Obsessed (41 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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She was not bound. She was in a man’s tight embrace.


His masculine scent of cedar and sun-warmed flesh surrounded Tierra, much like his arms that kept her bound snug to his chest. One of his powerful thighs draped over her hip, imprisoning her legs. His breathing was deep and steady, his chest rising and falling behind her as he slept.

And sweet mother of the gods, his very large, very hard cock was pressed tight against her ass.

Her very clothed ass at that.

A sigh of mingled relief and disappointment eased from her, and she relaxed. The warrior had not stripped her of her clothing while she slept, had not forced himself on her, just as he had promised when they first met. The bastard had a touch of gentleman in him after all.

Why then did she feel disappointed?

Because she wanted this man to possess her.

And even though she had enjoyed besting him, she wanted him to dominate her. Not in some humiliating way, but in the way a powerful man sometimes masters an equally powerful woman he loves.

The alien thoughts felt strange in her head, and she shook it as though to rattle it free.

“Mmmm,” Renn murmured against her, sending a shiver straight to her core. He pressed his lips to her neck, flicking his tongue out and licking her skin. “Are you ready to be fucked?”

Tierra gasped, her nipples hardening and the ache in her core multiplying with the husky sound of his voice and erotic words.

“My cock is hard for you, denai.” Renn rubbed his erection against her ass in a slow, rhythmic motion. “It is my one desire, to be deep inside you.”

“Renn.” She couldn’t help but moan as he pulled her against his chest so that she was partially laying on him, her breasts thrust into the chill morning air. “Where are we?” she murmured as he moved his hands to her nipples.

“Near Wilding Wood.” Renn’s lips moved to the base of her neck and she shivered as his tongue flicked her skin. “Feymir carried us through the night, away from Merth Darkling. The beast has a mind of his own at times and brought us here. Too close to the Faerie witch for my comfort.”

Tierra groaned as Renn’s large hands kneaded her breasts. “Faerie witch?”

“Anistana, Queen of Faerie.” He almost growled out the words, as though he was none too pleased to say her name.

“Ahhh…” Tierra placed her hands over his, encouraging him to touch her even more.

He nipped at her neck. “Are you hungry, denai?”

“Very,” she whispered, but it was not food she was hungry for now.

“Then you must be well.” His voice held concern, even as his fingers tweaked her aching nipples through her tunic ’til she thought she would scream with wanting. “Tell me how you feel.”

“Hot.” Without even realizing it at first, she began rubbing her ass against his cock and arching her breasts into his palms. “Like I am aflame.”

“You are burning for me.” Renn lifted his hands from her breasts, only long enough to slide them under her tunic, filling both his large palms with her soft, warm flesh. “I will fuck you. Soon.”

She was too lost in the sensations to care about anything but the feel of his fingers pinching and pulling her nipples, his cock rubbing her through her breeches.

Yes. She wanted this more than anything. She wanted this fine warrior stud to take her with everything he had.

“Tell me.” His breath was hot on her shoulder as he guided his hand toward the waistband of her breeches. “I want to hear your desires.”

Gods, she had never been so aroused. Had never wanted anything so much in her life as she wanted this man’s cock inside her. “You,” she whispered. “I want you to fuck me.”

“That I will.” The bastard’s voice was as smug as ever. “When I am ready.”

Tierra’s headache had all but vanished, yet she continued to feel dazed with wanting and need. The warrior had obviously learned nothing yesterday, but too many wanton feelings overpowered her to care.

When he eased his hand into her breeches, he teased the curls and ran his fingers along the lips of her damp folds. “You are wet,” he murmured. “As I believed you would be. Ready for me.”

“My clit.” She rocked against his hand. “Touch me. Please.”

“I think not.” Renn flipped her underneath him so fast she scarcely had time to think. He pinned her beneath his muscled body.

His extremely naked muscled body.

Her gaze traveled to his huge cock and back to his eyes to see his self-satisfied smile. She reached toward him. “I want you.”

“No.” He captured both her wrists in one hand and held them above her head, just as he had the first time he had caught her. “I have other plans for you.”

She stared up at his eyes and licked her lips. “What plans?”

Renn smiled, his look raw and untamed. “First I would have you naked. I wish to see all of you, my denai, my innocent.”

Tierra raised her chin and struggled against his hold. “Stop calling me innocent.”

His response was to swoop down and capture her mouth with his, like an angry warrior bird.


Even as he ravished her mouth, the memory returned to her—of Renn shifting from nordai form to human before her very eyes.

Was he one of Zanden’s Nordain minions? Even as the thought formed she could hardly hold onto it. Renn was nipping at her lips, taking her mouth with his tongue, driving her crazy with need.

A part of her knew she should struggle. Should refuse his kiss. But oh, gods, could the man kiss. Hard, passionate.



She gave herself completely up to the kiss, returning it with everything she had. His stubble scraped her mouth and cheeks raw, his groans were deep and hungry.

Renn tore his mouth away from Tierra’s, his gaze fixed on hers, his silver eyes so dark with lust they were almost pewter. “You are a witch.” He thrust his cock against her breeches, the maddening ridge felt hard through the soft material. “There is no other way to explain it.”

“Explain what?” Her whisper died into a moan as he rubbed his cock harder against her center and she wanted all of her clothing off. At once.

“This madness.” Renn looked almost angry, a scowl upon his handsome face. “This desire I have for—”

The stench of burnt sugar filled the clearing a second before Feymir whinnied—a high, piercing sound of warning.

Tierra started to look up at the same moment a blast of light slammed into Renn.


Chapter Four


Tierra screamed as the force of the blast tore Renn from atop her and rammed him against one of the blue trees—as though the powerful warrior was naught more than a leaf on the wind. Her heart clenched as his head struck the oak with enough force to crack the tree’s trunk.

Yet Renn was to his feet in an instant, as though uninjured.

Tierra barely had time to process his finely muscled naked body, his proud stance and his furious expression. Her gaze snapped in the direction the blast had come from, and her skin chilled.

Mere feet away from her stood a large man dressed in black leather from a sleeveless tunic to breeches. Black hair, black eyes, and the look of evil upon his almost handsome face.

A man—who looked like Renn…but not.

Rage stormed in the man’s black eyes as he scowled at Renn and said, “Did you touch her?” The man raised his hand—and Tierra felt as though rough fingers wrapped around her throat. “Did you take her virginity?”

Tierra gasped. She rose to her knees and clawed at the invisible hand at her neck. The man—what was he doing to her?

“Bastard.” Renn took a step forward but stopped when Tierra’s breath gurgled in her throat. The scar whitened on Renn’s face, his expression strained and furious. “Harm this woman and I will kill you, Zanden. Brother or no.”

Zanden? The Sorcerer! Stars flashed behind Tierra’s eyes as she struggled to breathe, to form a coherent thought. Brother?

“Did you take what is rightfully mine?” The Sorcerer’s magical grip tightened. “I shall slay you both before you take your next breath.”

Through her fading vision, Tierra saw Renn’s pained expression. And somehow, deep within, she felt his fear for her although it did not show upon his strong features.

“I have been days tracking her on orders from the Seraphine Council.” Renn clenched his fists at his side. “But she’s a slippery wench. I only just caught her—no time to take her virtue.”

No time?

Zanden lowered his hand and released the invisible grip around Tierra’s throat.

She collapsed to the blanket she had been lying on with Renn, her body refusing to support her. She struggled to catch her breath and gather her senses as she noticed Feymir moving closer to the Sorcerer.

“I know the location of the Tanzinite wench.” Zanden’s gaze moved from Tierra to Renn. “But the Nordain. Where is she?”

“Liana and Ranelle?” Tierra’s voice was hoarse as she pushed herself back to her knees. “You do not have them?”

“He does not.” Renn stalked toward Zanden as if naked skin were the toughest of armors. “And the bastard never will.”

Zanden’s scowl deepened. “Death shall become you,” he muttered as he raised his hand.

At the same moment, Renn whistled. Feymir rose up on his hind legs and pawed the air, one hoof slashing the Sorcerer’s forehead.

Zanden’s head snapped back from the force of the blow. Blood spurted from the wound.

Renn charged forward, slamming into the Sorcerer, his physical might against Zanden’s.

Tierra’s powers were still weak from the prior day’s bout with the dragon, but she managed to unleash one spellbinding. With a labored twist of her fingers, she wrapped the magic rope around the Sorcerer’s wrist and yanked it so hard she heard the crack of bone.

Zanden shrieked, a horrible anger-filled sound that sickened Tierra to her soul.

In a blink, the Sorcerer vanished and a nordai shot toward the skies, its eerie cry ripping a chasm through Tierra’s heart. She released the spellbinding at once, drawing the power back into her fingers.

Renn stumbled forward, his howl of outrage echoing throughout the meadow.

All that remained of the Sorcerer was blood-spattered grass and a few black feathers. As Zanden’s bird form retreated, his words and Renn’s responses played over and over in Tierra’s mind.

Somehow Renn was responsible for the disappearances of her heart-sisters. He knew where they were.

And what he had said…there was no time. Had Renn planned to take Tierra’s virginity before she even met him?

She had to get away. Had to clear her mind and determine what to do next.

Her thoughts whirling like a cyclone upon the Mairi Sea, Tierra turned and stumbled into the forest.


“Damnation!” Renn clenched his fists as he watched the Sorcerer’s retreat through the forest canopy and into the skies. Even though he and Tierra had managed to fend off Zanden on this round, Renn knew in his gut that the Sorcerer had only been playing with them.

Testing them.

Soon, Zanden’s voice suddenly hissed in Renn’s mind. I will possess all three wenches and rule Dair. You and that worthless twin of mine will die.

“To the gods’ hells with you!” Renn shouted in return.

He desired naught more than to pummel his betraying bastard of a brother. To send him straight to the netherworld.

With all his strength, Renn smashed his fist against the closest thing to him—the ancient bluewood tree he had been flung against earlier. His knuckles sank into the bark, exposing the royal blue of the tree’s wood.

Qinokshit. Even though the tree would heal, the Faeries would not be pleased, and he was already on the receiving end of Anistana’s intense displeasure. Damn the Faeries, anyhow. The lying lot of them.

He yanked his hand out of the wood and raked his numb fingers through his hair. Now that he had Tierra, he had best return to Phoenicia in as much haste as possible to prepare for the war that was sure to come. As Captain over all Nordain warriors, it was his responsibility to ensure the safety of the Sky People. He had already been gone far too long.

Feymir pushed his long face against Renn’s bicep, drawing him from his thoughts. The stallion whickered and tossed his head, telling Renn something was wrong. He turned his gaze to where Tierra had been—only to see that she was gone.

“Damnation!” he roared.


This time Tierra found a mighty tree, one of the blue ones, almost at once, just out of sight of Renn’s camp. Its canopy and trunk were large and would easily shield her from below. She needed to stay near the warrior. If he had Ranelle and Liana locked away somewhere, then Tierra would find a way to rescue her halias.

Bark scraped her fair skin as she scaled the strange blue tree that gave off an almost comforting cinnamon and nutmeg scent. When she reached the canopy, she discovered the trunk and branches created a sort of platform. It was wide and flat—large enough for three full-grown men to sleep upon if needed. An interesting blue moss grew upon its surface, filling the contours of the tree’s arms.

Her heart continued to pound and her throat still ached from the Sorcerer’s magical hold on her neck. What if Zanden returned and came after her now? Could he find her again?

Mere moments after settling onto the natural platform, she heard Renn’s furious bellow. The sound of his deep voice reverberated through her, straight to her core. Sweet mother of the gods, how she wanted him—even now when she was too confused to know if he meant her or her heart-sisters any harm.

It was apparent he did not serve the Sorcerer directly…yet Renn was Zanden’s brother.

Renn knew of Liana’s and Ranelle’s whereabouts. He had also known all along who Tierra was—yet he had toyed with her. Forced her to tell him her name as if he hadn’t known.

Only feet away in the meadow, she heard Renn’s grumbles to his horse, and she bit back a smile. Apparently this warrior was not used to being bested by anyone, and the thought made her grin widen. It was certainly as much as the brute deserved.


“When I get my hands upon the wench…I shall teach her a lesson, indeed. One she shall not soon forget,” Renn growled as he stowed his saddlebags upon Feymir’s back and secured his sword. “No one I have been sent to retrieve has ever escaped me, and this woman will not be the first.”

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