Obsessed (43 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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He wrapped his hand around his cock and gently pushed it into her slick quim, feeling the heaven of her channel gripping him as he reached her barrier. “You will feel pain, but it will ease.” His gut clenched at the thought of giving his denai anything but pleasure. “Do you understand?”

Tierra shifted on the moss bed and pressed against Renn, her heart pounding with a touch of both fear and excitement. A breeze slid across her skin, cooling her heated flesh and rustling the blue tree’s leaves around them.

“Answer me,” he commanded. “Are you ready for me?”

“Yes, my Lord.” She wiggled and pushed her hips tighter toward him, feeling the intense pressure of his cock against her maidenhead.

Renn reached between their bodies and found her clit with his thumb, his gaze focused intently upon her. The sensation was incredible with his thick rod partially inside her, his sweat-slick skin against hers, his thumb teasing and stroking her clit. His male scent and the smell of their sex filled her, surrounded her, adding to the fierce sensations she was feeling inside her as he stroked her swollen nub.

Her body began to vibrate and she started to close her eyes.

“Look at me, Tierra,” Renn demanded as his thumb circled her clit and she snapped her eyes wide. “Watch me take you.”

His command, along with the possessiveness in his voice and in his gaze, threw her over the edge into oblivion. “My Lord!” she cried out as she climaxed, and at the same moment he thrust into her, tearing past her shield.

The quick burst of pain only intensified the orgasm that continued to rock and shake her body even as he moved his cock in and out of her. “Gods but you grip me tight.” Renn clenched his teeth. “I have never felt…anything…like you.”

“Renn.” Tierra could scarce form a thought—she could only feel. His thick length filled her, stretched her. Even as her orgasm faded, another one swelled within. Her head grew warm, her vision blurred. “Please, my Lord,” she begged, yet had no idea what she was asking for.

“Am I hurting you?” Renn slowed, but did not halt his thrusts.

“Don’t stop.” She shook her head, feeling wild and dizzy and crazy for him. “Please, my Lord. It feels so good.”

“I will fuck you ’til you scream.” He hooked his arms behind her knees, raising her ass off the moss bed of the tree, pounding even deeper into her quim. The hair around his cock mated with her fiery mound, his bollocks slapping her ass. “Scream my name when you come,” he demanded.

“I—I don’t…” Tierra glanced from his eyes to where they were joined. She caught her breath to see his cock, wet with her juices, sliding in and out of her core.

Oh, gods. The sight of him inside her was unbelievably erotic. This time her climax was so intense that sparks exploded all around her. “Renn!” she shrieked without even meaning to.

“Denai.” His name for her tore from his lips in a powerful growl. His body jerked once, twice, thrice, and he came.

Renn’s mouth swooped down to possess hers, a fierce and passionate kiss that stole away her very breath as his hot seed spewed inside her. Her channel continued to contract around him, feeling every throb of his cock ’til his seed was spent within her womb.

“Mine.” His words were a throaty growl against her lips as he continued, “You belong to me.”


Renn held Tierra tight as she slept in his arms, facing him, her breasts pressed against his chest. He had removed the leather strap from her wrists long ago, as soon as she had fallen asleep. She had passed into the world of dreams almost at once, obviously exhausted from their intense bout of fucking.

Gently he stroked her naked hip, reveling in the feel of her soft skin beneath his callused fingertips.

My heartmate.

The moment the words entered Renn’s mind, he frowned. He had always scoffed at fools of men who had found themselves besotted with a woman. Love between a man and a woman…it was an emotion he had never believed real.

Sex had been the only thing he gave credence. Mutual gratification between willing partners.

He continued stroking Tierra’s perfect flesh, trailing his fingers down her hip to her thigh and back up to her waist.

What was this feeling that burned deep within in his soul whenever he was near Tierra? Whenever he caught her scent…whenever he looked upon her…whenever he touched her? The feeling smoldered within his chest, a fire that grew more intense every moment he was in her presence.

And yet, the times she had run from him, did not the feeling almost suffocate him? As though a part of him had gone missing, and he had to retrieve her at once, else be incomplete?

Could this feeling be love?

Or was he confusing it with desire? The need to drive his cock into Tierra’s hot core, to fuck her ’til she screamed his name, to fill her womb with his seed, and to see her belly swell with his child…

Renn’s hand stilled.

By the gods. He had become one of the sotted fools he had so oft taunted, like Aric and Jalen both.

* * * * *

Tierra awoke to the scent of Renn and sex and forest breezes, and the cinnamon nutmeg smell of the tree. He cradled her in the curve of his arm as he gently caressed her body, trailing his fingers to her waist, then over her hip to her thigh and back to her waist again. A slow, sensuous caress that made her folds tingle and her nipples tighten.

She felt a pleasant ache between her thighs, her breasts sore from his sucking and her mouth raw from his stubble chafing her skin.

His cock was erect against her belly, and she knew that all she had to do was climb onto that rigid shaft and he would fuck her ’til she screamed.


But what of his possessive words, his insistence that she belonged to him?

Surely part of the sexual game they had played. Her willing wench to his lord and master.

A game. Only a game.

Renn’s hand paused in mid-stroke and Tierra opened her eyes. The dark warrior’s gaze was fixed on her, a strange look upon his handsome face. Like he was studying her, trying to see what might lie within her soul.

Realizing she was no longer bound, she moved her hand up his chest to his face. He didn’t move, didn’t speak as she touched his jaw line with her fingers, exploring the sharp ridges and contours of his masculine features. His stubble was rough against the pads of her fingers.

“This scar.” Tierra slid her fingertips over the jagged strip running down his cheek. “Where did you get it?”

“You are so sweet, so beautiful, denai.” Renn captured her hand in his, in a movement so quick it caught her by surprise. He brushed his lips over her knuckles. “Let us have breakfast…and then I shall have you for dessert.”

Tierra shivered, and when Renn sat up she almost begged him to hold her close again. What was the matter with her? The man was just like any other man, and most certainly a good fuck.

An incredibly good fuck at that.

“While you slept I retrieved nourishment from Feymir’s saddlebags.” Renn set out seedcakes, dried figs and a small flask between them on the strange blue moss.

She scooted up to sit beside him, enjoying the pleasant ache in her body. “What is this tree?” she asked as she selected one of the cakes and then took a bite.

“A bluewood.” Renn grabbed the flask, uncorked it and took a swig. A trickle of water ran down his chin. Tierra stopped in mid-chew as she watched it roll down his neck, onto his broad chest, to the flat of his abdomen down toward the nest of curls around his very large, very erect cock.

“See something you would like to add to your breakfast?” Renn’s deep voice caused her to snap her gaze up to meet his.

Heat flushed through Tierra when she saw his sensual smile. She felt strangely flustered and off balance. Instead of answering, she bit into the seed cake and looked at the fluttering blue leaves of the tree around her as she enjoyed the honeyed taste of her food.

“The bluewood is a tree common only to the northernmost reaches of the D’euan Forest and to Wilding Wood,” Renn said, drawing her attention back to him. “It is quite rare.”

Tierra wiped the last of the seedcake crumbs from her hands, using a strip of her torn tunic. “Where are we?”

“In the northernmost reaches of the D’euan Forest.” Renn picked up a dried fig and offered it to her. When she took it, he popped another one into his mouth. “We’re on the edge of Wilding Wood.”

“That’s right.” Tierra chewed the fig thoughtfully and swallowed it. With the Sorcerer interrupting them earlier in the morning, and then her wild chase and capture at Renn’s hands, she had forgotten. To’en, the fair-headed god, had sent her in this direction. Had he meant for her to meet up with Renn—did this man truly know where her halias were?

Before she had the opportunity to ask, Renn took one of her hands in his and raised it to his mouth. “Denai,” he murmured, then pressed his lips to the center of her palm. “What do you desire?”

Every other thought vanished at his sensual touch. Tierra shivered at the feel of his mouth, and then moaned when he flicked his tongue against her flesh.

“I want you.” She climbed into his lap, enjoying the flare in his silver eyes and the feel of his cock against her belly. “Fuck me, Renn.”

“Are you not sore?” He released her hand and then reached for her mound. Tierra gasped as he slid two fingers into her channel. “Does that not hurt?”

A smile touched the corner of her mouth at the concern in her powerful warrior’s eyes, the gentleness in his tone. “I feel only pleasure.” She trailed her fingers down his chest, straight to his cock and wrapped her hand around his thickness. “I want you. Inside me.”

Renn clasped her hips with his hands and rolled onto his back, bringing her with him. Tierra laughed, a wild joy filling her to know that she would have this man again. And even a third or fourth time, if she chose to.

“Why so serious, big man?” she said as she gained her balance and noticed the solemn expression on his face.

“You are…” His voice trailed away as he moved his hands to her breasts and covered them, touching her almost reverently. “You are the most exquisite creature I have ever known.”

“And you are by far the largest.” Tierra smiled as she planted her knees on either side of his hips—he was so big she had to spread her thighs wide to straddle him. Bracing one hand against his chest, she rose up on her knees, sinking slightly into the blue moss of the tree. She reached for his cock with her free hand and brought it to the entrance to her core. “And this part of you is perfect.”

A blissful sigh slipped from her as she sank onto his shaft, sliding it into her slick core. “Yes.” She began riding him, moving up and down, controlling her level of pleasure, the depth of each stroke. “Gods but you feel good inside me.”

“And you fit me like a well-made sheath.” Renn slid his hands down her body and gripped her hips tight. His hands were so large that his thumbs reached her clit and he began massaging the swollen flesh. “Fuck me, Tierra. Take all of me.”

Leaves from the blue tree feathered across Tierra’s face and breasts as she arched her back and drove herself down on Renn’s cock ’til he was buried deep inside her. “Yes!” she cried. “My gods, yes.” The coarse leaves tickled at her nipples like dozens of tiny fingers as she rode him harder and faster yet.

Tierra reached below her ass and found Renn’s balls. “You will make me spill my seed inside you if you are not careful,” he murmured as he increased the pressure on her clit. “I cannot wait much longer.”

Her belly tightened and she gasped as her body began to shake—as though she might come apart. “Renn.” She trembled like the tree’s leaves as she continued her ride on his cock, the climax building and building. “So close. Please…”

He grasped her waist and stilled her, then pummeled his hips, fucking her hard and fast.

Tierra shattered, breaking into as many leaves as were upon the tree. Everything spun around her, a whirlwind carrying the pieces of her soul and twisting them, binding them with Renn’s. So far, so very far away she heard her own cries and Renn’s answering bellow. Felt his cock jerk within her, spending his seed inside her.

Slowly the world came into focus, but Tierra felt boneless, unable to support herself. She collapsed against Renn’s chest, melting into his strength.

“Denai,” he murmured. “By the gods but you are astonishing.”

She smiled, her cheek against his chest, listening to the rumble of his words, the harshness of his breathing, the rapid pounding of his heart. His cock was still lodged deep within her, still thick enough that she felt full.

Renn stroked Tierra’s hair from her face as she lay upon him, well fucked and sated. He could imagine waking up every morning with her in his arms—a thought that he had once mocked, thinking he preferred instead to bed a different wench each night.

Now he could only imagine this one beautiful woman in his bed.

“Who are you?” Tierra’s sudden question brought Renn out of his thoughts and he lowered his chin to his chest so that he might better look at her.

“I am the man who just fucked you.” He smiled and ran the pad of his thumb over her lips. “The man who has made you his.”

The man who loves you.
Even as the thought entered his mind, he held it back. Something told him this woman was not ready for such declarations…yet.

Tierra raised her head and stacked her hands on his chest, then settled her chin on the back of one of her hands as she looked down at him. She studied him with her emerald eyes, her gaze all at once serious. “You are Nordain. You are related to the Sorcerer.” She frowned, and then continued, “You know where my heart-sisters are. You knew who I was when we first met...you were tracking me.”

Renn took a deep breath, knowing that now was the time for truth. Where to begin?

She pushed herself to a sitting position, still straddled across his hips. “I shouldn’t have fucked you without knowing who you are.”

For a moment she paused and her eyes seemed to say, But I couldn’t help myself.

“Now tell me,” she demanded. “Everything.”

“I am Renn L’tiercel, Captain of the Nordain Fearless Legions.” He caught her waist with one hand, holding her in his lap as he pushed himself so that he sat up, his back to a raised arm of the tree. “I am second ruler of Phoenicia, behind my brother Aric, who is king.”

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