Nobody's Obligation (Swimming Upstream #2) (11 page)

BOOK: Nobody's Obligation (Swimming Upstream #2)
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Chapter 21





Tyler had heard about this movie, his mates had whinged when they’d been forced to watch it, but he’d never had to suffer through it. They called it ‘being Notebooked.’ Something every guy should avoid. One of his mates even went so far as to declare that unless there was a ring on her finger, under no circumstances did he have to sit through that soppy dribble. But somehow all of that advice and encouragement didn’t deter him. Instead, Tyler was sitting there willingly watching. And even more surprising, it was his choice. She never asked him to. She seemed indifferent either way, but he sat in silence watching. Or more pointedly, he sat silently beside Ava watching her watch the romantic, sappy crap.

Tyler had to admit that some of it was pretty cool. Seeing the old cars and the house falling down and them imagining what it could be. Watching them dream of a future and what they could build together, for the first time Tyler paused to consider his own future. Maybe he didn’t have to be lonely and travel the world on his own. Maybe he too could build a home. A life. A family. Caught up in his own imagination, he didn’t notice Ava sneaking glances at him. He was being held completely captive by his own dreams.

Shaking his head, Tyler forced the ideas away. He knew it would never happen. His life wasn’t his own. It hadn’t been for a long time now and he couldn’t even allow himself to imagine it was a possibility. That would just lead to more disappointment and hurt. Jonathan had already made it perfectly clear all dreams of normalcy were exactly that. Just a pipe dream.

Forcing his focus back on the tiny screen in front of him, Tyler pushed aside his fantasies and focused on the young couple on screen. He may have spent more than a third of his life avoiding it, and he may have missed huge chunks of the movie, but even living under his own proverbial rock, Tyler knew the grand romantic gesture when he saw it. Pushing aside his own sappy thoughts, Tyler risked a glance at Ava. She was the picture of innocence. Her eyes were glued to the screen and filled with tears teetering on the edge of her long lashes. Without exchanging a word or even a glance, Tyler reached over and took hold of Ava’s hand, giving it a small squeeze. For some unknown reason, he wanted Ava to not feel alone in that moment. He was desperate for her to know he was there. As silent tears slipped over her eyelashes and danced down her cheeks leaving sad, puffy eyes behind, Ava intertwined her long slender fingers with Tyler’s without looking. Tyler felt her pulse race and he could hear his own heartbeat drumming in his ears, but he didn’t dare pull away.

The movie continued, Ava’s breath slowed, and her head fell forward, colliding with her chest before jerking upright again. It happened five times. Tyler counted, before Ava’s tired eyes closed and her head dropped onto Tyler’s shoulder and she was asleep. Soft snoring sounds reached Tyler’s ears and something inside his chest constricted, forcing him to suck in a deep breath. Careful not to wake her, Tyler draped a blanket across Ava’s lap and just watched her sleep. Within minutes Tyler too had nodded off, a satisfied smile on his face as the dream-filled slumber consumed him.

Hours passed and neither Ava nor Tyler stirred. Instead they sat motionless in their seats, hands intertwined, Ava’s head resting on Tyler’s shoulder and Tyler’s head resting atop of hers. To onlookers, and there were many, it appeared the most natural thing in the world. Something from one of those sappy chick flicks that Ava loved so much. Something intimate. Something natural. Something that they’d done a million times before.

Eventually Ava began to stir as the smell of airline food filled the plane. Waking slowly, she noticed the wet patch she’d left on Tyler’s shirt where she’d most certainly been drooling. Flushed with embarrassment, Ava pulled away, causing the head balancing on hers to jerk awake.

Dropping her hand, Tyler wiped his eyes roughly. “Morning, sleepy head,” he mumbled, his voice husky and thick with sleep.

“Ah, morning,” Ava managed to splutter. “Sorry about your shirt.” Ava couldn’t meet his eyes, but instead fixed on the drool patch.

Tyler dropped his eyes and noticed what she was talking about. “No sweat.”

“Well, isn’t that sweet? The love birds are finally awake,” a voice interrupted them, and for the first time both Ava and Tyler realised that they weren’t in fact alone in their own private bubble, but instead crammed like sardines in a plane, thousands of feet in the air.

Ava recoiled from Tyler, putting as much space between them that the crowded plane allowed. He watched as she tried to pull herself together before he focused his attention on the skinny kid standing in front of him.

With a sly smirk, the skinny guy standing directly before them slipped his phone in his pocket before crossing his arms across his chest in what Tyler could only imagine was supposed to be an intimidating gesture. “Hi,” he almost snarled, but his voice wasn’t deep enough to be menacing.

“Hi,” Tyler returned, fighting the urge to stand up and tower over him.

“What’s the matter, Ava? Cat got your tongue all of a sudden?”

Gulping, Tyler watched as Ava assessed the situation. He felt the shudder race through her body and he was desperate to whisper assurances in her ear. But he refrained. He didn’t know who this was standing before them, or more importantly, what he meant to Ava. But he was sure of one thing. If he tried to hurt Ava in any way, he wouldn’t be smirking much longer. Fuck the consequences.

“James,” Ava squeaked, addressing him nervously. “How’s your flight so far?”

“Not as cosy as yours, obviously,” he snarled harshly.

Frustration was rolling off Tyler in waves. He felt his nostrils flare as he blew out the angry breath he’d been holding. This guy might have thought he was tough shit, but in this pissing contest he had no chance.

Obviously desperate to diffuse the tension, Ava smiled a calm smile, a smile that Tyler already knew was fake. “Oh, poor Tyler here was subjected to not only my snoring in his ear but woke up to the pool of drool I left on his shoulder. Poor guy,” Ava said sickeningly sweetly.

Tyler felt the warmth of Ava’s touch seep through his sweatshirt and set fire to his skin. Inside a silent fury was bubbling and if this weedy adolescent didn’t get far away as quickly as possible, Tyler knew he couldn’t or shouldn’t be held accountable for his actions. This James was interrupting one of the best moments of Tyler’s life and he was less than impressed.

“Poor guy, my ass!” James replied with a sinister snarl. “I watched him. He loved every second of it and why shouldn’t he? You’re hot, Ava, and you know it. Shame you’re such a prick tease,” he added casually.

“Watch it,” Tyler’s voice turned to gravel as he snarled at James.

“Oh sorry, Mr. Australian Hero. Didn’t you know?”

“Guys, please,” Ava pleaded, looking up into Tyler’s angry face, her eyes silently begging him to calm down.

“Get out of here,” Tyler spat through his clenched jaw.

Without a word, Ava reached out a delicate hand and rested it on Tyler’s forearm. “James, I think you should go find your seat. Now,” Ava encouraged with as much strength as she could muster.

“Yeah, maybe I’ll do that,” he agreed wickedly. “Maybe next time you try to pick a guy up in an airport you may want to mention you have a boyfriend. But then again, maybe he just can’t give you what you are so obviously desperate for.” And with that James almost skipped down the aisle and disappeared into the rows of seats.

The tension in the air was palpable. And stifling. And overwhelming. James’s words had completely frozen Ava where she sat. Beside him, Tyler felt Ava stiffen as she sucked in short shallow breaths.


“Excuse me?” Ava said as she snapped out of her trance.

“Just don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t let that little shit get to you.”

“I’m not.”

“Ava.” Tyler grinned as he gently turned her head to face him directly. “You might be beautiful but you are also the worst liar I’ve ever met.”

Shocked, Ava shook her head, forcing Tyler to drop his hold on her. “I’m not lying.”

With a half-hearted chuckle, Tyler encouraged her, “Well then, if you aren’t thinking about what that scrawny little asshole just said, then tell me what you are thinking about.”

Defiantly, Ava raised her eyes and allowed herself to once again get caught in Tyler’s penetrating gaze, “I was thinking about me actually.”

“Go on.”

“Fine. If you must know, I was trying to remember the conversation I had with James before I boarded. Trying to remember what I said or did that would make him say all those horrible things,” Ava admitted, suddenly exhausted.

“Ava,” Tyler’s voice softened, and as her name fell from his lips it sent a shiver down her spine. “Please don’t give it anymore thought. You and I both know what happened, and who gives a rat’s arse if anyone else doesn’t believe it. It was all above board and innocent. I promise,” Tyler assured her.

Ava paused, not really sure what to say. “Thanks, Tyler. You really are a good guy, aren’t you?”

“So the image says.” He shrugged half-heartedly as he unsnapped his seatbelt and rose from his seat.

“Where you going?” Ava asked nervously.

“Just need to stretch my legs. I’m going to do a lap.” Tyler said, stretching his arms above his head which caused his shirt to rise. Ava sucked in a deep breath at the sight of his light brown happy trail that covered his stomach.

Tyler caught her staring and grinned like a Cheshire cat. “Don’t stress, sweetheart. I’ll be right back.”

Ava watched Tyler saunter away, hypnotised by the sway of his hips, and couldn’t contain the small smile that played on her lips.










Chapter 22





As they hit hour twelve, Ava decided she was officially over it. The food sucked, she was squashed, and she was sick to her stomach from the overpowering combination of herbs and spices radiating from the snoring, snorting lady beside her. After the drama earlier, Tyler had returned to his seat, handed her a bottle of water he’d managed to pilfer before settling back into his seat, and promptly fallen back to sleep. Ava watched him for a while, fascinated by his incoherent babbling. Ava tried to sleep but couldn’t get comfortable no matter how much she wiggled about.

After giving up she forced herself to watch some stupid bash-’em-up movie where the only female involved was some helpless, big boobed, brain dead Barbie who was obviously just there as a bit of eye candy. Instead she grabbed her Kindle and tried to focus on the words in front of her. She was getting through page after page but every time Tyler moved he bumped her and Ava would spend the next ten minutes watching the steady rise and fall of his wide chest, silently wishing she could rest her head there and sleep for a million years. Just being this close to Tyler was overwhelming. The desire to crawl into his lap and never leave was tempting, but somehow Ava resisted.

“Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee? Water?” a pleasant voice interrupted Ava’s fantasising.

“Um, just water, thanks,” Ava mumbled, tearing her eyes from Tyler.

“Here you go.” The redhead air hostess smiled, handing her the bottle of chilled water and a plastic cup.


With a heavy sigh, the hostess looked directly at Ava, then at Tyler. “He really is that hot, isn’t he?” she asked, a red blush creeping along her long, swan-like neck.

Surprised by her blunt question, Ava felt compelled to answer. “Yeah, he really is,” she admitted, thankful he was sleeping and wouldn’t hear her confession.

“You’re a lucky girl,” she said sounding envious as she vanished down the aisle quickly, as though she’d never been there.

Ava chugged down the water, surprised at how dehydrated she was. Finishing it quickly, Ava looked around for somewhere to stash her empty cup so she could get back to her book.

“I’ll take it,” Tyler’s sleepy voice announced as he reached out and took the crumpled bottle from Ava’s hands.

“Thanks,” she replied.

“No troubles.” He grinned as he straightened in his seat and ran his hand through his hair. It had that messy, just fucked look, and if anything he looked better than he did when he boarded. Ava, on the other hand, was desperate for a shower. She knew her hair was oily, and what she wouldn’t give to brush her teeth and wash her face right now.

A soft growl emanated from her lips, unconsciously causing Tyler’s head to snap back in her direction and Ava to cover her mouth with her hands.

“What was that?” Tyler asked with a knowing smirk.

“Nothing,” Ava dodged.


“What? It was nothing.”

“I told you before what a lousy liar you were. Your poker face sucks,” Tyler taunted.

“I hate you,” Ava announced, grabbing her Kindle and summoning it back to life.

With a deep chuckle that Ava felt through the seat, Tyler responded, “You only hate me ’cause I’m hot.”

Ava felt embarrassment burn through her body and tinge her cheeks. He’d heard her. Ava looked at the exit door that was merely metres in front of her and paused for a second as she gave jumping serious consideration. She’d done some dumb things in the past, many of them in front of Tyler, and all that she would never live down, but this one, him overhearing her confessions about her attraction, was by far the most humiliating. And she still had to sit there squished beside him for hours before she could escape.

Ava didn’t know what to do or where to look but she did know she couldn’t sit there and watch him laugh at her. Even as a writer that sort of complete and utter mortification was too much to bear. Abruptly and without a word, Ava unbuckled her seatbelt, tossed the blanket on the floor, and sprang to her feet.

“Come on, Ava. I was just teasing,” Tyler called to her as she scurried away from him.

Ava stalked the plane for as long as possible. She’d gotten in the way more than once, tripped over someone’s bag, and almost fallen in a child’s lap as she did everything she could think of to avoid returning to her seat. Every time her heartrate slowed back to normal rhythm, the memories flashed in front of her eyes like a torturous slide show, and her pulse sky rocketed again. When the plane started to shake, the seatbelt sign flashed on and Ava knew she no longer had a choice. She had to sit down.

“Shit!” she muttered to no one in particular as she ambled down the aisle towards her own personal hell.

Eventually Ava dragged her eyes from her feet and caught Tyler’s gaze. And she froze. Like a deer caught in the headlights she was completely stuck in that spot. It took a tapping on her shoulder to shake her out of her stupor and get her moving again.

Flopping into her seat unceremoniously, Ava grumbled. When Tyler’s long fingers handed her the clasp of her seat belt, she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. “Thanks,” she grumbled as it snapped shut.

“You’re welcome,” Tyler returned chivalrously.

Ava wanted to scream and kick and lie down on the floor and throw a tantrum like a five-year-old. He was being a perfect gentleman and seat mate and all Ava wanted to do was strangle him. Why couldn’t he just remain indifferent? Pretend it never happened? Was this just how he was? Or was he just like this with her?

Clicking furiously at the entertainment selection, Ava scrolled through the channels looking for the movie with the least amount of romance she could find. After a few minutes she settled on a movie which she’d watched a million times before and secretly loved.
Gone in Sixty Seconds
lit up the screen in front of her and Ava settled back in her seat, ready to be carried away by Nicholas Cage and his exquisite taste in cars.

Ava noticed Tyler glance at her screen but thankfully this time he didn’t join her watching. Instead he pulled out a crumpled magazine and was quickly absorbed in reading. Ava had never been more relieved to be ignored.



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