Once Broken (30 page)

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Authors: D.M. Hamblin

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Once Broken
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“Thank you,” Jackie said, hyperventilating. “I’d appreciate that.” She called John who headed for the hospital immediately.

“Did you see anything ma’am,” Officer Fuller asked Jackie, with the remnants of a Scottish brogue.

“No, not really. But that guy over there did,” she said, pointing to the rotund man.

“Good afternoon, officers,” the man said after pulling the cigar from his mouth. My name’s Larry Kelly. I saw the whole damned thing from my car.” He pointed to his car parked diagonally across from the accident scene. “My wife’s shopping. I can’t stand walking around these damned places. So, I wait in the car while the Mrs. shops, and listen to the ball game or whatever. Anyway, all of a sudden I heard screeching tires. I looked up and saw a navy Cutlass, new model. I couldn’t believe my eyes. These two ladies were walking side by side, and the car sped up and swerved right for them! Yup, deliberate as far as I could tell. Here’s the license number.” Larry handed the officer a piece of torn paper.

Officer Stanton took the paper and went to look up the number from the squad car.

“Ms. Martin, do you or your daughter have any enemies?” Officer Fuller asked.

Jackie’s blood went cold as she recalled the black roses and hang-up calls. “Maybe.”

“Are you okay, ma’am?”

“Yeah, I guess. I’m so worried about my daughter.” She was trembling.

“We’ve received a report. She’s at the hospital, in good hands. We’ll get you there as soon as possible.”

“Okay, to answer your questions, there’s been some strange occurrences lately.” She told Officer Fuller about the black roses and hang-up calls. “I’m a family lawyer. Maybe an adverse party is out to get me?”

“Let’s head to the hospital. Maybe we can question your daughter soon too.”

As Jackie got in the cruiser she heard Officer Stanton tell Officer Fuller, “We got a rundown on the navy Olds. It’s registered to Anthony and Carmella Salvucci at 20 Ivy Lane, Newton, MA. A cruiser is going over there.”

Jackie gasped. “Oh my God!”

“You know these people?” Officer Fuller turned to look at Jackie.

“Yes! Anthony’s Gina’s father.” She trembled with anger. “I can’t believe that crazy bitch would do that! I’ll fucking kill her!”

“I’ll assume that’s hyperbole,” Officer Fuller said. “Do you think Carmella could be responsible for the roses and the hang-up calls?”

“Probably. That bitch!” Her face flushed with anger.

“We’ll take care of it, Ms. Martin. You worry about your daughter.”

The cruiser pulled up to the emergency room. Jackie ran in and was led to the bed where Gina lay intubated. John was by her side.

“You’re Gina’s mother?” the doctor asked.

“Yes, I’m Jackie Martin.” She held her hand out to the doctor.

“I’m Dr. Wheelock, Mrs. Martin,” he said shaking her hand. “Your daughter was unresponsive at the scene. The paramedics sedated and intubated her. We’ll be taking a CAT scan to determine the extent of her injuries. I’ll let you know as soon as we know more. You should get some coffee. Or we have a chapel down the hall.”

“Jackie, sit,” John said, pulling over a chair. John put his hand on her shoulder. “You know our Gina, she’s no quitter. She’ll pull through this.”

Jackie put a hand over John’s and squeezed her daughter’s hand with the other. “What if

“Positive thoughts only, Jackie.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Honey, you’re going to be okay. God, help us.”

When the orderly came to take Gina for tests, John put his arm around Jackie. “Let’s get some coffee.”

John and Jackie sat at the cafeteria table with cups of steaming coffee. Jackie fiddled with her stirrer. Looking at John, she said, “You won’t believe this. They ran the plate of the car that hit her. It’s registered to Tony and Carmella.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” John leaped out of his chair, his face beet red. “I’ll kill that bastard!”

“John, it wasn’t him. He’d never do something like that. She could though. We’ll know more soon. Meanwhile, Gina needs our prayers. Want to go to the chapel?”

Together they knelt and prayed for God’s healing.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

April 2000

fficer Stanton knocked on the front door of the two-bedroom craftsman bungalow at 20 Ivy Lane, while Officer Fuller inspected the Oldsmobile parked in the driveway. Tony opened the door.

“Good afternoon sir. I’m Officer Stanton, Burlington Police Department.”

“What can I do for you officer?”

“I need to question you and your wife about an incident that occurred at the Burlington Mall earlier this afternoon. My partner is checking out your Olds. May I come in?”

“Sure.” Tony shrugged. “My wife’s in the shower.”

“Have you been home all day?” Officer Stanton flipped the top page of his notebook.

“Yes.” Tony’s eyebrows knitted.

“Was your wife home with you?”


“Where was your wife?”

“I’m not sure. She usually spends Saturdays with her sister. Shopping, I assume.”

“She took the Oldsmobile today?” Officer Stanton asked.


“Please get your wife, sir. We need to ask her a few questions.”

“Can you tell me what this is about?”

Officer Fuller came into the house after inspecting the car. “Sir, your daughter was the victim of a hit and run at the Burlington Mall this afternoon. The car was identified as a navy Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme with your plate number. Upon inspection, I found blood on the bumper.” Tony’s olive skin became pallid. “Were you having difficulty with your daughter or your ex-wife?”

“No officer, no trouble.” His mind spun.

“Your daughter is at Mass General. She was unconscious at the scene. Injuries could be life-threatening.”

Tony’s heart skipped a beat. “I don’t understand.”

“Mr. Salvucci, your daughter’s in rough shape. We must talk to your wife. Please get her.”

“Yes, officer.” In a fog, Tony climbed the stairs. Carmella sat brushing her long wet auburn hair before the wall-size vanity mirror. Standing at the threshold of the bedroom door, with arms folded, he watched her humming “Love Will Keep Us Together” while admiring herself in the mirror.
She looks happier than she has in months.
His blood went cold.

“The police are here. They want to talk to you.”

Carmella’s hazel eyes grew wide. “Whatever for?”

“Apparently there was a hit-and-run incident at the Burlington Mall earlier. You’re a suspect.”

She rested her sterling silver hair brush against the matching hand mirror. “I don’t know anything about any such thing. I was with Katrina and nowhere near that stupid mall. Why are they bothering us?”

“Well Carmella, it seems a witness identified the Olds as the one that hit Gina. You better get clothes on and go talk to them before I fucking kill you.” Tony’s tone was murderous. “Move! You bitch.”

She jumped off the chair. Tony remained at the door. She glanced over her shoulder as she got dressed. Composing herself as she passed him, she walked downstairs wearing a silk lounging ensemble.

“Officers, what can I do for you?”

Tony stood by bannister at the bottom of the stairs listening, his blood boiling.

“Mrs. Salvucci, a witness identified your car as the car that struck Gina Martin in the Burlington Mall parking lot at approximately one forty-five this afternoon,” Fuller informed her.

“Well, there must be some kind of mistake. I was with my sister. Feel free to contact her,” Carmella told them.

Stanton responded, “My partner, Officer Fuller, inspected your car and found blood on the bumper, ma’am. Lab results may render your witness useless. We’re placing you under arrest for leaving the scene of an accident, reckless driving, driving to endanger, and possibly, attempted murder. Mrs. Salvucci, please put your hands behind your back. You have the right to remain silent

“Tony, stop them! They can’t do this to me!”

“If they don’t take you away, I swear I’ll kill you with my bare hands! You may as well go with them. They’ll be doing us both a favor!”

“I’m a good person!” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I didn’t do anything wrong! Tony, help me!” The police led her into the cruiser.


Tony identified himself as Gina’s father to the receptionist in the Emergency Department. A nurse directed him to the family waiting room on the third floor. Getting off the elevator, he peered through the window of the swinging door, watching John and Paul comfort Jackie. Her troubled face made him want to burst through the doors and tell her everything would be okay, but he knew he couldn’t be the one to comfort her right now. He would only further upset her. He watched as a doctor spoke with them. He needed to know the extent of the injuries his wife had caused his daughter, and waited for the doctor to come through the swinging door.

“Excuse me, doctor. I’m Gina Martin’s father. Can you tell me her prognosis?”

“Sure, Mr. Martin, Gina’s been sedated and intubated. CAT scans show no internal damage. We should be able to pull the tube soon and expect full recovery. She’s a lucky young lady.” He patted Tony’s shoulder and continued down the hall.

Tony’s stomach churned so tightly he gagged.


Upon hearing the news that Gina was, for the most part, out of the woods, the trio cried tears of relief in each other’s arms. They agreed to pull shifts at her bedside until the tube was removed.

Three stressful days later, Gina was moved out of intensive care. Gina was comfortable though weak. Jackie updated her daughter on the excitement she had missed. “So there I was in the police cruiser and I heard an officer say the car was registered to Anthony and Carmella Salvucci. I nearly died.”

Gina gasped. “Geez, the last thing I remember was seeing her face. I thought I was hallucinating. So she’s not just a psycho. She’s a would-be murderer. But I’m stronger than her freaking car.”

Louie and Anna walked into the room carrying a huge Mylar get-well balloon and a bag of Doritos. “Oh dear, it’s so good to see you sitting up and looking well.” Anna’s eyes glistened. She kissed Gina’s forehead.

“You gave us quite a scare, darlin’,” Louie said, with a lump in his throat. He lifted a huge bag of Doritos. “I brought your favs.”

Gina smiled. “Thanks. There’s nothing to do here but eat.”

“The boys sent you this.” He handed her a small box that held a horseshoe keychain. “They said it’s to keep you lucky.”

“Aw, Mom, John, look at this.” She held it dangling for their inspection. “I love the boys.”

“And they love you.”

“I’ve got to meet these boys,” John said.

Gina turned to Louie. “Let’s do that. It’d be so much fun.”

“Sure thing, darlin’.” He scanned the group and asked, “Can we have a few minutes alone?”

Once everyone left the room, Louie sat beside Gina’s bed and squeezed her hand. “It’s great to see you looking so well.” He shook his head. “We were scared to death. Tony wanted me to tell you he’s devastated by what Carmella did. And devastated is an understatement. He can’t eat or sleep. He wants you to know that.”

Gina’s blood pressure rose. She bit her lip.
Be polite, Gina.
“Okay Louie, thanks for letting me know.”

“It wasn’t his fault. You know? He had no idea.”

“Yes.” But he’s the one who brought the psycho into our lives.

“Okay darlin’, I promised Tony I’d send his best wishes.”

“Okay. Want to hand me those Doritos?”


May 2000

Carmella was arraigned on charges of leaving the scene of an accident, driving to endanger, and felonious assault with a dangerous weapon. Tony refused to post bail. Carmella’s lawyer pleaded insanity and she was sentenced to a state hospital for the criminally insane. Tony hoped that Carmella would get the help she needed. But he could never look at her face again. Exhausted from the years of marriage to her, he contacted Johnny and began divorce proceedings.


Gina came home from the hospital a week later. Aches and pains continued, but she would fully recover with excellent physical therapy. She and John were delighted that they could still attend the Senior Dance. She wouldn’t be able to dance, but she could celebrate with her friends and attend with the love of her life.

A week before graduation, she landed a position as a marketing associate with a Boston marketing firm.

Graduation the following week was more emotional than Jackie had expected. Watching her daughter limp across the stage was one of the proudest moments of her life. Her daughter’s life flashed before her eyes as if it were a movie. From the scary days of bringing her home from the hospital, to her adorable toddlerhood, through childhood and adolescence to young adulthood, and to the day she thought she’d lost her. Jackie sat between John and Paul, with Louie, Anna, and Lucille on the far end. Her eyes filled with tears.
What a long, twisting road it’s been. But it passed like lightning. Hmm, long days, short years.
She sent a prayer of gratitude to God for all the miracles. Paul put his arm around his sister. “You did good,” he whispered. “I’m proud of you.” She smiled through her tears and texted her daughter. “I’m so proud of you, honey. LYT (love you tons).”


The Saturday following graduation, Gina and Louie took John to meet the boys. After Louie introduced John, Jerry said, with the stogie in the usual place, “So this is the young man who stole our darlin’s heart.” The men shook hands.

“Nice to meet you, young man.” Duke held out his hand.

“Nice to meet you, John,” Fatty said. “Want a stogie?” He pulled two out of his pocket.

“Sure, I’ll join you guys.” John and Louie each took a stogie.

“Hey,” Gina said. “I’m sick of this ol’ boy crap. The sexism stops here. I want one too.”

The men let out a hearty laugh. “That’s my girl,” John said, putting his arm around her shoulder. “Sure you can handle it?”

“Oh for cryin’ out loud, I’ve been breathing in this shit since I was thirteen. Smoking it can’t be much worse.”

Fatty handed her a stogie. “What’s good for the gander is good for the goose.” The group laughed again.

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