OffsideChanceFormat2 (24 page)

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not like that,” Will responded rigidly, cold going all the way to his toes. He
couldn’t feel a damned thing. Or catch his breath. “I’m not gay.”

is curled up in your lap and you seem quite happy to have him there. Looks
pretty fucking gay to me,” Bo said softly. “You could move him over here.
and I wouldn’t mind the company. He’s all lubed up and
feeling no pain. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”

looked over to Levi who didn’t seem at all interested in the turn in the
conversation. He was too busy feasting on Tracy’s mouth to offer any kind of
support. Tracy’s hand was stroking Levi through his pants.

hot, but he’s been around too many
times. Jude, now, he’s probably one of the prettiest men I’ve ever seen. And underneath
all that cold bluster there’s something sweet about him. Bo and I would take
good care of him. He’d forget the pesky crush he has on you, Slayer.” Dylan
eased down in the seat and spread his legs enough for Will to see the erection
straining his pants. “We’ll drop you off at the townhouse and Jude can keep us
company for the long drive out to our place.”

fucking lay a finger on him and I’ll rip your balls off, Sunday.” Jude’s sleep
heavy body was the only thing keeping him from crossing the small distance
across the limo and ripping the Marine’s throat out for him.

are goading you,” Jude whispered against Will’s face just as Bo placed a bill
in Dylan’s outstretched palm. “And you walked face first into it.”

fuckers.” Will couldn’t relax, he couldn’t think. “All of you. Fuckers.”

pretty words. Do you kiss Levi’s brother with that mouth?” Dylan taunted, and
the mischief in Dylan’s grin was magnified by the dim streetlight.

oh wait, straight guys don’t kiss when they fuck each other. It’s just us gays
that like to kiss,” Bo teased, sliding across the seat to snuggle under Dylan’s
arm. “Isn’t that right,

hate you all.” Slayer hissed at the men who were supposed to be his friends.

“Lighten up, Slayer, we’re just messing with
you. So you and Jude finally stopped circling each other like a couple of horny
tom cats and clawed at each other. It’s nothing. We’ve all had the occasional
fling with a straight guy. It’s a toss-up who’s had more. Levi or Dylan.”
Appearing to have tuned back into the conversation at hand, Tracy momentarily
stopped fondling Levi.

would be Dylan. All those hot Marines. I should enlist. I’d be happy as a clam
at a beach party,” Levi chimed in after having come up for air.

turned his lust filled whiskey eyes on Will, eyes that looked way too much like
those he’d just stared into, the eye he dreamed about, the eyes that he wished
to see looking at him just like that.

yeah, it’s one big orgy complete with heavy artillery,” Dylan said, setting
Levi straight. “I’d highly recommend you take the gay cruise through the sand
box when it comes open again. All those lonely straight boys. And hope you
don’t piss off the wrong one and end up with your throat slit or a grenade
tossed at you for shits and giggles.” Dylan played with Bo’s hair, stroking a
long strand between his fingers. “It’s lonely, dirty, and terrifying out there,
Levi. If you can stomach it, go for it.”

pulled three tours; I’ll take your word,” Levi allowed. Will watched as Levi’s
eyes lost their previous glow, turning sad suddenly.

seen shit that will haunt me the rest of my life, Brody. Tonight… well, tonight
was mild, I’ve had worse. And I apologize for letting my shit ruin your night.”
Dylan looked everywhere but at Levi as he spoke. Will could see Dylan’s hands
tremble as he continued to play with Bo’s long hair, indicating that the matter
was not entirely settled so much as he was pretending that it was.

you didn’t ruin anything,” Levi replied as he settled in to the corner against
the window. “I’m going to assume that Charlie was the other survivor… from… you

nodded. “He was CIA, and the reason we were attacked in the first place. We were
taken because of something he knew. I never found out exactly what that was. I
was just security. They killed my entire team because of him. So yeah, Charles
Akers. He died never having come out of the coma.” Sunday had just revealed
more about his ordeal than Will had ever heard. He fidgeted with Bo’s hair
until Bo reached up and took his hand and clasped their fingers together.

you had an affair with him after leaving Bo the last time?” Levi must have
guessed correctly because Sunday’s jaw tightened until Will thought he would
lose the little control he had. “And Bo didn’t know?”

did, and no I didn’t tell him. I’ve been angry about you and him for a long
time when what I did was worse. Bo was alive… I was… scared. I thought maybe I
was reacting to seeing him again. That we weren’t… if I hadn’t enlisted maybe
we would have run our course years ago. After the things I’ve done… I didn’t
deserve him. Charlie was my test and I failed. So I blamed you,” Dylan said,
lifting his head to finally meet Levi’s gaze. Will saw both defiance and guilt
in Dylan’s face as he announced, “But I was wrong.”

Maybe not,” Levi responded. “There’s a lot of blame to go around. When we found
out you were alive but missing, I still didn’t back off. I wanted him for
myself. And I resented that you’d come back from the dead. But, Dylan... He
doesn’t love me. He never did. I was just a piece of ass to him. Someone to
fuck when reality was too much. What happened last season…” Levi sighed and
ducked his head. “I didn’t blame you for anything, I’d have done the same if it
were Tracy and some skank was trying to lay claim to my property.”

now I’m your property?” Tracy pouted, sounding justifiably put out.

course you are, baby. I bought shares in the Tracy Wright, Incorporated a long
time ago!” Levi laughed at the punch aimed at his rib cage.

it, or I won’t show you my bottom line once we’re at the hotel.”

staying at a hotel? What happened to staying with us at the house?” Bo finally
rejoined the conversation.

decided the two of you don’t need us underfoot tonight. And since Tracy’s
brother moved home and is sleeping in the next fucking room we need a night to
work on our couple’s issues.”

Liv, why do you have to make everything sound dirtier than it is?” Tracy asked,
groaning, and then leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes.

Would saying it’s been a month since you fucked me dirty in the living room
would be more to your liking? I can’t keep screaming into a pillow or I’ll
suffocate. I’m not into autoerotic asphyxiation.”

snorted back laughter. “Oh, my god, and here I thought Livy was into just about

have yet to buy the fur lined handcuffs we keep talking about,” Levi reminded Tracy.

your arm is completely healed I will be happy to cuff you to the ceiling and
have my wicked way with you,” Tracy replied as the limo came to a stop.

with the lovers’ quarrel that was quickly turning into foreplay, Will glanced
out the window of the limo to have something else to focus on. The front of
Levi’s townhouse came in to view just as Bo choked out, “Get a fucking room,

already have one. Hey, look we’re here,” Levi announced as he hopped off
Tracy’s lap. He slid over the leather seats to the door just as the driver that
he may or may not have slept with pulled it open for Jude and Will to exit.
“Wake up, sleeping beauty! So that we can be on our way to that fucking room,
where I can finally get laid. My balls are about to shrivel up and fall off.”

patted Jude’s face but Jude just grunted. “Wake up,

Jude, we’re home.”

, Slayer almost called him baby. It’s
. Next comes Slayer with a
baby carriage!” Bo sang out.

shot Bo a middle finger salute
though it wasn’t like he could deny this thing with Jude anymore
“I can carry you over my shoulder if you want. Maybe kiss you once we cross the
threshold,” Will teased.

awake. I can walk,” Jude asserted but didn’t make a move to leave Will’s lap
much less the limo. “Where are we?”

well, the townhouse. Come on, Jude, just get out of the car and I’ll get you

I’m awake. I’m moving.” And he was this time, though slowly and sluggishly.

grabbed both of their jackets and followed him to the curb. Levi already had
the front door open and was heading back to help steady his brother. “Hey,
Leviticus…” Jude said softly and paused to focus on his brother. Levi helped
steady him, but still aimed a look of disapproval at Will’s head. “I love you.
I’m sorry for being a dick earlier. I’m just… not really sure why.”

okay, Judah. I can guess.” Levi pulled Jude’s arm over his shoulder but Jude
pulled back and stood up straight on his own. He didn’t sway.

glared as he said, “I’m not drunk. And I’m perfectly capable of making
decisions for myself. And further, you don’t know shit about shit.” With that,
Jude’s peace offering was withdrawn before it had even taken affect. Will

Judah, why do we keep doing this? We take one step forward and you pull away.
Sometimes…forget it. I give up. I hope you know what you’re doing, I really do.
From my perspective it looks like you’re in crisis and doing everything you can
to fuck up what you’ve worked so hard for. But, hey, what do I know? I’m just
the dumb jock.”

fucking fighting,” Will commanded—he’d had all he could handle for one night.
“This jealous sibling rivalry shit. You’re both too old for it.” Will shoved
one brother toward the gate, and the other toward the car. “Good night, Five. I
can manage him the rest of the way.”

seen how well you manage him, Slayer. Condoms. If you’re going to fuck my brother,
use them. Because if you…” Tracy leaned out the door
and dragged Levi into the car mid-rant
his words dying out when the door closed

had trouble standing on his own as the limo disappeared down the street. Will
caught him before he collapsed and, with a practiced heave, threw him over his
shoulder. “I’m not drunk. You can put me down. I can walk.”

lying.” Will didn’t listen to anything his burden said. Once inside, Will
dead-bolted the door and turned to climb the stairs, Jude still over his
shoulder. On the second landing he paused as Jude’s fist bounced off the back
of his thigh. “Why does Levi call you ‘Judah’?”

my name.” Jude’s voice was muffled. “You have the sweetest ass I’ve ever seen.”

choked on his tongue at the last comment, said with such breathless awe. Holy
fuck did he just say that? He fumbled for a response. “Your ass is pretty nice
too,” is what he finally came up with.

dropped Jude in the middle of the pink canopied nightmare bed, his legs hanging
off the side, his arms splayed out across the middle. Jude looked up at him,
eyes half closed, mouth red and wet and slightly pouty. “I’m not drunk. I’m
well fucked. There’s a difference. You did that to me. How is it you did that
to me?” He lifted a foot and held it out to Will. Without thinking Will pulled
his shoe off and tossed it under the window. The other shoe soon followed. “Did
you feel like this when…” He didn’t continue but instead began fumbling with
the buttons on his shirt.

crawled on top of him and helped hasten the job. Jude’s pants went next until
Will had him down to just his boxers with Jude’s long arms and legs flopping
like a doll as Will undressed him. When Will was finished he stayed in the
position of half straddling Jude’s legs while Jude stared up at him through
sleep heavy eyes.

I did.” He finally answered the question, his attention arrested by the growing
erection beneath the thin fabric of Jude’s silk boxers. “You’re aroused.”

about fucking your sweet ass did it…
He did that on purpose now, dragging Will’s name out, because the fucker knew
his accent did things to Will that he couldn’t explain.

really are drunk, aren’t you?” Will ran his hands over his own thighs, though
what he really wanted to do was explore the creamy skin spread out beneath him.

so drunk that I can’t get it up. Not so sober that I think putting my dick in
your mouth is a bad idea. You have pretty dick sucking lips.” A wet spot
appeared on the silky material just below the waistband. “I could handle more.”

dick stood up with questions… “As in more of me inside you? Do you think you’re
ready for more of that just yet?”

you take your clothes off this time and… I want to come in your mouth, Slayer.”

broke the land speed record for stripping. Shirt, tie, pants, he forgot his
socks. His dick ached so badly… God, he couldn’t remember ever getting this
hard this fast. “
first.” He crawled up Jude’s body
and laid the tip of his now engorged dick against Jude’s luscious lips. “Show
me how much you want me.”

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