October Ghosts (A Southern Romance Monthly) (10 page)

Read October Ghosts (A Southern Romance Monthly) Online

Authors: CJ Hockenberry

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: October Ghosts (A Southern Romance Monthly)
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"Chloe…" he said softly as he moved his sweet mouth to her cheek. "I need you."

"I want you inside of me," she heard herself say. And she meant it. She really,
meant it.

He relaxed against her then, and moved his kisses down her neck to her breast, giving each of them equal attention. By the time he moved to her belly button and she realized what he was doing, Chloe knew she was going to come again.

The moment his tongue sliced between the lips of her vagina she arched her back. The warmth of his tongue against her clit and his gentle probing was too much. She rode the next wave with as much delight as the first but she wanted him inside. She wanted to feel him against her, in her, a part of her. She wanted their union.

Matt moved up and knelt over her. "I don't have any—"

"Top drawer."

He leaned over and pulled the packet from the drawer. "Mmm…ribbed for a woman's pleasure."

Chloe grinned up at him and took the packet from his hands. "Then it's my pleasure to get it on." She tore it open and eased the latex over his cock. Just looking at it, she knew it was the perfect size and she wanted it in. Now! Once the condom was in place, he eased over her again and pushed himself in just the right place.

She opened her legs wide and took him in as deep as possible. Chloe watched his face and decided she had to see him come. She must. She wrapped her legs around him tighter and held on he began to thrust. He was timid at first but she reached own and ran her hands over the muscled mounds of his perfect arse. She wanted him to move harder. Faster. She wanted him to—

And then it happened.

Something she'd never experienced before.

She came. He came. The orgasm had snuck up on her! His thrusts, his smell, the push of his cock inside of her, against her sensitive clit, and then the look on his face all brought her back to that wave of joy, of pleasure, of union.

And when they were finished he remained inside of her, spent, panting, and kissing her once again. "You…are the most incredible woman I've ever met, Chloe Stohl."

She returned his kisses and ran her hand over his arm. A light film of sweat coated his skin. He was beautiful, and he thought she was beautiful.

He relaxed beside her, as he finally pulled free. She went to her bathroom and grabbed a towel and a washcloth of warm water. When she returned his eyes were closed so she removed the condom, used the washcloth to clean him and then the towel to dry them both.

Matt was asleep. He lay like the beautiful prince he was. And when she curled up against him, he took her into his arms and kissed her hair.


Matt's phone woke him, but he didn't know where it was.

Hang on…he wasn't really sure where

Someone sighed beside him and he smelled something spicy and sweet. Chloe.

Memories of their lovemaking brought a broad smile to his lips and he sought her out in the semi-darkness.



Sitting up, he looked around for a clock or something, and then got off the bed to find his jeans and his phone. He bumped into something hard with his toe and managed a few colorful metaphors.

A light came on, illuminating a dresser. "Did you see that?" He said as he took in the Goddess sitting up in the bed. "This piece of furniture jumped out to kick me in the foot."

Her laughter filled the room as his phone stopped ringing. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah…just looking for my jeans." He limped around the bed toward the pile of clothing on the other side. There he spotted his jeans and dug his phone out. "Uh oh." Seven missed calls from Margo and three from Phil. "I think I'm late."

"What time is it?"

Matt looked past his phone at Chloe. She was so beautiful, sitting up from the tangle of sheets. Her breasts peaked out from her hair. All he wanted to do was jump back into bed with her and explore her body again, and again. But he was getting paid to be at the Barrett House. "It's nearly seven. I was supposed to be there at six. With you."

"Then I'm getting a shower." She slipped out of the bed and he couldn't help himself. He tossed the phone on the bed and pulled her to him. She was warm and soft against his skin. He looked down at her mounding breasts on his chest and felt himself rise to the occasion once again. Wrapping his arms around her, he pressed another kiss to her lips and she responded, suckling on his tongue as he hesitantly probed her mouth. Her teeth raked across his lower lip and he shuddered at the thought of that mouth covering his entire body.

"We need a shower," she said in his ear, even as she grabbed his throbbing cock in her hand. "And you need some cold water."


"We can come back here after the run through. I can make us some dinner and then we can…" she pulled back and looked at him with those beautiful, soulful eyes. "Watch some TV?"

"Is that code?"

She kissed his chin. "It can be whatever you want it to be. But right now, I'm getting clean. I don't want to arrive smelling like sex. Call your people and then join me." She kissed him again and pulled at his lower lip as she pulled away. He watched her walk nude into a door across from her bed, amazed at the twitch and wiggle her beautiful heart-shaped bottom made. She was a perfect hourglass, the inspiration for the shape of a guitar.

Chloe disappeared and he looked down at himself. "You need to control yourself, dude," he muttered as he sat on the bed and picked up the phone.

Just as he touched the surface to return a call, Margo called in. He answered it. "Yello."

"Where the hell have you been?!"

Matt held the phone out from his ear and looked at the bathroom door. It was cracked open and steam billowed out. He wanted to be in that shower with Chloe, soaping up that incredible body. "And have you had a nice evening Margo?"

"Cut the crap. Where are you?"

He looked around. "I have no idea. But I like wherever it is. Don't worry. I'll be there in half an hour. Is everything set up?"

"You were supposed to be here forty-five minutes ago. What the hell's wrong with you? You're never late. Have you talked to Chloe?"

"Yeah, I've talked to her." He pursed his lips. "She's going to drive us both out there."

"She's going to drive—" Margo went quiet for a few seconds.

Matt frowned. "Margo?"

"You've been with her."

"Yeah. She was upset at that little recording infringement you did, and I was pissed too. So we left and I've been getting to know her a little better."

"Getting to know her," Margo's voice took on a slight caustic tone. "Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?"

"Margo—what's the problem? The real filming isn't until tomorrow. We're just doing a test run and it isn't even completely dark yet."

"You know we like to have the light for the initial run. Dammit, Matt. Have you told her about Sarah?"

"Yeah. I did."

Another pause. "And she's still going through with it."

He frowned. "Margo…are you okay? I figured you'd be a lot happier. We have the psychic they wanted for the show. But I wasn't kidding when I said I wasn't going in the direction we did last year."

She didn't answer. He thought he heard her talking to someone else with her hand over the phone. Finally, "Yeah. I'm thrilled. Got some news for you when you get here."

"Has the crew eaten?"

"Yeah. We got pizzas brought in. There's a lot left. When you get your dick out of her, you should show up and have some." She disconnected.

Matt sat in stunned silence as he stared at the phone. Why was Margo so upset? It wasn't that this was new behavior. She always got irritated when he struck up a relationship outside of the show. Not that it happened often…meaning never.

Mostly because she always discouraged it the moment she caught a whiff of his attraction to someone. He would let his gaze linger a little too long and Margo was there to remind him of Sarah. She was like the sister he never had. And she had always, always, supported him.


He nearly jumped at Chloe's voice. He wanted to be with her, he wanted to stay and make love to her, talk to her, find out all he could about her. And a few minutes before talking to Margo, he was the happiest he'd ever been.

But in one conversation, everything felt…tainted. It felt…


Her voice was closer and he looked up to see Chloe standing in the doorway. Water dripped from her body, ran in sensual rivulets over her curves. Her wet hair half covered her breasts and accented the beautiful V of her sex. His desire returned and he stood.

He loved Margo as family. But he'd been with her for so long. Three years since Sarah. Three years since he'd turned his talents from rigging haunted houses to investigating them. In all those years he'd dated very few times, and in every instance, Margo had been there to warn him of the danger.

Just like she was warning him now.

But Chloe was different. He knew this down to the core of his soul. And he wanted to be with her. He tossed the phone on the bed and approached Chloe. She opened her arms to him and he encircled her with his.

"Everything all right?" She asked him.

"It is now."


Everyone was waiting when they arrived back at the Barrett House. Chloe noticed a slight change in Matt's mood. It'd happened after he made that call when she jumped in the shower. She wanted to know what had happened, but she also felt like she wasn't really entitled to pry into his personal life.

Not now.

What are you doing?

Her conscious brain kept asking her that question. Over and over again. She'd known him for maybe twenty-four hours and she'd already slept with him. Wanted to sleep with him. And wanted to do it again. And again. Was she insane? This wasn't the way she usually acted. She was known to be practical and cautious, not just risk her life like that.

But her instincts had been right. Matt Hunt was incredible in bed. And he was sweet. Like…very sweet. And he worried about her as much as she worried about him. She seemed genuinely concerned that she didn't do anything she didn't want to. And she believed that if she'd said no earlier, he would have backed off, and he would have been nice about that too.

Phil greeted them as they approached the house and she hung back, not just because of the look Margo shot her, but because she felt that pressure around the house again. That overwhelming feeling of danger.

"Well nice of you to strand me here with such a lovely bitch for company."

Kevin's voice brought her out of her thoughts as she stood just outside the barrier of lights. She turned and faced his less than approving look and instantly felt bad. "Oh crap. I'm sorry Kev. Matt was so mad and then Margo was up in our faces with that camera—"

Her best friend reached out and put a hand on her arm. His eyes widened and then he gave her a smile to match. "You had sex."

Chloe put her hand over his mouth and yanked him into a copse of trees. "Sshh…did you know you're loud?"

"You tell me that a lot. But I'm right, aren't I? 'Cause you know that Margo was all upset when the two of you disappeared."

"But she filmed us and wasn't supposed to."

"I know that. And that Phil guy over there—who is also a hottie—told her Matt was right. You hadn't signed anything yet so what ever you experienced in that kitchen—besides the benefits of Mr. Hunt's hard body—wasn't allowable." He put his hands on his hips. "So are you going to tell me what happened in the kitchen?"

After a quick look around she pulled him further into the semi-darkness and relayed everything she could remember, all the way to seeing him trapped in darkness.

"Asthma, huh? So that's why Dr. Coleman and Nana are here? Other than Margo grilling the doc about this house's history. The guy's like some amateur historian."

"Henry Coleman's here?" Chloe glanced around for her friend Nana Coleman. "But Henry's the coroner. Why would he be here?"

"Henry said Matt was ill earlier and he was there talking with Phil. He treated him and asked if he could be the doc on the set since they have to have one. Does he have his inhaler with him in case he has another attack tonight?"

"I guess. I didn't check to see if he did." Chloe bit her lower lip. "Kevin—I need to tell you about Matt's ex too."

"Margo already did while we were eating pizza. I've learned a lot while I've been here."

"She tell you Sarah was in Roswell?"

"Mmhmm. And she said she told Sheriff Harhmon. Soon as he shows up I'm gonna make sure."

"You don't trust her?"

"Chloe…" Kevin looked very serious in the dim light. He looked around again to make sure they were alone. "I read a lot of mysteries, right? And I love to watch cop shows."

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