Noah (12 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

BOOK: Noah
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I was in
the big city, a place I’d only dreamed of visiting. It was bright and busy, just like I’d always pictured it to be. Cabs lined the road, which was strange in itself. We didn’t have cabs in my town, and the sound of car horns after midnight was astounding to me.

It was a shame that Noah was being such a party-pooper. Obviously he didn’t appreciate what being in New York City meant to me. Not to mention the fact that we’d nail ourselves a gig without even trying.

It amazed me how easily I’d agreed to do it, almost like my mother was pushing the decision because she knew I was too scared. At any rate I knew it was my only chance. I had one shot to make an impression and it had to be the best one I’d ever make.

I still couldn’t believe it.

One day ago I’d been living with my cheating-piece-of-shit boyfriend, believing every word that came out of his mouth. One day ago I’d met Noah, the handsome man who’d come in for a meal and gotten so much more. I didn’t mean to be such a burden on him. He hadn’t told me much about himself, but I knew he was running from his family for some reason, and I wish he knew me enough to tell me why.

It was just like a man to want to sleep with me without expecting to get to know me first. I often wondered if I had some invisible sign that only men could see, offering them a free piece of ass.

Then again, Noah seemed different. All sexual innuendos aside, he’d saved my ass more than once, and also paid for my meals, and had given me a place to sleep. I had to be grateful, even if he was trying to get into my pants. It didn’t hurt that he was so damn fine. I mean, the guy was all country, born and bred to wear dungarees and boots. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he didn’t own a cowboy hat.

Still, if that manager hadn’t pulled us aside I don’t know what would have happened. In that moment I wanted him. I wanted to know what it felt like to have his lips on mine, and his hand touching parts of me that I reserved only for very few people. The invite to sing had been a wake-up call for me. I needed to stay focused. Noah and I were still strangers. In a few days he’d move on, and
I’d be left with my piss-poor excuse for a life. Singing anywhere in New York was an opportunity. It was probably going to be the only one I ever got, so I was determined to make sure it was perfect.

After walking for only five minutes I’d been approached for loose change twice. The further I got from the hotel, the more shady people seemed.

Most of the businesses were closed, since it was so late. The ones that were open were filled to capacity with drunk and obnoxious people.

Since I had less than ten bucks left from Noah’s tip, I didn’t have many options as to where to go. What sealed my decision to head back to the hotel was a guy running out of a building, followed by three cops with batons out. I looked around at all of the people around me and they seemed to not even be fazed. It scared the hell out of me, so much so that I turned right around and walked back to the hotel.

I found Noah sleeping soundly on the bed next to mine. He’d taken off his shirt, and even one glance made me feel hot and bothered. I couldn’t stop looking at his sculpted chest and wondering what it would be like to crawl on top of him and start something.

From his advances earlier, and the way he’d picked on me, I knew he’d go for it. It was my conscience keeping it from happening. Even though I’d never have to tell anyone that I’d hooked up with a stranger, I’d still know it happened, and it wasn’t something I thought I could live with.

Then I thought about that word – stranger. Was he a stranger, or a new friend that I happened to meet at one of the lowest points in my life? That question intrigued me. I was certain of one particular fact about it. If our circumstances were different I would have been doing anything to be with him. Pickings were slim in my town, and he was unlike any other man I’d ever laid eyes on.

When he opened his eyes it startled me. I turned away even though I knew he’d caught me. “You still up?” He stood and walked into the bathroom, not even closing the door when he started to urinate.

“I went out.” I started removing my shoes and watched as he walked back to the bed.

“Guess you didn’t get mugged. That’s always a good thing.”

Right in front of me, in between the two beds, he dropped his jeans. Standing there in only his boxers, he let me take him in before smiling and climbing back into bed.

“Yeah, it was pretty scary. I’m not used to it.”

“Well, if you get scared again, you can always climb in here with me.” He chuckled and rolled over, letting me know he was going back to sleep, even without giving me a second to reply.

I wasn’t sure if I hated when he was cocky, or loved it. The sweet side of me wanted to feel violated when he made those comments. The other wanted to crawl under those covers and make him forget about every other woman he’d ever been with.

“Goodnight, Noah. Thanks again for this.”

I tugged down my jeans, since his back was turned to me. We were both adults and he’d obviously seen a woman before. Being in my underwear was exactly like wearing a bathing suit. I had nothing to feel ashamed of.

Well, that’s how I felt before he turned around and got an eyeful. “I wasn’t kiddin’ about sharin’ a bed.”

I climbed into the cold bed next to his. “You and I both know what will happen if I get into that bed with you.”

He sat up, leaning on his elbow. “What’s that exactly?”

“Oh, you’re funny. Like you don’t know already. Do you really think I’d just throw caution to the wind and sleep with you after one day?”

“You almost did a few hours ago.”

He was right and I hated that he knew it. “I would have stopped you.”

“Darlin’, after one kiss you’d be beggin’ me for more.”

His huge ego annoyed me, but it also made me hot between my legs. I could close my eyes and picture him being between them, satisfying the growing craving I had for him. “Have I mentioned how much I hate cocky men?”

“Maybe you just hate cock. Are you into cleanin’ carpets? Is that how you roll?” He must have thought his comment was funny, because he rolled on his back and cackled at himself. “You like the taste of pussy?”

I pulled a pillow over my face and screamed into it. The bantering between us was making me crazy. I finally
removed the pillow, put my hand on the lamp switch, and spoke. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I shut off the light and rolled over promising myself that I wouldn’t listen to anything else he had to say.

The room stayed quiet and I finally fell fast asleep.


The next morning I woke up and noticed two things.

Noah was already in the shower.

It was still dark outside.

I went to pull the pillow over my head and go back to sleep when I caught a glimpse of his naked body in my peripheral vision. Though his package wasn’t in view, the rest of his body was. His ass, so fine and muscular. I couldn’t stop looking at him, running that small towel over his tall body. His hair was a mess on the top of his head, and even sexier than when it was dry.

Of course he knew I was looking. It was proven when he put that tiny towel over the front of his junk and came walking out in front of me. “Oh, good mornin’. I didn’t know you were up.”

I couldn’t even speak. Aside from probably having to go into the bathroom and change my underwear, I was completely embarrassed for getting caught staring.

I kept my head turned until I could hear the zipper on his jeans being pulled up. “I’m goin’ to grab some breakfast. You want to get up and join me?”

“Has it occurred to you that it’s still dark out?”

“It will be light soon enough. Come on, we’ve got a big day ahead of us.”

“What do you mean? I thought we were going to practice all day.”

“Woman, I don’t need practice. Besides, all eyes are goin’ to be on you anyway.”

I stood up, not realizing that I was in only my underwear. I turned to see him looking, without regret. He seemed very pleased for me to know he was checking me out. I hurried up and grabbed my clothes before shutting the bathroom door and making sure it was locked.

Then I proceeded to calm myself down enough to be able to get ready for God only knew what he had planned for me. I dressed in my second pair of jeans I’d purchased and a t-shirt that was a little more tight than I was used to.

After putting my hair up in a loose ponytail, I brushed my teeth and put on some makeup. Given the little resources I had, I was happy with my appearance. Plus I assumed he’d been joking about the long day.

We sat down at the restaurant downstairs and he paid attention to his menu instead of me. I kept glancing at him, seeing if he was checking me out. He never once looked at me, and it was driving me insane.

An older woman approached the table, pouring us two cups of coffee and sitting tiny creamer cups in between them. “My name’s Flo. What can I get ya this morning?”

“Good morning, ma’am. I’d like the pancakes with
bacon, a little on the crispy side, a large orange juice and a cup of home fries.”

I giggled about all of the food he’d ordered. “I’ll just have a bagel with cream cheese, toasted please.”

She closed her little book and left us to put the order in. “Do you always eat that much for breakfast?”

“Depends if my mom makes breakfast or not.” He sipped at his coffee and then started adding sugar. “On the weekends I probably eat more than this. I burn it all off by lunchtime, though.”

“So you live at home?” It seemed like a good time to ask him something personal about his life.

“No. I have my own place.”

“You drive to your parent’s house every day for work?”

He took another sip of hot coffee. “We live on the same ranch. It’s hundreds of acres. So – no, I don’t drive to my parent’s house. My mom cooks for everyone. She’s been gettin’ up with my dad and taken care of him since they got together.”

I rolled my eyes, imagining a life like I only saw on television. “She sounds like Joan Cleaver. I didn’t know women still tended to men like that. It’s kind of crazy to me. I mean, what could your dad ever give her that would equal the amount of work she’s put into that kind of life?”

He cocked his brow. “For starters, three kids, a beautiful home,
anything she’s ever asked for, and his undyin’ love.”

He’d taken offense to my comment and it shocked me. “Sorry if I upset you, Noah. You just seem like you were trying to get away from them, yet clearly you care deeply for your family.”

“My dad and I don’t see eye to eye. His idea for my future ain’t what I want.”

I understood why he hadn’t mentioned it when we talked the day before. “Coming from someone whose family is a cluster-fuck, I’d say your lucky to have them, even if they drive you crazy. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t give to have my mom back.”

I shouldn’t have mentioned it knowing that he’d want to know more. “What happened?”

“She died when I was thirteen. She’d been sick for a while and stopped responding to treatments.”

“Treatments for what?” It puzzled me why he seemed so interested.

“Breast Cancer. Well, it started with that. Eventually the cancer spread to other places and that’s what killed her.”

Noah looked down at his coffee and got real quiet. “Hey, it’s okay. You didn’t upset me. She’s been gone a long time.” I reached over and tapped on his hand, but he stood up and walked away. I watched him head out of the restaurant and pulled out his phone. He spoke for a couple of minutes and came back in and sat down.

“Sorry about that.”

“Are you alright?”

He still refused to look at me. “When I was around eleven my mother was diagnosed. She went through hell, but made it through remission. Every year she gets checked, and I can’t imagine how scary it is for her.”

I’d never met anyone that was my age when their mother had cancer. It was a horrible thing to have in common with someone, but for some reason I felt connected to him because of it. Then I was almost jealous knowing that he’d got to keep his mother and I didn’t. “Is that who you just called?”

He nodded. “I left her a message.”

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