Nolan's Evolution (39 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: Nolan's Evolution
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Nolan reopened the door and spoke a few words to Maxim. He ushered the dog out with the whispered promise of a walk. Once this was done, he again entered the room Turk free. He grinned at her sheepishly.

“Where is he taking him?”

“Out,” he shrugged. “Really don’t know. I just wanted a little time with you alone. I didn't want distractions."

Raina bit her lip. "Nolan Gregor, you are distraction itself."

His mouth tilted up in a pleased grin. He then held his hands up when she looked like she might rush him. “Hold,” he murmured gently. His voice rolled deeply, and he watched her settle back against the edge of the bed. “You come running at me, and I will never get a clear word out.”

Raina blushed. “Then make it quick.”

He crossed his arms to prevent himself from reaching for her. Her impatience for him was deliciously flattering.

“How are you feeling?” He tilted his head slightly, while he studied her.

“A little raw,” she admitted.

“Have you eaten?”

She shook her head. “I was waiting until we could eat together.”

He scowled handsomely. “You should have eaten!”

She shrugged. “I’m okay, Nolan…surprisingly so. Initially I thought I might die, the shock was so strong! But…I feel okay. I’m better than okay now that you are here.”

He bit his lower lip, trying to look severe, while hiding another smile. “You are sure?”

She nodded, and then bit her own lip when his arms uncrossed, and he beckoned her.

She really couldn't get over the fact that he was the most beautiful being she had ever laid eyes on. And there he was standing there waiting for her. What had she done to deserve this?

She stopped questioning and slipped off the bed moving quickly into his arms. She wrapped her arms about his neck and he lifted her into a warm all-encompassing hug.

He breathed her in now. He would never get enough of her. "I honestly don't know how I lived all of those years without this. Without having someone whose very touch makes life standstill."

She buried her face against his neck, and drew in his familiar scent. “Can I please have a kiss now?”

He laughed deep in his chest and turned her slightly. She was up into his arms before she could even catch a breath and he was carrying her to the bed. His lips brushed her forehead, and once she was laid gently upon the bed, he laid down beside her.

Raina's pulse tingled in her veins.

"You know you don't have to ask, Aelan," his voice was low with just a hint of seduction. "You'll never have to ask.”

She smiled shyly when his finger tip drew down her cheek.

“We don't have to play that game anymore." His cheeks flushed with color. “But I would like to wait on that kiss. I need to have my wits about you.”

Raina liked that he could still blush. So many ways he was innocent. The immortal that had seen the world…and all it had to offer, good and bad, could still blush! He had fought for his life and fought for other lives and still kept his innocence.

How many times had others attempted a seduction and he had resisted? Yet he turned into a shy uncorrupted man in front of his little mortal.

Raina reached out a hand and let her fingertips play at the stubble on his cheeks. "I've liked our little game…as frustrating as it has been." She bit down on her lip now to keep from laughing.

His eyes look like a nervous little boys leaning about her. But he certainly wasn't a boy. His masculinity more than overwhelmed her now.

"Frustrating doesn't even begin to cover it." His frowny face settled firmly in place. "It's been hell."

Raina laughed softly and shook her head. "No, it's been the best foreplay I've ever had."

Nolan coughed out a laugh. Her words had shocked him and embarrassed him. He blushed an even deeper shade of pink now. "Is that so?"

Raina nodded with enthusiasm. "The kisses, the hugs, the touches, and the glances? Yes, it's been a wonderful warm up."

Nolan smiled. "And you're all warmed up?"

It was Raina's turn to blush. "Maybe a little too warm," she admitted trying to hide her face in the crook of his neck.

He didn't let her hide. He held her chin firmly so that she had to look up at him. "Trust me, Raina I know what it's like to be too warm. I've been burning up since the moment I met you."

His words caused her to hold her breath and her tummy filled with butterflies.

He didn’t try to move in to kiss her. He just cuddled her closer. Her chest was against his, her hips to his. His arms surrounded her, and simply held her. They were soon breathing the same beat, and relaxing into the closeness.

“Did you have a good discussion with the men?”

“Hmmm?” Nolan hummed in distraction.

“With Our Sovereignty?”

“Mmm Hmm,” he sighed.

Raina giggled and closed her eyes snuggling her face into his chest. He didn’t seem to be in a talkative mood.

The room was growing darker, and soon she was only making out shadows. The sun had all but disappeared.

His hands gently ran up and down her back, and she sighed with contentment.

“It’s cozy now that you are here,” she whispered.


“Mumbler,” she giggled. “Are you even listening to me?”


“Never mind.” She knew Nolan could see clear as day, and felt his eyes upon her now. She peaked up at him, and wondered what he was looking at.

“You have the prettiest, sexiest little body,” he murmured. His voice caught at the end, as if he had startled himself at saying this. “I mean…” he cleared his throat. “I was just observing…” He sighed. “Damn.”

“Caught you,” she teased him, even if she hadn’t really. He had given himself up. His words delighted her to no end.

He chuckled, laying his head on the pillow beside hers.

She snagged her leg over his hip and burrowed closer against him. “I could do this forever,” she sighed, loving the warmth of him.

He drew in a startled breath.

“What?” Raina felt him pulling away.

He growled. “No, this won’t work.” He disengaged her leg. “I’m never going to be able to concentrate!” He audibly inhaled a steadying breath.

“Concentrate on what Nolan?” She laughed and kissed the underside of his jaw. “We are just cuddling!”

“And that is taking all my concentration,” he barked. “You start things like throwing your leg around me, and cuddling will lead elsewhere.”

She smiled shyly. “Well, isn’t that okay now?”

He felt his stomach somersault. “Not here in Joseph’s home!” He growled deeply when she shifted against him.

“When then?”

He grinned. His lips touched the shell of her ear. “When I have you in my bed.”

She shivered at the way he said “my bed”. But sighed in disappointment.

“What?” he whispered. “What’s wrong?”

She sighed, and ran a hand over his shoulder. “I just thought I might get a little taste.”

Nolan’s muscles tensed, and then relaxed. “Like?”

“I want a kiss. A toe curling kiss…like we don’t have to wait, like we are going for it now kiss.”

He cleared his throat. “I won’t be able to hold out….kissing you like that, lying here in the dark, against you…in this bed.”

She smiled, pressing her face into his shoulder to hide it. “Just a kiss.”

He chuckled. “I’ve heard that before.”

She sighed into his shirt. Her fingers trailed down his side, and she hooked her finger into the belt loop of his jeans, and she tugged.

He chuckled. “Oh, Aelan, you are adorable when you are trying to get your way! You turn into a seductive little kitten.”


“Kitten,” he agreed.

“Well,” she whispered. “Is it working?”

He threw his head back and laughed, shaking the both of them. He startled her, as he jumped from the bed.

Raina frowned up at his shadow.

Gently, oh so gently, he took her hand. The dexterous fingers twined with hers, and he drew her to her feet before him. One arm encircled her waist, while his hand went to her cheek.

His eyes darkened.

“No more interruptions,” he whispered. “No meddling best friends, boundary rules…curious immortals.”

She nodded at his words. She could barely make out his features in the now dark room. She could see the silver of his eyes. They were a beacon to her.

“Toe curling all the way kiss?”

Again she nodded, and trembled. “Please?”

“Are you sure?”

“Ummm…Heck yeah.”

He grinned. “Should I stop talking? We do tend to over analyze….”

The craving in his eyes made her knees weak. “I do talk an awful lot.”

His chuckle was deepened by his desire. “I’ll have to figure out how to fix that...the talking issue. I have a few theories I’d like to try.”

“I like theories,” she murmured.

They both laughed.

“How well I know.” His arms lifted her, and her arms were about his neck now.

Everything went silent when their breath mingled, just for an instant. And then Raina’s world went still when their lips merged. Her heart suddenly stopped.

He certainly had never kissed her like this before!

Soft and yet rough all at once, his mouth smoothed and bruised hers. She had no control over her own reaction. In the light of day she would be blushing, but right now, in his arms, in the dark of the night, sanity failed her.

It was failing him too, as his hands began to seek her out. He was touching, testing. His fingers found the hem of her shirt, and quickly slipped beneath. He wanted to feel the warmth of her skin. He heard her gasp against his kiss at the contact, and it made him growl in response. His fingers traced the length of her spine, finding no barriers, and allowing him the full length, up to her shoulder blades.

Raina’s heart thundered and felt on the brink of collapse. “Yes,” she said softly. She felt no embarrassment at her lack of under attire.

“Aelan,” he sighed.

“Please, just touch me for a while.” She didn’t let him argue, just captured his face, and kissed him again.

He did touch her now, gentle caresses that covered her ribs, and traveled further up.

He couldn’t prevent the moan that escaped his lips. “Baby, I can’t be touching you like this!’

She pressed closer to him, silencing him.

He sighed in defeat and pleasure, allowing himself to study her with his hands.

She gasped softly, completely overwhelmed. Tears slipped down her cheeks, so many feelings ran through her, they twined with her need…her need to protect him, her possession of him. No other had ever been touched by him before. She ran her hands up his sides and into his shirt to feel his skin as well. No other would ever touch him like she was now…no one ever had.

“Aelan.” He freed his hands, taking himself from the overwhelming temptation of her skin. He tenderly adjusted her shirt. He took only an instant to calm himself before he pulled her to him again.

He was strength, as his arms held her crushingly close. He was gentleness as his fingers pressed her nearer, and he was insanity as his lips sampled with such tenderness. Warmth and light and peace were all Nolan.

No frenzy, no groping now, just sensations and need. It was beyond a race to satisfaction. It had been a long time coming, and it felt more like a celebration.

Raina swore she was seeing stars behind her eyelids, and she held tighter to him, praying she would not fall. A full shudder ran through her.

Her fingers tingled, her toes. Thoughts failed her. She had forgotten how to breathe, but she could really care less.

He broke away long enough to let her catch her breath, and to look down with concern.

He smiled when she gave him a bewildered frown. His finger tip caught a tear trailing down her face. ”Raina,” he whispered with emotion. “If it’s too much…”

“No, it’s not, it’s wonderful. I…I just can’t believe…That was some kiss you just gave me.”

Nolan chuckled. His fingertips pressed her hips to his now. “I certainly wasn’t the only one kissing.”

She slumped against him, blushing, and loving having him holding her up. “Can we do it again?”

The silver eyes went liquid, and she heard him swallow hard. He gently dipped back down to whisper a kiss against her lips. “Are you trying to kill me, my love?” He looked down at her lovely face, and lips that looked well kissed. “I don’t know if I can take much more!”

She stepped up against him. “Just a little more?”

Nolan sighed and brushed his lips against hers. “Just a bit more,” he agreed, capturing her mouth in a knee weakening kiss.

When she responded with enthusiasm he pulled her back up in his arms. She had been kissed before, but never ever had it felt this way.

A bubble of joy worked its way up, and with it, obviously more tears.

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