Nobody's Obligation (Swimming Upstream #2) (7 page)

BOOK: Nobody's Obligation (Swimming Upstream #2)
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As she stalked down the hallway, pausing only to flick her iPod onto shuffle, she stripped off her clothes, leaving a trail all the way to the bathroom. By the time her underwear hit the floor, Ava’s voice bounced off the walls, her off pitch singing drowning out Beyonce’s soulful tones.

Standing in the steamy shower, Ava sung her heart out, trying to distract her racing mind. In a vain attempt to drown her thoughts, Ava sang louder and more off key with each song. When the water finally started to cool, Ava stepped from the shower and wrapped the thick white towel around her body and stood in front of the mirror. That’s when Ava realised she couldn’t hide anymore. There was nowhere to hide. As soon as she was trapped in her own gaze, reality hit her. From the coffee mishap, fainting, and dropping her brownie to spitting red wine across the table. And as humiliating as her day had been, the memory that made Ava want to crawl into a hole and die was the absolute and total shame that had consumed her when Tyler had caught her drooling like a love sick school girl. Granted that’s exactly what she’d been, but that didn’t mean that she wanted anyone to see it. Especially not Tyler. Quickly Ava averted her eyes and raced out of the bathroom and threw on her favourite yoga pants and sweater.

Still unsure of herself and unable to pull her mind into any semblance of order, Ava wandered out to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water before collapsing on her bed with her iPad in hand. Her Kindle app was already open. Within minutes Ava was absorbed by a world of make-believe and happy endings. A world where Tyler Andrews no longer existed.










Chapter 13





Tyler was completely lost. His mind was consumed by Ava’s infectious blush, something she’d done more than any girl he’d ever known, which only intrigued him further. He sat in an ugly brown pleather tub chair, flipping idly through a trashy magazine while he waited. Tyler couldn’t stifle the chuckle that bubbled up from deep inside his chest as he read some of the headlines. Occasionally his name would be included, announcing he’d been spotted somewhere or done something, and more than likely there wasn’t a fact in sight. But the headlines that earned the heartiest laugh were those declaring a baby bump watch. When he checked the date, they were almost twelve months old and the women still showed no sign of a stroller. Tyler felt a strange reassurance surge through him. It wasn’t only his personal life they debated and got so spectacularly wrong.

The minutes ticked by and Tyler’s frustration grew. It was bad enough he had been summoned to appear, cutting short his afternoon, but then they kept him waiting when they knew he had to drive home before getting up to train before the sun tomorrow. Letting out a perturbed sigh, Tyler glanced at the clock ticking loudly on the wall above his head.

“Seriously!” he muttered to no one in particular.

After what felt like an eternity, but was really only about ten minutes, a short, wide man shuffled his tiny feet and stood in front of Tyler. Even sitting, Tyler towered over him and dominated the space.

Extending his short stubby fingers with a crooked smile, he wheezed, “Afternoon, Tyler. Nice of you to find time to fit me in.”

“Of course, Jonathan,” Tyler stated confidently, rising to his feet while his hand wrapped around Jonathan’s sweaty palm.

“Come through. Would you like anything to drink?” Jonathan offered over his shoulder as he led Tyler down a sterile corridor.

“I’m fine, thanks,” Tyler said stiffly, noticing the life-size print of himself plastered on the wall.
Fuck that’s awkward.
Tyler grimaced, turning away from his picture. Although he wasn’t exactly surprised that the picture was there, it still made him feel squeamish. Tyler had never liked his photo appearing anywhere—magazines, newspapers, and especially not office walls. And definitely not on that scale.

As Jonathan hobbled into his cluttered office, Tyler’s eyes darted about. The whole office was buried by mountains of paper in varying shades of yellow. Jonathan squished his oversized body into the high-backed management chair which dominated the office. A chair chosen purely for its implication of prominence and importance. As Tyler sank into the worn foam, he heard the chair groan under his weight and Tyler swore silently, hoping it would hold out until he got out of there. Preferably as soon as possible.

After a long uncomfortable silence, Tyler couldn’t stand it any longer. He was through wasting his time. “So, Jonathan, care to share why I was summoned?”

“So cagy, Tyler.” Jonathan grinned like the cat that got the cream.

“Cut the crap,” Tyler almost snarled.

“Gee, that girl really got under your skin, didn’t she?”

White as a sheet, Tyler mumbled unconvincingly, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Interesting,” Jonathan offered before rocking back on his chair, his hands folded behind his head.

Tyler waited for him to expand on his statement, but Jonathan offered nothing. Refusing to be the first to buckle, Tyler leant forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his fingers under his chin and waited him out. Time dragged on. Both men were as stubborn as each other. Both refused to be the first to capitulate.

Without a word, Tyler got up and headed for the door.
Fucking pointless,
his mind screamed, but outwardly he remained silent.

Realising that Tyler was leaving, Jonathan shot to his feet, the sly smile gone. “Tyler!” he puffed heavily. “Please, take a seat.”

Still fuming, Tyler flopped dramatically into the chair, momentarily forgetting the flimsy chair’s limits. “Just tell me what you want me to do now, Jonathan. I don’t have time for games,” Tyler snapped harshly. He wasn’t really sure why he was so pissed at Jonathan, all he knew was that he was boiling with fury—a rage he couldn’t understand and was struggling to contain.

“Fine, just sit,” Jonathan conceded, taking a loud gulp of water from his
‘Fuck I’m Good, Just Ask Me’
coffee mug.

Barely able to restrain the snarky comment, Tyler swallowed deeply before focusing all his attention on Jonathan. “Okay, I’m listening.”

And that’s when Tyler figured it out. Jonathan was nervous. And not just nervous, but sweating and trembling, shitting himself with anxiety. Slightly happy with the situation, Tyler accepted the powerful position and pushed on.

“I’ve…I’ve received a request,” Jonathan stuttered, all signs of bravo abandoned.

“What sort of request?”

“An appearance.”


“Please, Tyler. At least hear me out,” Jonathan begged pathetically. Tyler noticed the sweat gathering on his top lip and his intense narrow eyes darting about.

“Fine,” Tyler grumbled, folding his long arms across his chest.

“The Americans want you.”

“How long?”

“Four days.”

“All the way to the US for four days? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Tyler grumbled, rubbing at his stubble-covered chin.

“They’re paying all costs, including a couple of days either side of the appearances to make it worth your while.”

“How generous of them.”

“I thought so.”


“Two months.”

“When? Exactly?” Tyler prodded, knowing that Jonathan was being deliberately vague, and that wasn’t reassuring him.

“They want you on October seventeenth.”

“Fuck!” Tyler exclaimed, knowing instantly what was going on. “Go on, fill in the blanks,” he encouraged, wanting someone to say it out loud to make it real.

“Their trials are on. All they want you to do is sit in the stands and look interested. Clap, cheer, look intimidated by their times. Then be seen with some of their stars talking on the pool deck acting like you’re BFFs and even grabbing dinner with some of them,” Jonathan blurted out quickly, as if he was trying to distance himself from his words.

“Why me?” Tyler asked with a defeated shake of his head. He knew the exact words that would tumble from Jonathan’s bloated lips, but that didn’t mean he wanted to hear them.

“You know why.”

“Say it,” Tyler snarled bitterly.

“Because they need you. Their own people don’t have your profile to put bums on seats.”


“Oh for fuck’s sake, Tyler. Yes, they want you to take Dannica out to dinner and get photographed with her. Happy now?”

“I fucking knew it.” Rising from his chair, Tyler stalked towards the window and looked out at the city. Instantly his thoughts drifted to Ava, and he couldn’t help but wonder what she would make of this farce.
How would she write this?
he pondered.

“Just think about it, Tyler, I don’t need an answer right now,” Jonathan coddled him.

“Don’t, Jonathan,” Tyler barked. “You and I both know it doesn’t work like that. You offer it to me like I have a choice when you and I both know full well that I actually have no say at all. Some days I feel like you’re my pimp.”


“Don’t. Just don’t. Make the arrangements, email me the details, and keep everyone happy. But I’m telling you now, Jonathan, one day this will end. I won’t be your bitch anymore and then what? Has anyone even considered what happens when I walk away from all of this?” The light was growing in Tyler’s eyes.

“You aren’t thinking what I think you are, are you?” Jonathan garbled, barely managing to spit the words out.

Shaking his head with a soft, sad laugh, Tyler put him out of his misery. “No, Jonathan. Not today. But one day we both know it will happen.”

“I know,” Jonathan said, and for the first time he looked at Tyler. Really looked at him. He’d already heard about Tyler’s impromptu date early in the afternoon and how he looked carefree and happy. He’d even been described as a normal guy, smitten, but now he looked haunted. And Jonathan instantly grew a conscience. Silently he hoped he wasn’t responsible for such a dramatic decline in such a short period of time. But he couldn’t squelch the thought.

“Make sure Dannica knows this isn’t real. Last thing I need is another complication.” Tyler sighed, his shoulders sagging under the weight of his decision, or lack thereof.

“I’ll see to it personally.”

“You do that,” Tyler offered, turning and heading towards the door, suddenly dead tired. With a final glance over his shoulder, Tyler tossed out a half-hearted, “Email me,” and vanished out the door.

Moments later, Tyler slipped behind the wheel of his car, slid his sunglasses on, turned the music up, and headed for home. “What a fucking day,” he exhaled aloud.









Chapter 14





Swinging her legs out of bed when the alarm blasted at six the next morning proved mission impossible. Ava had no motivation, no drive, no interest in getting up and going to work. But the moment her eyes opened it sent Ava’s mind into overdrive. Her to-do list flashed before her eyes. But on top of her normally hectic schedule, Ava had yesterday’s list to complete. Added stress all because she’d got carried away gallivanting with Tyler Andrews. And as that memory hit her, Ava groaned and forced herself out from under the covers and towards the shower. Surely a cold shower would wake her up.

Ava stood under the pelting water for as long as she could stand it. Even after spending most of the night tossing and turning she still hadn’t managed to wrap her head around the day’s events, so this morning she was more bitchy than normal, if that was at all possible.

Twenty minutes later Ava locked the door and headed towards the office. Normally she wouldn’t dare head in this early but after playing hooky the previous day and the inevitable barrage of questions and interrogation she would be subjected to through the day, the idea of at least getting some work done appealed more than she’d like to admit.

As Ava pulled into the driveway, she quickly parked the car before glancing at her reflection in the mirror and grunting. Ava had never cared about her appearance, but after being caught so off guard yesterday, she had slathered on extra layers of concealer and foundation in an attempt to hide the ugly black circles taking residence below her eyes. Knowing how tired she was and what a complete klutz she was, Ava dismissed the idea of a white shirt and instead stuck with charcoal pants and a fitted black silk blouse. The colours didn’t help her mood, but at least they wouldn’t show her clumsiness.

Ava swiped her pass, flipped the light switches, and within minutes was in front of her computer madly typing replies to various emails and trying desperately to catch up. “I shouldn’t have left early,” she grumbled to the empty office. An hour later, bleary-eyed and already over it, she stumbled out to the kitchen and poured herself her first cup of coffee for the day.

By the time the office began filling up, Ava’s nerves had gotten the better of her. No matter how hard she tried to concentrate, she just couldn’t pull it together. Every time she caught the end of someone’s conversation, Ava convinced herself they were gossiping about her. Tired of waiting for the inevitable, she stalked deliberately to the most obvious place she could think of to get the interrogation over and done with. In Ava’s mind, the sooner it was over the better. Then she wouldn’t have to worry anymore.

“Fuck!” Ava swore bitterly, noticing Amanda still hadn’t arrived. Surely she would be the one leading the onslaught, after all she was the one who already had the inside scoop and the most to gain.

Instead of wallowing, Ava squared her shoulders and marched to the bathroom confidently. After patting her face with damp paper towels and giving herself a stern pep talk, Ava managed to stumble back to her desk and immersed herself in the pile of paperwork on her desk begging for her attention.

Ava didn’t even hear Amanda creep up behind her, and when Amanda’s sparkly pink fingernails touched her shoulder, Ava sprung from the chair with a squeal.

“Nice of you to find time to come to work,” Ava grumbled as she fought to bring her rapidly beating heart under control.

“You’re one to talk,” Amanda countered mischievously.



“So what?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Ava. It doesn’t suit you,” Amanda whined.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ava dodged, knowing exactly what Amanda wanted. Details. “How did you do with those stats yesterday?”

“Who cares?” Amanda replied flippantly.

“I do. I need them for the presentation at two. And I need to go over them with Michael before that. What time will they be ready?” Ava asked innocently, slipping seamlessly into work mode.

“You’re kidding me, right?”

“Not at all. You knew they were needed. Will they be ready on time?”

“Fuck off, Ava!” Amanda snapped, perching her bum on Ava’s desk, ignoring the piles of papers beneath her. “Give it up and you can have your damned stats.”

“Give what up?” Ava taunted coyly.

“Anyone tell you that you’re a bitch lately?”

“Not recently.”

As confused as she’d been last night about everything that had happened, Ava knew she had to decompress with someone. And these days Amanda was the closest thing to family she had. Amanda was the person Ava knew wouldn’t judge no matter what she said or how badly she fucked it up. And more than anything she knew that with Amanda she could be brutally honest about everything and it wouldn’t go any further. Amanda wasn’t interested in participating in the office politics or the idle gossip.

“Spill! Now!” Amanda demanded, making herself comfortable.

Ava knew Amanda had no intention of finding her own desk until she had at least the minimal details. “It was—”

“Ava!” a voice boomed through the office.

Both Ava and Amanda’s heads snapped in unison in the direction the deep voice had come from. Striding through the door, oozing both grace and power, dressed impeccably as always in his black pinstriped suit and a pale blue shirt, Michael appeared.

“Oh, morning, Michael. Is there something I can help you with?” Amanda gushed, jumping from the desk and straightening her skirt.

“Morning, Amanda,” Michael added, almost as an afterthought as he stepped up to Ava’s desk, never once taking his eyes from her pale face. “How are you feeling today, Ava? Should you be here, considering…?” he enquired, his voice laced with genuine concern.

“Wh-What happened yesterday?” Ava murmured as her mind replayed the day, getting caught on her favourite moments. She blushed with embarrassment.

“What do you mean what happened yesterday? Don’t you remember me scraping you up off the floor after you face planted? And now you’re flushed. Are you sure you’re all right to be here?” Michael said, stepping forward.

“Oh—” Ava began but got cut off.

“In all honesty, Michael, she probably doesn’t remember that part of yesterday.” John laughed, joining them, his hair still damp.

“What am I missing?” Michael asked, glancing at Amanda then John, before his eyes settled once again on Ava.

“Yeah, Ava, what’s he missing?” Amanda taunted.

“Nothing. I’m fine. I promise,” Ava deflected, rubbing her eyes, willing them to leave her alone.

“Nope, nice try though.” John laughed. “You left early yesterday afternoon…”

“You left early?” Michael asked, stretching to his full height.

“Yes, but…” Ava tried.

“Oh, don’t worry, Michael. By then she was just flustered, but for another reason. Tyler took her to lunch,” Amanda explained.


“Yeah, he came back and took her to lunch. Interrupted her meeting with John and everything. Then they left and no one had seen or heard from Ava till this morning,” Amanda expanded, watching as Ava’s eyes filled with a heady combination of annoyance and embarrassment.

Not knowing what to do or where to look, Michael shuffled backwards. “Well, as long as you’re okay, Ava, I’ll leave you to it. I just wanted to check in.”

Gulping down the humiliation, Ava’s voice wavered as she forced a smile. “Thanks, Michael. And thanks for your help yesterday.”

“Anytime, Ava. Anytime.” He grinned before vanishing down the hallway, leaving John and Amanda looking on expectantly.

“Oh for God’s sake, just go away and do some work, would you?” Ava tried spinning her chair back towards the computer but John caught it and held firm.

“Ava,” he asked, his voice softening. “I’m just going to ask once. Did you have a good afternoon?”

If Ava thought she was bright red before, now she was on fire. “Yeah, I really did. It was a dream,” Ava admitted as her mind floated away.

“Well then, that’s all we need to know.” John declared before he vanished into his own office.

Amanda waited till he was out of earshot before she pounced. “Bullshit! I need more than that! Much more than that. So spill right now!”



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