NoWayOut (2 page)

Read NoWayOut Online

Authors: NiaKFoxx

Tags: #bwwm, #african-american, #paranormal, #fiction, #romance, #interracial, #erotica

BOOK: NoWayOut
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“I think not mister.”

A slow anger began to rise in Tiffany replacing her earlier fear. She knew what activities went on in Alexi’s private rooms, having been part of the
grew assigned to deal with the aftermath. She mentally snorted her displeasure, there was no way she would play harlot for any man, and especially not an arrogant stranger.
She wondered how long it would take him to seek Alexi out and lodge a complaint once she’d gone.

“My name is Konstantin Jestkov, and you are?”

Not a common name, yet oddly familiar.

“Nunya, as in none of your business. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Tired of waiting for him to move Tiffany decided to take matters into her own hands as she attempted to brush past him.

“Not so fast my little cat burglar. I have a definite need of your services this evening,” he whispered after pulling her into the circle of his arms. “And if I’m correct in my assumptions of who you are, you’re in need of mine.”

In any other instance she would have laughed in the guy’s face before giving him a piece of her mind
but at the moment flight
was the instinct taking precedent.

“I’m sure the gift Alexi has coming will more than suffice Mr. Jestkov,” Tiffany forced herself to hold on to her anger as she tried to jerk free. His hold was unbreakable.

“Listen my dear, I don’t have time to explain any of this to you at present, in a few minutes one of Alexi’s playmates will come through the door in there and my dear friend
being the voyeur that he is, will begin his hidden camera. Now, I have no desire to consort with one of his concubi
nes and I’m fairly certain
you would rather not explain how you came to be on this balcony so I suggest we move indoors and work together.”

As if scripted, a knock summoned from the inner sanctum of the room.

“Time for you to choose
dorogaya m
, but you must do so quickly.”

Another, more persistent tapping came this time.

She nodded, even as her agreement slipped from her lips, in a whisper. As much as she hated to admit it the stranger had the upper hand. If she refused he could alert Alexi before she had the opportunity to make herself scarce.

“Good. As you Americans say, follow my lead.”

“Enter,” Konstantin called as they stepped into the room whose ambiance had definitely been set for seduction. A fire blazed from the lavish marble hearth in the candle lit room. In the air she caught a whiff of jasmine and something else she couldn’t place.

Tiffany instantly recognized the woman who responded to the command. She was Alexi’s prized companion. A former model, she stood at nearly six feet tall with a thin boyish frame. Raven hair was swept up into a fashionable c
hignon, luminous blue eyes had been
painted with gray eye shadow to achieve a sultry allure. Instead, the woman looked ridiculously like a raccoon. Collagen plumped lips were
a ruby red
and glossed. The corners of her mouth dipped disapprovingly as she glanced at Tiffany.

e new arrivals eye’s narrowed when
Konstantin pulled her into his arms. Her back pressed intimately against him as hard arms locked just underneath her breasts.

“It seems
Alexi has over estimated my prowess,” Konstantin commented.

“I doubt it
, but I believe there may have been a miscommunication in rooming assignments tonight.” The woman began, her voice held the barest hint of an accent. “If memory serves me correctly housekeeping quarters are on the first floor and to the rear of the house.”

Seeing her opportunity for escape Tiffany eagerly jumped in, “You’re quite right. I’ll just leave the two of you to get familiar as planned.”

“I think not my dear,” Konstantin’s arms tightened until she settled back aga
inst his frame. “Tell Alexi
I’m grateful for his generosity, but there has been a change in plans this evening.”

The woman looked as if she wanted to protest but thought better of it. She gave Tiffany a brief once over before huffing out of the room like a spoiled child.

“Now that she’s gone my dear, why don’t we get properly acquainted?”

“I’ll start with your name first,” he said dropping his arms as he ambled over to the built in bar.

Grateful for the sudden freedom and distance Tiffany wasn’t certain whether to bolt or stay put.

“Um, Tiffany,” she stood her ground. He’d said there was a camera. She wouldn’t doubt it having stumbled across some of Alexi’s homemade films in her search for evidence against him. The man was definitely a voyeur
, she’d just never imagined
she would hold a star
ring role in one of his feature films

“And a last name?”

“St. James,” she answe
red with the ease of a person under
deep cover.

Konstantin nodded as he poured amber colored liquid into
two snifters. He brought her a
glass in silence seeming to wait for her to take a drink. She took a quick sip for courage and another for good measure. Tiffany found herself relishing the taste of the iced beverage as it coated her throat. She definitely needed something to still her nerves.

He motioned for her to take an empty place on the love seat opposite the fireplace. She did so gratefully, crossing legs in t
he too little maids uniform
she and the three other women on staff were required to wear. In preparation for her night’s prowling she’d opt
ed for sensible black flats which
allowed her full mobility, instead of the three inch death stilettos Alexi seemed to get a kick out of seeing them in.

“I must lodge a complaint with my dear friend for keeping you under the radar on my last visits. Although I don’t blame him for wanting to hide a treasure like you.”

“It’s not like that at all. Mr. Habalov is my employer, nothing more. Besides I doubt if I’m even his type,” she supplied if the man in question were truly watching.

“You sound disappointed,” he took the empty space next to her, briefly signaling for her to stretch her legs across his lap

Tiffany paused before easing her limbs across his thick thighs.

“Not at all, besides I’m not into sharing my man.”

“So you have one?” He took a slow drink of the liquor before setting the glass on an end table.

“A man? Not at the present time.”

“That’s good to
know, I would hate to think
I’m encroaching on another’s territory.”

“I think the
comparison only applies to land or possessions, of which I’m neither.”

“For the moment.” He slipped one leather shoe off than the other and began a slow kneading of one foot. Tiffany couldn’t
catch the groan of pleasure slipping
from her lips. It had been a long while since she’d experienced a good foot massage, and as odd as the situation was she definitely enjoyed Konstantin’s strong fingers.

“Now and in the future. I don’t plan on being any man’s chattel. I have and will always be my own person.”

“Spoken like a true femini
st. It always amazes me how the
tune changes when one finds themselves so enamored they’re willing to give anything of themselves, even freedom.”

“I guess I’m one of the lucky ones because I’ve never been unfort
unate enough find myself in such a

“Hmmm, the true test will come when you’re faced with the option.”

“Well, here’s to my continued freedom,” she raised her glass in a solitary salute.

“How did you come to work for Alexi?”

She was glad he dropped the topic. Although discussing her made up history wasn’
t one of her favorite subjects; t
hankfully, she’d told the tale enough over the last five
flowed from her with ease.

“I’d just lost my waitressing job and was in need of money. I printed up some resumes and placed them on cars at some of the more exclusive
restaurants around and
here I am.”

“Sounds bold and a bit irresponsible.”

“Desperate times called for desperate measures, besides I bought a prepaid phone just for that purpose.”
She had in fact placed a fake resume on cars at Alexi’s favorite haunts as a last ditch effort when she couldn’t find a more traditional way into his employ. It had taken two
before one of Alexi’s men called her for a meeting
. Two
of crank calls and married men thinking she was advertising other services.

“And exactly what was your desperation?”

“My mother, whom I’d rather not discuss.”

He nodded his understanding.

“And I take it you like your job?”

“I needed the
and Alexi pays well so I really can’t complain.”

“I’ll make sure
there is extra compensation for your services tonight.”

His comment set off
somersaults in her belly at what the evening had in store. Surely he didn’t honestly believe she was going to have se
x with him?

“Speaking of which, I don’t think I’m really cut out for this added duty,” she tried tugging her legs away only to find herself pulled completely across his lap. Her too short mini pushed up on her backside riding dangerously high on her hips. She pushed frantically against his chest at the thought of what would take place next.

“Relax Tiffany Sinclair,” he whispered
against her ear


Chapter Two

her mind had to be playing
on her. He’d called her Sinclair not her alias St. James. If he knew her name then he must know who she really was
and the real reason she was there

Dear God, did Alexi know as well? Had he sent this man to take care of her?

“Be calm
rogaya m
, I’m the only one who is aware of your secret for now,” his hushed tones vibrated against her ear. “But you are no longer safe here, it’s only a matter of time before Alexi discovers your true identity.”

“How?” She whispered more to herself.

“Shh, remember we probably have an audience now.”

An audience! Her cover had been compromised, her life endangered and she was suppose
to act as if she were having a good time with a total stranger.

“If you’re to get out of here alive you have to trust me,” he nuzzled her earlobe before pulling back.

Trust him? Could she trust him or anyone for that matter? Did she have a choice?

Her gaze met his silver eyed stare
just before his head dropped to place probing lips against her month. Perhaps it was the threat of danger, or th
e uncertainty of her future which
had her melting into him. Her body seemed to respond of its own accord. Arms wrapped around his neck, as she became the aggresso
r in this very dangerous

“Slow down Tiff, we have all evening,”
he said roughly against her mouth

Yes, but will it be my last one
? Her inner voice queried.

He pulled back, leaving her to stare at him questioningly.

“I want to see this delectable body of yours.” Nimble fingers easily slipped the oversized buttons through their holes, punctuating his words. She felt drugged watching while he pushed the top of her uniform down her shoulders until she shrugged herself free. Her heart thumped loudly against her chest as she watched his gaze linger on her heavy breasts. The satin bra she wore pushed the firm globes together giving the illusion of even more cleavage than normal.

“Just as I imagined,” he said before dipping his head down to kiss the swell of her chest before flicking one satin covered nipple with the tip of his tongue. Her back arched
instinctively, she felt as if she would dissolve
when he took the nipple in his warm moist mouth. Even through the fabric his heated caress had her body tingling.

Tiffany groaned in a mixture of pleasure and disbelief, as she tr
ied unsuccessfully to fight her

He’s a stranger
and could have been sent by Alexi
, she silently reminded her befuddled senses.

The internal speech was for
not. Her body had a mind of it
s own and she was sinking fast. Fingers reached to tangle in his soft hair pressing his head closer to her aroused breasts. Teeth grazed her pebbled nipple until she squirmed in his lap. Her bottom ground against the budding,
concealed by
slacks. Konstantin
feathered kisses
up her chest
, her neck
until he brushed
her lips. Brief butterfly caresses fanned her cheek until he coul
d whisper in her ear.

“Easy my dear, or this little ruse of ours will become a definite reality.”

? S
he wanted to ask him more about it, but found herself lifted when Konstantin stood, cradling her in his arms as if she weighed nothing more than a few pounds. He crossed the wide expanse of the room to the canopy bed in long strides. Her feet dropped gently to the lush carpeting, and Tiffany took a step backwards to put some space between them.
Her progress was interrupted by the side of bed

“Take off the uniform,” Konstantin commanded in a passion filled voice.

Without question she pushed the already dangling dress over rounded hips, easing it
down along with the black stockings she wore.

“You are a very beautiful woman Tiffany.”

She lowered her gaze demurely, “Thank you.”

Her gaze
quickly met his again at the sound of him removing his jacket and promptly tossing it on a corner chair.

He took a step forward, “Why don’t you help me with this.”

There was no need to ask him what he referred to as he placed her hands on his shirt. Tiffany paused enjoying the feel of his warm che
st through the fabric. He was ha
rd beneath her touch and she found herself looking forward to seeing what he looked like in the flesh. Surprisingly steady fingers began the curious task of releasing the round plastic buttons. She caught her breath at the first glimpse of his bare skin
Firm abs rippled down his lean stomach. The urge to allow herself free reign over the contours of his muscled chest and stomach was almost too great a temptation to resist. She dropped her hands
as he pulled the shirt away to let
it fall at their feet.

hese pants are becoming increasingly uncomfortable.”

Tiffany held her breath in anticipation, her eyes lingering on the sculptured physique of his chest. Time ticked by
slowly before she realized
he wasn’t making
an effort to remove his slacks
. She hazarded a look up to eyes that had darkened from silver t
o a smoky gray. His intense stare
spoke volumes. She responded as if on automatic pilot reaching for the wide belt buckle. Things moved in slow motion from th
ere, leather slipped through
metal. The clasp of his pants gave easily under her ministrations. The sound of the zipper mixed with the thumping of her heart and distant crackling fire. If there were any doubts before to his aroused state she could promptly dismiss them at the evident bulge in his trousers. A spark of pleasure coursed through her when she felt the catch in his breath as her fingers glided over the swell in his pants.

He stilled her hands bringing them back to his own chest, “Why don’t you
down while I get rid of these.”

Odd as their situation might be she f
ound herself wanting to protest; she wanted
to finish undressing him. Yet a tiny dose of rational thought managed to surface itself in the haze of her
brain. Konstantin reached around her to pull the top blanket back before straightening.

“I won’t leave you waiting long,” his sultry voice promised.

Tiffany nodded her acceptance even as she slid across the expensive sheets. They were nothing like the one’s she’d slept on since her move in the manor. Her thoughts quickly transitioned from the bedding and back to the man removing his clothes only a foot away. She savored the smooth way he rid himself of the loose slacks, revealing black boxer-briefs that looked as if they were made for him. Her mouth went dry when the briefs joined his other clot
hes in a heap on the floor. Her gaze was drawn to his
jutting cock.

“I’m glad I meet with your approval,” he commented at her silence.

Tiffany snapped her mouth closed before she said something asinine that would reveal just how much she approved. She watched in silence as he bent to retrieve a foil wrapper from a pocket.

Condoms, her mind registered. She gapped in awe as he unwrapped the latex and rolled it over his erect staff with the ease of practice. Briefly, she wondered what it would have felt like to be the one to sheath him in the protection, to feel his veined erection between her fingers. She didn’t have much time to savor the thought because Konstantin was easing into bed next to her, urging her over with his bulky frame. When she would have moved too far, one arm snaked around her waist to bring her in intimate proximity with him. In one fluid movement he settled himself between her thighs.

His mouth claimed hers in a kiss that wouldn’t allow protest
and like before she gave in to the persuasion of his lips. Her mind registered the clasp of her bra being undone a millisecond before i
t gapped open in the front. He
palmed one hefty globe as he rubbed the aureole with his thumb. Need shot through her entire body ignit
ing a throbbing in her core which
had her pressing against him. Instinctively, one leg hooked around his hip pressing him closer. As if answering her silent request he thrust forward, his length rubbing against her satin covered clit.

“Yes,” Tiffany groaned into his mouth wrapping arms around the wide expanse of his back. He broke away from their kiss to lead a heated path to her breasts. His mouth t
eased and taunting her erect nipples
until she felt like she would go crazy from the pleasure. She could feel the wetness building with each thrust of his hips, stroke of his tongue and nip of his teeth. When he pulled back to stare at her through hooded eyes she felt as if she would scream in frustration.

Her panties were wet from her excitement but she didn’t care. The satin material was pulled down her hips and tossed with
enough force to send them
sailing across the room, her gapping bra followed leaving only the latex he wore as a barrier between their heated flesh.

Her eyes rounded as his questing hand dipped between her thighs, slipping between the warm, moist folds of her labia until he could stroke her engorged clit.

“Konstantin,” she moaned, unable to prevent herself from arching into him.

“Hmm, you’re so greedy for m
y touch. Are you ready for more?

“Yes,” she purred wanting to feel him glide inside
her, to stretch her with his thickness


Tiffany whimpered in protest when he moved away to pull the coverlet over them. He spread her thighs even wider, bracing a forearm above her head.

“Trust me Tiff,” he said just a he thrust into her with his forefinger. She gasped aloud at the sudden entry. She didn’t have time to register fully what was happening because his thumb slipped between her folds again and began a gentle campaign on her sensitive clit. His body thrust against hers in tandem with his fingers rhythm and as much as she wanted to feel him pushing deep within her she couldn’t deny how much pleasure he was bringing her with his digits. His thumb increased its pace until she was gasping, stretching for the orgasm that had built. She was on fire, thrusting frantically against his demanding fingers.
She wanted more, pushed for it. Her orgasm came on full force erupting
in a s
eries of spasms and shrieks until she dug
her nails in
his back.

His fingers slip
ped from her warm core, but it
didn’t stop his simulated thrusts. As the residual effects of her orgasm faded she realized why he hadn’t fully consummated their play. With their lower extremities co
vered, only they were aware
he’d pleasured her with his hand and
not the straining thickness tapping
her stomach with each push forward. He’d said it himself. It was to be a ruse. Yet he’d allowed her to fully experience pleasure.

A mischievous smile spread across her lips. She enjoyed the surprise that registered on his face as an arm stole underneath the blanket, fingers wrapping around his sheathed manhood.

“Tiff,” he ground out trying to still her movements with the hand that had, until that moment, still lingered between her thighs.

“Trust me,” she whispered his words back at
him, tightening her hold on his cock
until he gave in, bracing the previously occupied hand next to her hip. She set the pace of the masturbation, stroking him gently at first, gripping him tightly and relaxing her hold, repeating her movements over until
is head dropped into the hallow of her neck.

He mumbled something she assumed was in his native Russian. Although she didn’t know their meaning, the words sent a chill down her spine. She never felt so in control or alive before. Her pumping intensified and she knew by his shallow b
reaths and frenzied thrusts
he was close. Her fingers contracted around him with each downward motion over and over.

He exploded in a growl that had him throwing his head back, the distended veins on his neck bulged to c
apacity. Tiffany didn’t stop there, she was determined to milk
him completely until his body jerked against hers in response before he collapsed at her side.

“Come,” his gruff voice commanded and she scooted into the fold of his welc
oming arms, settling against his sculpted chest

“What do we do now?” she mumbled listening to the sound of his heart take on a more steady rhythm.

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