Nude Awakening (23 page)

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Authors: Victor L. Martin

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Nude Awakening
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LaToria stood under the shower thinking about Trevon. She could not wait to get back to him. A smile was on her face as she turned around to let the pelting spray rinse the suds off her back. She would give anything to have Trevon standing behind her.

Swagga stood behind Yaffa at the back door. It took Yaffa almost two minutes to pick the lock. He carried the silenced shotgun.

“A’ight, here we go,” Yaffa whispered over his shoulder when the knob turned in his hand.

Swagga laid a hand on Yaffa’s shoulder. “Let me do this. I’ll get the phone from her.”

Yaffa stood up from his crouch. “We ain’t got all night.”

“I know that.” Swagga eased past Yaffa, slipping into the living room.

Swagga motioned Yaffa to wait in the hallway as he stood at Kandi’s bedroom door.

He heard the shower running. Why is this bitch still here? Maybe she didn’t get my message? Stepping into the bedroom, he looked down at the gun in his hand.

This ain’t me. He thumbed the safety on just as the shower was turned off.

The sudden silence caught Swagga off guard. He looked toward the bathroom when he bumped into the nightstand by the bed. The lamp flipped off and hit the floor before Swagga could catch it.

“Trevon?” LaToria called from the bathroom. “Is that you, Smooch?”

Swagga’s face balled up slowly. Trevon! Smooch! Dis bitch not only trying to fuckin’ blackmail me! She stillfuckin’ with that nigga! He felt he was being played all the way around. He thumbed the safety off then stormed into the bathroom. LaToria was wrapping a towel around her wet body when Swagga shoved his way inside. She screamed, backing up toward the toilet.

“Boy!” she shouted as her nerves settled. “What in the hell are you doing? Better yet, how did you get in here?”

Swagga stood by the sink breathing hard with his dreads over his face.

“I’m calling the police!” she said, taking one step forward. She froze and took a step back seeing the gun Swagga held down by his side.

“All this shit is a game to you, huh?” He took a step closer to her. “You still fucking Trevon behind my back. Playing me like I’m some sucka ass nigga!”

“Swagga, you need to calm down, okay?”

“Fuck you!” He raised the gun up to her forehead. “Don’t be scared now. That bullshit plot you tried to run wit’ Cindy and Chyna ain’t gonna work, ho!”

“Swagga, I don’t—”

“Shut up, bitch!” He pushed the gun into her forehead causing the back of her head to thump against the wall. “Where your cell phone at?”

“My-my purse. On the bed,” she answered.

Swagga grabbed the back of her arm and yanked her out of the bathroom. She tried to plead with him and explain.

“Gimme the phone!” He shoved the gun back in her face. “Don’t make me ask you again. I swear to God I’ll bust your head wide the fuck open!”

LaToria was shoved backward on the bed. She began to weep softly as she looked inside her purse.

“Hurry up!” he shouted.

LaToria dumped her purse upside down. Oh God, it’s not in my purse. All he wants is my phone and I don’t have it. She checked thoroughly by spreading the contents from her purse over the bed.

Swagga roughly shoved her aside and looked on the bed. “Where is it!”

She shrugged with tears in her eyes. “I . . . I thought it was in—”

Swagga felt she was not taking him serious. Gripping the gun, he suddenly swiped it toward her forehead. The polymer-frame struck her forehead making a sickening sound. LaToria fell back on the bed with her hands covering the bleeding gash at her hairline. Swagga jumped on the bed and yanked her head up by grabbing her hair.

“Bitch!” He dug the gun into her temple. “Where the phone at!”

“Please!” she cried, trembling. “It’s not in my p-p-purse.”

“I can see that!”

LaToria whined. Please, God! Help me please! I don’t—wait! Trevon! I must’ve left my phone at his place. “Trevon!” she gasped. “I left it at his place.”

Swagga sneered. “Oh, your ho ass been fuckin’ him, huh?” He reached down and shoved the towel up. He slapped her ass as hard as he could. “You like that?” Again he smacked her ass. “I’ma treat you like the ho that you are! Then we gonna call yo’ nigga and get that phone.” He smacked her ass twice more.

“Swagga, please! I—”

“SHUT UP!” he shouted. “I tried to give you a way out! I guess you was too busy suckin’ Trevon’s dick to answer my call!”

LaToria felt the gash throbbing and leaking blood. She was on her stomach with Swagga on her back. She began to sob harder when he started caressing her ass.

“Yo, Yaffa!” he shouted with the gun pointed at the back of her head.

Yaffa ran into the bedroom and came to a halt. His eyes were like a magnet to LaToria’s exposed ass.

“Want a shot of this?” Swagga palmed her ass.

Yaffa walked up to the bed. “Business first.”

Swagga got up off the bed. “Don’t move!”

“You got the phone?” Yaffa was still looking at LaToria’s ass.

“It ain’t here. That nigga Trevon has it.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. I figure we can have some fun with this ho, then handle business later.”

Yaffa stroked his beard as his dick got hard. Look at all that ass! Shit, I might as well fuck the ho! Yaffa looked at Swagga. “Let’s tie her ass up, so she won’t try no bullshit.”

LaToria felt her world spinning as Swagga laughed at the idea of raping her. She felt helpless. Swagga ran out of the bedroom. Any ideas of pleading with Yaffa were a proven waste of time.

“Yaffa. Ple—”

“Ho, save that shit fo’ God.”

Twenty minutes earlier, Trevon lay on his bed in the dark. Music was playing, deepening his thoughts about LaToria. He looked forward to sharing his bed with her. He felt she was the woman for him. This is what I want. I won’t call it love ‘cause it’s too soon. We’ll just have to—

His thoughts were broken by a soft scraping sound coming from the hallway. He sat up. “What the” Looking toward the hallway, he saw Rex moving backward dragging a glowing square shaped device in his mouth. Trevon jumped out of the bed to catch the puppy before it ran off. “Gimme that!” Trevon scooped Rex up and pulled LaToria’s cell phone from his mouth. Trevon took Rex back into the kitchen and placed him behind the small gate. Walking back to his bedroom, he looked at the phone and saw the icon for a voicemail. The ID next to the number said ‘Swagga’. Trevon sat at the foot of his bed. This nigga still calling her. Okay, she said she ain’t been fuckin’ with him the last few days. If I listen to the message then . . . Fuck. I’ma see what this nigga talking about.

Trevon pulled up the voice message mailbox then played the message. His mind started to run as Swagga’s voice filled his ears. She got a scheme going . . . Chyna? It can’t be the same Chyna I know. Dead! Trevon replayed the call again. Was Swagga running game just to get LaToria’s attention? He thought about the risk. He thought about going back to prison.

Swagga hurried back into the bedroom with strips of torn drapes from one of the windows.

“Tie her hands,” Yaffa took a step back with the shotgun aimed at LaToria. “Tie that shit tight, too ‘cause I’ma fuck the dog shit out of dat ass!”

Swagga turned to LaToria, slapping her twice across the face. “Take the towel off!”

“Damn!” Yaffa lowered his weapon at the sight of LaToria’s nude frame. Her titties jiggled erotically as Swagga yanked her arms above her head.

“You want ’er on her face or back?”

“Um . . . back.” Yaffa said and looked at her pussy. “Gotdamn! She gotta mitten ‘tween them legs!”

Swagga showed no sympathy to LaToria. Doing this would hurt her emotionally. He tied her wrist together above her head. He then tied a second knot to the headboard and slid the gun over her quivering lips.

“I guess I can finally fuck you raw.” He stood up then looked at Yaffa. “Yo, Snoop said it best. ‘Ain’t no fun if the homie can’t have none.’ I’ma let you dig this ho out first.” Swagga trailed the gun down her chin, between her breasts, and then pressed it hard into her belly. “You gonna die regretting trying to fuckin’ play me.”

LaToria closed her eyes, forcing a new line of tears to roll out of the corner of her eyes. She opened them when Yaffa yanked her chin toward him.

“You’ll enjoy this,” he said, squeezing her face. “At one point, you’ll love this dick busting that pussy open.” He released her then started removing his clothes.

LaToria began to choke up on her tears. She felt she could go to another place by keeping her eyes closed. Reality rushed back in when she felt Yaffa’s immense weight on the bed. She felt his knees easing her thighs open. She tried to keep them closed.

“Don’t do that again. If you do, I’ma choke your ass out and still fuck ya!”

LaToria popped her blurry eyes open. She relaxed her legs.

Yaffa tossed her ankles up on his shoulders then leaned forward, bending LaToria like a contortionist. Changing his mind, he threw her legs aside, and moved his bulk up on the bed. “Suck it, ho! Swallow this snake before I put it in ya!”

LaToria knew she had no choice. She parted her lips as he forced himself into her mouth.

Swagga was in the kitchen looking for a drink when his mobile phone rang. His attention was drawn since it was a number he had never seen before.

“Yeah! Who dis?” Swagga answered, feeling tough.

“What’s up, playa?”

“Who dis?”

“Funny how you don’t know my fuckin’ voice. You all on my dick doing a bunch of bitch shit over some pussy. Yeah, I’m fucking LaToria. And to make it a small world, guess who else I’m fucking, Marcus Brooks?”

“Nigga! How you know my na—”

“Your baby momma told me, nigga! Yeah, Kendra.”



Swagga gripped his mobile phone. “I’m tryin’ to see your bitch ass!”

“Fuck you! I’m seeing you now.” Trevon laughed. “Yo, make sure you turn that light off when you leave the kitchen.”

Swagga spun around and looked at the darkened window behind him. Oh shit! That nigga outside! Swagga ducked down and ran back to the bedroom.

Yaffa was rubbing his dick across LaToria’s lips when Swagga came stumbling into the bedroom.

“Trevon here!”

Yaffa rolled his heavy bulk off LaToria. “Here where?” Yaffa asked, dressing quickly and snatching up his silenced shotgun.

“Some fuckin’ where out back!”

“You see the nigga?”


“Well, how the fuck you know he here then?”

Swagga told him about the phone call.

“What we gonna do?” Swagga panicked.

“Call his ass back!” Yaffa shouted.

Swagga made the call.

“Tell ‘im we’ll kill the ho if he don’t give us her phone!” Yaffa looked down at LaToria. “Shit ain’t ova, bitch! I’ma still get some of that pussy. You can count on it!”

Swagga held up his hand when Trevon answered.

“We want that phone, nigga!” Swagga demanded.

“Then I guess we have to make a trade then. But now that I think on it, I shoulda dropped your bitch ass when I had you in the scope.”

Swagga glanced toward the window and then edged closer to the wall. “Fuck you! Play games if you want to and we’ll murder this ho!”

“Do that and you won’t get the phone. We both lose. So what?”

Swagga balled up his fist. This nigga in on the shit, too! If I kill Kandi, he’ll still be able to blackmail me. Hell, he might want the ho exed out any damn way!

“What’s up, nigga? Don’t bitch up on me now. You want the footage of you and Chyna, and I want LaToria.”

Swagga rubbed his face. “Yo, we’ll make the swap in a public place.”

“Where and when?”

Swagga glanced at Yaffa. Yaffa closed his eyes, thought for a moment, then shrugged.

“Yo …” Swagga was forced to run the show. “We ‘bout to walk out of here with this bitch. We see or hear anything, you can watch the ho on film ‘cause that’s the only place you’ll see her.”

“Like I said—” Trevon’s voice was calm. “We make a trade. Just tell me where and when.”

Swagga motioned Yaffa to untie LaToria. “Just fall back and wait. And if we see any headlights when we leave—the bitch is dead!”

“This goes down tonight.”

“Yeah nigga! Expect my call. That’s after me and my nigga get our rocks off up in this ho!” Swagga ended the call then rushed to the side of the bed to help Yaffa untie LaToria.

“Gag her mouth!” Yaffa suggested. “I’on wanna see dem lips movin’ unless they’re on my dick!”

Trevon was facing his fears all over again. Hidden in the bushes, he saw Yaffa stepping out the front door. Seconds later, LaToria appeared with Swagga close by her side. Trevon clenched his empty hands into a fist. Swagga’s last words fueled Trevon. He would not turn his back on LaToria. He had no idea what was going on. All Trevon cared about was getting LaToria back. No matter the reason for her troubles, Trevon was committed. Without LaToria in his life, there was no peace. That same rage he felt toward his sister’s rapist filled him once again.

Swagga shoved LaToria into the front passenger seat of the Bentley GT. Then he pushed his frame into the backseat. Yaffa got behind the wheel.

“You see ‘im anywhere?” Swagga’s head turned left to right and behind him.

“Chill nigga! If you just calm the fuck down!” Yaffa looked around the quiet neighborhood and saw nothing out of order. Pulling from the curb, he glanced at LaToria. Her body was so fucking amazing! The tight tank top with no bra and the tiny boy shorts were pouring nothing but lust into his mind. No matter what, he was determined to fuck her tonight.

“Yo, umm . . . drive ‘round the block right quick.” Swagga sat up between the seats.

“What the fuck fo’!”

“Find Trevon’s car! It’s a white Jag. Let’s slow this nigga down.”

“Good idea. Now keep your gun on that ho so she won’t try no dumb shit up in here.”

It took them one trip around the block to find Trevon’s white XJL. Yaffa rolled up slow on some Boyz N the Hood type drive-by shit. Steering with his knee, he eased the silenced pump shotgun through the window. He jacked off two quick shots. The first blew the front left tire out and marred the smooth polished rim. The second slug punched a volleyball-sized hole in the driver’s side door.

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