NoWayOut (8 page)

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Authors: NiaKFoxx

Tags: #bwwm, #african-american, #paranormal, #fiction, #romance, #interracial, #erotica

BOOK: NoWayOut
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He chuckled while gingerly attempting to make her comfortable.
“Not today, my sweet. The h
ealer went as far as mending your life threatening wound but thought it better to consult you before attending to your subsequent discomfort.”

“So I was left this way on purpose?”

“In a sense. You couldn’t be consulted about the injuries so I made a judgment call. I hope you don’t mind.” A smile etched his voice.

“Thank you, but for future reference you can authorize them to take away the pain, and even the memory if they want.” She managed a smile.

Ramj gave a slight bow of understanding. He looked completely breathtaking standing at the side of the bed dressed in black fitted leather type pants, a mesh top that contoured to his powerful upper body. His hair fell in a sexy disarray about his head as if he’d run fingers through it several times.

“So are you going to stand there looking handso
me or are you going to make the
call to the doctor.”

“I summoned her as soon as you started to wake.”

She closed he
r eyes willing the person
to arrive soon.

“Tiff, that was pretty foolish of you to show up at Alexi’s.”

“I couldn’t let you walk into an ambush, and quite honestly I didn’t think Rasa would be there.”

“But you thought
you could handle Alexi and his men on your own?” He didn’t try to mask the disbelief in his voice.

“I’d hoped
I could get to you before anything happened, maybe I wasn’t thinking too clearly but I couldn’t sit around and
just wish
you came out unscathed.”

“When I saw you walk into the roo
m…” He trailed off dropping to
the edge of the bed.

“What, I don’t even get a thanks?
She mumbled.

“You endangered your life.”

“And saved yours,” she reminded.

“Perhaps you might enjoy returning to the training field while I see to the recovery of your guest Ramj.” The added female voice suggested.

Tiffany hadn’t noticed the woman until she was well w
ithin the confines of the room. She seemed to glide
across the floor to her.

“I imagine you’re in some pain and in no mood to be chastised by our illustrious commander for your bravery.” The woman’s voice was ethereal, its very resonance easing the pain in her head somewhat.

“How insightful of you.” She chuckled. “I think I’d much prefer your bedside manner.”

She felt Ramj tense, preparing herself for his next round of complaints, but they never came as he and the Healer switched places.

“I’m called Seha.”

“Tiffany. Nice to meet you and thank you for saving me life.”

The woman nodded her response before directing her to close her eyes.

Of their own accord her lids slid closed. Almost immediately the pain in her chest and head dissolved away.

“Thank you.” Her gratitude was genuine. She felt better than she had in days, months even.

“You’re quite welcome.” She smiled warmly before turning back to Ramj. “The King is quite anxious to meet with you and the woman who saved your life.”

“I just bet he is, thank you,” he dismissed.

“Of course.” She glided soundlessly to the room’s
entrance. “Oh, I suggest
you move beyond
your anger with Tiffany
if you want a positive response to your

Tiffany looked quizzically after the woman before turning curious eyes on the now silent Ramj.

“It’s still too soon for you to be up.” He was at her side again as she swung legs over the edge of the bed.

“I feel great, better than great in fact.”

Despite her reassurance he secured an arm beneath her elbow helpin
g her descend the two steps which
would bring her in contact with
wood flooring.

“I’d like to see your world.” She said as they stood in front of a mesh shading which surprisingly blocked the bright sun.

Ramj waved his hand and the material folded into itself.

“Amazing,” she gawked taking in the pure beauty of the land from the window. They were several levels above ground affording them a sweeping view of what appeared to be a bustling town. Greenery as far as the eye could see decorated the land in the form of trees and various flora creating a menagerie, the likes of whic
h she’d never experienced
. It seemed to be the perfect blend of nature and sentient beings.

“It’s beautiful.”

“When you’re more yourself I’d like to show it to you up close.”

Tiffany didn’t argue the point that she felt perfectly fine now

“I’d like to see your home
, it looks so pristine.”

“Much has changed over the years.”

“Because of us.”

“Partly, but it seems
we have our own rogue contingent wanting to see the destruction of
our worlds.”

“What happened to the men?

Enrique is in the hands of the DEA, Alexi managed to get himself shot by one of his own guards. His wound was mortal. Rasa suffered minor injuries but it was enough to break his hold on me. He’s being held by the Order awaiting interrogation.”

She heard the edge in his voice.

“What will happen to him?” She turned to Ramj
touching his wrist
gently. His face was an unreadable mask.

“Don’t dwell on it. He will get better than he deserves.
We were able to take possession of Alexi’s weapons and our wizards have begun a proper disposal.”

“How lon
g does will it

“About a year for all components to be reintegrated into nature.”

“Seems like we make a good team.”

“Don’t go getting any ideas, my heart couldn’t stand another repeat of yesterday.” Arms pulled her into the security of his embrace.

“I’ll promise so long as you can keep yourself out of trouble.”

“And if I don’t
will you be their everyday to nag me into submission

“Nag, bitch, moan, you name it.”

“Hmm, I rather like the idea of you moaning, preferably with me buried deep inside you.”

“Really?” A picture formed in her mind and it was enough to start heat rising in her body.

“Yes, in fact in a couple days I plan to show you exactly how much I like it.”

“No time like the present, but first what question did you have?”

Silence followed as Ramj’s arms tightened around her waist.

I know this is sudden… and
you have a li
fe in the human world… and
’re a modern
… and that-.”

“This is all leading up to a question right?” she interjected.

Ramj let his arms drop taking a step back
until she could see if face clearly
. “I want you to stay here. Join with me, build a family, and allow me to love you.”

was speechless. She’d hoped
he’d say he wanted to continue their relationship
that things weren’t over because the case was solved. What she didn’t expect was a marriage proposal. At least she thought it was a proposal.

“If you need more time.”

“Why?” The question in the back of her mind flowed without hesitation. “Why do you want me to stay? By anyone’s standards we don’t really know each other.”

“I’m not thinking about others or their opinions, I’m going with my heart and it’s telling me I would be a fool to let you walk out of my life.”

Her knees felt weak at his declaration.

“I’ve never been one to let my emotions control m
e but maybe i
t’s because
I’ve never experienced what I have
with you. I’d be more than happy to stay, if you allow me to love you in return?”

is answering
kiss spoke volumes which was good
because the last thing on her mind was more talking, or even thinking.


The End


About the Author

is a mother of three
children (and one cat)
. She
steals time to read and write
when her busy life permi
Like most author’s Nia
began writing at an early age, elementary school to be exact. She considers writing to be a mini-vacation from the world around her. To see Nia’s other works feel free to visit her site at


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