Noah (27 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

BOOK: Noah
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It took less
than five seconds for me to forget all about being mad at Noah. Still, for some reason I needed to know what he was thinking. Here was this man, standing naked in front of me in the shower. He was beautiful, caring, and above all, wanting to spend his time with me. I knew a label was dangerous, but I was ready to face it head on. “Am I your girlfriend, Noah?”

“You know the answer to that already. I don’t have to tell you.”

“Yes you do. Just say it. Tell me what you think I already know.” My body was beginning to shake as I awaited his reply.

“Fine. If you must hear me say it, then yes, you’re my girlfriend. Now what?”

“You know this isn’t going to work.” I felt the tears welling up. “As much as I want this, I know it’s only a matter of time before the distance is too much for us. What if I get the call that they want me for an international tour? Are you really going to be okay with not seeing me for months, or hearing from me? I’ve heard rumors about it happening. I’m not trying to spoil this visit Noah, but meeting your family, and being your girlfriend, it’s not fair for either of us.”

“Don’t talk like that. Shalan, I’m not tryin’ to push this on you. You brought it up.”

“Because I need to know where we stand. I need you to know that no matter how much I want to be with you, I just know it can’t work. You live here and I’m under a contract to live in New York for at least six months. I can’t ask you to hang around while I’m trying to figure out my life. It’s no fair to either of us.” Tears were falling again, and this time it was because I was potentially breaking my own heart. “I’m just trying to be realistic.”

He started laughing – actually laughing at me, like my serious words meant nothing to him. “You think you can just push me away and I’ll go quietly? Woman, I don’t care what you say. I’m tellin’ you right now that you’re my girlfriend, whether it’s for seven damn days or seven years. I’m tellin’ you that I want whatever I can get for as long as it lasts. I’m not makin’ promises, but keepin’ it bottled up ain’t doin’ neither of us any good. Don’t you dare sit there and tell me that you don’t want to be with me. I’m not talkin’ about sex either. You were the one to hop on a
plane to get to me today. This hasn’t been about sex since I left you in that hotel room. I’ve had a ton of failed relationships, most of them being my fault. I ain’t perfect, but I can be that shoulder that you need, whenever you need it. I ain’t goin’ anywhere.”

I wrapped my arms around him and placed my head against his chest. “Okay.” It was all I could get out before my sobbing got too intense. Noah held me close, saying nothing else for a few moments.

I kept telling myself that people have long distance relationships all of the time. Just because Noah and I lived two very different lives didn’t mean we couldn’t be together as a couple, right?

“For the record I didn’t mean to throw it out there like I did. I just figured since you met my parents it would be the right thing to do. Besides, after a few days with just a couple of my family members, you may decide that you made a huge mistake coming at all. Can we please enjoy the fact that we’re together again? I miss you when you’re not around.”

I let go of Noah and backed up against the wall to the shower. “How long do we have before dinner?”

“A couple hours at least.” He got closer to me, breaking the distance that I’d just made. “Why? What do you have in mind?”

“First I need to apologize for freaking out.” I sunk down to my knees and stared at his already erect penis. The water beat down on my hands as they traveled up his wet legs. I pressed firmly when I got to his thighs, and started feeling the hair getting thicker on his legs. In front of my eyes, level with my mouth was what I wanted. Noah grabbed all of my hair and held it away from my face as I focused on nothing but pleasing him.

He filled my mouth while my lips coasted back and forth over his shaft. I could hear the tiniest of moans coming from above. I kept my focus, and concentrated on picking up the pace. One hand gripped the cheek of his ass while the other massaged his soft balls. Noah leaned his arm on the wall above me and looked down, watching what I was doing to him. The faster my lips moved, the louder his moans became.

While I was away I’d fantasized about him every second I got a chance. I dreamed of being able to please him and be more than we were before.

This was my gift to him, the least that I could do for everything he’d given me in return. Usually, I’d take my time, playing around so that it lasted longer and I could rest my cheeks. This time I went full-force. I wanted to hold the advantage, and the pleasure of what I was giving him.

His body tensed, he tugged on my hair, and then my mouth filled with his salty release. I held my lips there, fixed on making sure he was satiated before I removed them.

Finally, I pulled away from Noah’s spent cock and rinsed out my mouth. He pulled me up and shoved me into the tile wall. His lips were on my neck and then finally worked their way down my body. Noah didn’t waste time kissing me like he usually did. His face plowed right into my pussy as if he was starved for it. I gasped and held onto his shoulders. His whiskers tickled when they came in contact with my tender skin. Noah didn’t kiss me gently, or lick the
outside of my sensitive skin. He stuck his tongue inside of me and started fucking me with it. His strong arms lifted me up off the shower floor and held me in the air while he worked me with his skills. “You like that?” His voice vibrated off of my sex.

“Yes. Oh…wow.” It felt so good, unlike anything I’d felt him do down there before. That was until he stuck his finger in my ass. Without warning I felt it going in, hurting at first and then turning to extreme euphoria. I screamed and my thighs tightened around his head as I climaxed. Noah didn’t stop though. He kissed his way up my abdomen and then ended up at my breast. His beautiful eyes fixed on mine the whole time he nibbled on my nipples. “More. I want more,” I could barely manage to say.

His lips brushed over mine. “Not yet, sweet Shalan. Tonight, when I bring you home, I’m going to make love to you until you can’t fuckin’ move. Until then,” He kissed me once more. “I want you to picture my mouth on your pussy. Think about how you could have that every night when you come to visit me.”

He’d left me breathless and I couldn’t respond, even if I had something worth saying it wouldn’t have come out.

After washing me, he wrapped me in a towel and carried me to his bed. I watched him walk around his bedroom, getting dressed, and finally hopping on the bed next to me. “You ready to get dressed and go for a ride?”

“A ride? Where?”

Noah ran his hand between my legs when he spoke. “Get some clothes on and you’ll find out.”

“I can’t get dressed when your fingers are inside of me.” He’d slipped them in as he spoke, not that I minded. I was fully prepared for the next round of anything he wanted to give me.

Noah laughed and removed his fingers, only to stick them in his mouth and suck on them. “Bet you never had your pussy licked like that before.”

“Well, one time my girlfriend spent the night and seduced me,” I lied.

Noah’s eyes got huge. “For real? I’m in love. I need details.”

I froze. Noah didn’t even realize he’d said it, at first. Then I shook it off, taking it as a joke, just like my comment had been. He was a guy, who was strong and opinionated. Just because I was his girlfriend didn’t mean it was that serious. Sure, we’d shared so many countless hours talking on the phone, and a whole lot of time getting to know each other physically. For me, the question was easy to answer. Still, I didn’t want that word ruining our happy time together. “I’m kidding, you perv, but if I wasn’t, I probably wouldn’t tell you anyway.”

He started to tickle me, and then suddenly he stopped. “That ain’t right. I’m an open book. It’s only fair that I get every detail from you.”

I slapped his hand away. “Fat chance. Let me get dressed so we can go on this ride.”

He backed away and reached for my feet, pulling me almost all the way off the bed. “Hurry up. No primpin’.”

I took my things into his bathroom and got dressed as quick as possible. When I opened the door to head back in the bedroom I noticed he wasn’t in there, so I walked out to find him. Sitting on the couch was a beautiful blonde with her legs crossed. Noah was standing in front of her. They both turned when they heard me. “There she is. Tell her what you just told me.”

Bella stood up and walked over to me. “Oh my goodness, it’s so good to meet you finally. Don’t listen to my cousin. He’s just tryin’ to make us hate each other, so he doesn’t have to be jealous.”

I laughed with her, but was being pulled out of the room. “I guess I need to go with him.”

She waved. “Have fun. We’ll chat later.”

We got to the golf cart and he started backing away from the house. “What was that about?”

“She was pissed that she came home and heard us in the shower. Don’t pay her any attention. My cousin has major problems with relationships. As of this week she’s against anyone that is happy. Next week she might hate puppies. We never know.”

“Aren’t you best friends?”

“Yes, and no. I will always have her back, except for when she’s on her period, or just being a bitch for no reason. Today is one of those days. She’s pissed her parents are coming this weekend and she’s goin’ to take it out on me. I’m used to it.” Noah pulled me close to him, putting his hat on my head, and then his arm around my shoulder. “I’ve got my hands full for the next several days, so she can bitch to someone else for all I care.”

I hadn’t realized where we were headed until we pulled up at the giant white mansion. “What are we doing here?”

“There’s someone I want you to meet. Hopefully she’s back from her shopping trip.”

He hopped off the golf cart and held out his hand for me to take. I’d been to two mansions since signing on the dotted line with the music company. Both were mind blowing, but this was so much more personal. This was where Noah grew up. He was used to this giant house, and the woman who lived inside of it.

I don’t know what I was expecting, but we walked through a foyer, then a pretty large family room, and finally into an extremely large kitchen. An old lady with almost all white hair was kneading dough. She looked up when Noah walked over and kissed her on the cheek. “What are you doing in here, kiddo?”

“I wanted you to meet someone, Gram. This is Shalan.”

The woman, who’d never met me before, walked up and put her flour filled hands on my cheeks. She stared into my eyes and then looked over at Noah. “I approve. You have my permission to marry her.”

They both started laughing while I stood there amazed that it had happened.

“Do I get a say in this? We’ve only been dating for a little over a month.”

Noah walked over and started wiping off my face. “We’re teasin’ you, darlin’.”

“Oh.” My face turned as red as an apple. “How was I supposed to know that?”

His grandmother washed her hands while she spoke. “If this one gives you a hard time, you let me know. He’s never too old to put over my knee.”

“Gram.” Noah seemed embarrassed by her comment. “Just be respectful, boy. Don’t forget, I raised your father.”

He kissed her on
top of the head. “Yeah. I know.”

“How long are you staying, honey?”

“Until next week. I was able to get a couple days off and surprised Noah.”

She smiled and wiped her hands to dry them off. “Have you met Colt and Savanna?”

“Yes, ma’am. They’re very kind.”

“Don’t let this family overwhelm you, Shalan, and certainly don’t let this one take advantage of you. I’ve taught him to be a gentlemen, so he better respect that.”

“He does.” I wanted to giggle. She obviously thought the world of Noah, and so did I.

“We better get goin’. Mom’s makin’ dinner.”

We started to leave, but his grandmother grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me to the side. “Can I have a minute alone with this young lady?”

I felt nervous from the get go. She grabbed my hands and held them as she spoke. “Noah doesn’t bring beautiful women here to meet me, Shalan. That boy means the world to me, and I can tell he’s smitten over you.”

“We haven’t been talking very long. Only since his first visit to New York.”

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