On Dublin Street (9 page)

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Authors: Samantha Young

BOOK: On Dublin Street
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It was the first time he

d asked me anything without sex in his voice. I looked up at him, taken aback by the genuine curiosity in his pale gaze. I smiled a little self-deprecatingly. I wasn

t a writer yet. “Trying to be.”

“What do you write?”

I thought about my mom and drew a deep breath, pushing the thought out. “Fantasy.”

His eyebrows quirked a little as though he hadn

t expected that to be my answer. “Why fantasy?”

The bartender gave me the total for the drinks before I could answer Braden, but Braden handed over money before I could even reach for my purse. “I

ll pay,” I insisted.

He waved off my offer as though I were insane. “Well?” he asked as he took his change. The drinks sat before us on the bar but Braden didn

t seem that intent on getting them back to the table.

I sighed, knowing the faster I answered the faster I could get away from him. “Because reality has no authority there. My imagination controls everything.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth I regretted them. A smart person would read between the lines. And Braden was smart.

Our eyes met, a silent understanding passing between us. Finally, Braden nodded. “I can see the attraction in that.”

“Yeah.” I dragged my gaze away. Bad enough he

d seen me physically naked. I didn

t need him stripping me bare to the soul.


m glad you and Ellie are getting along.”


re very protective of her, aren

t you?”


“Why? She seems a lot stronger than you think.”

His eyebrows furrowed as he thought about it. “It

s not about her strength. Maybe it

s the way she looks or talks that fools people into thinking Ellie

s fragile. I know different. Ellie can take the bad stuff and bounce back better than anyone I know. It

s not about that. It

s about making sure the bad stuff doesn

t happen to her in the first place. She

s too nice for her own good and I

ve seen her hurt too many times by people who claimed to care about her.”

I didn

t envy him that job. “Yeah I can see that. Ellie wears her heart on her sleeve.”

“Unlike you.”

Startled by the observation, I looked up at him warily. “How

s that?”

His eyes were searching, burrowing, trying to get inside me. I took a step back and he inched closer. “I

ve heard what Ellie had to say about you. And then there

s how you are with me. You try not to give anything away.”

Back off
. “You don

t either. I don

t know anything real about you.”


m not that hard to get to know, really.” He flashed me a quick smile. “But you… I think you

ve made an art form out of deflection and self-possession.”

Stop analyzing me.
I rolled my eyes. “You think throwing a dishrag at you is an example of how self-possessed I am?”

He laughed, a deep reverberation that bumped its way down my spine. “Fair enough.” And then he shot me
look again

that look that felt as though he were sliding his long, masculine fingers inside my panties. “You look beautiful tonight.”

I flushed inwardly at the compliment. Outwardly I smirked. “So does your girlfriend.”

Braden sighed heavily at my pointed comment and picked up a few of the glasses from the bar. “I didn

t mean anything by it, Jocelyn. It was just a compliment.”

No it wasn

t. You

re playing games with me. And if we

re going to be around each other all the time, I want it to stop.
“Was it? Do you talk to everyone the way you talk to me?”

“And what way is that?”

“Like you

ve seen me naked.”

Grinning, Braden

s eyes glittered with heat. “No. But then I haven

t seen everyone naked.”

Frustrated, I shook my head. “You know what I mean.”

I almost jumped at the warm whisper of his breath on my ear as he leaned down to murmur quietly into it, “I like the reaction I get out of you.”

I pulled back. So I was a challenge? Right. I got it now. “Just stop. You

re Ellie

s brother and we

re probably going to have to see one another, so I

d prefer it if you wouldn

t try to make me uncomfortable around you.”

A scowl formed between his eyes. “I don

t want you uncomfortable.” His gaze was searching again but this time I was giving nothing away. With a deep sigh, Braden nodded. “Fine. Look, I

m sorry. I want us to get along. I like you. Ellie likes you. And I

d like us to be friends. From now on I

ll stop flirting with you and I

ll try really hard to forget what you look like naked.”

He put the drinks on the bar and held out his hand for me to shake. The look in his eyes was a new one. It was pleading, boyish and totally endearing. I didn

t trust that look at all, but I found myself shaking my head, smiling despite myself as I reached out to clasp his hand. As soon as my fingers slid along his palm, the hair on my arms rose.


d thought that spark that people apparently felt when they touched someone they were attracted to was a myth reserved for chick-lit and Hollywood.

But no.

Our eyes collided as heat rushed up my arm. The tingling between my legs intensified, the need in my gut moaned with want. All I could see was Braden, all I could smell was Braden, and his body was so close I imagined I could almost feel all his hard strength pressing against me. Right then I wanted nothing more than to pull him into the ladies restroom and let him screw me hard against the wall.


s hand tightened around mine, his pale eyes darkened, and I knew… he wanted me too. “Fine,” he muttered, a dangerous quality entering his expression as he leaned down, his words puffing against my mouth he was so close. “I can do this. If you can pretend, I can pretend.”

I jerked my hand out of his, trying not to tremble as I reached to collect the rest of the drinks. Braden picked up the ones he

d laid down when he

d reached for that godforsaken handshake. I hated that he was right. Our attraction was nuclear. I had never known anything like it.

It made Braden Carmichael extremely dangerous to me.

And I
to dissemble. I shot him a careless smile. “I

m not pretending.” I walked away before he could say anything, glad for the wall that had obscured our table

s view from us. I

d have been mortified if anyone had borne witness to our interlude.

Braden sat down next to Holly, handing her a drink and Adam his. Our eyes collided for a brief second and he gave me a mockingly polite smile before leaning back and sliding his arm around the back of Holly

s chair. His girlfriend smiled at him, a manicured hand moving to rest intimately on his thigh.

“Babe, I was just telling Ellie about this
dress I saw online. I was thinking you could take me to Glasgow to try it on. You

ll like it. It

ll be worth the money.” She fluttered her fake lashes at him.

No one needed to tell me that she meant it would be worth


Disgusted, I threw back my drink and tried to ignore them. Holly wasn

t for it.

, how can you afford that gorgeous flat with Ellie?”

All eyes fell on me. “It

s Joss, actually.”

She gave me a shrug and a narrowed-eyed smile and suddenly I wondered if maybe she

d caught the looks between me and Braden.


“So?” she insisted, a little cattily.

Yeah. She

d seen

em alright.

“My parents.” I threw back another drink and turned to Jenna to ask about her part-time job with the Scottish tourist industry.


s voice cut through my question. “What do you mean

your parents


Stick a sock in it, lady!
I looked at her with veiled annoyance. “Their money.”

“Oh.” She wrinkled her nose as though she suddenly smelled something very, very bad. “You

re living off your parent

s money? At

Oh no she didn

t. I took another drink and then smiled at her in warning as if to say,


t play this game with me, sweetheart, you won

t win.

She didn

t heed the warning. “So they pay for everything? Doesn

t that make you feel guilty?”

Every fucking day.
“Was it your money that bought those

… or Braden


Ellie choked on her laughter, smothering the sound quickly in a gulp of her drink. I patted her on the back, aiding her in her pretense. When I looked back at Holly she was glaring at me, her face flushed red to her hairline.

Point made. Question deflected. Spoiled bitch put in her place.

“So people can get married at Stirling Castle, huh?” I turned back to Jenna and our earlier conversation. “I

ve only visited it once, but it

s a beautiful venue…”


Two nights later I was soaking in the tub after a strenuous workout at the gym when I heard Ellie

s whoop of joy. Raising an eyebrow at the door, I wasn

t surprised by the knock that sounded on it two seconds later.

“Can I come in?” she asked with laughter in her voice.

Clearly whatever news she

d received couldn

t wait. I glanced down to make sure I was sufficiently covered by bubbles. “Sure,” I replied.

The door eased open and Ellie stepped inside with two glasses of wine in her hand and a smug expression on her face. I took the glass she offered and grinned at her infectious good humor. “What

s going on?”

“Well,” Ellie beamed, “After six dire months, Braden has finally dumped Holly.”

I snorted into my glass, ignoring the way my stomach flipped at the news. “That

s your exciting news?”

Ellie stared at me like I

d said something crazy. “Of course. It

s the best news in God knows how long. Holly was the worst of the lot. You know, I think the other night at the bar was the final nail in her coffin. Braden seemed mortified by her. It

s about time he dumped that self-absorbed, two-faced, money-grabbing pain in the arse.”

I nodded in agreement, thinking about his blatant flirtation with me. “Yeah. He

d probably have only ended up cheating on her or something anyway.”


s joy instantly fled and she scowled at me. I raised an eyebrow at her reaction. “Braden would never cheat.”

She really did think he walked on water. I cocked my head with a cynical smirk, a look probably bordering on condescending and punch-worthy. “Please, Ellie, he

s a guy who flirts with anything that moves.”

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