No Home Training (7 page)

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Authors: Ms. Michel Moore

BOOK: No Home Training
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Instead of going back to the hotel where London was at, O.T. decided to crash at the apartment that he and Paris shared. He'd been back and forth there several times to pick up the mail and maybe get some more clothes but not to stay. As he shoved over a bunch of junk on the couch and sat down looking at the small amount of dope they took the night before, he felt almost sick to his core about Boz losing his life.
He knew if his woman Paris hadn't been on that insecure, jealous bullshit, Chocolate Bunny would be alive, Royce would not have been looking for her, there wouldn't have been a beef, Boz would be home with his wife and kids, the connect would have still been pumping, and everybody would still be making that bread. But the way it stood now, there was no turning back. He and his brother and sister-in-law were all murderers and Paris was chilling in the nuthouse.
O.T. barely closed his eyes when his cell phone rang. It was London asking him if he was okay. She knew she didn't have the right to really question him where he slept or who he slept with; she was just concerned. After speaking to her briefly the phone rang once again.
“Yeah, speak on it!”
“What it do?”
“Who this?” O.T. yawned.
“Y'all motherfuckers tried to get down last night, huh? That ambush shit was real slick!”
“Nigga, what?”
“Yeah, but a pimp like me to slick for y'all!” It was obvious to O.T. that it was Marco on the line trying to go for bad. “But dig, I do wanna thank you for putting that old dog Royce out his misery. If I would've heard him whine about that dick sucker broad of his anymore I would've put one in his head my damn self! So straight-up good looking on that! I might let you and your brother live one more extra day for the favor!”
“You's a tough guy over the phone and shit, but you can trust when I run up on you, you's good as dead!”
“Oh you mean dead as that slow-moving, can't dodge a bullet goon, Boz?” Marco laughed showing no respect. “That fool hit the ground like an old sack of potatoes. Maybe I should go fuck his wife and play daddy to them kids of his!”
“You's a dead man!” O.T. vowed. “You betta watch over ya shoulder everywhere you go and hope the ho-ass cops catch up to you before I do!”
Marco confidently blazed up a blunt and sat back amused with O.T.'s threats. “I don't give a sweet fuck how many times they flash my picture on the news, them bitches ain't gonna get with me! Shit!” he choked. “Or you neither! And by the way, tell your brother's woman she looked fly as hell in the parking lot of Alley Cats.”
“What?” O.T. furiously kicked the coffee table over in an insane rage. “What you say, nigga?”
“Next time I'm gonna burn that spot down to the ground!” Marco swore. “And p.s., you faggot! That package y'all took, hell ya might get a few stacks out of it but real talk it got so much cut on it y'all's dopefiend momma who I watched a dog fuck her in the ass this morning couldn't snort it! I had to give her old ass three whole extra dollars to suck my dick, too! Cash!”
“Bitch nigga, shut the fuck up!”
“Damn, O.T.! I told ya momma that same shit when she was on her knees choking on this big black monster!”
“Keep talking, but just know ya days are numbered!”
Since he'd called anonymous O.T. had no way to call him back when he hung up, but it didn't matter. Sooner or later the two would meet again.
Chapter 10
I Rep Detroit!
With two months past since the drought was in effect, things were still at a desperate stage for the brothers. The fact that Royce was now out of the picture and his team disbanded meant nothing to the amount of pressure by officials and lawmakers that was still on strong to stop any narcotics from entering their city and neighboring communities. Storm and O.T. alike had both been hauled off to the police station for questioning, but any small, minute evidence they had linking them to any crime was just speculation at best.
The only real other problem or inconvenience the brothers faced was Marco, who was still on the warpath trying to get some vigilante retaliation street justice for a drug battle that was buried with Royce. Although O.T. and Storm knew Marco was on the top of their list of fools that had to go to an early grave, negotiations still had to be made in Detroit so they could maintain the lifestyle that they wanted.
Landing safely at Detroit Metro Airport, Storm and Kenya claimed their luggage and headed to Hertz to rent a car for the short duration of their stay. Kenya had a lot of places she wanted to show Storm on his first visit to Motown and they needed their own transportation. With Kenya behind the wheel, the couple cruised down I-94 and were soon crossing into the city limits.
“Welcome to Detroit, huh?” Storm quickly read the green and white sign they passed. “As much killing that go on here, can't nobody feel welcome.”
“All right, boy! Don't be talking about my city!”
“I mean goddamn, Kenya, I ain't mad at you!” Storm laughed as he sat back observing all the blight that surrounded them every block they drove. “If I grew up in a city with all these casinos, a police department that ain't trying to catch a cold, let alone a criminal, crackheads stealing copper pipes in broad daylight pushing them in shopping carts and of course, a hip hop mayor who just got arrested and convicted, I'd be sticking up for my town too!”
“Forget you!” Kenya rolled her eyes amused at Storm's sarcastic remarks. “Dallas ain't much better!”
“I hear ya talking!” Storm laughed at the raggedy roads.
Checking into the hotel inside of the Motor City Casino, Kenya and Storm made love on top of the bed, not bothering to even pull back the covers. Hadn't shit changed for Kenya whose main agenda was to still trying to get pregnant. Time after time, nut after nut, she prayed Storm's seed was in her.
Taking a quick shower then getting dressed Kenya stood looking out the huge window toward downtown. Gazing at the cars flying past on the freeway she couldn't help but wonder how a chick from “the D” got caught up in the middle of so much foolishness. Nevertheless here she was, back in the town she happily left, trying to help her man survive in the game.
“You ready, babe, or what?”
“Yeah, let's roll.” Storm was anxious to see more of the city and of course meet Brother Rasul, who was preoccupied at the mosque. “I'm starving. Let's hit that all-ya-can-eat spot you been bragging about in this joint.”
Eating until they thought they'd both burst at the buffet, Kenya and Storm jumped in their rental and headed to the northwest side of town. Exiting onto Seven Mile from the Lodge Freeway they made a quick left, then another left onto Sussex Street, turning into Brother Rasul's modest bungalow-style home. Storm looked back in the driveway seeing a brand new car and a Ninja-style motorcycle parked near the deck. Making sure he was completely aware of his surroundings he low key glanced up noticing the security cameras inconspicuously placed at every point of entry.
This black man ain't messing around,
Storm thought as he and Kenya waited patiently on the front porch for the famous Brother Rasul who his girl idolized. Hearing all the deadbolt locks turn they were finally face to face.
“As-Salaam Alaikum.”
“Brother Rasul!” Kenya jumped up hugging her constant savior. “I missed you! I missed you!”
“How you doing, Brother?” Storm cordially greeted him as Kenya smiled from cheek to cheek.
“I'm good. How about yourself?”
Storm firmly shook his huge hand as he sized him up.
Damn, this nigga bigger than Boz!
“I'm well.”
“Come on in and have a seat.” Brother Rasul was cordial as he made sure they were comfortable. “How was your flight?” He directed his attention to Storm. “I hope it was not too much inconvenience on the trip.”
“It was good. I'm just glad to be here and finally meet you. Before we go any further, I want to thank you personally for your assistance concerning Javier.”
“Not a problem.” Brother Rasul was gracious. “As you can see considering the reason for your visit, I'd do anything for Kenya. Matter of fact, I know you two just got here, but I bet you're anxious to get down to business.”
Kenya excused herself going to pick up a carryout order from a Jamaican restaurant nearby giving the men a chance to talk. By the time she returned with Brother Rasul's lunch, which consisted of goat and stewed vegetables, the deal had been struck and all was well. Spending a few more hours reminiscing about their past and who was doing what, Kenya and Storm said their good-byes and left for the evening.
Brother Rasul had carefully grilled Storm about his business dealings as well as his personal life. He always felt that if a man couldn't take care of his household, he certainly couldn't maintain any other business outside of that. But finding out Storm was willing to step up and take care of his responsibilities as far as with his and London's child and still seemed to love and care for Kenya made all the difference. Despite opposition from Fatima for helping Kenya, he was confident he was making the right decision. So while eating his food that had to be warmed up, Brother Rasul sat at his table figuring out which one of his immediate trusted associates would be the direct pipeline for Kenya's man.
Growing closer as the days past, O.T. and London slowly started to develop feelings for one another that could be only considered borderline love. Even though the two tried to fight it, night after night it grew stronger. As London's stomach got bigger indicating the baby's arrival date was narrowing down, she didn't have any maternity clothes that would fit her. Instead of turning to Storm, she turned to O.T. who couldn't wait for the baby to be born. With his brother and Kenya, who had still been alienating London, out of town in Detroit, O.T. rushed back to the hotel suite they were still calling home to take London to the mall.
“Hey, girl!” O.T. yelled out. “You about ready?”
“Yes, here I come.” London was excited to get out and get some fresh air. Other than the trips she made to the doctor, the single expectant mother rarely stepped foot outside of the room.
As she slightly wobbled to the elevator and out to the car, O.T. proudly held her arm like they were husband and wife. Arriving at the mall, he pulled up in valet paying the attendant to park his whip up front.
“How you doing, Miss Kenya?” the man mistook London for her sister who was a frequent visitor to the mall.
Neither she nor O.T. spoke up to correct the attendant as they breezed inside the doors and strolled hand in hand through the air conditioned mall. Most of the salespeople repeated the same mistake as London felt what it was like to be Kenya. Bogged down with several huge bags at her side, London sat in the food court sipping on a fruit smoothie as O.T. went to the bathroom.
“Wow, Kenya! Congratulations on the baby!” The lady from the cosmetics store smiled. “We're having a sale this weekend for our VIP customers! Hope to see ya there!”
“Hey, Kenya! Damn!” one of the dancers from the club spoke as she walked by with some nerdy old trick who was obviously sponsoring her shopping spree. “You and Storm been busy I see making that baby. Don't forget to call me as soon as y'all finish remodeling! I'm ready to get back to work! Ain't no club like Alley Cats!”
London didn't say a word because the sleazy-dressed female was half correct: she and Storm were having a child. She just sat back and nodded, amused that not one of the people who seemed to worship her twin could tell them apart. It was just like being back in grade school deceiving the teachers.
“Oh I see you and that ho-ass motherfucker Storm having a kid huh?” a young guy with a tight-fitting baseball cap, a ponytail, and wire-rimmed glasses spewed quickly walking by dropping a business card from the hotel she and O.T. were staying at in her lap. “Tell him ain't shit changed. I'm still on that ass!”
O.T. had just zipped his pants up as his cell phone rang. “Yeah, speak on it!”
“What's up, bitch?”
“Nigga, stop calling my phone! Before I—”
“Before you do what?” Marco gloated. “Ain't shit changed between me and you and that pretty boy brother of yours!”
“Then stop hiding like a punk and come the fuck out and play with the big dogs!”
“Oh you mean like you been playing house and acting all the fuck in?” Marco grinned. “Tell me one thang. Do your big brother know how touchy feely you and his pregnant ho been acting all day in the mall, holding hands and shit?”
“Nigga, what?” O.T. ran out the bathroom realizing that Marco couldn't be that far to know what moves he and London had made.
“Oh I see you done taking a leak huh?” Marco hung the payphone up he'd called from and exited out a side door driving away in a broken-down low-key car.
“Hey, babe! You okay?” O.T. ran to London touching her face.
“Yeah, I'm good, but some idiot came by threatening Storm and gave me this card from the hotel.”
When O.T. saw that the card he immediately realized his number one enemy had been trailing him, not only today but for some time now. While he was busy secretly falling in love with his brother's baby momma, Marco was doing his homework like a true gully solider at war. It was now getting beyond crucial and time he got back in the streets and handled ol' boy once and for all. At that point he called Storm who was still out of town informing him that for safety precautions he and London would be relocating ASAP.
Taking in all the late-night wild-out sights Detroit had to offer filled with Negroes rocking big block gators and bitches with three packs of weave, Storm had a ball. Before he and Kenya finally got ready to leave the Motor City they visited a few of Kenya's old friends, including Young Foy who was raising her friend Raven's son. Lastly and most importantly the pair went to pay their respects at her uncle's and grandmother's gravesites.
Sitting in the terminal waiting for their delayed flight to board, Storm's cell phone rang. Glancing at the caller ID he was glad that it was O.T. checking in.
“What up, doe?” Storm laughed nudging Kenya as he mocked the way Detroiters greeted each other.
“Damn, where you pick that ol' country-sounding bullshit up at?”
“Yeah, bro.” Storm checked his watch. “These niggas in the D is off the fucking chain! I'll give 'em they props, they is some straight-up killers! Shit, a couple of young'uns I seen last night at this spot here called Chandler Park need to fly out to Dallas and get on our team!”
“Not to cut you off but . . .” O.T.'s voice was solemn.
“But what? Is everything okay with baby?”
When Kenya heard him say the word “baby” her ears perked up shamefully hoping that her sister had suffered a miscarriage. As soon as Storm got off the phone, the loudspeaker announced that they were finally boarding stopping Kenya from being nosey. Within five minutes of the plane taking off, Storm reached over holding her hand looking serious as a motherfucker.
This is it! This nigga about to say that baby dead!
Kenya's mind was working overtime.
Say it! Say it!
“Listen, sweetie.” Storm rubbed her hand. “I need to say something to you.”
Here it comes! Say it! Say it so this nightmare can be over!
“Before we took off O.T. called and said that there was a problem at home.”
Kenya nodded her head as she frowned. “Oh yeah?”
Storm knew that she was gonna go bananas when he told her what he and O.T. decided but there was no other solution. “Yeah, well, you know we got people out pounding the pavement looking for that ho-ass buster Marco who killed Boz and set the fire.”
“I know.” Kenya sat back in her seat wondering where all this shit was going. “And?”
“Well, your sister and O.T. were out at the mall and it seems like Marco was following them.” Storm wrung his hands together as he tried whispering. Things had been going so good between them the last week or so he hated to ruin it with what he was about to say. “So me and O.T. thought it would be better if he and London moved from the hotel.”
“So? I don't understand.” Kenya gritted her teeth as she talked under her breath and held onto her purse tightly pressing it close to her breast. “What that shit got to do with me?”
“Calm down.” Storm placed his hand on her knee in hopes of her being quiet. “Just wait a minute.”
“Okay, I'm calm, so speak.”
“Bottom line is, they both gonna stay with us at the condo!”
“Oh hell naw!” Kenya unfastened her seat belt, leaped to her feet, and screamed, causing other passengers to get scared.
“Sit down and shut the fuck up before you get me and you arrested by the damn FBI or something!” He snatched her back in her seat.
After that outburst the stewardess came to check that everything was okay with the couple. Kenya silently pouted waiting until they landed to get back off into Storm's black ass.
I don't know who this nickel slick nigga think he playing with! After I hooked him up with my people he think he just gonna dog me like that! Humph, we'll see who gonna get the last laugh when I get that connect cancelled!
She continued to squirm as she vindictively rolled her eyes calculating her next move.
Watch! As soon as we touch down I'm packing all my stuff and moving the fuck out! He can have that backstabbing tramp! I should have just left that no
good motherfucker on that island instead of jacking off my retirement stash! I look too good for all this foul-ass
bullshit to be happening to me! Ain't shit changed! I can still get any nigga I want! Storm gonna regret fucking me over!

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