No Turning Back (21 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Snow

BOOK: No Turning Back
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The crowd grew until it was practically shoulder to shoulder and I barely had time to think, mixing drinks as fast as possible. Most of the customers were dressed up as well and really got into our costumes. We had repeated requests to sing and dance. Thankfully, we were all too busy to oblige. Romeo had brought in a karaoke machine for the night and set up a stage at one end of the room. It was very popular and I inwardly winced at some of the people who took the stage, drunken revelers belting out tuneless numbers.

It was after nine when I heard my name being called from the crowd around the bar. Glancing up from the three martinis I was pouring, I saw Clarice and her boyfriend Jack. They'd managed to push their way to the bar and I hurried to finish the drinks, setting them on a tray, before going over to them.

"Hey, Clarice!" I said, reaching over the bar to give her a brief hug. I was glad to see her. It had made me a bit sad that I hadn't been able to say goodbye to her this morning. "What are you doing here?"

"The kids are trick-or-treating with Grandma," she said, "so we thought we'd come here and see you."

"Fantastic," I said, smiling. "What can I get you to drink?" Clarice ordered a rum and coke while Jack had a beer. I was just sitting the drinks down in front of them when Clarice's smile faded from her face.

"Oh my God," she breathed, looking behind me. "I can't believe it." I threw a quick glance over my shoulder but couldn't tell what she saw.

"What?" I asked her. "What is it?" Her lips thinned.

"It's Blane," she said, still looking behind me. "Remember me telling you about Facebook girl?" I nodded. That had been Blane's last breakup and I remembered Clarice and me laughing about it. "Well, he's here. With her, the idiot." I didn't want to turn around this time. I didn't want to see. But I couldn't help it.

Glancing quickly behind me again, I searched the crowd until I saw them. The bar was filled shoulder to shoulder with people, but Blane and his date stood out like two beacons. Blane couldn't be missed because he was taller than most other people around and just had a presence about him that made him jump out in a crowd. The girl stood out because...well, because she was drop-dead gorgeous. She had long, shimmering blond hair that hung down her back and was wearing a glittering fairy costume that must have cost a fortune. A matching mask covered her eyes. She was currently wrapped in his arms, her lips whispering something in his ear.

I turned back around, feeling sick to my stomach. Clarice looked like a mad momma bear wanting to defend her cub. I made my lips curve in a false smile.

"It's not a big deal," I said. "Those were just rumors, remember? I'm not with him." She looked at me with doubt in her eyes and I knew she didn't believe me. I hated that I was such a terrible liar. No, I wasn't "with" Blane, but I wasn't used to being as intimate with someone as we had been last night only to see him with someone else the next day. My gut twisted and I had to deliberately push my feeling aside. It didn't matter who Blane was here with anyway. I had no time to dwell on it.

I didn't get a chance to talk to Clarice and Jack again as the orders came fast and furious. It was hard to be friendly and flirt for tips when I was also concentrating on moving drinks as quickly as possible. Scott and I had a good rhythm down, though, and nobody got mad about their drink taking too long.

"I hear you've set your sights on Blane." I looked up from the drink I was pouring and saw Blane's date standing at the bar. She was at least a head taller than me and even more beautiful up close. I felt like a kiddy dumpling next to her in my pigtails and knee socks.

"Excuse me?" I said, speaking loudly to be heard over the current wannabe singer at the karaoke stage.

"You can forget about him," she said, leaning toward me. "He may go slumming with you for a night or two," she looked at me like I was gum stuck to her shoe, "but he'll always come back to someone of his own...class." I curled my hands into fists, the nails biting through the gloves into my palms.

"Someone like you, you mean," I said stiffly. She smiled without humor.

"Especially someone like me," she replied. With one last contemptuous look, she turned away and disappeared into the crowd.

"You all right?" I heard Scott ask. Without a word, I grabbed two shot glasses and filled them with tequila. Grabbing the salt and some lime wedges, I held a glass out to Scott.

"Want one?" I asked, and he grinned.

"Only if I get to do a body shot." His eyes raked over me again, lingering on my cleavage. Some of the customers around the bar heard and started cheering. I tossed back the tequila and bit into the lime, its tang cutting through the bite of the alcohol. When I was done, I smiled tightly at Scott. He certainly seemed to appreciate my costume tonight, as did the other men surrounding the bar. I might as well enjoy it.

"Why not?" I said, handing over the salt. His grin widened and the crowd cheered louder. Moving close, he positioned the glass between my breasts, taking his time doing so. Even after working for hours, I noticed he still smelled nice. I could see my own reflection in the mirrored sunglasses. Reaching up, I took them off him so I could see his eyes. They twinkled at me and I smiled for real this time. Scott's charm was irresistible.

"Where do you want the salt?" he asked in my ear as his arms slid around my waist. Although I appreciated his consideration, I decided I didn't care.

"You decide," I replied. His gaze dropped to my chest and he leaned forward. But instead of feeling his tongue above my breast, where I'd half-expected it, he licked my neck where it met my shoulder. Cold air hit the warm spot and I felt the slight tickle of the salt, then he licked me again. This time I shivered.

Then his mouth was taking the glass from between my breasts as he tossed the liquid back. I put the lime between my teeth and his lips met mine before he pulled it away from me. Wolf whistles and more cheering erupted from the crowd. Scott pulled me close for a hug and he and I grinned at each other. When I turned away to get back to work, I suddenly stopped, my smile fading.

Blane was watching me. His face looked like it had been carved in granite. The fury in his eyes made me want to run and hide. For a moment, no one existed but the two of us as our gazes stayed locked together.

A raucous laugh nearby broke the spell and I stiffened my spine, my eyes narrowing at him and hopefully sending a message. I wasn't a child and if he didn't want me, there were others who did. Turning on my heel, I headed to the other side of the bar and started taking orders. Scott looked at me quizzically since he'd been working this end but didn't argue and just went and took my spot.

I resolutely refused to look for Blane again and kept working, a smile plastered to my face. A cluster of drunken college guys hogged my end of the bar and seemed to think I was now available to do body shots for just anyone. I tried to stay pleasant as I fended them off, moving to take orders from those around them. Hopefully, they'd take the hint and find someone else to pester.

Tish appeared and leaned heavily against the bar. I could tell she'd about had enough as well. Our eyes met and I knew we were both thinking the same thing. This night was never going to end.

"Pour me a shot, Kathleen," she said wearily, "I need it." Obediently, I poured us two shots of bourbon, straight up. I figured with the week I'd had, I deserved to let my hair down. We tossed them back in unison then she took a deep breath, plastering a smile on her face as she dove back into the crowd.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the crowd started to thin. Glancing at my watch, I saw it was nearly one in the morning. A few minutes later, Scott signaled the waitresses for last call. People really started clearing out after that and finally I felt like I could stop and take a breath. I'd had another couple of shots and was starting to feel it. Scott and I started to clean up the bar area as the waitresses cleared tables.

Only a handful of people remained after another half hour and we'd nearly finished. Scott called everyone over to the bar for one last celebratory drink - we'd all done very well tonight. I'd made over two hundred dollars in tips, and that was without the percentages the waitresses would give Scott and me.

I sipped at the vodka martini Scott had made for me, aware that I still had to drive home after this and was already a bit unsteady on my feet.

"Hey, Kathleen," Jill said, "you're going to sing for us, right?"
I guffawed. "Yeah, right," I said. "As if I'm not tired enough from tonight?"
"I know but you're all dressed for it and everything," she protested. The others joined in, cajoling me.

"C'mon, Kathleen," Tish implored, "you can't let that karaoke machine go without trying it out just once." Okay, she had a point there. It had been calling my name all night. Maybe every girl had an inner diva just dying to get out.

"All right, all right," I gave in, waving down their applause with a grin. I finished my martini - liquid courage, as my mother used to say - and headed for the stage.

"I need backup singers," I called out. Tish and Jill ran over, giggling. Scott and Deirdre sauntered closer and leaned against one of the tables to watch. The few customers left turned our way as well, curious as to what was going on. A quick glance reassured me Blane was no longer among them, or anyone else I knew, for that matter.

I scrolled through the list of songs until I found the one I wanted. A big hit for Britney, it struck a chord with me now. When the strains of
filled the room, Tish and Jill cheered.

"Love this one!" Jill exclaimed, as she and Tish positioned themselves behind me. I held the microphone and didn't need to follow the lyrics that scrolled on the screen. I'd had enough booze to ensure my performance was completely uninhibited. Throwing myself into the song, I duplicated a few of Britney's dance moves as well. Jill and Tish got into it, dancing with me in ways I was sure I would be blushing about tomorrow, though Scott and the other men left in the bar seemed to appreciate it, hooting catcalls at us.

We finished to wild applause from the few people watching and Scott let loose several whistles. Grinning and exhilarated, I hopped down off the stage, laughing with Jill and Tish. I was glad they'd talked me into it, having some fun for a change. The past few days I'd felt like the weight of the world had been on my shoulders, and it was so nice just to let loose and be young and carefree, if only for a few minutes.

I noticed a mask someone had dropped on the floor by a table in the corner and detoured to pick it up. As I neared, a customer who had been standing in the shadows approached me. Glancing toward him, I stumbled and would have fallen if his hand hadn't shot out to steady me.

"That was some performance," Kade said, tugging me towards him. Again dressed in all black, he wore the same cocky half-grin on his face. In my inebriated state, his eyes seemed bluer; the dark lashes longer than I remembered. "Self-appointed detective by day, pop princess by night," he jeered softly. He pulled me close, wrapping his arms around my waist, and I felt the evidence of his appreciation pressed against my stomach. Against my will, I felt an answering heat curl low in my own body.

Leaning down, he put his lips to my ear and I shivered, my eyes sliding shut.

"I know where you went today, princess."

That sobered me right up, my eyes jerking open in shock. I was only at one place of note today and that had been Mark's. Trying to bluff my way out, I stammered, "I...I don't know what you're talking about. I've been at home today."

"I was trying to decide whether to come in after you or let you burn to a crisp when I saw you climb out the window." His eyes bored into mine and his smile melted away. "I want what you found in there today."

"Kathleen, you need some help?" Scott was coming out from behind the bar, a look of concern on his face. "Is that guy bothering you?"

I looked back up at Kade who gave a minute shake of his head and looked downward. I followed his gaze to where he'd moved his black leather jacket and saw the glint of metal against his side. My eyes jerked back up to his. I didn't doubt for a moment that he was serious.

"I wouldn't let him come over here if I were you," he said softly.

"I'm fine, Scott," I called out, trying to keep my voice steady. "Really. Thanks, though." Scott stopped. Although he still looked unsure, he retreated back to the bar.

"Very good," Kade said. "Now let's see if you can follow more instructions." His hands were moving as he spoke, distracting me as he caressed the bare skin of my back above the skirt. My mind sluggishly tried to keep up with what he was saying. "Meet me tomorrow night in Monument Circle."

"I have to work tomorrow night," I said quickly, trying to think.

"I'll wait," he retorted. "So far, I'm the only one who knows you have it," he paused then added, "but that can change." I thought of Jimmy and the dead body and felt light-headed.

Kade bent down so his face was only inches from mine. "Might as well put on a good show," he murmured, his eyes dropping to my mouth. Then he was kissing me and I was too stunned to do anything. His tongue tangled with mine and my hands fisted in his jacket. Distantly, through the roaring in my ears, I heard someone give a wolf whistle. Finally, Kade released me and I gasped for breath. Whatever he saw in my eyes must have amused him because he laughed softly.

He leaned back to whisper in my ear, his warm breath again sending a shiver through me. "I like the braids." Then he was gone, the front door swinging shut behind him.

Shaken, I grabbed my purse from under the counter and said a hasty goodbye to Scott. Deirdre had already gone. Tish and Jill were nearly done as well. Tish winked at me as I walked by and I gave her a weak smile in return. She no doubt thought I was in a hurry to leave so I could continue my evening festivities with Kade. She couldn't have been more wrong.

Chapter Nine



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