A Little Harmless Surprise 3.5

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Authors: Melissa Schroeder

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A Little Harmless Surprise

A Harmless Short

© 2011, Melissa Schroeder

This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are no construed to be real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely incidental.

All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief excerpts or quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


To you crazy Harmless Lovers. Your dedication to this series is more than an author could ever hope for. I hope you enjoy this look at May and Evan after marriage as I did writing it.


Thanks to Brandy Walker and Christie Von Ditter for taking the time to proof the book for me. Also, again, a thanks to my family. Sure, I joke about stabbing you with forks when you irritate me. I don’t really mean it, most of the time. Ha. Your love and support makes my work so much easier. Thank you.

Chapter One

May Aiona-Chambers smiled as she turned down the street to her house. The late afternoon Hawaiian sun was starting to fade and a light trade wind cooled off the heat of the day. It had been a month since Evan and she had married and she couldn’t stop smiling. In fact, Chris said if she didn’t stop, she was going to drive him crazy. Turning into the driveway, she chuckled. She couldn’t help it. Every day was an adventure being married to Evan. She would have never known Evan was such a romantic before she had become involved with him. But then, so many things had changed since then.

And today, was even better. Evan said he had a surprise for her.

It was their month anniversary, but she wasn’t sure men paid that much attention to the things like that. Granted, the newness of their relationship still hadn’t worn off, but men just didn’t notice little anniversaries. She parked her car in the driveway, gathered up her things and slipped out of the car. As she made her way to the front door, she took note of the small changes she had made in the last few months. She had moved in with Evan long before the wedding because it had seemed completely idiotic not to. She was sleeping over there every night.

Evan had hired someone for landscaping, but she had added touches of color here and there. She loved that it looked overgrown and uniformed at the same time.

As she unlocked the door and stepped into the foyer, she noted the changes she had made there too. All of Evan's things were very masculine, with cool neutral colors. She had added bright colors and family things like pictures now littered the tables throughout the house. Since Evan had no immediate family until he married her, he never really had pictures. But, she had found shots of him with his close friends Chris and Micah and now they sat amongst her family pictures.

As she closed the door, she wondered if Evan was even home. He said he would be, and his truck had been in the carport, but the house was silent, too silent. She headed for the kitchen to drop off her purse and found Evan sitting at the table by himself. There was a brightly wrapped box there, but she couldn't tell what was in it.

"Hey, babe" she said, walking over to give him a kiss. It had been a long trip to their happily ever after and every day she was still amazed he was hers. Light brown hair, greenish blue eyes, and a long thoroughly delicious body that was all hers to explore. And she had. A lot.

"Hey," he said, his lips curving into a small smile. "How was your day?"

She shrugged trying to calm her racing heart. Anticipation skated over her nerve endings. One of the things that made Evan such a great Dom was that he knew just how to draw out the suspense.

She brushed her mouth over his and shivered. She couldn't help it. The scent of him, that unique male scent that was all Evan, always got to her. She would recognize him anywhere just by the smell of him. It was so primal that she got a delicious thrill just thinking about it at off times at work. Like she had today, which had made her useless at work.

"Fine, except I couldn't keep my mind on anything. Chris kept complaining that I wasn't any good to him today."

He smiled. "I take it that he's just about done getting things ready for Jocelyn's arrival?"

She nodded. "I’ve been patient. Now tell me, what’s my present?"

He chuckled as he rose. "I have something you asked for but I’m pretty sure you thought I wouldn't give it to you."

She tried to think of something she wanted, something that she asked for, but her brain was completely blank. She went through their conversations trying to remember, then, it hit her.

A ménage

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

“Hell, you know I can’t say no to you.” He chucked her under the chin. “Know that this is the only time you get this. I’m just hoping that I can actually go through with it.”

“Who is it?” she asked.

“I think this is where I’m supposed to come in,” a deep male voice said from the doorway into the hallway.

She turned and found Rome Carino, an officer in the Honolulu Police Department. He’d been in charge of the stalking case that had really brought Evan and her together. He was tall, well over 6’ 3”, and the times she had seen him at Rough ’n Ready, the BDSM club Evan owned with Micah Ross, he had shown a bit more skin than now. He was Italian, swarthy in complexion with light hazel eyes and the darkest hair she had ever seen on a Haole.

Evan stepped closer, the heat of him warming her back. His hands settled on her shoulders as he leaned down to brush his mouth over her earlobe.

“What do you say, Maylea?” Evan asked.

She looked at the totally delicious man in front of her, and then turned to face Evan. He would order Rome away if she asked but she didn’t want to. She wanted this gift, to share it with Evan.


Chapter Two

Evan’s blood heated at the little word, then his heart kicked into high gear. He had been opposed to this idea from the beginning. May had shown interest, talked of it once or twice, but she had never really pushed it. He knew it intrigued her because so many of her acquaintances at the club, including her best friend Cynthia, had participated in them. Evan had known if there was one man he could trust besides Micah or Chris, both of whom were happily involved with their own lovers, it would be Rome.

He knew from the beginning Rome wouldn’t say no. Rome had a little crush on May, but understood this was a one-time thing. And, his last sub had moved back to the mainland. While Evan had never really settled down with a sub until May, Rome was the kind of guy who liked a little bit of stability. Evan had known Rome was at loose ends and approached him.

He looked down at May’s earnest expression and leaned closer to kiss her. She slipped her hands up to cup his face and deepened the kiss, opening her mouth to allow him further access.

“I guess we should head back to the bedroom,” he murmured against her mouth. Already his body was hardening in expectation of the pleasure to come.

Rome turned and led the way back to the bedroom. Evan thought he would be fighting a tidal wave of jealousy, but he wasn’t. The idea that he was going to be able to watch her, to see her pleasure, to enjoy the idea that he brought her a fantasy she’d dreamed about for years, well, that blew the rest of his worries away.

He grabbed the special present he had on the table so he could have it in the room afterwards. He stepped through the door to the bedroom and smiled as May sighed. He knew what she liked, knew that a room filled with candles would be something that she loved. His woman was definitely a romantic at heart and there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do to fulfill her need for it.

Rome was already undoing is tie and placing it on the dresser as May turned to face Evan. She raised her gaze to meet his and even in the dim light of flickering candles he could see the heat, the need, the absolute love he had come to expect from her. He knew she was waiting for his order.


She did, but she took her time. He was glad that she had left her hair down, but she used it, swishing it first one way then the other trying to reach the zipper of her dress. Slowly, she tugged it down, all the while a small smile playing over her lips. By the time she had the zipper undone, he was ready to spank that ass of hers red. But, he was going to make sure this took a really long time. They had all night, and he was going to make sure that this one time she got her fill of the fantasy she'd dreamed of.

She let the dress fall to the floor and he felt the air back up in his lungs. He would never get used to her or the fact that she gave her body willingly to his possession. He thanked God every day the woman was too stubborn to give up on him.

She was braless. The only thing she wore was a tiny bright pink scrap of lace that barely covered her pussy. He knew the panties, especially since he bought them for her on their honeymoon. He knew it was a thong and knew the view Rome now had.

"Holy Lord," Rome uttered. He raised his gaze to Evan's. "I'd never let her out of the house if she was mine."

Evan chuckled. "Yeah, well, my little sub has other ideas."

She opened her mouth to respond, but he stopped her with a shake of his head. "I didn't give you permission, love. You do not respond unless Rome or I give you permission."

Her jaw tightened telling him that once again she didn't like that. The complexity of his wife never ceased to amaze him. She needed this, needed to surrender, but that damned Hawaiian pride had her fighting him to the end.

God, he loved her.

He approached her watching the way her gaze followed his movements. He would never take for granted the connection they had. He’d trained a lot of subs, but the sub’s behavior had never directly affected him this way.

“I am giving you this fantasy,” he said, sliding his fingers along her jaw marveling in the softness of her skin. “But, you can always call a stop to it. You can always use your safe word.”

She said nothing and he had to fight the smile. May was a good sub, but she really hated being quiet. It wasn’t in her nature to be silent, and he knew she fought a never ending battle to obey him.

“Do you understand?”

She nodded.

He glanced over her head at Rome who was watching the byplay with undisguised curiosity. Evan knew that many people in club took an active interest in their relationship. Their sexual relationship had started at the club in front of them, so it was understandable. They didn’t play at Rough n Ready so he knew that made the speculation worse.

“May’s word is Aloha.”

Rome acknowledged Evan’s comment with a quirk of his lips. Then, Evan stepped back and gave Rome a small nod. Rome understood without being told and stepped up, sliding his hands around May’s waist. Evan waited for the possessiveness to take hold. It was the one thing he had worried about when planning this night. May had always been up for it, but he’d been uncomfortable. He knew he could trust her, but Evan wasn’t so sure he could trust himself. He worried that at some point he would wrap his fingers around the neck of the other man and kill him.

Still, seeing Rome’s hands move over May’s flesh did more to Evan than he expected. A twinge of jealousy tickled the back of his throat, but in that moment, he was mesmerized by his wife. She leaned back, resting her head on Rome’s shoulder and moaned. The sheer pleasure of that sound rocked him to his soul. As he unbuttoned his shirt, he smiled. If one thing came out of the night, May was definitely going to enjoy herself.

Chapter Three

Pleasure and need wound through May as Rome's hand moved over her stomach. He was a lot like Evan in build and like her husband, had calluses on his fingers. The roughened skin added another level of thrill to his touch. She opened her eyes and saw Evan watching them. The fact that he had done this for her still had her heart bursting with love. Evan was such a possessive man, so she knew this was tough. Even if he hadn't gone through with the plan, the idea that he thought about it made her so happy.

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