Now and Forever 4, The Renovated Heart (25 page)

Read Now and Forever 4, The Renovated Heart Online

Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary romance, #two love stories, #two love stories in one

BOOK: Now and Forever 4, The Renovated Heart
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“Cancel the tree trimming party on
Saturday,” she said.

“Don’t worry about a thing, honey,” he said,
kissing her before he moved to the waiting room. After the surgery,
Dr. Cho came out to speak with him.’“Dr. Caterson, everything went
fine with the surgery. She’ll have to keep her wrist in a cast for
six weeks. We’ll be wrapping up her knee as well. Mrs. Morgan will
need physical therapy. By the way, no driving.”

“Okay, doctor, any other limits?”

“Don’t get the cast wet, baths for six weeks
instead of showers. No fly casting,” Dr. Cho said, breaking into a

“No…uh…intimacy…limitations?” Jim asked,

“None at all, just no pressure or weight on
her wrist or knee. She might have to be a contortionist or
aerialist, but Mrs. Morgan can resume sexual relations whenever she

“Thank you, doctor,” he said, shaking his

She was asleep when Jim went in. He dozed in
the chair next to her bed until the nurse brought in dinner. Sarah
woke up to find him groggy, folded up in the chair.

“Have you been here all day?”

He nodded, massaging a crick in his

“What about the children?”

“They’re with Callie and Mac,” he said, “Dr.
Cho said you did great. No showers, no driving and no pressure on
your wrist or knee for six weeks.”

“Oh my God!” she burst into tears.

“For only six weeks, we’ll manage,” he said,
handing her his handkerchief.

At the word we, she looked up at him. He
smiled at her, took her good hand, while she tried to process the
fact he wasn’t going anywhere.

After dinner, Callie brought the children
by. Sarah’s cheeks had color. She was groggy but smiling as the
pain killers had taken effect. The children were going back to
school the next day when Sarah was to be discharged. Schedules were
discussed, opinions stated, ideas accepted or rejected,
disagreements resolved.

Dr. Cho peeked into Sarah’s room. He heard
the pleasant cacophony of a family working things out together with
loud voices, laughter and warmth.


* * * *


“Are you ready to leave? The nurse said she
could check you out any time,” Jim asked.

The nurse wheeled her out to Jim’s car. He
picked her up, putting her down gently in the front seat, stowing
her crutch in the back. He belted her in, closed the door then slid
into the driver’s side.

“When are you leaving for Michigan?” he
asked her when they got underway.

Sweat breaking out on his upper lip belied
his nonchalant attitude.

“What?” She turned her head to face him, her
brow furrowed.

“I saw the paper…in the car…the job offer he
made you. Of course the proposal didn’t state the other part of the
offer, the real attraction, going to bed with him…when are you

“I’m not.”

“You mean not for six weeks or not

“Not ever.”

Stopped at a red light, he took the
opportunity to face her directly.

“Did you sleep with Mike when you saw

“No.” Sarah clenched the fist of her good

Unable to stop himself he asked the question
he most feared the answer to.

“Did you want to?” Jim glanced at her.

“If I had wanted to, I would have.”

She trained her gaze out the window, her
voice edged with irritation.

“Don’t let me stop you.” He couldn’t stop
himself though he knew he was throwing her at his rival. Jealousy
pricked at his heart.
Can I compete with her first love?


“Are you going to Michigan after your six
week recuperation is over?”

“No. I told you.” She turned to face

“Why not?” Jim’s hands gripped the wheel
with increasing strength.

“I’m not taking the job!”

“Looks like a pretty good job…in fact, a
dream job for an accomplished writer, like you.”

“I’m happy here,” she said, her voice edged
with weariness.

“When are you going to tell him?” He turned
right, squeaking through the orange light.

“He’s coming back in two weeks for my
answer. Careful, Jim!” Her brows knitted.

“What about your affair?” Jim slowed the car

“What affair?”

Sarah registered surprise he’d guessed what
had occupied her mind.

“The one he obviously wants to have with

“Not happening either.” She turned away to
stare out the window.

“Haven’t you been pining for him ever since
college?” Jim barreled ahead, terrified she’d admit her love for
Mike but unable to stop questioning her.

“Not anymore.” Disappointment was evident in
her voice.

“Why?” he said, entering her driveway,
stopping the car and turning to look at her.

“Because I’m committed to you. I’m in love
with you…you idiot!”

She squirmed in her seat, unable to

“Are you sure?” Insecurity grabbed him by
the heart. Fran’s last minute defection still fresh in his

“Stop this cross-examination!” She pounded
her good hand on the dashboard.

“I shouldn’t badger you when you’re
recovering from surgery.”

Tears welled in her eyes.

“By all means wait until I’m feeling better
to give me a hard time!”

“I’m sorry.”

He reached over and cupped his hand around
her shoulder.

“Don’t you want me to love you?”

She covered her eyes with her good hand,
pushing her thumb in to stop the tears but it was too late.

“More than anything. I need to be sure.
You’re not the only one with history.”

He lowered his voice to just above a whisper
before moving his hand to the back of her head, threading his
fingers through her hair.

“Do you love me, Jim?” She turned her
tear-stained face toward him.

“So much, honey. So much.” He stroked her

A smile tilted up the corners of her mouth.
He put his finger under her chin and tipped it toward him. He
searched her bruised face for a place to plant a kiss without
hurting her, finally settling on her forehead.


* * * *


Exhausted, Sarah readied for bed by eight
p.m. Jim helped her undress.

“This is not undressing you the way I’d like
to.” He chuckled.

“I’m tired, I’m sore…I’m sorry I don’t think
I’m up for sex tonight.”

“Please don’t apologize. I was kidding. I’m
in no hurry. Get your strength back,” he said, looking at her, “I
give you the reins.”

“What?” She raised her eyebrows.

“We’ll make love when you’re ready…you tell
me. Until then, I’ll be your roommate. How’s that for no

“Did the doctor say anything?” With Jim’s
help, she eased herself down on the edge of the bed.

“He said as long as you keep pressure off
your wrist and knee, sex is okay…up to you…although he said you
might have to be a contortionist!”

Sarah laughed despite the pain.

“Will you still hold me?” Her voice was
almost a whisper.

“Of course.” He bent down and removed her

Jim maneuvered her into bed, giving her the
prescribed pain killers. He sank into a comfortable chair in the
living room, grading papers, until nine-thirty. Opening the front
door soundlessly, he stole over to his house to retrieve his down
quilt. Tiptoeing into the bedroom, he spread the down quilt over
the bed, covering Sarah. He taped a sign, reading
the door before closing it gently. Then he shed his clothes and
slid under the sheet next to her. She rolled over and reached out,
resting her palm on his chest.

“Jim…good,” she muttered, opening her eyes
only long enough to recognize him.

“You scared us,” he whispered to her
sleeping form. “Thank God you’re okay.”

He kissed her gingerly on the cheek then
moved an arm over her waist, sliding closer to her. She snuggled
against his chest as they drifted off to sleep.

Sore, cranky and tired the next day, Sarah
still found the energy to bark orders to those around her. Jim had
to give final exams to students then meet with professors, so
Callie visited with her sister. After school, the children took
over for their aunt. In the evening, Jim came home to make dinner
and watch over Sarah.

“It’s almost Christmas…I haven’t bought
enough presents. Did anything survive from the crash? I’m so far
behind, I…

“I’m making a list of the things you told me
you wanted to buy. Callie and I’ll divide it up.”

“But you have exams to grade…a semester to
finish up…professors to supervise…”

“Let me worry about that, okay? Getting so
stressed isn’t good for you. Sit back, relax. I’m going to get a
pen,” he said.

The next day Saturday, the date of the tree
trimming party, Sarah woke up at seven o’clock, agitated.

“Jim, wake up. Did you remember to cancel
the party?”

“Go back to sleep. Everything is under
control,” he said, rolling over.

By noon, the house buzzed with activity.
Laura helped her mother get a sponge bath. Jim fed everyone
breakfast and Scottie helped with the dishes. Sarah spent most of
the day sleeping.

By five o’clock, she was dressed, dosed with
her pain killer, ready to be social. Despite the fact she looked
like a train wreck, as Scottie pointed out, she claimed to be
feeling better. A light snow fell adding to the festive feeling in
the Morgan house. Scottie put some Christmas music on the CD player
while Jim put up another pot of coffee when the doorbell rang.

“Who can that be?” Jim asked in mock
surprise, attempting to hide a smile with no success.

Sarah shot a questioning glance at him.

He opened the door to let in Mac, holding
the top of a large Christmas tree in one hand and a tree stand in
the other. His brother, Peter, had the backend.

“Merry Christmas! Where do you want this?”
Mac asked.

Sarah’s mouth hung open, but no sound came

“This way,” Jim instructed, leading him to a
corner he had cleared out for the tree.

Behind Peter marched Callie with a big
platter of Christmas cookies. Behind her Lara brought a huge pot of
chili. One by one, members of the Caldwell clan and their friends
entered the house carrying in food and drinks. Scottie pulled out
two big boxes of tree ornaments. Jim crouched down next to Sarah’s

“I hope you don’t mind using my old
ornaments. I haven’t used them since Nancy passed but this is the
perfect time to dust them off,” he said.

Tears filled Sarah’s eyes as she looked at

Next came Laura’s friend, Monica, her mother
with her boyfriend carrying cans of cold soda and six packs of

Mac and Peter set up the tree. Danny Maine
arrived with two big bags of Christmas presents, already wrapped.
Kit and Tunney came loaded down with eggnog and paper plates.
Scottie turned up the music. People started to sing along with Bing
Crosby’s White Christmas while they set up food and drinks. Others
strung lights on the tree and hung ornaments.

Sarah pulled Scottie to her for a hug. One
by one, people came to sign Sarah’s cast. Peter Caldwell set up an
electronic keyboard so he could play Christmas carols. Some people
sang, some decorated the tree, while others sat with Sarah savoring
the delicious food.

As she watched the festivities from her
armchair, happy tears slipped down her cheeks. Callie perched on
the arm.

“You have friends in Willow Falls,” she
said, leaning down to whisper in her sister’s ear.

Chapter Twenty-Two



At the old Victorian on Bay Street


Christmas Eve came quickly. They agreed to
open presents early. Tunney hadn’t bought an exciting Christmas
present for a long time. Nothing sexy, at least. The bubbling
excitement of presenting surprise gifts to the one you love filled
his chest, made his pulse kick up.

Kit set out hot chocolate and gingerbread
cookies. She sat cross-legged on the floor watching Tunney lay a
beautiful fire, then place a small pile of gifts in front of

“I didn’t have much money to spend on
presents this year.” She refolded her legs.

“Don’t apologize. This is one hundred per
cent more than I expected. Ladies first.”

She ripped the bow off a box from Franklyn’s
the local department store. Inside pretty tissue paper nestled a
beautiful light pink short negligée. The spaghetti straps were
satin, the neckline had lace matching the lace around the hem.

“Tunney, it’s gorgeous! But rather than
covering me up, this reveals more than the black nightie with the

“Who said I wanted to cover you up? Try it

He laughed, his dark eyes glistening with
mirth mixed with desire.

Kit got up to plant a thank you kiss on his
lips. He put his hands on her waist, pulling her down to the floor
where he deepened the kiss. Kissing her shot desire through his
body. He was ready for more.

“With thank-you’s like that…we’ll have to
move this upstairs.”

“No objection here.” He slid his hand up her

“Soon. You’re next.” She ran her hand
through her tangled hair.

Tunney opened his gift next. He discovered a
CD slide show of the photos in his father’s photo album, with his
favorite Beatles music added as background. A lump grew in his
throat choking off words. He felt the prick of tears at the back of
his eyes.

“I don’t want you to ever lose those…” she
said, placing her hand on his arm.

He took her in his arms hugging her, holding
her fast. A brief shudder shot through him like lightening. Though
he tried to hide his emotions, he knew she felt it, too.

She opened up three more boxes of sexy
lingerie, one in baby blue, one in red, the last one in dark
purple. Tunney opened a box holding a turquoise, beige, and black
plaid flannel shirt and another one with a gold tie. While he
appreciated the clothes, the photo CD meant more to him than words
could express.

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