, where are we heading, Dylan?” I asked, without hiding my curiosity when we got into the car and started driving towards Queensboro Bridge.

“To my place… where I have been staying for the last two months.” He spoke blithely and held my hand over the stick shift, gazing at me occasionally as he drove leisurely. His eyes sparkled every time he smiled. Other than talking about the weather and answering my trivial questions about work, he was unusually quiet. At every city sign we passed, I asked him if we were there yet, but he just kept smiling and driving along.

“You are as bad as my five year old cousin, Emma!”  He joked after my fifth attempt of guessing where we were going.

“It’s your fault.  If you’d have told me already, I wouldn’t have to keep bothering you.” I said, pouting.

He turned slightly towards me while holding the steering wheel with one hand and my hand with the other. “I even missed your complaints.” He said, and placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand.

Quivering inwardly with his touch, I bit my lips and stayed quiet for the rest of the ride.  At the end of our three-hour drive, I saw the sign for the city of Montauk and said, “This should be it because after this, it’s the Atlantic Ocean.”

“Yes, we are close. Just a few minutes left.” He replied.

In less than five minutes, we stopped in front of a small, single story house with yellow clapboards, overlooking a long beautiful beach, stretching into the horizon.

“Here we are!” Dylan exclaimed excitedly. He parked the car on the driveway and rushed around quickly to open my door. As soon as I was out of the car, a golden retriever greeted us happily, shaking his tail, and a cute couple appeared right after.

“Welcome back Dylan! You are right on time,” the young girl said. “You must be Emma! I’m Jane and this is my fiancé Aaron.” She added. Then she turned to Dylan. “Everything is all set and ready for you. We even got you a new coffee pot. I can’t believe you were still using that piece of junk.” She explained.

“Thank you, Jane and Aaron for all your help. I owe you guys a big one!”

“Oh, it’s nothing compared to all you have done for us since you moved up here.” Aaron replied.

“Also, one last thing…can Copper stay with us for a little while?” asked Dylan. “We can bring him to you in an hour or so?”

“Sure. Copper will be so happy. I think he likes you more than us. Aaron is so jealous.” Jane chuckled.

I looked at Jane and Aaron and then at Dylan for an explanation. Before I could ask any questions, the cute couple left.

“Come on Dylan… You’ve got to tell me now. Who are they? What were they doing here? What is ready?”

“This house used to belong to Aaron’s grandfather who passed away two years ago. Jane is Aaron’s fiancé and has a little restaurant in town. When I am too tired to cook I eat at her place. We became very good friends since I bought the house and moved to Montauk. I dog-sit Copper when they go out of town.” He explained very quickly. “Now… shall we?” He took my hand and pulled me towards the open front door.

It was a cute, little, cozy house which reminded me of my grandparent’s house in Rhode Island. It had such a familiar charm to it that all of sudden, I felt I was ten years old, playing tag with Steve while my mother chased us around. My eyes welled up and I couldn’t help but let a tiny tear seep down my cheek.

“Emma, what’s wrong?” Dylan asked worriedly.

“It’s nothing… this house. It’s so beautiful, so peaceful. It reminds me of my childhood days at my nana’s house. I can’t believe you were living here for the last two months. I never thought you would be…” I replied stutteringly.

“You thought I could never live in a house without a doorman, an elevator or expensive furniture…”

“No, I didn’t mean it like that.” I looked at him apologetically.

“It’s okay Emma. I understand.  Believe me, a lot has changed for me in the last couple of months.” He said, without explaining further what he meant.

“Would you mind giving me a quick tour?”

“I’d love to… but later. Now, come with me.  Food is ready!” He held my hand and walked me outside.  On his wooden deck overlooking the beach, a table for two was set up; a yellow table cloth, wicker place mats, daisy pattern plates, wine glasses filled with orange juice, and a glazed Bundt cake with fresh fruits placed neatly on it.

“Dylan!” I cried completely surprised. “Oh. My. God. This is amazing. What a beautiful view…” I pointed at the table. “How did you organize all this?”

“This is courtesy of Jane and Aaron, your welcome gift. Jane is an awesome cook. She prepared us her breakfast special. Would you like to start with your crêpes?”

“Yes! I’d love to!” I uttered happily. And in the next few hours as we enjoyed the delicious food Jane had prepared, we talked about his life in Montauk, how he found the house coincidentally at his first night in Montauk and how he rebuilt the house, piece by piece.

After brunch, we took Copper out for a walk on the beach.  It was such a soothing feeling to walk on the soft sandy beach, barefoot, as the warm sun caressed my body. We spent hours at the beach, watched blue horizon, walked hand in hand, and played fetch with Copper. Being with Dylan always made me feel excited and elated but this time I also felt at ease and tranquil… Something that I hadn’t felt for a long time.

Neither during our brunch nor during our walk did Dylan bring up any of the unpleasant subjects lingering in the back of my mind; our breakup, his gruesome past, my plans for next year. We talked about Copper, his quiet life in Montauk, art, music, and completely avoided conversation about our future.  We enjoyed a day at the beach like two lovers united after a long separation, who were happy to be back together.

“Let’s go back and I’ll show you all the work I’ve done around the house!” He said after we dropped Copper off at Jane’s beach house.

“Sure. I’d love to see it.” I said.

Back in the house, he proudly showed the cabinets and the hardwood floors he installed in the kitchen and the living room, and then the tiles for his bathroom. I was heading towards his bedroom, when he stopped walking and hesitated.

“You don’t want me to go in there?” I asked, wondering why he didn’t want me to see his room.

“No, it’s not that.” He said, and stood in front of the door, cocking his head to the side, folding his arms over his chest, making me more curious.

“Come on Dylan. What are you hiding in there?” I asked playfully.

He bit his lips, and squinted at me as if he was still thinking. Then he stepped aside and let me in. There, by the window overlooking the ocean, stood an easel and a tall canvas covered with a white cloth.

“Dylan! You started painting again?” I asked, utterly surprised.

He nodded shyly and smiled.

“I’d like to see it.”

“It’s not finished yet! I still have some final touches to do.” He replied, still ambivalent to showing me his painting.

“Please show me!” I asked again, begging this time.

He removed the cloth slowly and I was completely shocked when I saw the oil painting. It was me, standing on the deck of this beach house, holding the wooden rail; my body turned towards the ocean, my face turned towards the house, looking at him, smiling. I was holding a bouquet of flowers, a jasmine branch in the middle of it.

“But how… how did you paint it? It looks so real.”

“I imagined you standing there looking at me for days, maybe weeks. I painted your face out of memory but seeing you today, standing here, I realize that I didn’t do your beauty justice.  You are much more beautiful in person.”

“Oh, Dylan!  This is…the’s amazing. You are amazing. I don’t know what to say.” I mumbled. My heart was beating as if it was about to come out of its cage. After spending a wonderful day with him, I couldn’t fight with my emotions any longer. I trotted towards him quickly and wrapped my arms around his neck. My lips found his almost instantaneously. I kissed him softly and delicately, savoring every second of it, as if it was our last kiss. As our lips moved in unison with an unstoppable passion, I realized how much I missed him and how my life was so empty without him. I wanted to be with him again so desperately. My desire for him was too much and succumbing to that desire was inevitable.

As if Dylan read my mind, he lifted me up without breaking the kiss and straddled my legs around his hips. I felt his growing bulge over my skirt as I caressed his rippled abs, strong tattooed arms and his muscular chest with my palm. His breathing quickened as I explored every inch of his body hungrily. I craved for his touch for weeks and now that all the emotions that were sealed and locked inside us finally erupted, we couldn’t stop the avalanche of lust.

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