Obsessed (58 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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Tierra shivered and closed her eyes, reveling in the sensations of Renn’s hands and eyes upon her. Gently he pushed the gown down around her waist and over her hips, ’til it dropped to her bare feet, and she was entirely naked.

When she opened her eyes she found him studying her, as though she was a priceless gift that he had just unwrapped.

“I love you, denai.” He pressed her naked body against his fully clothed form and kissed her. It felt so erotic with his hands roaming her naked flesh, feeling the rasp of his tunic against her breasts, and the rub of his cock through his breeches and against her belly.

“And I love you, my dark warrior,” she murmured.

Renn brought his mouth to hers in a loving, searing, soul burning kiss that set her aflame. He tasted of chocolatyl, wine, and Renn, a combination that made her feel even more intoxicated than she had been from the joining elixir.

His tongue thrust into her mouth as his hands closed over her breasts, his palms rubbing over her sensitized nipples.

Tierra drew him in, taking his tongue deep. Her head spun with the force of her need for her husband, the taste of him, the feel of him. She ached and grew wetter yet.

She could barely breathe when they drew away. “I want to see all of you.” She moved her hands to the bottom of his tunic and clenched it in her fists. “I want to feel your skin against mine.”

A rumble rose up in Renn’s throat as his silver gaze flared. In a quick movement he yanked his tunic over his head and kicked off his boots.

When he started to unfasten his breeches, Tierra stopped him with her hands on his. “Let me.”

The hunger to possess his woman was almost more than Renn could bear. His biceps trembled with the force it took to hold himself back, from throwing her onto the bed and fucking her mindless.

No. This was their joining eve and he wanted to show her how much he loved her.

Tierra’s small hands unfastened his breeches. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and he groaned. “Denai.”

Leaning closer, she flicked her tongue out and lapped at the head of his staff.

Renn slid his hands into her hair as she enveloped his cock with her warm, wet mouth. He closed his eyes as she moved her mouth up and down, along with her hand.

“Stop.” He halted her movements by holding her head still, opened his eyes and met her emerald gaze. “I need to be inside you, Tierra. Now.”

She slipped his cock from her mouth. “Yes,” she said as she pushed his breeches over his hips.

He stepped out of them, scooped Tierra up, and carried her the short distance to his bed.

When he laid her down, she held out her arms. “Come to me, warrior man.”

Renn slid between her thighs and into her embrace, knowing that he was home. Forevermore, this woman was his love and his life. And thanks to the Overseers, he should have a very long life to love his woman, indeed.

Tierra reached down and grabbed his cock, moving it the entrance to her channel. “Love me, Renn.”

He slid into her wetness, the sensation of her core surrounding him, gripping him, almost enough to make him come at once.

“Yes, that’s it.” Tierra’s hips met his thrusts, her eyes focused on his face. “Gods but you feel so good inside me.”

Renn brought his lips to hers, drawing her tongue into his mouth as he drove his cock into her. She tensed beneath him and then her body bucked and vibrated with the force of her orgasm, and her cries were trapped in his mouth.

Renn’s muscles went taut and his body corded. He came in a rush, his seed flowing into Tierra’s body with every jerk of his cock.

He rolled onto his side, drawing her with him ’til she was laying on top of him, his cock still deep within her.

Tierra’s body continued to vibrate with her climax, clenching around Renn’s cock. For a moment they stayed in that position, as though frozen in place and unable to move. Their skin was wet with sweat, and the smell of his come and the juices of her quim perfumed the air.

“Do we dare open Anistana’s gift?” she murmured against her husband’s chest. “She did save all of your lives.”

“For that I am most grateful.” Renn rubbed his thumb along Tierra’s chin. “If not for the Faerie Queen, I would not be here with you this very moment.”

“I suppose we are indebted to my sister.” A shudder eased through Tierra at the thought of almost having lost Renn in the battle. “I just wonder when she will want to collect that debt.”

Renn raised a dark eyebrow. “Do you think that is her intention?”

Tierra nodded, her hair rubbing across his chest as she moved. “With Anistana I believe there is a reason for her every action. Her every choice.”

He chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest beneath her ear. “For only having met your sister, you already know her well.”

With a smile, she slipped his cock from her core and moved her legs over the side of the bed. Damselflies fluttered in her belly as she slid her hands around the cool crystal and gold box. Gripping it tightly she brought it to her lap.

Renn eased up to sit beside her and for a moment they both stared at the box. It was clear, and as far as Tierra could see, there was nothing inside of it.

“I don’t suppose the crystal box itself was the gift,” Tierra muttered.

“We shall open it together.” Renn placed his hand on the box and his eyes met Tierra’s.

She laughed. “It’s probably nothing.”

As though of one mind, they lifted the crystal lid.

Tierra gasped as a fine golden mist blossomed from inside the box, a faint red glitter sparkling within the mist.

“Esmere,” Renn murmured and Tierra nodded. To’en had told her of this powerful mist, although she had not yet learned to make it herself.

Her nipples tightened, her core flooded and her body zinged with wild lust. The box began to shake in their hands, and a quick glance at Renn’s furiously hard cock told her he was as aroused as she was.

They shoved the box on the table as one, and Renn in a fluid motion, he picked Tierra up and laid her on the bed.

She had to have him, now. “Take me, Renn,” she cried as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Renn sheathed himself in Tierra’s quim, driving into her with raging intensity. His need for his woman had already been great, but with the esmere mist, it was uncontrollable. The rare mist allowed them to link their thoughts and bodies, allowed them to feel one another’s pleasures.

Their minds blended together as he drove into her
. I can feel what you feel, denai,
he told her in thought, enjoying knowing how she felt to have his cock inside her.

Tierra’s body was so sensitive to his every touch, his every thrust, he could feel how it drove her wild. Oh, gods this is incredible.

Harder and harder Renn thrust into his heartmate. Their very souls converged and merged into one just as their bodies and thoughts did.

Tierra screamed, the sound of her ecstasy a reflection of his own as his climax thundered through him. He felt every wave of Tierra’s orgasm, along with every throb of his own.

As he again filled Tierra’s womb with his seed, the sudden knowledge came to him as to what the red glitter had been—as though Anistana had planted that knowledge and released it only when he achieved climax.

He was not sure whether to laugh or groan.

With their minds linked from the esmere, Tierra heard and felt Renn’s recognition of what Anistana had gifted them with on their joining day.

Her mind still confused and dizzy with the esmere, she held Renn between her thighs and simply enjoyed the last of their orgasms. How it felt to Renn to come in her womb, mingled with her own intense climax.

When their breathing had calmed, Renn rolled to his side and held Tierra close to him. She kept her body pressed tight to his, not wanting to let his cock out of her core, and looked up at him.

Renn gave Tierra a crooked smile, and that alone was enough to melt any fury that had built up inside her over what her sister had done.

“Anistana worked a very deep, very old magic, didn’t she?” Tierra asked as she pressed her palm to her husband’s muscled chest.

He nodded. “You will have twins with full Fae as well as full Nordain powers.” Renn reached up and brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. “But since the second born Faerie twin is always born without wings, that twin will have wings only in her Nordai form.”

Tierra rolled her eyes and sighed. “Thanks to Anistana’s gift, I will have nothing but twins. Every time I conceive.”

Renn smiled and pulled on the lock of red hair he had brushed aside. “And one will always be a redheaded female.”

“A curse?” Tierra asked.

“A blessing,” Renn replied. “If my daughters are anything like their mother, then most definitely a blessing.”

A twinge of annoyance surged through Tierra at the thought of what her twin had done. Their relationship was sure to be long and difficult. Yet at the same time, Tierra felt a bit of worry, wondering what her twin was up to, and why. The Faerie Queen never did anything that would not benefit her and Astral directly.

“I am pleased.” Renn cupped her face with his palm. “To know that I will have daughters as full of spirit and beauty as their mother…I could not ask for anything more.”

Tierra smiled, feeling as though she could never be happier than she was at that moment. Her husband in her arms, her babes on the way. “Love me again,” she murmured.

“Always, denai,” Renn replied as he again eased between her thighs and slid his cock inside her core. “Always.”


# # #




To’en’s gaze followed the young Faerie Queen as she vanished from the battlefield—to all eyes but his. He saw her in her ethereal form, a whisper of a woman who moved with grace and beauty, her head high, even when she believed no one could see her.

Only To’en noticed the slight slump of her wings, felt the deep ache in her heart.

From the moment he had first seen the young Queen, To’en’s cock had stirred and a desire filled him that he had not known for centuries. This youngling of a mere twenty seasons intrigued him as no other woman had ever done.

A fiery spirit, a sensuous nature and unrivaled beauty.

A woman who needed love…and protection from other evils still afoot.

A woman who needed to be tamed.

To’en felt his lips curl in a feral smile, more wolf than human.

He intended to be the man to master Anistana.


Chapter One


Cool forest breezes carried the cinnamon scent of bluewood and hynling sap to Anistana as she strolled through her realm. Leaves felt crisp and cool beneath her bare feet, but she made not a sound as she traveled in her ethereal form, more light than substance, and invisible to all creatures who might look her way.

Her waist-length red tresses hung over her breasts, teasing her nipples with every step she took. The magical blue mist of Wilding Wood brushed her naked skin, caressing her clit…as she instructed it to do. Her nipples ached to feel hot wet mouths and her quim needed a cock most desperately. She had found none so pleasing as Jalen of the Seraphine Elves, or Renn of the Nordain—and each of those bastards had married other women.

At the thought of the men who had rejected her, Anistana snapped her gossamer wings open and shut with the force of her irritation. Worse yet, Renn, the biggest bastard of them all, had married her twin sister.

Anistana still cared for Jalen and Renn in the only manner she knew how. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have bothered saving their fine asses in the Battle for Dair.

But as for true love…that was not part of her destiny. Anistana was Queen of Faerie, and her responsibilities were to her people first and foremost. Her heart did not enter the equation.

She could not allow it to.

A hint of a smile touched her lips at the thought of the wedding gift she had sent to Renn and Tierra—a gift of old magic to ensure her sister would bear, with every birth, female Faerie twins who commanded full magical powers. It would guarantee heirs to Anistana’s throne should the Fae killer succeed at murdering either Anistana or Tierra or both. Without a female ruler of their ancient bloodline, Faerie would not survive.

Male Faeries were naught more than drones, with no desires beyond those of pleasure and self-gratification. They had grown weaker over the centuries, and had fled Astral for the Dryad Realm shortly after the Fae killer had slain Anistana’s mother, the former Faerie Queen.

The bastard might slay me, but let us see if he can penetrate Sky Castle to kill my twin—or her many daughters to come.

As the Queen had long suspected, the Battle for Dair’s outcome was bittersweet. One evil had been defeated for the good of all Dair with the Sorcerer’s demise.

But an ancient evil had been released…evil that could destroy Astral, meaning the extinction of all of Faerie.

Anistana’s wings quivered. The blue mist, an extension of her senses, instantly informed her that a being had entered Wilding Wood—from the direction she had just come from.

A white wolf. Following me.

Surely it was one of the shape-shifting Overseers who often took the form of a wolf or raven above all other forms. One of the few beings whose true identities she could not detect by sense alone, so well did they mask their thoughts and feelings.

Anistana turned to seek out the intruder, but came to an abrupt stop.

The wolf.

No matter that she should have been invisible to his eyes, he was staring directly at her. His white coat glowed in the golden light given off by nearby hynling tree sap. Around his paws the mist swirled, waiting for her command.

Why have you entered my realm?
Anistana asked in mind-speak as her wings slowly opened and closed, pushing the scent of lilies and roses toward the wolf—a scent she could easily use to put her prey into a deep sleep by adding a touch of magic.
Have you come to play, Overseer?

I have come for you, Anistana,
returned a powerful voice that reverberated through her body and shot straight to her core.

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