Olive - The Chosen One (17 page)

Read Olive - The Chosen One Online

Authors: Daisy L. Bloom

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Olive - The Chosen One
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    Next was the Planetarium where the fairies were able to view the solar system and earth from space, they were able to explore the stars and galaxies of the universe.  The fairies were in awe!!!  It was spectacular!

    London bridge was so beautiful, its architecture made it stand out.  They had so many memories to take back with them.






Destiny loved her new necklace so much.  She felt it was safer around her neck than back in the hotel safe.  How wrong she was……

    The family had planned their morning out.  Their first stop was the famous Petticoat Lane which is located right in the centre of London, if you wanted a bargain this was the place to pick one up.  The whole vibe of the market was buzzing and alive when the fairies turned up. Destiny had left her rings at home but, had hidden her Emerald necklace under her jumper.  She just couldn’t bear to be parted from it. 

    Cielo would not be happy if he knew.  He would think her foolish to wear it in broad daylight when the recent sale had been splashed all over the news.

    However, Destiny was not to be told, she knew best…….

    The fairy family wanted to buy a little trinket each to take back home to remind them of their visit here.  Luna was going to ship everything back together, so it wasn’t that too much of a deal and after all they were flying private.

    Willow spotted an ornament of a Chinese Bonsai tree.  It was not exactly very English but, she thought it would look amazing on her tree display unit in her olive tree house.  It had the most beautiful colours and was a snip at just £25, so she grabbed it with both hands.  Divine!

    Olive was more drawn to the clothes, they were just so different from clothing back in Italy.  She settled on an amazing jacket.  It was a wine burgundy colour with black lace trimming, a bit fairy gothic/steam punk!  She loved it, it was very original so she snapped it up!

    The fairies seemed to go their own way and separated a little as each one had different tastes. Sunshine, Rainbow and Speranza headed over to one of the many hippy/new age stalls and found some really cool items.  Rainbow brought some Angel cards and knew that it would make a great evening of enjoyment when they had an Angel reading evening.  It was along the same lines of the tarot but, more new age and modern.

    The thieves were about.  Daziel was a well known fairy thief in London.  He was charming, well dressed,  dark and mysterious plus he had very nimble fingers.  He had spotted the fairies.  Everyone knew the famous Luna and to top it all, they didn’t appear to have any bodyguards with them.

    ‘How foolish!’ he thought ‘but, all the better for him.’

    He started to stretch his fingers out, making them supple and nimble, ready for a steal…….

    He saw Destiny in the distance with Cielo trying on a jacket.  Her jumper moved and he noticed a beautiful emerald necklace around her neck.

    ‘Arhh ha!’ he thought ‘it’s the one that everyone has been talking about.’

    He decided to call his partners in crime to attract their attention.  Two gypsy girls with a baby stood right by Destiny and Cielo.

    ‘‘Ooh that jacket really suits you’’ they said ‘‘it so brings out the colour in your hair.’’

    Destiny turned around to see the most beautiful baby.  He looked scruffy and unkempt but, he pulled at Destiny’s heart strings. 

    ‘‘Have you got some change for these young fairies?’’ she said to her husband.

    Cielo put his hand in his back pocket where his wallet was but, too late, it had already been snatched.

!’ he shouted putting his head in his hands.  It was all very dramatic but, then he is Italian!

    Destiny felt a pull on her neck and within a blink of an eye, the fairy gypsies had disappeared along with her Emerald necklace. 

    She cried in horror as she held her hands up to her throat and screamed in dismay ‘‘
Mio dio
’’ - ‘‘Oh my God!!!!  What am I to do?’’

    With that she started sobbing ‘‘my emerald necklace is gone!  IT IS GONE!!!!!!’’

    Luna was not even that near his parents but, he heard their cries for help and flew over to where he could hear his mother wailing. 

    ‘‘What on earth has happened?’’ he said.

    ‘‘Your father has had his wallet stolen and I, I’’ she stammered ‘‘have had my emerald necklace snatched from around my neck!’’

    ‘‘You wore it to the market?’’ said Luna.

    They didn’t think even their
was that stupid!  I mean after all, he had just paid £4,000,000 for it and he hadn’t even got around to having it insured!

    Apparently one of the gypsy girls had managed to swipe the wallet from Cielo’s back pocket.  Daziel had very niftily taken the emerald necklace.  He couldn’t stop smiling.  This was their lucky day. 

    ‘‘He might even retire from stealing after this’’ he thought as he licked his mean, greedy lips.

    First stop was the police station to report the theft.  It was all over the news in no time at all.  The headlines in ‘Tell it all’ magazine was ‘£4,000, 000 fairy Queen Isabella’s 1
Emerald necklace stolen at Petticoat Lane.  The hunt for the thieves is on!’

    Destiny was so distraught that no-one had the heart to tell her how stupid she had been wearing it in the first place.  She had learnt her lesson and didn’t want to be reminded of it…….









Olive knew she had one wish left.  She loved her
more than anything and felt it very distressing to see her so distraught.

    She decided that she and Oak would go to Trafalgar square and make a circle of pigeons.  She laid out feed for them so they stayed put as they were very unpredictable but, eventually they settled down into some sort of circle. Both Olive and Oak sat in the centre of the circle.

    Olive slowly chanted ‘‘calling Priscilla, calling Priscilla.’

    Within a flap of a fairy wing, Priscilla appeared.  She was really happy as she had never been called to England before and now the last wish was going to be granted in England.  How exciting!  However, Olive looked a little distraught and like she hadn’t slept at all the previous night.

    ‘‘My dear fairy child’’ she said ‘‘what has happened?    Are you ready to make your last wish?’’

    ‘‘I would like to see changes in the world where there is no thieving, where people have a conscious!  I would like them to get a jolt of
what the hell are you
when someone takes something that is not theirs, when they think they have the right to steal’’ said Olive.

    Priscilla looked at the couple sitting there crouched on the ground surrounded by pigeons who were cooing away.  Quite loudly I might add!  She waved her magic wand and turquoise fairy dust flew over Trafalgar Square.  No more greed would exist amongst the fairies.  They would all have a conscious.

    She said to Olive ‘‘your wish is granted my dear.  You have used all your wishes wisely and as a chosen one, you will be remembered in history for having the best choices, you always thought of others and put them before yourself.  Because of this I am granting you a very private wish, only you know what you have been wishing and this will come true.’’

   With that said she flew away, leaving England behind and thought ‘
Mio Dio
- OMG!  It’s quite chilly there, no wonder everyone is so pale and swear by those fake tans but, what a lovely country.’

    Dalziel was sitting at home on his brand new leather settee sipping a beer when suddenly he felt a cold chill flash through his body. 

    ‘What am I thinking?’ he thought to himself ‘why do I act the way I do?  Have I no conscious?’

    Destiny’s distraught face was at that moment on the television screen.

    She said ‘‘I came to London to see my parents, to feel and find my roots and what do I get?  I get robbed by a low life!!  I hope that he/she is watching this and his conscious gets the better of him.’’

    Dalziel’s eyes started to water.  He was crying! What a silly little thieving fairy cry baby he was.  He knew that his own parents would be ashamed of him and he was even ashamed of himself, he knew what he had to do!!!!  He knew that the famous fairy Luna and his family were staying at the Ritz in Piccadilly Circus, after all it was all over the papers and the television.  He was a coward to a degree but, a kind coward, he decided to drop the package off at the reception of the Ritz hotel for the attention of the Ramazotti family.  Obviously he wasn’t foolish enough to do it himself.  He didn’t want to go to prison, he waited across the road from the hotel and paid a fairy gypsy child (who was very nifty on his feet in case he had to do a runner or even a flyer) to drop it off.  If all failed the fairy would simply fly away.  The Fairy child went towards the foyer of the Ritz. 

    A big burly doorman stopped him in his fairy tracks and said ‘‘where do you think you are going?  You can’t come in here?’’

    ‘‘I have a package for the Ramazotti family who are staying here?’’ he replied. 

    ‘‘I suppose you are related to them’’ chuckled the giant fairy. 

    The fairy gypsy began to feel perspiration dripping down his neck so he just thrust the package into the fairy doorman’s hand and flew away before he had a moment to question him further.  Dalziel made a hasty retreat, smiling to himself and glad that already he felt he was a better person, maybe he would go to fairy heaven after all.  The fairy doorman was baffled and afraid.  What was in this package?  Was it a bomb or a demand for money?  A bomb squad was called to check the package.  It was taken away but, no device was detected. Everything seemed ok, how strange……. 

    Luna was called to reception.  He was told that a package had been dropped off for his family but, that it was being held at the local police station as it was left in suspicious circumstances. 

    Imagine the surprise on Luna’s face when he opened the package only to discover that the emerald necklace had been returned with a note saying SORRY!!!! 
!!!!  Obviously Dalziel made sure that he wore gloves and disguised his hand-writing as he didn’t want to be chased for this theft.  Luna let out a loud laugh and did a little fairy skip, maybe there are decent fairies in this world after all!  He couldn’t wait to tell everyone especially his
and Olive.

    When Olive learnt of what had happened, she gave an inner smile and secretly sent fairy kisses to Priscilla.

    Destiny was beyond happy and grateful to receive her necklace back, she also had learnt a big lesson ‘think where you wear antique jewellery, perhaps the market was just not the place!’

    The fairies had experienced a fabulous time but, knew it was time to return home to their beloved olive fields.  They had treasured memories to take back with them both real and funny.  Olive was beginning to feel a little sick and nauseous every morning.  She decided to have a thorough examination by the fairy doctor when she got back home.  Destiny’s parents had promised to visit in the summer, everything was looking good.  The biggest surprise of all was when Luna went to checkout of the hotel and settle the final bill, he was handed an envelope with the royal fairy crest on it.  The letter was addressed to his
Destiny Ramazotti.  He was dying to open it but, thought he had better not so he quickly called ‘
mamma vieni.

    Destiny hurried over to the reception desk to sign for the letter, hands a-shaking……

    ‘What could it possibly be?’ she thought to herself.  She went over to the diamante studded chairs and sat down thinking ‘if I am going to open a letter from the fairy Queen of England, I want to sit and it needs to be on a luxurious seat at that!!!!’

  With trembling hands, she tore the letter open.  All the other fairies stood by waiting in anticipation.  It read:


My dearest fairy Destiny


Thank you so much for your invitation.  We are both absolutely delighted with your offer.


The fairy Duke and I would be honored to accept your very kind and generous invitation to visit the olive fields of Salento.  How very open-hearted of you to invite us.  You have no idea how we often dream of taking a holiday like normal fairies, no royal pressures and no paparazzi.

    My personal secretary will be in contact to finalize all details of our very secret visit.  We are both looking forward to it immensely.


However, we will need to bring two fairy body-guards with us for security. I hope this will not inconvenience you but, it is necessary.


Very kind regards


Fairy Queen Henrietta of England


Mio Dio
- OMG!’’ the fairies all shouted in unison. Luna rushed to his

    ‘‘Please get her some water, she is going to faint.’’

Mia mamma – e sempre drammatica
!!!! - My mother, she is always dramatic!

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