On the Rocks (Pub Fiction Book 2) (18 page)

Read On the Rocks (Pub Fiction Book 2) Online

Authors: Gillian Jones

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: On the Rocks (Pub Fiction Book 2)
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Stepping back out
to the main bar area, my shoulders are tense from being hunched over my desk in my office and working on a shit ton of paperwork. The place is jammed, and it takes me a few minutes to spot Braun and her girls. When I finally do, I stop mid-stride.

Immediately feeling the adrenaline reappearing and working its way through my body, I see Braunwyn with some asshole’s hands all over her. Brooke and London are nowhere in sight. I plow through the crowd, my hands balled into tight fists. Luke must notice what I’m seeing too, as I hear him holler out for Big John.

“John. John! Levi’s onto something,” Luke shouts over the music, waving his hands in my direction.

“Onto something” has always been our code which means there’s an issue, and get to the fucking dance floor now. I just hope John beats me to the guy, ’cause I’m about to lose my shit all over this guy’s face.

Luckily I see Big John’s enormous hands grabbing the guy’s shoulder. The asshole yelps as John applies some pressure, sending a clear message not to bother trying to start anything. The next thing I see is a small crowd gathering around to take in the action, and a few idiots shouting “Fight! Fight!” But within a few seconds, Big John has the situation under control and he whisks the douchelord away through a hole in the dancers.

I don’t utter a word. I simply scoop up Braunwyn’s sexy ass, caveman-style, and walk us off the dance floor.

I end up taking her into the closest room, which just so happens to be the storage room. It seems kind of fitting for what I’m hoping is going to happen next. I’m going to call trump, and then I’m hoping to get my greedy hands and lips all over this sexy-as-fuck woman that has burrowed herself so fucking deep into my being, it’s unreal. I’ve never felt this strong a pull toward another person before, and I can’t take not getting to touch, hold or kiss her anymore.
Fuck our friends pact. This shit ends now.

“Baby, are you okay?” I ask, after slamming the door shut and putting her down against the door.

Goddamn, she’s beautiful right now, cheeks flushed, chest heaving.

“Yeah, I’m all right, thanks to you. That guy came out of nowhere! The girls had gone to the washroom, but I didn’t want to go. I loved that song, plus I knew you were watching after us.” She smiles shyly with that admission.

“Not, them. You. Only you,” I tell her, and step in a bit closer, wanting to close this stupid gap existing between us. Her eyes meet mine and a battle of unspoken words plays out, ending in her giving me one of those shy fucking smiles that are enough to bring a grown man to his knees. I close the rest of the divide, cupping her face in my hands. I place a gentle kiss on her nose, then nuzzle her neck where I pause, enjoying the peace and comfort she brings to me.

“I can’t be your friend anymore, Scrappy…” I begin, causing her breath to hitch. “I’m calling
. Listen to me, baby. I can’t be
your friend anymore. Not when all I can think about is kissing you, holding you tight while the power behind my kisses and my touch heals the hole that’s torn through your heart. I know you’ve got skeletons. Hell, we all do. I don’t care. Whatever they are, we’re gonna heal the pain together. You’re my best friend, and now I need you to be more. I need you to be mine. You said that day at your house you ‘felt bad keeping me’, but fuck, Braun, I
you to keep me, cause damn baby, I wanna keep you—and Emmerson too—so much.”

“Levi,” she whispers, as tears begin to fall down her soft skin, but she’s nodding her head, showing me she approves of my words.

“So, no, Braun, I can’t be your friend anymore. Not when I need to be more. And you need me, so please, baby, let me be the ‘more’ you need,” I say and rest my forehead on hers, willing her to take a chance on me.

“Yes, I also want that. I call trump too, Levi. God, I want to be yours. I think I’ve wanted it for months. I just…I’m scared. I have a past and it still hurts, but when I’m with you, it’s like I’m whole: I feel, I smile, and—best of all—I’m the
I thought I’d lost. I’m ready, Levi. Ready for us to be more.”

“Thank fuck,” I growl, before taking her lips in an all-consuming kiss. A satisfied groan escapes my throat as our tongues meet and twist over each other, exploring and imploring one other. Then Braunwyn is gripping my hair as she tries to pull me in closer. “Up. I want—” The command doesn’t get past my lips before I grab her by the asscheeks and hoist her up, and she’s wrapping those sexy legs of hers around my waist, knowing exactly what I was gonna say. Braun begins digging her heels into my ass.
Yeah, we’ll be keeping those babies on
. “Fuck, I’ve needed to touch you for so long,” I say and trail kisses down along her jawline to the swell of her tits.
God, she’s so fucking responsive
, I think, as she grinds down on my cock.

I’m gonna blow my load if she keeps this up, so I move us over to the freezer and sit her down. I make quick work of her shirt, leaving her in only an emerald green lacy bra that leaves her tits pretty much spilling out.

“Scrappy. I gotta taste ’em, they’ve been teasing me for weeks. You’re so fucking hot,” I whisper into her skin as I make my way lower to where her breasts are now eagerly awaiting my attention. The firm peaks of her nipples confirm that they are as excited to be touched as I am to feel their hardness on the tip on my tongue.

“Oh, fuck, that feels so good! Oh, shit, Levi,” she swears and I chuckle as I lap at her nipples, offering tiny bites to each pink bud.

“Are you laughing at me?” she practically whimpers, but she’s so turned on it comes out sexy and husky.

“Yeah, baby. It’s just that you’re swearing. It’s funny to hear, finally.”

“I don’t give a shit. Please don’t stop, it feels so good, it’s been forever since I’ve been touched. Levi, please, I need more. I need you.”

With that plea, I continue my assault but then give some attention to her pussy by grinding back, to try and take her over that ledge. I begin circling my hand over her sweet spot and wish that I could just sink my cock into her hot cunt, but I’ll be dammed if I’m going to take her for our first time in Pub’s storage room.

“Go for it, baby. That’s it, you know you want it. Rub up on my hand, get yourself there, I got you.” Her hips move at my order. “Shit, that’s perfect. You’re perfect,” I say, coaxing her toward her climax and Jesus fuck if it isn’t the sexiest thing to happen just from some simple foreplay: Braun all disinhibited, shaking and shuddering and open to my touch, taking me in with those stunning eyes of hers, eyes radiating lust, her skin coated with a sheen of sweat from her excitement. Her tits bounce slightly as her chest heaves from her accelerated breathing. Hell, not to mention the way she is practically purring my fucking name like a chant, over and over, as if I were something special.

Once she cooled back down, we kissed a bit more, laughing, enjoying the moment.

“Heck, Levi, if I had known not being your friend would feel this good, I would’ve laid my trump card on the mother-effin’ table months ago.”

I hold her close to my chest, still coming down, chuckling at how fucking cute she is while at the same time trying to contend with my throbbing cock, ’cause it knows there’s no way I’m taking her here for our first time.

“I tried to convince you, Scrappy, but you never took my hints.” I kiss the top of her head.

“Well, thank goodness we’ve settled that now. No more friendship for you, Mister. You are officially kicked out of that zone for good,” she says before touching her mouth to mine.

“You were gonna be mine the minute I laid my eyes on you, Scrappy. The zone never really even existed. You just didn’t know that like I did.”

I know without a shadow of doubt that I’m ready to be the man she and Emmerson need. It’s a desire that’s now rooted so deep within me it’s like it’s innate, as if it’s always been there.

I’m such a lucky bastard.

Chapter 29


nowing that Grams
is taking Emme to the park, I quickly hop in the shower to get ready for my date with Levi tonight.

It’s been a few weeks now that we’ve been an official couple, and I have to say that I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time, and getting happier each day.

Grams is amazing about taking Emmerson so we can go out; in fact, she’s the one who insists we get some alone time. If it were up to Levi, he’d be fine hanging out with both of us, a fact which I kind of love, to be honest. He and Emmerson have created such an intense bond that I count my blessings several times a day. School is also going great. I really love all my courses, and I’m finally starting to find a balance between family, work and school time.

Tonight we’re having a date night, just the two of us, which I’ve been looking forward to all week. I miss him, and I’m happy to have some us time. Emmerson was sick with the flu so we didn’t get to see Levi as much lately. He did come by after work a couple of nights for a quick coffee when he managed to sneak out early, but it didn’t seem like enough.

Levi understands that I’m still not quite ready for sex. It’s killing me and no doubt him too, but in the meantime we’ve just been building our way up to it. I’m moving there, slowly, but for me that’s major progress. And while I’ve been sorting and compartmentalizing my feelings about my past with Shawn and my future with Levi, Levi’s been the perfect gentleman.

Both London and Grams have been wonderful sounding boards. They’re both proud of my decision to move forward, obviously, and while they agree that anticipation build is fine, they also say that there comes a time when it’s all just too much. Basically, they’re telling me to quit dragging my heels and move it along already.

They’re right, that’s for sure: boy, oh, boy, is the anticipation killing me. The more time I spend thinking about getting to touch, kiss and know Levi one day soon, I realize that I might be more ready than I thought. I haven’t been with anyone other than “Mr. Buzz” since Shawn. But I won’t fully give myself to Levi until I fill him in on everything from my past, a decision I feel is fair to both of us. If we’re going to be intimate, I have to give him all of me, and let him decide if I’m who he really wants.

Thinking of Levi just now, I’m all wound up. I think I need to spend a little me time with my special “Mr. Buzz” friend before our date. Stepping out of the shower, a feeling of excitement runs through my veins at the images I just conjured up of Levi in my mind, along with all of the things I hope to let him do to me, one day soon—all the things he says he wants to do, the ones he says will have me screaming out his name, things he promises will make my toes curl. I have no doubt it’s true either. I mean, come on, the man made me come like some wild banshee by simply rubbing his hand on the outside of my pants, he clearly has skills. It’s a scene I’ve stored in the Jill Till (and pulled out a few times over the past weeks, if I’m being honest). My body crackles with anticipation. I’m almost giddy as my lady bits prepare for the release they know is coming.

I reach for my Battery-Operated Boyfriend in the cabinet above the sink and make my way from the ensuite back into my room, wearing nothing but my towel.

“Oh, my gosh! Crap, Levi! You scared the bejeezus out of me,” I scream, as I’m met with Levi sitting on my bed, flipping through a magazine. He looks up at me and takes me in, clearly eye-fucking me as I stand at the room’s edge in my towel, my bright pink vibrator in my hand. I quickly hide it behind my back, hoping he won’t notice my furtive movement.

Oh, holy shit. Kill me now.

“Scrappy. Hi, baby. The ‘bejeezus’, eh?” He smiles at my choice of words, all the while knowing I’m mortified.

“Uh, yeah. You know I’ve got the best non-swear vocabulary going. Cheese and rice.” I laugh nervously. It’s from the way I was raised—plus I try not to swear in front of Emme—so I’ve got an eclectic mix in my “non-swears” repertoire. “Just you wait, buster. I’m sure you’ll be busting out the goshes and the holy cows in no time too, if you keep hanging with us cool kids. By the way, you’re early. How did you get in?” I ask, moving from one foot to the other, trying to prevent him from seeing how nervous I am right now.

But rather than excusing myself to get dressed, I kind of want to see where this might go. I’m pushing my own limits and possibly Levi’s resolve, but this is the new me—the more confident, bolder me. I’m going to own the moment, work to deflect any awkwardness, and hope to appear confident (while secretly praying to all that is good that he hasn’t noticed what’s in my hand, so I’ll be able to tuck it away once I finally do excuse myself to get ready).

“Grams let me in, told me to come down, said you were getting ready and would probably need me to hurry you up. I caught her and Emme as they were on their way out. Man, is that little girl the cutest. Kinda takes after her stunning mother.” He clears his throat, his voice sounding gruff, eyes darkening as they take in every inch of me, from top to bottom. He licks his bottom lip, which I take as a sign of approval.

I feel the butterflies begin to awaken in my stomach as I see myself affecting him as much as he does me. He slowly comes off the bed, stalking toward me, oozing confidence. The air is heavy with electricity from that zing factor that exists between us. He’s looking at me as if I’m his prey, trapped right where he wants me. My breath hitches as he invades my personal space.

“What’s this, Braunwyn?” he asks, as he moves his hands down my arms ever so gently and reaches the hand behind my back that’s gripping the vibrator like a lifeline.

Please. Don’t.

“What were you planning to do with
, Braun?” he asks. I blush, feeling a prickly wave of heat overtaking my face, chest and shoulders. I don’t dare meet his eyes.

“It’s nothing, Levi. Please just forget about it. Let me put it away,” I plead, but he pulls it into view, so it now rests between us like a silicone voodoo doll.

Chapter 30


aving locked up
after Grams and Scooby, I make my way down the narrow stairs to Braun’s apartment. Hearing the shower running, an image of her stellar body all wet and naked instantly pops into my head, affecting my other head immediately. Deciding to forego sitting in the living room like I probably should, I decide “fuck it,” and head down to wait in her room.
Well, I don’t want to scare her after all; this way she sees me when she comes out
, I justify as I plop down on her bed.

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