OLDER MAN: First Time With The Movie Star ( Billionaire London Movie Star Celebrity Romance) (Virgin British Celebrity Younger girl Comedy Short Stories) (5 page)

BOOK: OLDER MAN: First Time With The Movie Star ( Billionaire London Movie Star Celebrity Romance) (Virgin British Celebrity Younger girl Comedy Short Stories)
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I reached under and took off my panties. He stood up and pulled me toward him and kissed me aggressively. Then he walked me over to the large heavy oak desk. He bent me over the desk and reached down and opened my legs wider with his hand. “You have to be very quiet,” I whispered.

“I will try,” he whispered back.

He placed his long fingers inside of me and massaged my wet pussy. “You’re already so very wet Sarah,” he whispered in my ear.

I looked back at him and smiled. I was wet because he was so damn hot. He took his stiff cock in his hand and shoved it inside of me. I buried my face in the desk as to not make a sound. He slowly slid his cock in and out of me. He grabbed my ass in both hands and spread me open just a slightly. A groan escaped him as he watched our bodies meeting.

“Shhh…” I whispered.

His thrusting movements became faster and faster until our bodies were smacking loudly. I was frightened it would be overheard down the castle. But I couldn’t stop it. It felt too decadent and delicious. Adrian reached around and cupped my breasts in his large hands and fondled my nipples. Then he moved one of his hands up my collarbone and over my mouth gently. He laid two fingers inside my mouth and continued to fuck me hard from behind. It was very animalistic. I bit gently on his fingers as an orgasm ripped through my body. It felt good to finally release. A few seconds later Adrian spilled inside of me and let out an animal growl that was low and guttural. It surprised and confused me.

When we finally came too, Adrian picked me up cradling me in his arms like baby and carried me to my bedchamber. I was putty in his hands and felt weak and exhausted after the fucking we had done. I was spent. I fell asleep before he even reached my room in the vast castle. It was a strange thing because I was not tired, but the love making session took a lot out of me. I awoke the next morning alone in my bed and with memories of what had happened. We had to keep this a secret for now. My mother would not approve and I had no idea what my new stepfather would say. Adrian was probably promised to marry some rich girl somewhere or something. So it was better to keep it a secret, after all I had only just arrived.

After that night I felt happier knowing that I had Adrian to play with and keep me company. It was nice knowing that I wasn’t alone in this far off place. Adrian promised to show me around the village during the day and I was very excited about that. I was excited to see the village, but mostly because I wanted to be with him again. I started to think about us sneaking off so that he could ravage me once more. I was to meet him in the garden at noon so that we could walk into the village. I buzzed around my room getting dressed for my next encounter. Adrian was so unlike any man I had ever met. Not only were his looks otherworldly but also he was so mysterious. He talked like he was from another time period with his thick accent and when he touched me I felt like I was being touched by fire. I wanted more and more of him. I got dressed in tight jeans and pulled thick calf high socks over them followed by calf high snow boots. I pulled on a tight sweater that accentuated my full breasts and then layered a coat and scarf over it. I found my white fur hat in my suitcase and pinned it onto my head. There, I was ready for a walk to the village in the snow with Adrian. I looked at my reflection in the mirror with a newfound confidence. I no longer saw the chubby girl my mother spoke of, but a gorgeous hourglass woman with full breasts and full hips. I felt very good about my shape for the first time in a long time. I put on a soft shade of coral pink barely there lipstick and then made my way out to the garden. It was noon exactly. The garden was enchanting with snow covered bushes and flowers encased in last nights frost. It was a lovely wonderland of a garden. I sat on the stone bench and stared out at the forest beyond the castle grounds. It was the very edge of the Dark forest and I wondered what was hiding in there. I wanted to take a walk to the edge to explore. I wondered if Adrian would take me. I would have to ask him when he finally met up with me. I sat for another ten minutes looking around for him. Then another ten minutes passed and another. I was starting to get annoyed. Then that annoyance was shattered with I heard a very loud roar. Chills ran up my back as the noise rang out. It was unlike anything I had ever heard and yet it sounded familiar as though it was the sound of a bear, which I had only heard on television nature programs. Was my mind playing tricks on me? I stood up and looked around. I looked toward the Dark forest. Was it possible there were bears in this area? I guess there could be, as I knew nothing about the wildlife in this area. I started to walk slowly back to the castle with my eyes on the forest edge. Then the roar came again. I panicked as I realized that it was not coming from the forest, it was coming from inside the castle! I froze not knowing what to do. I could go into a different door to hide but what door? I didn’t know what the creature was that was making the noise or where exactly it was in the castle. I just wanted to run to my room and lock myself in. Just then the large heavy wooden door on this side of the castle burst open. A great heavy white bear charged out of the door. I screamed and lost my balance and fell backwards on my back. The bear stopped and seemed startled by my scream. It looked at me. I looked directly into its eyes as I trembled with fear. The bear had a sudden look of sadness and then it darted off across the snow-covered grounds and into the forest. I laid on my back in frozen fear and assumed that at any minute someone would run over to me. Anyone at all, the maid or butler or anyone else in the house like Adrian or my stepfather. However a few seconds passed and not one person came. I was so confused. I could not be the only person that had heard the bear roaring. It was in fact inside the castle and must have caused quite the stir breaking things and roaring definitely other people would have heard that. What the hell was a bear doing in the castle anyway? How did it get in there?

“Hello! Anyone! Help!” I yelled out as I sat up. No one responded. Then I suddenly felt fear that maybe the bear had mauled everyone inside. I jumped to my feet and ran inside the castle through the same door that the bear had come out of. Evidence that it was indeed there was evident as there was shattered glass and broken furniture in the area.

“Hello! Anyone!” I yelled. My voice echoed through the halls and no one responded. Mother…I thought to myself. I ran across the halls and onto the other side of the castle and up the stairs. My mother and her husband had an apartment all to themselves that took up a large part of this section. I knocked on the heavy wooden door that led to her sitting room.

“Mother! Are you in there? It’s me Sarah! Mother!” I yelled. There was no response so I entered. My mother was on a chaise lounge asleep with a glass in her hand. I grabbed the glass and shook her awake.

“Mother, are you okay?”

She woke up groggy and was obviously drunk.

“Sarah? What is it? Is it time for dinner?” she asked.

Clearly she had not heard anything.

“No, mother there was a white bear inside the castle. Where is Erich? Where is the staff? Something is really wrong here.”

My mother looked at me in silence and shock for a second and then she erupted into laughter. “Oh Sarah, it’s a little early for you to be drunk too. Wake me when it is time for dinner. I’m going to my bed.”

I could not believe it. What the hell was going on? I left her room and went to find Adrian or anyone else. I ran the halls and went back to the area with the broken glass. I looked around and saw that the glass was gone. The furniture was fixed. Everything was back to normal. I suddenly felt like I was losing my mind. I ran to Adrian’s rooms and barged in. He was not there. He was nowhere. I ran to my rooms.

I needed to lie down and sort things out. I ran up to my room and locked the door. I pushed a heavy chest in front of it and lay down on my bed. I could not explain what happened. I wished Adrian were at my side. He did not show up to meet me like he was suppose to and I did not seen him in the castle. I soon fell asleep.





Hours later I awoke to knocking at the door. It took me a few seconds to process what was happening.

“Miss Sarah! You are wanted at dinner!” the voice yelled.

I soon realized it was the butler. I jumped out of bed and pulled the heavy chest from the door and opened it.

“It is time for dinner. Your mother asked that I fetch you for dinner,” he said as he began to walk away.

“Wait!” I yelled at him. “Will you escort me to dinner?”

“As you wish,” he said.

I closed the door behind me and followed him to the dining hall. I did not bother to freshen up for dinner or change. I was not going to take my chances of being alone in the castle. So I followed the butler instead.

“Oh, there you are. I am glad you finally made it,” my mother said as she sat alone at the table.

“Where is everyone?” I asked mostly wanting to know where Adrian was.

“Your stepfather went to the village earlier and I’m not sure where Adrian has wondered off too. I hear he has a pretty young village girl that he sees quite often. He rarely spends nights here anymore.”

My heart sank when I heard her say it. I did not want that to be true. I had no idea that he had another lover. Of course he would though. He was absolutely gorgeous and rich, of course everyone girl in the village would want him. He probably had more than one girl. I felt silly that I had allowed myself to begin to fall for him. This was probably why he flaked out on taking me into the village today. I felt my heart grow heavy and also swell with anger at how I allowed myself to be used. Now I was frightened and felt like I was losing my mind and he was not here. He was off fucking someone else. This made me feel enraged. Then there was a noise as someone entered the dining hall. I got excited that it might be Adrian, however it was not. It was my new solemn stepfather Erich.

“How was town darling?” my mother said.

“Good, very good,” he said as he sat and started to eat the rich German stew in front of us.

I picked up my spoon to eat and saw the crest on the stemware once more. It was a bear. Suddenly I realized there was more to the bear on the crest than I had ever thought until my encounter today. Something was definitely going on here and since Adrian had abandoned me for another woman, I had to find out on my own.

“I saw a bear today. It was inside and then it ran off into the woods,” I blurted out just to see his reaction.

My mother was embarrassed at my behavior and laughed, “Darling that is so silly. She was drinking today,” she said to Erich. He was quite and just stared at me.

“No I was not drinking. There was a white bear inside the house! Don’t you believe me? Why would I make up something like that? It scared me to death! I could have been killed!”

I said nothing else and a very quiet awkwardness came over the room. The fact that Erich reacted in such a way made me realize that I was on to something and I had not hallucinated the bear. I needed answers. Just then I remembered what Adrian had said, that I could find answers in the library. I was outraged that no one was taking me seriously.

“Darling you must not make up nonsense like that?” my mother said as she scolded me. Clearly she thought I was making a fool of her and she did not want to lose her new husband because of a nutty daughter.

“I’m not hungry,” I said as I angrily got up from my chair and left the room. Clearly I was not going to get any support or be taken seriously. I went into the massive library and began pouring over books but found nothing on bears. I climbed the rolling ladders and went for the books that were hard to reach. I soon had exhausted myself. I needed to go to bed. So much had happened today and it only drained me of energy. First being surprised by a damn bear of all things and thinking I would die in that instant, to thinking that I was losing my mind and had imagined it. Tomorrow I would go into the village for answers, but mostly to find Adrian. I needed to talk to him and his mysterious disappearance and standing me up on our outing really hurt me. I needed someone on my side now more than ever. I needed someone to confide in. Maybe he would believe me, or maybe he wouldn’t but I still wanted him to hold me and tell me everything would be okay. As I was falling asleep I remembered the tavern that we had stopped at on the way in and how unusual everyone acted when I mentioned I was coming here to this village. The woman said there were superstitions about mythical creatures and such. She was right because a bear bursting out of your home would give rise to epic mythical stories if I weren’t a rational person that thought of rational explanations. After all Erich was a billionaire and billionaires were known to keep exotic animals. Maybe he had a damn bear, though it would be strange that I had not heard it roar before if it was indeed in captivity in the castle somewhere. I went on and on with these types of thoughts of trying to rationalize what happened until my head hurt and finally fell asleep.

The next day I had breakfast brought to my room because I did not want to see my mother or stepfather and have them ridicule me. The butler brought up a trey with a pot of coffee and a ham steak and eggs. There were various breakfast breads and jams and butter. It was delicious and just what I needed to warm me up before going out in the cold. When I was done I got dressed in clothes that hopefully would make me blend in with the locals, as I didn’t want to draw attention to myself. I wore plain jeans and a sweater and a bulky jacket and hat. I called down and asked for the driver that brought me from the airport to take me to the village. I descended from my room and walked down the hall to Adrian’s door. I lightly knocked.

“Adrian, it’s me Sarah.” I waited for a response. There was none. I took a deep breath and turned the knob. To my surprise it was unlocked. I walked in and saw the bed was made and it looked like he had not been in the room in some time. I felt sad and neglected all at once. What had I gotten myself into with this man, was he a billionaire playboy? I felt like an idiot.

The car drove me into the village because there was no way I was going to walk. I told my mother I was going shopping and for lunch. Which is exactly what I did in order to not draw suspicion. The village people that I met were very warm and friendly. It was a peaceful place with only a few shops, a bakery, and a tavern. I did a little shopping and then headed to the tavern for lunch and a few beers.

I sat at a large communal table with a few locals. It wasn’t long before they were telling me stories about the village. I encouraged them to tell me everything. Soon they were telling me old legends in the area about werewolves and vampires. I sort of laughed it off until another man chimed in. He said, “But you forgot to tell her about the werebears.”

“Werebear? What is that?” I asked.

“Same as a werewolf, only the man transforms into a bear, not a wolf.”

“I see, are there wild bears in the forest?” I asked.

“Yes there are few small black bears high up in the mountains but they are rarely seen in this part. But they do have a long association with the family your mother married into and the castle. Most of the legends come from there as most do with the villages that surround the castles.”

“Is that why there is a bear on the family crest?”

Then everyone got silent and didn’t answer. Then someone else changed the subject and started talking about the beer that was brewed in the area. It was all very strange and mysterious.

When I returned to the castle it was late and the castle was quiet. I once again went into the library to see if I could find answers. I searched and searched and then I found one of the books that Adrian had showed me before. At that time I was so hypnotized by his good looks that I really didn’t pay attention to the book. On the cover was the same family crest with the bear that was on the silverware in the dining room. I turned the pages and found a long history of mythical creatures in the area.


I turned to see Adrian standing in the doorway of the library.

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