No One Else to Kill (Jim West Series)

BOOK: No One Else to Kill (Jim West Series)
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Bob Doerr


TotalRecall Publications, Inc.



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Copyright © 2013 by: Bob Doerr

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This is a work of fiction.
The characters, names, events, views, and subject matter of this book
are either the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
Any similarity or resemblance to any real
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Thanks to all my family and friends who have supported me in my


I would like to
especially thank Courtney White, Keith Thomas, and Ramon
who contributed a little extra in this book.



Bob Doerr grew up in a military family, graduated from the
Air Force Academy, and had a twenty eight year career of his own in the Air
Force that exposed him to the people and cultures in Asia, Europe and of these
United States.
Bob specialized in criminal
investigations and counterintelligence gaining significant insight to the
worlds of crime, espionage and terrorism. His work brought him into close
contact and coordination with the FBI and CIA, along with the investigative and
security agencies of many different countries. His education credits include a
Masters in International Relations from Creighton University.

Now a full time author, Bob has four mystery/thrillers
already published and a fifth to be released in the fall.
Two of his books, Cold Winter’s Kill and
Loose Ends Kill, were selected as finalists for the Eric Hoffer Award.
Loose Ends Kill was also awarded the 2011
Silver medal for Fiction/mystery by the Military Writers Society of America.
Another Colorado Kill
Men Can Kill are winners in the
first quarter 2012 beta Ultimate Hero Contest.

Bob lives in Garden Ridge, Texas, with Leigh, his wife of
39 years.



In this book Jim West finds himself traveling to a small,
remote hunting lodge in the Pecos Wilderness area in New Mexico to rendezvous
with an old friend and do some hiking. His friend stands him up, and Jim is
about to return home when a murder occurs in the lodge. Law enforcement jumps
in, and Jim’s early departure plans are scrubbed.
When a second murder occurs less than twenty
four hours later, things really start to get dicey.
Both crimes were intricately planned to
mislead the authorities. Additionally, no one appears to have a motive for the
killings, and everyone has an alibi. Up against a wall with time running out,
the deputy-in-charge approaches
and asks him to
be their man on the inside, but West is adamant that this is not his case to
solve. Since his retirement from the Air Force, however, Fate has had her own
plans for West. Why should this be any different?


October 28, 1997


amn,” Sean muttered to himself
after stepping on a large rock and nearly twisting his ankle. He’d expected to
be back to the cabin by now.
In the past
two years, he had made this same walk a half dozen times. This was the second
journey to the small convenience store since arriving earlier in the week.
He knew exactly how long the hike would take
him and had started his trek with plenty of time to make it back long before

Now confronted with the darkness, he admitted to himself
that this trip hadn’t even been necessary.
However, he found the two mile hike through the forest to the store
exhilarating, and the purchase of a bag of chips and some salsa would provide
him with a great snack for a few days.

The trail paralleled the dirt road for a good part of the
hike. This last half mile, however, took him through the thick forest.
He could have followed the road while it
meandered by three other cabins and a community campsite, but that would have
added at least a half mile more to his hike.
When he left the roadside path to take his narrow trail, the light from
a nearly full moon didn’t make the decision seem so foolhardy.


Unfortunately, after leaving the
wide expanse of the roadway, clouds that had been non-existent all day had
blown in from somewhere and now blocked most of the moon’s light.

Sean felt confident that he could keep to the trail, but
the darkness intimidated him. He had heard that an environmental group had
released wolves in the area as part of a re-population effort.
An initiative that sounded fine when he read
about it from the safety of his home back in Pittsburgh, but it now made every
rustle of leaves sound ominous.

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