Noelle's Rock: A BWWM Holiday Romance (12 page)

BOOK: Noelle's Rock: A BWWM Holiday Romance
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Chapter 17




Love Is in the Air


“Look at that goofy grin on your face,” Shelby says, walking up to my desk to snatch a Christmas cookie from the jar of cookies I baked last night to share with my co-workers.

“I do not have a goofy grin on my face,” I vehemently deny.

Just before my best friend Shelby walked up to my desk, my thoughts were filled with intimate thoughts of Beau. That man sure knew how to turn my body inside out just by looking at me with one heat-filled gaze.

“Yes, you do,” she says before reaching for another decorated Christmas cookie from the glass jar.

I slap her hand away from the cookie jar but not before she has her cookie in hand.

“Don’t eat anymore cookies, or you will ruin your lunch,” I scold her like a small child.

“Good practice,” she says with a teasing grin. “Keep that tone of voice for your baby when it reaches its terrible twos and you will make a great mommy.”

I look at my blond-headed friend and shake my head at her before I return her grin.

“We aren’t eating in the cafeteria today,” she says. “We only have about ten more work days before the building shuts down for the holidays, and it can’t come soon enough for me,” Shelby expels with a sigh.

“Me either,” I agree. “Where do you want to go for lunch? Keep in mind, we only have an hour for lunch, and we don’t need to go anywhere too crowded.”

“We can go to that little deli around the corner from here. That way, we can walk and enjoy the Christmas decorations,” she replies with glee in her voice.

“That’s a great idea, and I could use a little exercise anyway.”

Shelby continues to sit on the edge of my desk and banter away. Her voice begins to fade to the background as I remember the way Beau made love to me on more than one occasion. I can still feel the imprint of his stiffness on the inside of me as I recall how he plunges deep inside my core. The images are vivid as a feel wetness gather beneath my panties.

I can actually conjure up the feeling of how he feels as he thrusts into me over and over again, as he satiates my pleasure. I can feel a silly grin spread across my lips as I remember him growling into my ear. ”Cum for me, Noelle.”

The way he growls my name caused me to instantly spill forth cum and coat his hardness with my essence.

“Earth to Noelle,” Shelby’s voice finally penetrates through the lusty haze of my brain.

She is snapping her fingers across my face to gain my attention.

“Girl, just as I thought. You have it bad,” she says with a giggle.

I blink my eyes to clear away the illicit thoughts and grin because I know my friend has me pegged dead to rights.

“You are right, Shelby. I am so far gone when it comes to Beau. What am I going to do about it?”

“What do you mean what are you going to do? You are going to relax and let nature take its course. Plus, you are going to fuck the shit out of his fine ass like you’ve been doing,” she adds with a knowing look in her eyes.

“Shelby!” I gasp.

me. You know that’s what you were just thinking about anyway. I think about Erick’s fine ass the same way,” she admits and a blush stains both of her cheeks.

A serious look overcomes my face as I look off into space.

“Don’t overthink things, Noelle,” Shelby advises.

“But what if we don’t work out? I am far from the glamorous type and so different from the women Beau has dated in the past. What do I do when he grows tired of me, or what about when my pregnancy starts to show? I will gain weight and become fat, maybe even unappealing in his eyes. What then?” I ask, giving in to my doubts and fears once again.

“Stop it, Noelle. Don’t find problems where there aren’t any. Beau Barringer may be a rock star, but he is unlike any performer I have ever met. He is down-to-earth and very humble. Remember when he chose you, he didn’t choose you blindly. He knew what he was getting into from the very beginning,” she says, referring to me being pregnant with another man’s baby.

“I guess you are right.”

“There is no guessing or speculating about it. I speak the truth,” she adds with certainty in her voice. “So stop doubting and be confident in building your relationship with Beau.”

“You are right,” I say, feeling my heart expand with the love I feel for Beau Barringer. “I am truly in love with him. The love I thought I had for Victor in the past doesn’t compare to what I feel for Beau. I now know the difference between infatuation and true love.”

“I am happy for you. You deserve all of the happiness that life can offer you. I never did admit it to you, but I never really liked Victor anyway. I only went along with him for your sake,” she admits.

“I never knew you didn’t like him. You should have told me. Maybe you could have opened my eyes to see what you saw.”

“I knew he would eventually reveal his true self to you in time if I was right about him. I didn’t know for sure why I didn’t like him, but there was always something about him that rubbed me the wrong way.”

“Victor has another child,” I say to Shelby bluntly before I change my mind about telling her.

I had been holding this secret inside myself because I felt deceived and let down about Victor wanting me to have an abortion.

Shelby’s eyes widen in surprise and she gasps aloud.

“What? How do you know this?” she asks as her surprised look instantly turns into a frown.

“I saw him and this woman with a child a few weeks ago on Black Friday at the mall. You and Erick were out of town visiting his parents over the Thanksgiving holiday.”

Shelby gives me a disappointed look. I cringe on the inside because Shelby and I never keep secrets from one another. She is more than a friend to me and more like a sister. It doesn’t matter that we are of a different race, the love and bond that we have shared over the years deems us sisters nonetheless.

“Please don’t be mad that I didn’t tell you.”

“I am not mad…a little disappointed maybe, but I’m far from being mad. Why did you wait so long to tell me this?”

Tears appear in my eyes, and I look away.

I feel Shelby’s hand on my chin as she turns my head to meet her stare.

“Don’t look away like you have something to be ashamed of. Now, tell me why it has taken you this long to confide in me.”

“I am ashamed,” I admit. “I don’t want to feel ashamed, but I am. Victor wanted me to abort our child, and then I found out he already has a child by this older woman, who was married at some point. Victor says she was his co-worker, and she was having problems with her husband. He says he only slept with her one time before she became pregnant. Her husband left her because of it,” I say all of this in a rush as a salty tear leaks from the corner of my eye.

I take the back of my hand to quickly dash the tear away because I am so through with crying over a man who could care less for me or his unborn child.

“I am so sorry.” Shelby slides off my desk and comes around to kneel beside my chair to embrace me in her thin arms.

“Guess what their little boy’s name is?” I say into the fragrant scent of Shelby’s hair.

“What?” She pulls away from our embrace to peer into my dewy, brown eyes.

“His name is Victor Jr., but they call him V.J. for short. He is the cutest, little, chubby-faced boy. I guess he is one-year-old,” I say with a whimsical sigh.

“That bastard has kept this child a secret for this long?” she asks in an angry voice. “Victor is as low as low can get. He should have told you about his mess up sooner. I can’t imagine how you felt when you saw them together like that. Again, I am so sorry because you have endured so much growing up.”

“I will be fine…My baby will be fine,” I assure her.

“You are damn right because you have me, Erick, and now Beau. Plus, mom has already hired a designer to design your baby’s nursery. She wanted it to be a surprise for your Christmas gift from her and dad, so don’t tell her I have ruined the surprise,” she says, wiping a tear from my cheek.

“I won’t. I promise.”

“Let’s forget Victor and forget that he is the sperm donor to this sweet, little baby you carry,” Shelby says, placing her hand over my now slightly rounded stomach.

“I’m up for that,” I say. “He promises to sign the papers giving me all rights to my baby.”

“That is the best thing he can do for you and the baby. I can promise you that this little boy or girl will never have to suffer anything as long as god-mommy is around,” she declares.

My stomach takes that moment to growl aloud. Shelby stands, grasps my hand, and pulls me to my feet.

“Grab your coat and purse. Your baby is ready to get fed,” she says with a laugh. “I am treating you to lunch.”

I grab my coat and purse and follow Shelby down the hall to her office, where she can get her coat and handbag before we take the elevator down to the first floor and out the building into the cold, winter air.

We make small talk while walking the few blocks to the deli. We admire the festive decorations along the way. Shelby and I drop some money in a large bucket as the Santa for the Salvation Army rings his bell.

My spirits lift with each wintry breath I inhale. I feel so much better since Shelby and I talked. I know that when Victor signs the papers giving up his rights to my baby, it will be the biggest gift I can ask for, now or in the future.

Chapter 18




Christmas Gift


Just let her sleep, my inner voice tells me as I watch Noelle sleep so peacefully with her head against my chest. She is just as beautiful to me when she is sleeping as she is when she is awake. Her mouth is slightly open, and she snores softly in her sleep. I even find her snoring adorable.

My hand traces the slight roundness of her stomach beneath her night shirt. My heart swells with love for her and her unborn baby. I promise myself that I will be here for Noelle and her little, innocent baby every step of the way.

I realized from the very beginning, when Noelle confided in me about her situation, that she comes as a package deal: To love Noelle will mean I will have to love her baby as well, and I don’t have a problem with this at all.

I want to be in Noelle’s life for the long haul. Noelle means just this much to me, and I hope she realizes it, if not now then in due time. I untangle myself from Noelle’s grasp to ease out of the bed.

We have been spending more and more time out here at my getaway home than in her apartment, especially on the weekends. I take one more look at my sleeping angel before heading to the bathroom to shower.

After my shower, I head downstairs to prepare breakfast for Noelle and me. I prepare cinnamon toast, sausage links, scrambled eggs, and fruit. I pour a glass of cold milk for Noelle and orange juice for myself before putting everything on a tray to take back upstairs so my lovely lady and I can eat breakfast in bed.

I set the tray down on a table before walking over to a still sleeping Noelle. Her pregnancy has been causing her to sleep more lately. I ease my tall frame onto the bed to place a soft kiss onto her pliable lips.

My tongue slowly enters her parted lips as I kiss her awake, intimately. Noelle’s eyes slowly open to stare into mine. I pull back and smile down into her exquisite face.

“I couldn’t help myself,” I say to her. “You look so adorably tempting when you sleep. I couldn’t let the chance past me by without kissing you awake.”

Noelle’s drowsy eyes stare into mine as a smile appears on her lips. Her hand touches my face as she traces my jawline. I capture her hand in mine and bring it to my lips to kiss the palm of her hand before tracing kisses towards her inner wrist.  

“You can wake me up with as many kisses as you like. I will never grow tired of your kisses.”

“And I will never grow tired of your sweet kisses or your delectable body.”

A frown appears on her beautiful face all of a sudden. My hand touches between her brows to smooth her frown away.

“Why are you frowning, my love? I can’t have you frowning on my watch,” I say to her in a serious tone of voice.

“As the months go by, my body will change. How will you feel about me then?” she asks me with uncertainty in her eyes.

“Noelle, do you honestly think I am that shallow to be turned off by the changes that will occur in your body? I can honestly say that I look forward to the changes during your pregnancy. I even look forward to the midnight cravings you will undoubtedly have. I am here for you in every capacity. I am here for you for the long haul,” I say with my hand against her cheek. “Please don’t doubt my intentions towards you or your baby.”

Tears appear in Noelle’s eyes and leak down to her cheeks. I kiss every one away as fast as they fall.

“How did I get so lucky for you to enter into my life when you did?” she asks me with the question in her eyes.

“We are both lucky because I hit the jackpot when you knocked on my door that night your car went in a ditch,” he says with laughter in his voice.

“You were mean and grumpy, and you frightened me a bit.”

“I thought you were a reporter, remember?”

“I remember,” she replies with a smile on her full lips. “I also remember how you gave me a bogus name,” she attempts to glare at me angrily but fails when I suddenly tickle her belly.

Noelle goes into fits of laughter as I continue to tickle her.

“Stop it, Beau,” she finally gasps between giggles. “You tickling me can’t be good for the baby.”

“In that case, I will stop,” I say before capturing her lips in a hot kiss to make up for me tickling her. “It’s time to eat breakfast. I hope it hasn’t gotten cold from you trying to seduce me,” I say to her in a teasing voice.

“Who is trying to seduce who?” she asks sitting up in the bed.

I smirk at her before getting up from the bed to retrieve the food on the tray so we can feast on the breakfast I prepared for us.

“This looks so delicious,” she says, reaching for a piece of fruit in the clear, glass bowl.

I watch the way Noelle pops the piece of fruit into her mouth and chews. She even chews sexy. I see a bit of juice on her lip from the fruit. I bend over and lick the juice from her lips.

“Mmm…delicious,” I groan as my dick instantly hardens.

Noelle’s eyes travel from my face down to my muscular chest and beyond. She smiles when she sees the tented bottoms of my pajamas.

“Feed me this delicious breakfast first, and then I will feed it,” she says, pointing at my hardened state.

“Is that a promise?” I lift a fork to place a bite of scrambled eggs between her lips.

“I don’t make promises I don’t keep,” she answers me with a heated look in her eyes.

“You are going to be the death of me. Do you know that?”

Noelle laughs aloud as I continue to feed her. I use the same fork to bring a bite of scrambled eggs to my own lips. Noelle watches me. I can see the look of desire that flares instantly in her eyes. She picks up a big, juicy strawberry and places it between her succulent lips and leans over to offer me a bite of the fruit that she holds in her mouth.

My blue eyes clash with her brown ones as lust wars between the two of us. I lean over to take a bite of the fruit that she so temptingly offers me. Our lips mesh together with perfect halves of the fruit inside our mouths.

Our tongues duel as we exchange bits of fruit and juice. I pull away from Noelle to quickly dispense of the tray before sliding my pajama bottoms off to leave them pooling on the floor.

“I. Want. You. Now.” I say to her in a guttural voice. “Take. Your. Night. Shirt. Off. Now.” I direct her as I stalk back towards the bed.

Noelle wastes no time in removing the night shirt. Her now curly hair is like a halo around her beautiful face as she takes in my body. I continue towards her.

My desire throbs like molten steel as it hardens even more than before. I lie on my back, and my dick points straight up towards the ceiling.

“Come. Here.” I order her and pull her body across my chest.

She gasps in surprise when I place her wetness so that it straddles across my chest. She instantly reaches for the headboard to keep her balance.

“I am ready to feast on dessert,” I mutter against her plush thigh and place a kiss on both thighs. I become delirious as the scent of her heat assails my nostrils. Her scent is like a consolation prize for the addict in me. I have become addicted to the taste, the scent, and the feel of Noelle’s sweet and succulent pussy.

I lift her effortlessly to place her already dripping wet pussy over my bearded face. My tongue wastes no time in entering her slick core to get a taste of her ambrosia. My eyes close in contentment as her juices coat my tongue.

Noelle’s moans turn into sultry sighs as my tongue and mouth make sweet love to her. Her hips are like a dancer’s, as she grinds down onto my mouth and lips. My mouth receives all she gives me…the more she gives…the more I crave.

The pleasure I aspire to give Noelle brings me immense pleasure in my soul. Her juices continue to drip into my mouth like a running faucet, and I continue to swallow as she supplies her sweetness for my unquenchable thirst.

Her lusty sighs are like sweet melodies to my ears. I reach one hand towards her full breast to twist a hard nipple between my fingers. Noelle dances faster against my mouth while my tongue plays her pussy like an instrument.

Her wetness finds its way down my chin as it mixes with my close-cropped mustache and beard. Her love juices supply me with the nutrients that I need to survive as she humps my face under the tutelage of my mouth and tongue.

“Beau!” she cries out as her body trembles and shakes from my orchestrations.

“Cum for me again,” I urge her with my lips meshed against her slippery, nether lips.

Noelle gyrates and grinds against my mouth as I hold my tongue stiff inside her fiery core. She screams her pleasure one last time before she goes limp and slides her way down my chest leaving a trail of her sticky juices, marking me as her territory, which I gladly accept.

I flip Noelle onto her back but take the brunt of my weight on my forearms so I won’t crush her with my body. Her legs instantly wrap around my waist, leaving me room to plunge into her slick heat. I bury my face in her scented hair as I thrust into her while trying to hold onto the last of my control.

With each pummeling thrust, I release a pleasurable but torturous groan. Noelle’s heated core surrounds my throbbing flesh, enclosing me snugly in her heated walls. I bite down onto her shoulder, gently but firmly, as I mark her skin with my love bite.

Noelle croons softly and undulates her hips, matching me thrust for glorious thrust as I pummel inside her fragrant heat over and over, again and again before it becomes too much pleasure for me to bare. A guttural growl slips past my lips as I warn Noelle of my impending orgasm.

Noelle screams as she releases another orgasm. At this exact moment, my throbbing cock releases my seed deep inside her to splash hotly inside of her walls. My dick jerks and jumps until I have no more left to give.

My breathing is erratic as I pull Noelle to my side, once I roll over to my back.

“Woman, I told you, you are going to be the death of me,” I tease her as I try to get my breathing under control.

I look down at Noelle when I don’t get a response. She is snuggled up against my chest with a satisfied smile on her face and passed out. I place a kiss on the top of her head before covering our bodies so we don’t become chilled. I close my eyes and enjoy the feel of Noelle’s warm body against my own and allow the love I feel for her to fill my soul.

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