October Ghosts (A Southern Romance Monthly) (9 page)

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Authors: CJ Hockenberry

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: October Ghosts (A Southern Romance Monthly)
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"Her fingerprints?"


"Did she usually work on the tricks?"

"Nope. That was Margo's job. Sarah worked for the legal team. You know, making sure a ticket holder doesn't sue if something goes wrong? Then sometimes she'd work the ticket booth or set the websites up for pre-sales."

"But she didn't go to jail for rigging those things up? You could have died."

"I didn't want to press charges—I just wanted her off the project. And she was fired. The company owner did press charges but the evidence was circumstantial and she had alibis. I took out a restraining order on Margo's suggestion."

"Have you seen her since?"

"No. We got a cease and desist letter from her law office in New Orleans after the first Halloween episode. We didn't have all our ducks in a row so when the psychic we use saw the result, she pointed out she'd never signed a waver. We had to yank the episode. That's why we now pay and have you sign wavers."

"And that's it? That's the only contact?"

"Yeah. And she contacted Phil not me. She's not allowed to be near me or speak to me."

"Then why are you so nervous even talking about it? Why did the thought of her being here trigger an attack if she can't get near you?"

And there it was. He hadn't really wanted to talk to her about this, but if he wanted to keep things honest he was going to have to. Usually this kind of thing didn't matter. He could easily dismiss it and move on to the next show. But Chloe…

Chloe made him feel different. She made him want to know her better.

"Well…after that first Halloween fiasco I actually started dating one of the interns. Margo took her under her wing and started teaching her and the moment we started going out, the intern started getting harassing phone calls."

Chloe's expression hardened. "From Sarah?"

"We didn't know that at first. Beth was very spiritual. A Christian, whom I got no beef with and I really liked her devotion. Someone was putting nasty letters on her car when she spent the night with me. The letters called her all kinds of bad names."

"Oh I can imagine."

"Yeah. And the longer we saw each other, the worse the letters got. Margo put in a few surveillance cameras for me so I could catch who ever it was, but they never showed up. The letters were actually left in her parents' mailbox."

Her mouth dropped open.

"So when her parents found them, they confronted us and then called the cops. They learned about Sarah and questioned her. She denied it, same as she denied ever rigging the tricks at the haunted house. No evidence, and Sarah was in New Orleans when these things happened."

Chloe closed the gap between them and put her hands on this face. "Matt, this is ridiculous. You can't really think this poor woman is somewhere in Roswell, waiting to hurt you? It just sounds so…obsessive."

"I don't think it's a coincidence that effigy showed up in your office at just the right time, do you? Yeah I'm a little weirded out. I think I have the right to be. And given what's happened, even Margo said she'd already talked to Sheriff Harhmon about some added security at the Barrett House. At least until after we're done." He took her hands in his and pulled them to his chest. "And it's not just about me. I'm worried about her coming after you."

"Why me?"

He swallowed and straightened his shoulders. "Because I like you. And it's very obvious to anyone else that I do. I didn't plan it, and you're not what I expected."

Matt wasn't sure what kind of reaction he was going to get from his confession. He hadn't planned on confessing at all because he was still a bit confused about his emotions. What he did know what that he enjoyed being with Chloe. She calmed him, made him feel invincible and not vulnerable. And she had a head on her shoulders, which impressed him. He respected her in ways he rarely respect anyone.

But what he worried most about were his trust issues. Those he'd have to deal with on his own.

The smile that pulled her sensual lips touched her eyes, and he knew at that moment she felt the same way about him. "Matthew Hunt. I shouldn't like you. Everything about you says trouble. Even the constant warning of danger. But I'm not thinking you're the cause of the danger like I did yesterday. I'm beginning to suspect you're its victim. And if you think my being there with you in the house would protect you, I'm willing to give this a go."

"Really? Even though Sarah's proven to be a little nuts?"

"I don't think the people around you want you hurt, and they sure don't want anything to happen to me because I haven't signed any papers not holding them responsible. So for now, I think you're safe. And besides…" she moved in closer to him went up on her tiptoes again. "No one knows where I live."

And with that, she pressed those soft, supple lips to his.


It didn't matter about the crazy around him.

She wanted him. She was drawn to him. The entire time he'd told her his story she felt the resonance of truth the way he saw it, the way he knew it. He was being honest with her, and the feeling of danger she still felt when she touched him shifted and changed and found its place. He was in danger. He needed protection, but she could also feel the desire to protect her radiating from him.

He'd risked her saying no again to be truthful. To lay things out as they were.

And for that, she respected him. Did she trust him?

She wanted to.

It'd been so long since she'd felt a man's touch against her body. And the kiss…

Oh sweet Lady and Lord that kiss! Her body still tingled when she thought of it, and it tingled even more knowing he was here, in her house, alone, and she sensed if she wanted more, he wouldn't say no.

But then again, Kevin had always told her no man alive, gay, straight or bi was going to say no to sex. Just wasn't in the DNA.

Which was why when she kissed him and he kissed back, she was surprised when Matt put his hands on her shoulders and stepped back. He looked serious and it was a look that made him even sexier. "Chloe…we don't have to do this."

"You don't want to?"

His serious face broke into one of pure joy. "Oh I want to. I've wanted to kiss and make love to you since the moment I saw you in your store. I've never seen any woman fill out a dress the way you do. But it wasn't just that…" he pushed a strand of her hair back from her face and then softly moved the back of his hand against her cheek. "It's just that…you know the rumors about me? About me being gay? Those stories started because after Sarah…I've been less eager to get involved with women. Trust them. Sarah was my first real love and it didn't turn out so great."

She watched his face, studied his reaction. She continued to smile up at him, hoping the expression gave him the courage to go on. Though what she really wanted to do was remove is shirt and run her hand around that chest of his.

"I don't take things from people they're not willing to give. I've never struck a woman, and I would never force myself on her. I know I've got this bad-boy reputation but honestly—the only thing I'm bad at is choosing women that won't break my heart."

"Do you think that's what I'd do to you?"

"I honestly don't know. You're so damn beautiful and smart and sexy and…well…I just love being near you."

She moved her hand to capture his in hers and moved it over her heart. "Matt, are you willing to take a chance? I haven't exactly had much success in the romance places in my life either. I'll admit my own loves haven't been to that extreme, but I made mistakes. And it's been a very long time for me too. Kevin's seen more action than I have."

Matt laughed softly. "I need to know that afterward…you won't feel guilty or bad?"

"Why are you that bad in bed?"

His stunned expression made her laugh so she kissed him again, quick but soft. "Matt," she ran her tongue over his lower lips and she felt her own heart quicken when he shivered. "Just be quiet and get naked."

That simple statement seemed to break the final vestiges of his hesitation. She laughed when he bent down a little and wrapped his arms around her waist. She put her arms around his neck and jumped up into his arms when he straightened. Chloe wrapped her legs around his waist and held on, very aware of his erection against the crotch of her jeans.

He turned from the kitchen as she planted soft kisses over his forehead and cheeks. "I have no idea where I'm going."

Chloe kissed his nose. "Straight down the hall, last door on the right."

Matt turned and managed to get them to her bedroom, even though a few stops along the way turned into marathon kisses. She loved the way he took her lips between his and suckled with the greatest care, then he would plunge his tongue between those lips. She was so wet thinking of him making love to her in the same way, of him taking her folds into his mouth, teasing her clit with his tongue, just before plunging his cock deep inside of her.

"Hurry," she heard herself say on the last pause before her bedroom. "I want you…" her tone was breathless. Needy. Demanding.

Once inside her bedroom she climbed down and pulled her hoodie off, then her tee shirt, exposing her bra and bare stomach to him. He stared at her as he put his hands on her shoulders then softly moved them over to her breasts. He was inches from her as he cupped them in his hands. Chloe felt her jeans moisten as he bent down and began laving his tongue over each mound. She reached out and took hold of his shoulders, his thick soft hair in front of her. She inhaled the smell of shampoo and wanted to feel his skin against hers.

She pulled at his hoodie until she got it off of him, and then she pulled his tee shirt over his head. Chloe gasped. The fit of his tee shirt had only been a tease to the supple, lean muscled man beneath. He was thin, thinner than she usually liked, but he had the sexiest V beneath his belly button she'd ever seen. The man's girdle. That part of their anatomy that brought most of the women she knew to their knees. Including her.

His chest was mostly bare, with only a few hairs around his nipples. She smiled when he reached around to her back and with a single movement, unfastened her bra. It fell to the floor and he stepped back.

"My God…you're beautiful."

She wanted to grab him and throw him on the bed right there. No man had ever said that to her. Most of them wanted the lights out and a quick screw.

He took her breasts again and this time leaned down to move his tongue round her very excited nipples. The sensation that once made her cringe now made the need between her legs heat up. She wanted to jump on him again. She wanted to feel him against her. She wanted…

To make love all afternoon.

It was so nice to want that once again.

She gasped when he moved his hand from her breast down her stomach to cup his hand just over her wet vagina. He moved is fingers up and down, teasing her against her jeans. So…two could play at that. Chloe reached down and moved her hand over his erection so hard and warm beneath his jeans. He gasped this time and closed his eyes.

"I want you…" he whispered to her and kissed her neck. He laved his tongue up the contours of her neck and nibbled her ear between his lips. "I don't ever want to stop wanting you."

He made her feel feminine. Which was something that turned her on even more.

She pulled her hand away from him and unfastened her jeans. She pushed them down and stepped away, bare before him except for her panties. He didn't waste any time slipping his hands back to her vagina and moved his fingers back and forth. She knew he could feel how wet she was through the thin cotton and he moaned against her.

Matt pulled the panties to the side and slid his fingers inside. He was careful, gentle, probing ever so lightly as he parted her lips to reveal the small nub of her clit. It felt swollen and so sensitive. Everything felt so good as he moved her juices around her, slipped his fingers inside of her, and then used his thumb to press her clit again, and then again, and again until—

The orgasm came fast. Faster than she'd ever been able to bring herself. She arched her back as her muscles grabbed hold of his fingers and pulsed with each wave of pleasure. He didn't stop, but continued to move his fingers, only lessoning as her orgasm faded until she opened her eyes and discovered he was holding her in his left arm, his right where she never wanted it to move.

He was looking down at her with wonder on his face. She reached up and touched his cheek. He moved enough to take her fingers into his mouth and suckle them. In a single movement he bent down and took her into his arms. Matt set her on the bed and stepped back. She removed her panties as he removed his jeans. His erection was a thing of beauty. He was so magnificent as he moved across the bed and rested his body on top of hers.

He braced himself on his elbows and knees and she knew he didn't want to crush her. They kissed…oh she enjoyed his kisses and could disappear into them. All through school and college she'd always heard from her friends about these guys that could kiss them into an orgasm.

Now she understood what that meant.

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